
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Service 6 - Called to the HIGH calling

Before u were born, God thought abt u, knew u and had a plan for ur life tt includes you
we should STRIVE for e price of e HIGH calling
even b4 u were saved, e Lord has been preparing and working on u!
salvation is a process and it requires choices/decision making:

God speaks->discern/check/test e spirits->u believe->you act by faith->people see/accept it

There are different calling in our life but our ULTIMATE calling is HEAVEN/ETERNITY
Be sure of ur calling!
Understand the general things and God will tell u e specifics
Live by FAITH
u must DESIRE/WANT to have e HIGH calling

be sensitive in ur spirit, be ready to accept change
obey even if u dun understand
our calling and gifts not only make room for ourselves but for others
our calling is BROAD. e.g. u may be an usher, but u may be called to do many other things.
e calling is exciting!

***we are called to be MARRIED and some are called NOT TO MARRY
paul and Jesus were single
God knows ur time, allow Him to flow thru ur life and not make decisions on ur own esp with regards to finding a partner.
Let GOD decide!
Have someone who can FLOW with you
Some may be called not to marry, its bcos u have a HIGHER calling, God is preparin u for sth greater.
and when God sees ur heart and devotion in it, e right person will automatically come when u have accomplished what God expects of u.
Seek God FIRST! and all these things will be added to u as well.

God is ALWAYS preparing us for something great/HIGHER.
therefore let God do whatever He wants to do.
dun become negative, have an attitude of gratitude and be happy, ENJOY and FULFILL ur HIGH calling...

Service 4 and Service 5 - Calling into e Body of Christ

our calling tells us what we do and who we are in the Kingdom
our source is not people, but God. therefore, rely on God. e world may pass away but God's words will never pass away
being called to salvation is to be called to the process of being ChristLike
make urself available to God
we are called to SERVE, like Christ did
have a servant heart, Jesus was not only called to save and to serve, He CHOSE to serve

Jesus is e reason for our life. He is e alpha and e omega
we are called not to judge, but to LOVE
our calling is a FULL-TIME occupation
we are called into e body of Christ and UNITY is the key!
our calling and walk with God is not individual
bear with one another

our calling: SALVATION - a process that sums up e 5 categories in e prev post and simply means to be ChristLike.
therefore we mus walk WORTHY of our calling
the church is capable to doing ANYTHING and is LIMITLESS when there is unity in God.
there is power in agreement
when an agreement is made with regards to God and His Kingdom, NO ONE can take it away.

our faith and relationship with God may be personal, but its not individualistic, we are called to the BODY of christ.
God is calling u to greatness, but few accept it.
be willing to obey without qn; when u dun understand it
God WILL take care of you, of course if u let Him to. He gave us free-will, if bad things happen in our lives we have no one else to blame.
we are who we THINK we are, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he
we are called to be God's FRIENDS
God wont do things without first talking/discussing with His FRIENDS
God will share e matters of His heart and secrets of not only what he will do things, but HOW He is gonna do it, with His friends

Every second there is prayer, praise, worship going up to heaven and every sec there is spiritual activity.
so never think when ure prayin alone in ur room and u dun recieve an immediate ans, God doesnt hear! He DOES! the whole BODY is praying, worshipping and praising God ALL THE TIME!
Christianity is not a one-man show
Our calling is found within the body of CHrist; it is associated around the body of christ
everyone who is saved, IS called

God knows best, He knows what u can take!
Dun PUSH urself into a specific calling, but let the Caller call you!
***God wont call u into/to do things u DUN LIKE!
Our calling is where our gifts and talents are, naturally and supernaturally
e.g. a healing evagelist is not called to be an Opera Singer, etc...
therefore when u get INTO ur calling, u WILL LIKE IT!
and STAY where God has called u to be, that IS ur LIFE!
God will cahnge our personality to suit our calling, let go and let God prepare u; dun PUSH urself, let e calling push ITSELF

RESPOND to God's calling, allow time time to DEVELOP ur calling, and EXECUTE ur calling
Fulfill your ministry in the body of Christ!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Service 3 - Calling into fellowship

Salvation and Calling go together - e moment we are saved, we know our calling (to reach out to e lost)
The presence of God is PURITY
holiness is NOT being perfect, although we should all strive for perfection, but holiness to be separated unto God, FOR God.
everyone has a soul, and we were created for eternity. (life is jus a preparation for eternity)
of course where u spend eternity is another choice ull have to make

***The entire BIBLE is summed up in 5 categories:

1. Creation
2. Incarnation
3. Redemption
4. Sanctification
5. Glorification

creation + incarnation + redemption + sanctification + glorification = SALVATION

salvation is therefore a lifelong PROCESS
salvation never started with ministry, but at e pt of creation. where we first got our calling
DO NOT blame past circumstances for making u who u are today!
each individual is uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made
no one is e same, everyone is different

you have what it takes to be used by God for His purpose and His glory. - our eyes cannot taste, nor can our stomach pump blood or our brain dissolve oxygen, each part has its own purpose and they all work together for the good of e entire body of Christ. - you are what God wants u to be!

