
Monday, May 29, 2006

phenomenal service - being a person of influence

i dunno abt u guys but last wk was phenomenal...and its only e beginning to EMERGE!!! and this wk is emerge! yea! service was great, ministry went well too. during PnW e presence of God was so tangible as we sang 2 new songs by our church, Destiny and Sanctuary. theres 2 more tt we'll be singin durin emerge! =)

and i heard there might be another live recording in 2007! :D during worship, man i was on my knees, touching God and loving God...tears went down my face like dunno what, my hands were trembling as i knelt there, in awe and worship of God who loves me with an everlasting love.

and yeah! i completed my 7-12 day fast :D i wanna do a 3-24 sometime.


jer 2:21 -> God planted us as seed in the highest quality -> one with great potential.
things dont change because people dont act on what they believe
things dont change because people dont think it can be done
its not about circumstances, its about e way you think!

anything that has life, is called to MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY. -> not just having e quality, but with quality comes quantity! -> to be e head and not e tail

God has PURPOSED us, to be EMPOWERED to succeed.

if ure not e head, if ure not doing well, if ure not a person of creativity, ability and productivity, something is wrong because God created us in HIS image. If God had not PURPOSED us to be EMPOWERED to succeed, then all our hard work will be futile.

-> because man is imperfect and will not achieve his/her fullest potential without God. But because God SPOKE and He PURPOSED for us to be empowered to succeed, nothing that He says or purposed will return to Him void.

acts 1:8 -> we dont just stop at salvation (Father + Son), after salvation comes EMPOWERMENT (Holy Spirit)! -> all 3 persons of God are united and active in our daily walk with Him!

when u are saved, u have authority. but when u are baptized in e Spirit, u have POWER!

to bless is to impart supernatural/divine empowerment to succeed.
mk 6:48 -> Jesus' original intention was not to save them, He was about to PASS THEM BY!

rom 8:28 -> stop living in self-pity!

God doesnt put u in a situation and expects you to be a baby asking for food all the time, He wants us to grow up, to take e authority He has given to us, step out in faith and begin to take responsibility and change our world! -> How can God make you faithful over much when you cant even be faithful in the 'little' situations tt God has placed in your life?

luke 5:24-25 -> take up your 'bed', take up what you are dependent on, get up and start walking! Go back to where you came from and proclaim e goodness of God!

God doesnt waste your life experience. After you have pulled through, go back to where you came from and use that experience to help and be a blessing to those who are going through what you went through!

Do what you can do and God will do what you cannot do!

Josh 1:8 -> prosperity and success comes when we OBEY and APPLY
prov 13:23 -> 'fallow' means uncultivated; stored potential

when you see a poor man, dont just give him welfare and leave him poor! develop the fallow ground in him! the only good news to a poor man is that you can be poor today, but in God you not be poor all your life!

Divine empowerment is based upon my acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY for what God has called me to do.

Divine empowerment comes the moment we are willing to take RESPONSIBILTY! -> Divine empowerment comes AFTER responsibility!

until you say, u wanna do something abt it, until u avail/volunteer urself, until you take e first step, empowerment wont come. God is not just moved by your needs, God moves by your faith and attitude!

You lose God's power and grace the moment you become individualistic!

If you can influence people, you can influence society! -> you can do what people say is impossible, you can meet needs that people have tried to meet, and you can come up with solutions of wisdom and be a problem solver, because you say you are going to take responsibilty and do something about it!

-gen 41:16, 33-38, 39-40, prov 18:16

u dont have to be worried of walking alone, God will set you up!

Joseph was a sold as a slave, put in prison, but he took responsibility of the fact that he was gifted in interpreting dreams, and as a result he became the 'prime minister' the nation, next to pharaoh! -> God was the one who placed those dreams into pharaoh, God placed Joseph at the right place at the right time, with the right people doing the right thing!

-> All because he took responsibilty and did something with his life! THEN God empowered him.

With wisdom comes favor, favor of God and men. -> you will stand before great men because you took responsibilty and God empowers you with divine wisdom that surpasses the understanding of man!

God creates a NEED in SOCIETY -> God EMPOWERS the CHURCH to bring the SOLUTION-> Therefore making the church NECESSARY

Believe that you can! Change comes from within!

