CG was great. Timo was great. Adam was great. Most importantly,
God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.
Timo, you did a good job on your debut. I touched God and thats all that matters. =)
Adam's message today was powerpacked. I wish I could have an mp3 of it. =/
Really prayer shouldnt be out of duty, but out of delight.
People lose the passion and fire not because they dont worship enough,
Not because they dont serve enough,
But because they dont pray enough.
Many people worship, many people praise, many people lift their hands, many people serve, many people kneel, many people share testimony, many people read the word, but so few people actually take time to pray and spend quality intimate time with God.
Praying is talking to God. Its that simple.
You can share so many things with your friends, and yet not share a single thing with God.
When Adam began to share about how he would talk to God alone in his room, it kinda reminded me of myself, I too, lock myself in my room, off the lights, take my guitar and start talking to God. And most of the time, I would end up in tears, having touched God in the secret place.
I always remembered how I would queue up for food in NP canteen 1 during my IHP days, I would sit by myself, cus hey, everyone else was in IP? O_O.
And so, I would always be myself, talking to God all the time and having such a closeness with Him. "Man..God..this kaki fuyong is the best food Ive tasted in my entire life! God, thank you for creating rice and egg and chickens."
And I would just sit there, look at people play soccer in the field,
"Hey God, that guy very funny, stand in the middle of the field bare-bodied and start dancing haha.""Andrew, if I asked you to do that, would you?""Haha thanks.""Just kidding. Andrew =)""Andrew, why dont you wanna take soccer up as your sport?""Nah, soccer is not my type. To think I used to look like a ball last time, haha.""Haha, andrew seriously, soccer is a good sport.""Hmm, its okay, Im not really a foot-person. Maybe hand sports Im more comfortable with.""You and your computer again..""Haha, no, I dont mind badminton or tennis or something.."And I would just sit there, smiling to myself and people would think Im a bit 'off' haha. Maybe thats how some of you think of me. I smile to myself not because Im nuts hahaha..seriously, talking quietly to God makes me smile. =)
And you ask Timo, that time we went to Liz's condo to play badminton, I went high! So did the shuttlecott HAHA!
Like adam, hahaha he's so funny..
"God, hows my hair? Okay anot?"LOL.
Its that closeness of friendship, talking to Him like you would talk to a friend. BUT!
Of course, dont cross the line of familiarity and start going, "Heyyy yo! Gawwwd! Whaaaads up yo man!" Know your limits please..use your brain lol.
Another incident I had a chat with God which I dont mind sharing was during at work. Haha, you ask thad, that time I smsed him how I was irritated about the aircon being warm and I was hot and how I couldnt lower the temperature because some girl felt cold..=/
I was photocopying some statements and invoices and I was alone at the photocopier.
And I was like,
"God, this is ridiculous..that girl horny is it? Want me to take out my clothes is it? So hot.""Andrew, dont say things like that.""Okay, but this has gotta be a joke, the aircon is like 26, 27 degrees, she might as well go outside run 2.4 or something, how can someone feel cold in such an environment?""She's a girl."He said, "She's a girl" and I stoned there, I didnt know whether to feel convicted that I should be more gentlemanly to let her have 26/27 degrees aircon or to laugh at that statement in sarcasm, "She's a girl"..and I started thinking, yea, they're so hard to understand haha."
God didnt reply so I shall not say anymore also haha.
What adam said is so true:
If you come for the sake of your friends, sooner or later you're gonna leave.
If you come for the sake of the excitement, you wont be stable in your commitment.
But if you come for the sake of God, you will stay till the end.
Isnt it true?
So many people leave church because either their friends are no longer in the same cg as them, or...they find new friends outside. Their heart is placed on a person, and when the person goes, they go along with them.
Who is God to you?
Is he a religious figure? A philosophical icon? Just a way of life?
Who is He to you? A friend? A saviour? A Lord? A solution vending machine?
Is prayer a mechanical process of what-to-says and formalities? Or is it something casual and yet personal and intimate between you and God?
Think about it.
Back to my day...
I had to be at adam's house at 11am at Simei, but met up with thad and met up with Khanh at bugis to accompany him down together.
After cg, went to Sentosa. Rhonda's cg was also there.
Played some frisbee and talked crap. Had delicious chicken rice. And just sat there and enjoyed the breeze, the sun, the sweat, the people.
When I was younger, I used to dream that one day, I would take my guitar and sit alone by the cool night breeze by the beach, and start worshipping God. And just having a honeymoon of a time there, in tears, on my knees.
Thats why whenever I go to the beach, I would sit there, enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and think of God. And just be lost in thought, lost in love.