God, like a loving father (prodigal son), longs for us to yield to Him and not doubt/resist Him.
e.g Joseph - instead of revenge against his brothers who treated him badly, he chose love and compassion, he was of a different spirit.
***To keep our calling in e midst of adversity, the answer is having a SOFT heart! like Joseph.
Whatever God says WILL come to pass
if ur heart is hardened, God cannot do anything if u refuse...
a hardened heart is easily/prone to being used by Satan and he can take away ur calling!
Therefore we must walk WORTHY of our calling.
The fact that we are called doesnt make us exclusive, we are called to SERVE.
Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve

We may EXPERIENCE negative situations in our lives but we should not IDENTIFY with it.
God is in control doesnt mean bad things are from God! God is a good God and Satan is a bad devil
***"In all things, GOd is in control" means that if we are willing to place e negative situations in our lives on His altar and trust in Him, he can turn any situation for GOOD and for His glory.
God is in control, when we give Him the control! Gen 50:19
e devil has been defeated! says e Word of God, but NOTE: satan has not been cast into e lake of fire yet....where is he? in the world!!!

Our calling doesnt make us perfect, but gives us strength, confidence, faith, hope, etc. to help us strive for perfection
We are called to be WITH God, in FELLOWSHIP with Him, an intimate friendship with our creator.
Truth sets us free
Dun fill the universe with just 'yourself', make room for God
Jesus is not our 'tool', we mus NOT USE Him like a toy/tool/healing machine/money tree/etc.
it means we commune with God, talk to Him, tell him ur troubles, tell him how wonderful ur day is, tell him how u feel, share ur joy with him.
when troubles come dun run from Him, run TO God. he is WAITING for u to come to Him so tt He can bless/heal/deliver/etc. you....
Everyday God is saying to you, holding u in his hand and kissing you like a loving father unto his child saying, 'i love you', 'will you come home and have 'dinner' with me' and his arms are open to receive you.
God has emotions...Jesus has emotions...Jesus the son of God CRIED/WEPT. likewise as in e prodigal son, e father receives e child with living arms and there are tears of joy, reconciliation, reunion in e eyes of e father...;)

No matter how small u are, God took e time and effort to create u special. and He came to die on e cross for that small thing on earth called a human (us).
but He sees us bigger, he sees us in HIS image and likeness...

we are not just here to serve God, we are here to ENJOY God

Service 2 - Calling (Choices)

everyone has a choice to make with regards to our calling
we are called to be like Jesus, in His personality not just in e area of power and anointing.
we all need MATURITY to handle the things of God, imagine wad would happen if a machine gun was given to a 1yr-old kid =)
God is constantly working on our character

We need to make e right choices
calling = a sense of destiny
calling is found/written on e inside of us - no one else but God can tell us what our calling is and no one can take it away/try to change/hinder it
like salmons, me have to go 'upstream' and not downstream

we must have a HUNGER in e midst of SATISFACTION
God's calling is NOT CHEAP! it was paid with a heavy price!
calling brings e right perspective in our lives
dun forsake/abandon ur calling for e sake of e world e.g. Esau giving up his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup!
characters like Barnabas (close to Paul) were no longer heard towards e end of e Bible -> left calling for e world.

make a decision to SERVE - Jesus was a servant
Many doors will be opened to one who is WILLING to SERVE, a servant heart
Even a servant of God has weakness, no one is perfect, therefore we should accept and pray for ppl's weaknesses.
Love covers a multitude if sins
***Rationalising out the wrong spirit can be dangerous! e.g. e woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet..."what a waste..could be used for this and that..." etc.
Have a clear discernment of motives, dun be spiritual 'lepers' -> be faithful in serving and quit complaining, comparing and criticising other members of e body of Christ, etc...
God gave us free-will

To preserve our calling, we have to make e right choices:

1. To go the RIGHT path (narrow path).
2. Who you are going to walk with when u walk that path.
3. Have the right leaders

Its not how u preach but how u ACT.
Our calling is heavenly -> set ur hopes/sights on things above, imperishable...

Service 1: Our Individual Calling

every believer has a calling, a HOLY calling. set apart FOR God...2 tim 1:9
we are not supposed to take it lightly
our calling is PERSONALISED, not jus for e church but individually

we are uniquely CREATED, FORMED, REDEEMED and CALLED by God.
life starts in creation, supernatural life starts at SALVATION.
we are all different, uniquely, FOR God. - dun try to be someone else. God made u who u are and said 'it was good'
therefore be thaNkful, and happy...=) all good things come frm e Lord
every thing and situation can be turned around and used for God's glory and purpose
We are not only called for ministry, but we called into SALVATION (a lifelong process).
we are saved, to SAVE!
e moment u lose ur joy in salvation, u lose everything....all e blessings in ur life, etc.
e JOY of e Lord is our strength
God is not only life, God is LIGHT - He brought us out of darkness into His marvellous light

Get back ur FIRST LOVE for Christ.
'e valley of e shadow of death': note that it is NOT death, but e SHADOW of death. for God is with u every step holding ur hand...
for at e end of every tunnel there is light!