Its not about the circumstances or situations you're in, your life will only change the moment your thinking changes!

Dont water the negative seeds in your life, God has made us a seed of high quality, of great potential. Stop watering the weeds and water the seed that God has placed in your life!

Guard your heart, make a CHOICE with what you allow to grow on the inside.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wonderful celgrp. Feeling emotional.

celgrp today was more than a celgrp, there was breakthrough, the tangible presence of God...

thats what i like for everyday of my life...that is to know you, God, and the power of Your resurrection! =)

its been pretty hard on me e past few days...lack insufficient sleep, insufficient food..but thank God i pulled through. today i was super tired and lethargic...before celgrp started, as i was practising e guitar.

i was already feeling very down and depressed/stressed..honestly, i thought of giving up, its in 2 ministries now and plus my IHP and other things in mind, im beginning to burn out. i was gonna tell evan when she came to ask if i could have a break, maybe ask my ministry IC also..theres just too much things to handle..

i feel emptied of all my feels as if theres nothing left in me. then i remembered what i learnt in BS..we have a mortal body, weak and failing, but we have a resurrected spirit! deep down i wanna so so much more, deep down i knew i could do better...

but i wasnt sure if i could endure them fact, i was so troubled that i didnt do much today for IHP...spent my entire afternoon in the library surfing e web and posting in forums, cross-blogging and other stuffs...and time is running short and my laptop is on e verge of breaking down again..something tt will cost me one month which will eventually cost me my entire project...about e laptop part...that was predictable...

i failed one assignment bcos it broke down, and i failed one module because e laptop died halfway in e critical moment of a major project that contributed to most of that particular module..

but of course in e midst of em all, i decided tt obedience is better than sacrifice, so i decided not to ask for a break from evan, and i jus went into celgrp, telling God that, all i have is all of me, take all of me in exchange for all of you...i didnt know how i was gonna play, or how e presence of God is gonna be like, i jus went in there and i surrendered my all to God...and God showed Himself strong...

it was at my darkest moment tt i remembered what God said, 'My strength is made perfect in your weakness...' and other things tt ps kong once said, 'when we come to e end of ourselves, tts when its e beginning of God'...'when ure weak, THEN u are strong'...'let e weak say I am strong', 'he who comes to Me shall never hunger or thirst...', and so many more...

3 more days...before i complete my 7-12 fast. i wanna go for a 3-24 fast someday...x)

jus a few thoughts tt running in my mind right now:

God cannot give you His strength until you've emptied ALL of your earthly, human strength.

To pray is to seek God. (if someone has to be sought, it means He is not easily found)
To know God is to have a daily walk with Him
To walk with God is to have fellowship with Him

some ppl are saved, but they are jus unrenewed in their mind/attitude, not hinting anyone but isnt it true...? some ppl are on their way to hell but they live live heaven on their way there, and some are on their way to heaven but live like hell on e way there...

hmm...i was jus surfin and i found =) i love ethan ong! way to go man! talk about new generation of young ppl...kinda goes well with ps phil's prophecy of acceleration ;) and i was reading his articles on his website, one of e interviews...hes only 7 and hes already have the heart, the desire and the passion of God in him..;)

oh and i found the CHC story video on youtube! lol thanks weiming...x) its e one i saw during newcomers' tea years back after i completed my CIC..hahas

well, im excited for service this wk...and of week is emerge! schoool, IHP, wahahaha...*faint.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Good things dont come in lousy packages!

service was awesome! cant wait for ps kong to build on each wk's messages until it explodes in emerge :D prayer meeting was just out-of-this-world! it was awesome, can we have more? :D e presence of God was indeed tangible..i was in tears as i prayed.

im so excited...cant wait for our new land in 6 months! :D we prayed for so many things..

well ill begin by posting sermon notes..^^


-jhn 17:14-17, mt 5:13-16
-we are IN the world, at e same time we are not OF the world. -> in e world physically, not of the world, in e way we think and do things.
-avoiding, withdrawing and retreating from the world is NOT the solution! how can you be salt and light in the world if ure not in e world?

e.g. da vinci code. religious chrisitians would wanna ban this and ban that...but have u ever asked yourself, how would GOD react? in e garden of eden, God placed e tree of e knowledge of good and evil right in e middle of e garden EVEN THOUGH He knew the harm it could bring.

the typical, religious chrisitian would say..why not just take a saw and saw the tree down? no sin, no fall, no chaos and confusion in the world...but why didnt God remove the tree?