Well today was a day with the bangalas.
I was telling kar after the jog haha. It was just crazy.
Ask thomas, thad, timo and khanh, the queue at vivo was literally went round the entire 3rd floor! LOL.
Adam drove the girls there. So we were kinda running late, end up taking the bus which had NO queue at all! LOL.
It was scary when we reached the beach. Its as if the whole of India dropped from the sky and landed on sentosa. Groups and groups, as far as the eye can see. :O
Im not being racist, Im just making a general statement.
I dont understand why some people find the word "Indian" a racist word. WAKE UP DOOD!
And so..we were surrounded, right from the bus. It was so dramatic..on the bus.
The whole bus was indian, even the driver was indian. The only people standing were my cg members and a few other chinese. Everyone else that was sitting were indians. And some of them were squeezing. It was so dramatic, like some indian advertisement, where they would stack on each other in the bus, stretch out their hands and wave out of the bus LOL.
The main point is on my way back, as well as just now during jogging.
I was queueing for the bus, the entire queue was indian. Okay, seriously, I dont know what is happening or what event it is, I dont know if the President of India is in sentosa or not, but okay, the entire bus interchange was indian. I didnt even see a single chinese or a caucasian.
And so..I was in the queue.
This group of bangalas suddenly just came from the side and formed a diagonal line beside the queue. In other words, 'creative cut queue'. This is when you should start closing your browser cause Im gonna rant.
So, these people think their grandpa own the place la? I dont care if ure related to Sang Nila Utama or Sexy Nile Umaga, I was a bit provoked, but I didnt do anything. Typical bangala. Come in and pretend 'we cant see them'..and its almost night.
Once again, Im not against Indians or bangalas, Im against people with a lack of moral integrity! People with a social interaction malfunction! This is just so damn stupid.
You think you very creative ah? Form a diagonal queue, FROM the middle somemore!
Thank God for Singaporean Indians. There was this family in front, they were locals, I can tell. Because they are civilised! They scolded the bangalas and said, "You think this is your grandfather's road ah!?!" I was smiling to myself man.
Then just now during jogging, I was running past a sharp corner. And this floating teeth suddenly came out of nowhere and freaked me out. I was on a head-on collision!
And natural reaction when someone sees a guy charging at him at high speed - dodge right?
He didnt. He just stood there, looked at me like im some freak show from mars and STAYED THERE! I couldnt break in time, I lost control and did a body sexy twist like some circus clown. And I almost tripped and fell.
I was like "Wa lao eh, you cock eye ah! No wonder so many of you die on road accidents! Because car come at you, you just stand there and hope your glowing teeth scare the cars away! O_O"
Of course I didnt say that, knowing how lame I can get.
I was walking home with Thad one day after service, and we looked at the open field beside the MRT. At night, there will always be a bangala picnic.
Wah! I see the field, LOOK LIKE SOME CHESS SET SIA!
All the RUBBISH all neatly placed there. One look you will know exactly where they sit!
Plastic bags, cups, plates, boxes, cartons. Aiyo, you know what is cleen and green anot!?! No wait, of course you dont, your country dont have green right? Because all is..*I shall not say anymore.
But seriously, even dogs clean up after their meals! You guys are a disgrace to the human race!
Once again, dont get me wrong, Im not racist against Indians, I have indian friends and God bless them, but it cant be helped, incidents like this always happen to bangalas. Then what you want me to call them? Bangaloree people!?!
I just cant stand people who have an attitude problem.
One more rant..
I cant stand girls who look at me like Im some pervert, just because I turn my head and I happen to look at them.
You have no idea what a pervert is.
You have no idea whats it like to have 60 seconds of your life, having some black 'thing' of the same sex 'penetrating' you from behind! (This is a few years ago and I needed Mike Connell deliverance so Im not gonna talk about it anymore).
So dont give me that "See what see" look. I will throw an egg at your stupid face!
You so ugly who wanna look at you? I see you only, my great grandfather rise from the dead and climb mount everest!
You people need to seriously grow up.
If you're a girl and you behave like that to men, you just havent met a good one yet and I pity how pathetic your life is or how unsociable you've become.
And for another group of people, wake up, life is more than just the same sex you dimwits! Ohhhh, so what are you gonna do now? Start going to the zoo and start fellowshipping with monkeys and gorillas?
Girl: See what see you stupid black gorilla!Gorilla: *ROAR! *Beats his own nehneh..Girl: Ahhhhhhhh pervert!Gorilla: No, Im gay thats why I touch my own nehneh.Not bad. I combined the typical uncivilised ahlian with the typical uncivilised bangala.
Good day folks!