Being alone is NOT feeling lonely
we are called INTO fellowship with God, father son and HS
christianity is not a religion, but a lifestyle of victory, but more impt its all abt relationships ;)

-im goin for all 6 services! basically here's e prog:

tue (22/2): revival conference day 1
wed: revival conference day 2
thurs: revival conference day 3
fri: service 1
sat: service 2, service 3
sun: service 4, 5, 6

so tts 9 services! altogether day after day and ive never fel more energetic than this week! yea...praise God. yup and as some of ya EVP assignment results are out. and its a testimony:

basically e day b4 e assignment was issued, my lappy went dead and has to be sent to 'ICU' haha. so i had to borrow my fren's lappy. and i only managed to use it on sat....for 2 hrs++ cos it was late and in e mornin and afternoon tt guy was out and other daes his parents were home and all tt...

e hp simulator i was supposed to do was incomplete...buggy and literally jus a plain form with one or 2 functions. but miraculously...on e day of e results came back my assignment i got 7.5/10 which is 75%, a B+!!!! praise God! indeed God's favor was upon william chen saw e trouble i had been thru jus to get this one wk's time span i only spent a TOTAL of 2hrs!!! on assignment. he oso complemented saying tt ive not for my lappy, i wouldve done much more. in other words, he saw some potential in me and decided to give me e mark i had. ;) yea...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Conference by Ulf Ekman - Day03


meekness is not weakness
no one is born perfectly humble....humility is cultivated
there is no PRIDE in God's kingdom and He resists PRIDE as if an enemy as it was PRIDE tt led to e fall of SATAN...
PRIDE therefore is e spirit of SATAN - to live INDEPENDENTLY frm God = rejecting God
problems are here to be SOLVED
God is constantly checking on us


to understand 'where u came frm' (ur circumstances)
makes u to go thru life with ease - not tt there wont be any probs, but it is easier for u to submit to God and let Him make u more than a conqueror
God fights on ur behalf!
reacting to e TRUTH
humble ppl are strong in spirit; firm, unshakable
they are secure in who they are in God, there is no need to prove to anyone.
to rest on something LARGER/BIGGER than urself.
Humility = OBEDIENCE


pride kills
we are all prone to it, but strong are thos who fight back.
our personality changes when we give in and not fight pride
pride is e nature of SATAN himself
pride cuts u off frm God
elevates itself and ends in destruction
FEAR and PRIDE goes together. when u fear, is bcos u worry abt things tt will hinder ur 'ego': its always abt me 'me' 'myself' and 'i'
therefore God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace and sound mind
pride needs to be 'killed'
pride takes away life, joy, peace, love, etc.
gain pride and u lose EVERYTHING

we are both 'nothing' and something in Christ

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Conference by Ulf Ekman - Day02

today was extremely phenomenal...talked about being a true missionary. how we are all called to the Great Commission and how no one is exempted frm it. ;)

A true missionary:

1) understands tt EVERYONE is called for missions.
2) have e WILLINGNESS to go.
3) is willing to ENDURE
4) one who is willing to run the race to the END.

faith is not a feeling. faith is an ACT based on a FACT.
one mus be willing to change culture and not introduce a new one
we have to fight e gd fight of faith, and fulfill our life's mission/purpose and destiny.
whatever God starts, He will complete and He will certainLy PROVIDE

e word was great, but i feel e even more greater part was e ministering part of e conference. when rev kenneth coopland gave a prophetic word and prayed with us (and that Word came straight into my face, "FEAR NOT!"). and i tell u tt was e greatest moment! =) e presence of God was sooooo strong that my body was literally feeling warm and i could sense His flow as He came and touched me....felt soooo good. my heart was melted over and over again by His touch of love.

im falling in love with God all over wanna exp more of Him each day. cant imagine one day w/o God, my life would crumble, defeated, uncertainty, doubts, fear, etc. ;)

saw e video of Benny Hinn as he healed a paralytic girl who was wheelchair bound since birth. when i saw e power of God and e tears of joy in e little girl's eyes, i was almost touched to tears. saw e EmERgE05 video clip and altough its in June, i CANT WAIT FOR EMERGE05....yea!!! talentime, wordpower, parade of schools, drama, hiphop dance, break dancing, pyrotechnics, disco lightings, great explosive praise and worship, great atmosphere, REVIVAL!!!! thousands of new friends!!!!....yea. so excited....=D hehe...

"I have been to heaven..."

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Conference by Ulf Ekman - Day01

well, todae was sooooo jam-packed....e moment i reach church i was told by 'peggie'...okok i wont be so me tt he cant hold e seat for 1min more. so i rushed down.

and boy e audi was jam-packed. throughout e session, e childrens' church and e chinese church as well as e cafe on 4th floor were all packed...including e lobby! and e praise and worship was EXPLOSIVE! im beginnin to look forward to EMERGE2005!!!! yea...=D hehe...

although i was only sitting at e side but i enjoyed every moment of it. today i was sittin between emileen and peng initially, then emileen was like tryin to revise notes on, i tink it was macroeconomics, lol....wadever tt is, b4 e session started and jasmine was like 'hogging' her so we rearranged our seats, jasmine beside peng and me between emileen and jasmine. yup...;)

first time usin e notes pages inside e Journal. well, ps ulf is a farnie guy.....i liked his phrase, "One wive...."LOL... he talked abt friendship (brotherly love) today. well, it was so are jus some notes not all cos, i was listening soo much tt i hardly had time to write...=D