-God gave everyone FREEWILL.
-Adam had innocence..BUT...

-Innocence is NOT virtue! What is virtue? virtue is power.
-Virtue is innocence TESTED!

-Our innocence WILL be tested, its whether we are strong enough to pass the test or not.
-Even Jesus was tested in the wilderness, he had innocence, but after it was TESTED..He "returned in the POWER (Virtue) of the Holy Spirit"...

We are salt. what is salt? salt ENGAGES and PENETRATES its environment!
We are not to withdraw or retreat from the world, we are to ENGAGE, to PENETRATE the world with the Light of Christ!!!

what happens when we do not engage the world? we become irrelevant, obsolete, the bible says, "good for nothing but to be trampled under foot by men"...!

dan 5:11, 1:17, 5:12
-Daniel lived in babylon, the world's most idolatrous nation in human history! a place where cultic and satanic worship had its origins. he dressed like a babylonian, he was the CHIEF of the magicians and sorcerors in that land! he had makeup and red hair, as was the tradition back then of a babylonian magician/sorceror...

But yet e bible said he had extraordinary righteousness. he was young, he was soo immersed into the babylonian environment that he looked like one, and even excelled at what was well known in Babylon at tt time. even though he excelled in babylonian arts and magics...

even his name was changed to 'Belteshazzar' which means "Bel will protect his life'
-> Bel is the chief demon god of idolatry.

YET..he had extraordinary righteousness because his innocence was tested, and even though he was a youth, he turned King Nebechadnezzar and the entire nation to the true living God!

-Holiness is not about dressing or style, its about the ATTITUDE of your heart!
-Man looks at e outward appearance but God looks at the heart!
-if ure a business man, dont try to be an 'undercover preacher', if ure a teacher, dun try to be a gospel singer or an 'undercover missionary'. -> no doubt we must still shine for e Lord.

the main thing is, we are placed where we are in society, in the marketplace, in education, business, arts, media, government, etc...we are there to bring a spirit of excellence and to excel in that particular area that we have been placed that man will see your GOOD DEEDS and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

if ure a singer, be the best singer, if ure a student, be a best student -> be REAL!

-excellence is not anointing, excellence is an ATTITUDE!

what is excellence?

-Excellence is giving attention to DETAILS that give rise to SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE, leading to PROMOTION in life!

rom 14:1-2
-a WEAK person cannot handle/accept many things!
-the message is sacred, but its packaging can be DIFFERENT, UNIQUE, CREATIVE, COLORFUL..we dont serve a dull, boring, awkward, backward God that is out of touch in the world today...but we serve a colorful God who is creative, full of ability and productivity!

dun be legalistic, dun be licentious, be right in e a Daniel, be a Joseph, be a Jesus!


on sunday was supposed to go for wendy's bdae at her place..but i had things to rush. 5-6 more weeks and my project is due. and its only in its early stages of many things in my much stress and burdens and commitments...

e110, w390, 2 celgrps, guitar, ministry, friends, emerge, 'that', project, personal+spiritual life.
well, at least for once, someone actually told me i had beautiful eyes...

and i have no time...hadnt had a good sleep in months! e last time i had a dream while sleeping was like...wait...i dun remember..:x

e last time i had a break such thing as break? i dun remember as well..maybe it was during last year july? or august? cant remember also...T_T

well, tmr goin sch, WHY MUS EMERGE PRAYER MEETING BE AT 5PM!?! *faint.
im really tired, im really drained...but im willing to press on, because God I love You.

nevertheless, i wanna be like Jesus, who did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom to many. thats why im extending from a 3-day fast to a 7-day fast. 12hr fast though. im really inspired by pastor kong, how hes travelling in and out and preaching so many times a week and yet because of his love for God and because of the dream and vision God has placed in his heart, he's willing to go on a 21-day fast..

well, i can tell its a 24-hr fast, 21 days. i really have to break through....maybe ill start with maybe a 3-day, 24hr fast...ok...maybe 1 day first...if not someone will get worried for me.

im certainly looking forward to BS, to service and then to emerge! =)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

guitar guitar guitar...yes.....haha

oh! THIRD TIME im blogging today! wahaha...*faint

had lesson with bao jus now...FINALLY! haha. he was in JAMS so he dropped by after JAMS service to give me its really been long since i last had lesson with bao..haha

and also, praise God i can finally pay him that 60 bucks...yeah! haha. everyone's been so busy lately. well, i also realised that ever since i had my new acoustic guitar i stopped playing on my electric, and when bao asked me to play, i was kinda rusty..haha.

well..learnt some crazy stuff if im gonna play like a machine gun one better change my firing mechanism of practise and discipline...

today there was no service, so going tmr instead. haha..i miss sunday services! and im certainly looking forward to PM tmr...but after that dunno whether to go wendy's house or assignment is like gonna be due any moment now...

hmm...i need a break, must PUSH and PUSH...Pray-Until-Something-Happen...

Jesus, You know deep down I love you...and I wanna give my all to You...

I wanna be a servant of all...


today no service.

e moment i turned on my blog to check my cbox, this song was playing..

and immediately a lot of thoughts went through my mind...

the things she said...

Celgrp was good!!!!!

celgrp was great....ive been fasting for 3 days already...12hr fast...6-6. oh and btw, this song is sang by sister alison from our church, she sang it during friendship connection and i feel its a really nice song...

i also have e one sang by mark kwan, which ill be hosting on my blog some time later... well...depends..haha. thanks to esther who sent me those songs :D

hoping one day ill be able to fast 24 hour fasts for 3 days...haha. celgrp msg was good, and it was e first time i used my new guitar for cg, yeah! hahas..

and because e entire day ive not been eating, during worship, my finger cramped at the
F-barre chord...haha. well, glad no one noticed it..haha. oops lol. today evan was telling me how e110 was pro-active and theres more energy...then i think u know e rest of e

yea....God is indeed looking people who are willing to stand in the gap on behalf of our cg to interceed, to pray and to seek His face, and God will show Himself strong...

indeed prayer is more than asking God for things, its more than just letting your requests be made known to God, its about having an intimate relationship with Him!

God is not looking for people who will love Him because of what He can do, but He is looking for people who will love Him for He is! theres a big difference...cus if u love Him just because of what He can do for you, then when you dont get what you want or expect from God, youll say God is unfair, ull start complaining and whining....

well...i say im excited for this sunday's service as well as e prayer meeting, but dunno if i can afford to go for wendy's assignment is due in less than a month's time and i merely jus started on e programming part...=x

of course for those who know me well will know that i have other problems as well...

so many things mounting on top of one another...

looking forward to X3 the movie...hehe...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Toshiba sucks...yes it does...

guess this critical point in my project, my TOSHIBA laptop started making rumbling noises inside the motherboard component..which it never fails to do so every semester...!!!

toshiba is mass produced, and they recycle spoilt parts!!!! yes!!! i used to have the same problem not long ago, they told me they went to change and so i got a 'new' harddisk. which worked fine...then because of another reason i had to change my harddisk again...

and guess what...i got back the same harddisk with the same problem!!!! e one i changed one year ago!!!! so they dont fix things??? they jus put aside and hope that time will heal the hardware!?! little did i know i got back the same faulty harddisk!!!

arrgh, harddisk so noisy....cant stand it!!! thats e problem with money-making IT companies...they provide all the good services and friendly maintenance...but for what reason? to earn money of course!!!

they merely impress us by fixing the symptom of the problem without dealing with the root of the problem...the problem is not the problem...the problem is not the laptop, the problem is the manufacturer, the problem is Toshiba!!!


i feel like slamming the laptop now....

maybe burn down toshiba as well...=p

Confused? maybe..haha

haha for e first time in my life...i know what confusion is...

one side says yes, and e other says no, and somewhere in between it says wait...

so yes, or no, or wait? haha...i also blur.

anyways BS today was meng took over for today's lesson...

learnt that God may not answer every prayer with the solution, but there is one guarantee...

and that is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding that guards our hearts and minds...

when you panic, you cant think of anything, thats where e peace of God comes in...