no one lives alone
every human being is dependant on one another
Satan has no love; doesnt understand love/giving/appreciation/thanks/etc.
sin = PURE selfishness
God puts best friends in our lives.
love is unbeatable; nothing can resist love
God is one, but He's not lonely; God didnt create man bcos He was lonely.
In our fallen world, people of true love loves people and uses things; while e world loves things and uses poeple.
Friendship is meant for eternity
If you want more friends, then BE a friend
A true friend is a good listener
True friendship carries an atmosphere of relaxation; where you feel free/at ease/express yourself freely
Selfish ambition breaks fellowship
People who are often preoccupied with themselves get lonely.
In true friendship, there is protection
True friends tell u the truth, are faithful and trustworthy.
Friendship foster stability in ur lives.
A friend sees right THROUGH u and still loves you for who you are.
True friends are born in times of crisis.
Never cut ppl off. If they're unworthy, they'll eventually cut themselves off
There is tremendous power in friendship (there is power in agreement)
Friends finish the task TOGETHER
In friendship, we discover other ppl's talents and appreciate them
Friends strengthen weaknesses

tts all and theres soo much more....well, looks like ill be goin to church everyday! woohoo...=D still have day2 and day3 plus weekend services...this wk's gonna be sooo gd. getting charged up and ready to go, every single day. =D in Him, we are more than conquerors! yea!...;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


well, i finally got back my lappy...2 daes early...hehe praise God. thanks sookie for helpin me to submit my EVP assignment. although its full of better to hand in than to have a zero.

speaking of zeros, ive not done my doa assignment yet. already lost 10 marks cos one day late. sobs. well, jus managed to get my internet up and running...;) praise God....hee. now im jus chionging my downloads...haa ;)

tom...i mean beginnin to lurve it =D but ocom mus do presentation, oso dunno wad to tok abt yet. its e trial tom...thx marianne for remindin me...oh well....-.-

yea, first night with ulf ekman tom....later i mean...haha...cant wait to see wad he has in store for chc!...yea ;) each time he comes, our church moves on to e nxt level and our lives are nv e same =)

Monday, February 21, 2005

yea great service...ulf ekman's comin next wk!

so really impacted by e Word todae. jus to summarise...hehe basically our life's like a lump of clay. and God is like our potter. well, others may choose to mold their own life, or rely on the world or other people to mould their lives.

jus like e lump of clay, we were picked imperfect, formless and without a dream and a purpose. the Potter would then remove all the stones and other hard areas of our lives. our hard areas of anger, pride, bitterness, etc.

next He will put us on a spinner. well, tts like e moment we receive salvation. at first it may seem exciting but as our lives and being revolved round and round and round, we start to find our lives getting boring...everything seems to be so routine. e.g. wake up, go sch, sleep, wake up, sch, sleep, wake up, cel grp, sleep, wake up, church, sleep, wake up, sch, sleep, etc... what is happening to our lives? God is trying to instill a constant in our lives, a routine/discipline in our lives.

as we begin to adapt to the discipline of God in our lives, God then begins to shape the clay. as the clay goes higher and higher, the walls gets thinner. many feel/think tt we can hide e bad areas in our life like, vulgarism, no self-control, unfriendliness, etc. but sooner or the walls get thinner, the pebble/bulge in our life will become more evidently exposed. eventually we have to start all over again on the 'spinner' of our lives.

God then applies pressure inward towards e clay, on our attitudes. He is more interested in our attitude than our comfort. next He begins to stretch our hearts and our capacity along with water which is e anointing of e Holy Spirit, giving us dreams and visions...

after the spinning and moulding comes e SHELF, where we will be put for a long time. in e midst of other 'incomplete' jars/vases. each tie we think we're there...we're not. why does God leave us on e shelf? so that we will remain immovable, unshakable, no matter how hard life may be. its where we develop spiritual backbone...

last of all, after the long period of time on e shelf, comes e furnace. indeed every gd piece of pottery/even diamonds go thru e furnace. e bigger ur dream, e longer ull have to stay in e furnace of ur life. it is thru this period, that our character is moulded, we are tested time and time again. its in e furnace tt we become stronger, more rooted in God and having a greater capacity of faith where we can believe e impossible. but e gd news is, jus like Shedrech, meshech and abednigo, king nebuchadnezzar saw e 4th man in u furnace, and He looked like e son of God.

Jesus is closest to us in our deepest time of distress, where we need Him the most. most people trust God and believe that He is there to help them in times of need, but doubt sinks in and they break, unbelief sinks in and they fall apart. strong people are e ones tt are rooted in God, have have their purpose, destiny in God and have e ultimate sense of security. its not abt who u are, but its abt who u can become...

knowing who God is and knowing God is 2 diff things altogether. God is relational. jus like in a relationship, it will nv work out w/o trust, communication. e power of God in ur life is determined by ur level of relationship with Him. God works in e realm of e impossible, of e supernatural. Abraham was a good example of a fren of God, he had conversations with God. when God was abt to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham negotiated with God and God asked him, what do u think of this and tt? tt is e kind of relationship tt is e deepest. God reveals His secrets to His friends, believers know what God is gonna do, God's friends know HOW God is gonna do it. and e most amazing thing God told Abraham is what do u want Me to do for u? tt is e ULTIMATE closeness to God...

im excited for this wk's conference with ulf ekman...and benny hinn soon. man i say on e video today how Benny Hinn healed e deaf....its really such faith u see in this guy that can turn nations upside down. already thousands of tourists and taking a vacation jus to come to our church to witness benny hinn, hes one of e greatest healing apostles of our generation. in his services, e lame have walked, blind have seen, dead has been risen. i cant wait...=D hehe

Faith puts no limit on God and God puts no limit on faith...;)

Friday, February 18, 2005

3/4 of EVP done in 2hrs!!!

praise GOd, i mangaged to complete 3/4 of EVP assignment in 2hrs at chee meng's hse. now only left with timer and sms feature...;) will b completin EVP by tom and startin on DOA tom too...hehe. praise God. =D despite my lappy being down and out, im glad tt i have frens to count on like chee meng and Hogan for these 2 days...

cel grp jus ended, really feel recharged and i noe tt my strength's renewed...;) thanks Keryn for going at a 'reasonable' pace today, hehe...really impacted by e Word. and here's prayin tt ull get well soon...=D e power of sickness has been defeated one e cross...(: its amazing how GOd can use ordinary, ppl, even if they're sick/disabled to do extraordinary things for His glory...=)

kinda missed e E110 before we multiplied...but im glad sunday is comin, i can meet my 'loved ones' again..hehehe...;) and cant wait for service...yea! also, im soo excited for Ulf Ekman's conference nxt tue, wed and thurs....each time he comes our church will move on to e next level, first was e new bldg, then missions base, then crossover, i wonder wt itll b now...hee =D cant wait....(:

sorry emileen for not being able to attend ur funfair at SAJC, but thanks for askin me. i guess achievements come with a sacrifice, for this case my 2 assignments due mon b4 830am when i jus started cos my lappy KIA...lols and all e best for ur Open House pammie...;) e joy of e Lord is ur strength...(:

Thursday, February 17, 2005


came back frm BS yesterdae. learnt abt repentance. ive learnt tt repentance has nothing to do with emotions or feelings. it's not abt how much u cry, or how much e feel hurt or sorry for urself, but rather, its:

repentance-[INWARD DECISION (change of mind/thinking) + OUTWARD actions] -> FRUITS and RADICAL CHANGE.

saying sorry is not jus enough, we have to take action, and produce fruits, good fruits. e.g. a WMD mfg. plant. not only e products of tt factory (WMD) have to be destroyed, e entire factory/plant has to be closed down. similarly, making a decision to change is not enough, we have to completely remove the bad habit/sin. also learnt tt each time we sin, we are nailing Jesus on e cross all over again. and the further we drift from God, e closer we are to Satan himself.

there will come a time where we have drifted so far, that there is no longer room for repentance. Judas went too far away frm e Light, there was no turning back eventually he hanged himself. he may have felt all e regret of betraying Jesus, yet there was no true repentance.

a small cut is painful, but a large open wound becomes numb. similarly, when we first do somethin bad, we feel bad abt it. and we will tell ourselves not to do it again. yet when we keep on doing it, as the Holy Spirit keeps on reminding us, yet there will come a time when our conscience becomes numb, where we no longer feel sorry for what we have done.

this morning read a bk on spiritual warfare. its rather interesting. =) ive never known what the phrase 'the third heaven' means until i read this bk. well, i din actualli finish reading e entire bk yet...haha. it speaks of spiritual warfare in the 'heavenlies'. there are 3 heavens:

1st heaven: the stars and the sky (the visible heaven)
3rd heaven: paradise; where God himself dwells.

e only thing left out is the second heaven, e one in between. e Bible oftens speaks of Satan being 'thrown down' or 'cast down' or 'fallen'. therefore,

2nd heaven: fallen angels; Satan's headquarters.

in Job it says tt Satan had access to the presence of God, he was with the angels in heaven accusing the believers, tts y he is still called 'the accuser'. e most staggering thing is when we pray. as we pray, it says tt our prayers go up to heaven. e 1st, 2nd and 3rd, where God hears. tts why when we pray things happen in e spiritual realm because not only does God hears our prayers, Satan and his fallen angels hear it too. that's y Paul emphasised the importance of the baptism of e Holy Spirit and praying in e Spirit, cos when we pray in e spirit, we are praying directly to God and the Devil cannot decode what we are saying. thank God we have Jesus, who INTERCEDES for us in our prayers. =)

well, ive gotten my ctest results, OS-69, PSP2-67, EVP-A+, cos i was sick on tt day and couldnt come to sch. but i did submit my mc howeber..haa...=D praise God for good results!...yea...;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

EVP and DOA assignment...*BOOM!

last week intended to start EVP assignment
EVP due fri/mon b4 830
thursday lappy crash
thursday format lappy
friday go MeL install software
monday install VB.NET studio
install 2hrs+++
DOA assignment due this fri/mon b4 830
tuesday(today) lappy crash again...
wednesday gonna go mel for servicing (hardware)
thursday wait/if lucky get back lappy
friday if get back lappy install software...OH NO!
friday if nv get back lappy...OH NO!
saturday mel closed...OH NO!
sunday school closed...OH NO!
monday assignment due...OH NO NO NO NO NO!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I walk by faith, each step by faith...

today's service was great. leartn e 10 characteristics of a BIG person (BIG on e inside):

1. Big people are GENEROUS people.
-in action and thought

2. Big people are ACCEPTING of DIFFERENCES.
-non petty.
-e Word doesnt have any restrictions on culture, style, etc. Its is crystal clear.

3. Big people FORGIVE and FORGET easily.
-most ppl can forgive but cant forget.

4. Big people EMPOWER others to be SUCCESSFUL
-they are secure in who they are. Jesus told His disciples that they are going to do GREATER works than He.

5. Big people don't try to be BIG PEOPLE.
-Jesus was e biggest/greatest, yet He was humbled to the point of washing His disciples' feet.
-As they are secure in who they are in God, they are not afraid to lose face.
-They are confident.
-They serve.

6. Big poeple treat LITTLE people WELL.
-they show respect to people and love them despite differences.

7. Big people LISTEN.
-willing to seek counsel from elders, leaders, etc
-willing to listen to the needs and concerns of others.

-always willing to upgrade themselves for the good of others.
-we are blessed to be a blessing.

9. Big people respect MANNERS and SPATIALITY.
-manners and respect is part of the Kingdom.
-we are equal redemptively, but not structurally. that means, by Jesus' death on e cross, we are made equal and righteous before the Lord, but that does not mean we are equal with others around us for example, a master is not equal to a servant, a worshipper is not equal to a ministry leader or a cel grp member, to his/her cel grp leader.

*SPATIALITY is to know your boundaries and knowing how to approximate your distance/'space' with others.
-we don't become too familiar with others, esp. people of authority. for example, we do not walk to PM Lee during a meeting and put ur arms round him and say, "Hello! Buddy!", etc.
-having good spatiality is when a person is able to tell if he/she is 'crossing the line' or not.
-know ur boundaries!

10. Big people have BIG CAPACITY.
-God is so big even the universe and the heavens cannot contain Him, yet how do we place such a big God is a small small space called out hearts?
-the solution is to think bigger! have a bigger heart to contain all the dreams and visions of God in ur life.
-the giants in ur life will nv go away, the solution is to be BIGGER than e giants in ur life.
-every God-plan is always BIG. God did not just call Abraham to be His friend, He called him to be a father of many nations, where his descendants will b like e sands of e seashore and e stars in e sky.
-when we think like God, and allow ourselves to let go and let God, our dreams are able to be bigger than what we can even imagine. 'for He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all tt we can ask or imagine, ACCORDING to the power tt is at work within us.'
-not only are big people successful in the world and impacting lives, wealthy, knowledgeable, good relationships/families, etc...yet they still have time and are passionate for the Lord. dun be people who cannot walk and chew gum, but be someone who can be a salt of the earth and the light of e world! =)

Saturday, February 12, 2005


cny is over, although i only managed to get half in angpaos as last yr, cos one of my relatives is overseas (100bucks), im still happy. yesterdae went to watch CONSTANTINE with wayne, peng, vivian, keryn and reuben. its a nice show, cool effects, farny, loads of ACTION and i like e part where mr constantine pointed his middle finger at lucifer aka satan as he was on his way to and tt really pissed satan off...haha, e whole cinema craked sia...;) keke

i also like e ending, when e cigarette became chewing gum...lols =D nowadaes no many movies are so biblical, starwars, matrix (all 3-trilogy), constantine, lotr (a bit), etc. so exciting! hehe XD

well, no cel grp todae, kinda missed my beloved bros and sistas ;) but dun woory, u guys and gals will see more of me on sundae!....hehe =D well, im currently waiting for sch to start on mon, cos im not able to do my EVP assignment cos i dun have VB.NET studio in my lappy, sobs...muahahah :D hehe...

how i wish i could go for every service...hehe. really missed service and every dae im like lookin forward to be in e hse of God =) 1 more dae! yea...=D

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Chinese new year...

glad its finally cny. not only i can receive angpaos, meet relatives, but more importantly im so happy tt i can finally have a breakthrough by giving a tithe tts of a larger sum than before to God. =D im also very happy tt i can finally take a break, rest and spend more time with God. XD

well, im not intendin to count my angpaos till e end of cny. =) got 69 for OS. hmm, i wonder wad ill get for e other subjects excluding BIS, hehe...=P

so sad, this week no bible study but still i cant wait for service...hehe. Ps Kong is gonna be speaking again...yea! :D

well, i really lurve my blog music "Above all", its really a nice, soothing, anointed and powerful song. it was e first few songs i sang to my Lord when i first met Him and longed to be with Him, my first 'love song' to God. ;)

Here's wishing W318, IT15 and all other ppl whom i noe and dunno, HaRPy CheE-Na NeW EaR! muahahaha...=) keke...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Above All...

Above all powers, above all kings
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom, and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms, above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth, and treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure what You're worth
Crucified, laid behind the stone
You lived to die, rejected and alone
Like a rose, trampled on the ground
You took the fall, and thought of me
Above all

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Great message by John Bevere...

today's service was indeed impacting. as John Bevere began sharing his experiences in one of e churches in Brazil, on how God really moved in that place when the people respect honor and fear God. His presence, power anointing will only come when there is a right attitude, a right atmosphere and a right heart. not only as an individual but more importantly as His body.

ive learnt tt e fear of God is not fearing God. e fear of God is showing respect, reverence and honor b4 God for who He is, put God in high esteem, love what He love, hate what He hates and so on. ive oso learnt tt people all around e world may believe in God, some may even have a relationship with God, but not everyone is a FRIEND of God.

God desires to have an INTIMATE relationship with man. How He said draw near to God and He will draw near to you. note tt we have to make e first choice. e sad thing in e world today is tt God knows soo much abt us and we noe sooo little abt Him.

Being a friend of God is not jus only about the quality, but e faith attitude of:
*obeying even when it doesnt make sense
*obeying even when it hurts
*obeying without delay
*obeying even when u wont see the results and
*obeying to completion

indeed walking with God wont only cost u sth, it will cost u EVERYTHING. knowing tt wadever u give u Lord by faith, we will indeed receive a hundredfold. =) becoming a believe of God is easy, cos its free, but becoming a disciple, becoming a friend of God is not easy, its a faith process and we need to have e fear of God.

John Bevere also talked abt e 'narrow road' in life, on how that particular road is e road NOT b4 e gate (salvation) but after e gate, after we get saved tt is. many ppl will take e broader road tt leads to destruction, but likewise e narrow road has its dangers also. on e right of e road is a 'ditch' called LEGALISM. most people will avoid this 'ditch' on e right side of the 'road'. and so they swerve to e left. but mistakably, most people now will tend to swerve too much to e left and land up in another 'ditch' on e left side of tt road called ANTINOMIANISM (in other words, lawlessness) which can be found in any universal dictionary as:

Pronunciation: "an-ti-'nO-mE-&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin antinomus, from Latin anti- + Greek nomos law

1 : one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation
2 : one who rejects a socially established morality- antinomian adjective, which is lawlessness to say. antinomians

some people in e world are teaching a cheap doctrine called cheap grace, whereby there is no need to obey e laws be it civil, moral, blibical, etc. bcos they are under grace. when people are guilty of sin and they confess it and ask for forgiveness antinomians will view such people as being sin-conscious.

Jesus himself said when He was on earth, in e end times "and lawlessness will abound and love for Christ of many will grow cold" and antinomians may be saved and may be spiritual, yet they have ZERO relationship with God. and when these people finally meet God, Jesus wll say to them "Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness..." by practicing lawlessness and saying that we can sin even more now that we are under grace, would have put Jesus death on e cross to a complete waste.

im glad i went for tt service, it really impacted me in a great way. jus now as i came back from fellwoshippin with my cel grp and E110, i my freetime i was jus worshippin God in my room, enjoying His presence. and i dunno why for some reason, my father find a means to come in and start scolding me for stuffs like, OH! play electric guitar dun use amp! a lot of electricity u noe???, OH! (i was afk frm my lappy) dun everyday stare at e screen hor, e com already spoil soon your eyes will also spoil hor!...tts like wad tokin u?? even billgates eyes are still in gd condition! OH! e weather is hot dun use airccn hor! u wan to cool e room use fan! i was like...yayaya, why dun u cook vegetables using ice...

everytime he would find a reason to scold me for. and everytime he scolds me its always when im in God's presence. and His presence would leave my room! i feel sooo sad, so hurt and crushed. sometimes i feel like quoting Jesus and say to him, "Get behind me Satan, you do not have e things of God in ur mind but e things of men!" eventually, i broke down in my own room, tt was when i experienced God and loved Him all over again....

His presence returned, this time THICKER and i was so touched. although there's no one to spend valentine's day with, haha, but im glad in everything God is always there and He will never leave me nor forsake me...yea =D durin tt experience i got a new song, but when i tried to write it down, i could rem any lyrics, is like God saying..."This song is for you to sing to me, nobody needs to know it, but i know ur heart, that when u sing, u sing with all your heart. i love you and tts all that matters...:) its something personal, jus you and me..." and it went on...i was soo touched to tears....i had a great time...=D

indeed God can put visions and dreams and even a new song in ur heart and touch you, when u are humble b4 Him, when u earnestly yearn for Him, when ur heart is right. your life will only change when ur thinking changes...

Saturday, February 05, 2005


haha, so sorry, dunno wad else to put on my title. hehe, well, u might ask y boom? cos my hair jus went boom, exploded! yup i went to e salon again...this time BOOM! lol...-.-"

this mornin sth amazing happened again...i went to ict lvl8 to submit my MC, miraculously, when i reached e door, no one was what i do? i smsed sreeram coshe's e one who told me where to hand in e mc. i asked him if e office's closed, and he replied yeah, its closed...i was like diaoss...-.-"

its was so quiet and i was e only clown in e entire building, excluding sq tt but i really have to thank God for sending help over. no long after i received rammie's sms, this particular teacher came up to e 8th floor, he saw me and he was shocked (as to wad a student is doing here when e office's closed and all...) but when i saw him, i was relieved and thank God. he said he jus came up to check sth...i was soooooooo happy...

he unlocked e door and i went in with him to fill in e mc submission form, and im glad tt of all those who din go for e BIS ctest, im e first to submit e mc! yea! woohoo! hahaha..=D

tom service with John Bevere, dunno whos he oso haha, but i noe im gonna enjoy it and im gonna be soo blessed. indeed, we are not blessed to enjoy life, we are blessed to be a blessing, to lay down our lives as a bondservant to others wiht love..;)

Friday, February 04, 2005

Pits, bunkers? anyone?

today is indeed a day of adventure. im believe tt there are ppl i noe who are lookin forward to me posting for this particular day. yesterdae finished revisin BIS till 345am. asked my bro to wake me up by giving me hp a call at e same time i set my hp alarm clock, yet i managed to sleep through. b4 i slept i made a quick prayer to God to make a decision that for this year, im not going to live thru it my way, but live it God's way and to let Him handle and lead my life, even if it means for Him to put me in e deepest pit, and by His power and love, pull me out to show tt with man, its impossible, but with God, all things are possible...=)

woke up at 9 plus thanks to ericia, and when she called me it was already after e BIS commontest. I MISSED IT!!! and truly enough, din expect God to answer my prayer so quickly! tts like 4-5 hrs after i prayed tt prayer of faith. i realised i was on e verge of failing my BIS, esp wad happened to my assigment weeks ago. e only way to pass now is to get at least 80 and above for my sem end paper, which is sth i have to chiong to do. in e past gettin an 'A' seems so far, yet for today, jus passing seems so far...

but theres still some things i really have to thank God for, in e midst of hopelessness i found Him, indeed all things will work out for the good of those who love Him. i so happened so be down with fever and flu, and thanks to sookie, i made a decision to get a MC so that i can be spared frm skippin e commontest w/o valid reason and cost me my failure in BIS. ill jus have to hope, pray in faith, believe and see what else God can do for me. not that i thank God for the sickness but i can thank Him IN sickness, that God has made a way out for me. =D

durin e afternoon, my laptop suffered frm a hardware prob, my lappy will become soooo slow everytime and loading windows will take like 5-10 min! at first i din noe it was hardware gone wrong and not software, so i reformatted my lappy first and realised tt it was e hardware fault. each time i started windows it will lag until cannot lag anymore and then e blue screen will appear showin hardware error. wad to do? gotta send it to MEL for servicing, again! looks like im a regular customer...keke =D somomore later i have to be home to prepare hse for cg...

but praise God miraculously, after i came back frm JP, to get my mc and to see e doc, which is a miracle cos e last time i saw one was in pri6! lols, anywaes, i came back tried to on my lappy again and lo and behold! it was working! yea! :D but, tt means i reformatted it for, but nevertheless, im happy that God saved me twice today. not only is my BIS ctest settled, my lappy's settled too, jus tt i have to go to sch tomolo to submit mc and to install antivirus, office, macro and jcreator. =) yea...

and later my cg will be able to use my hse! yea praise GOd again! so settle...3 problems occur on e same day, and by God's loving hand, i solved all 3 in the SAME DAY!!!!! and i know, tt God will help me pass and move on to yr2 yea! =)

Praise God forever and eva...hee :D 3 miracles in one day! song bo!?! hahaha yea so excited for service ;)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I am a sicko...yes...literally...=P

fell sick yesterdae durin e test, din noe it will worsen until today. im down with cold, flu, sore throat and nauseousness, yes, i feel pregnant...wahahaz =P

went for BS at dhoby ghaut, met jenn huang on e train. when i reached e conference room in YMCA, durin e middle of e lesson i started to feel like vomitting, for tt one hours plus, by God's amazing, strength, i held e end i din vomit. jus felt like sleeping...

thanks pamela for e minty minty chewing kept me going although there were still a little discomfort, but not as bad as before. hee =D thanks sis...:) ur my savior! can i say that...i should praise God u were there with e chewing gum...*yea =) and pammie, dun get angry over ur bro k? hee =D its no longer e "I", but its "Christ" who lives in ya...:D. i have my lil bro too i understand...;) its really through these times tt we get stronger. e most beautiful DIAMOND jewel has to go thru e STRONGEST FIRE! =) ultimately its God shaping us to be ppl that will shine in e world! =D yea?

everytime i decided to get serious with God, cos e prev night i chiong my bible readin, wanted to know more not only abt God but more importantly about MYSELF..., sth bad will happen to me. but im encouraged, im strenghthened, i really see how God turned e bad things into His wonderful works that bring glory to him. XD

well, 2 more tests...if i make it through tomolo and fri, then God it's u who bring me through. hee :D and i dun have to wear any radiation suit or spacesuit to school...wahahaha XD kkz...quiet time soon. no sickness is gonna stop me frm meetin my savior and fren...:) haha, satan...U LOSE! whahahahahahahahaha.....

mid-exam period...HUH!?!

im halfway there...=) 2 more papers and im done...for this week....d0ts...=D today woke up...studied EVP while eatin my maggi mee at 1130am decided to check email and wow, realised i missed BIS class...w00t...:D

reached class, finally someone smart guy/gal decided to use e aircon class...lolz. went in got such a 'warm' greeting from ericia...diaoz...dunno y i 'felt so cold'...haiz, wahahahaz =P

EVP was...okay...not much to clarify...jus do it. psp2 had careless mistake and was harder, forgot to divide overall marks by 2...boohoohoo...:'(

well, here's wishing all e amaths ppl gd luk, (i was there...), i noe how amaths feels...=D and yes, im into ROSE now so if anyone out there is rosing add me k? haha ch4m3l30n(ch.2) ;)
dunno y suddenly ive become crazy abt frenster, for 2 daes i chiong, still got 20+ invites awaiting approval...d0t :P

serously cant wait to end this week. and tom got Bible Study, hmm...mebbe ill jus meet sam at dhoby ghaut straight away. haha now those goin for "Going on to Perfection" class have been moved to e same building as me...waahahaa, dun sae cannot fellowship ah...hehe =D but sadly, its either mac or PS we're and i jus realised im way behind my bible whoops...nevertheless, im sooo excited i finally got time tom to do a 'proper' quiet time =) every night i spend like only 5-15 min with God and e rest is studies...*Sigh...

well, im certainly lookin forward to cel grp this fri and sun's service with John Bevere, well, never heard of him b4 so...haha, believe its gonna be cool and blessed...;)

oh yes, and e background music is Always and Forever by Planetshakers' new album, not out yet, so its kinda like a sneak preview, keke, thanks baoie for e mp3, pirate! kiddinz...keke :D

WerD signing off...=)