peace is forgiveness and reconciliation with God, as simple as that...

why am i leaving a space between lines..? haha dunno, maybe this is

oh wells, first day of fasting is over...2 more days to go...i really need to breakthrough man!

revival happens not because of what people did, but because people prayed through!

after bs so happen to bump into cinthia, haha and she was like stunned to see me.

everyone else i knew all disappeared into thin air..

went home alone today...she sounded very sad...

have u ever felt so much compassion and love for someone that you are willing to do all you can

so that e person is happy, but seemed as if there isnt much you could do?

well...thank God for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding...

time will tell then...

in the mean time...

cg tonight...pray pray pray! stay focused!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Im yawning at 10am...

yea i woke up earlier, before going back to sleep again.

dunno why i no inspiration to do my project feels so

tmr is BS and thurs is cg, fri is cg. postponed the guitar lesson again...

so many things, so little time...

im getting more and more tired everyday, and im yawning more...arrgh lol

this wk cg resumes, mus warm up my guitar..haha

yesterday night ended rather....urm....different lol.

those words are still ringing in my head...

well, i offered solutions, now i am the solution...if u know what i mean...

who in the right mind swapped shoes

i seriously need a break...come to think of it...

the last time i had a break was last year!!!! before august!!! maybe earlier...

cant remember also...

cus after end of year 2 straightaway is this 20 weeks of project...

arrgh i cant go on like this forever...7 more weeks!!! my brain is

literally decomposing in the endless passage of time..haha

this saturday no service...and ill be going out...well...hope it helps..

checked email, saw a message in Hi5, some guy said i had potential to be his business partner...


oh wells..gotta take shower and go to sch now...




Monday, May 15, 2006

Service with Rev Dr Phil Pringle - S1


mt 9:37, 10:1
it takes spiritual power to make things happen!
weak christians are christians with weak prayer life.
prayer is like a tithe of our time to God.

prayer is communion, prayer relates!
Seek with all your heart and you will find Him
God is desperate to spend time with you.
Doing something for God is secondary to God doing something through us!

our first calling is to God Himself.
Sometimes God uses problems in life to re-direct your attention back to Him.
God does things in your life so that you will learn to do it yourself the next time round.

Learn to grow, to mature...feed yourself, clean yourself!

rom 8:26
HS is like an advocate to us, our helper. -> He is someone personal and tangible.
either ure for Jesus or e world, u cant choose both. -> both are in conflict with each other.
Having Jesus Himself is more important than His powers/works of the miraculous...dont seek the blessing, seek the Blesser!

having a positive attitude is not enough. we got to have God AND a positive attitude.
incense (worship) is like dust without fire (passion).
dont try to go ahead to take the world without WAITING 2b clothed with power from on high.
disciples -> who later received power when they chose to follow and seek Christ -> later became APOSTLES!


service was great. glory to glory. the prophecy really impacted me. indeed, governments and leaders of the world are looking for a voice of God in the nations...and God is gonna raise ps kong up to be someone with e wisdom of God, wisdom that will exceed people twice his age. and he's gonna speak to government leaders, and make decisions for the nation.

ps phil also prophesized that bcos of this there will be critics. i thought so too, haha. oh well, is there any critic that our church hasnt faced? and each time, not only do we grow stronger and greater, but we move on to a new place!

like wad ps phil said, 'we have come out of the fire, purified'. indeed there is gonna be a great move of revival coming to singapore and to asia. because a group of people are willing to pray and seek the Lord!

service 2 was great as well. was serving at the foldback console area. although i was tired, i was expentant for a great move of God. and the sermon was like a summary of friday and sat. but after e preaching, ps phil once again moved in e gift of prophecy and there will be ACCELERATION!!!!

what took us 10 years to achieve will take us one month, what took us one month to achieve will take us one week to achieve..etc..!!!! acceleration and revival and the fire of the HS is gonna sweep through this land like a mighty rushing wind...

every revival starts with a group of young people with a desire, with a passion with the hunger to seek the Lord for greater things!!!

lets not just be people of prayer, lets be people of revival!!!

after svc on sat went to bedok to makan. had half chicken with rice, we shared with daryl and wenrui...after tt some went home, some went to changi to wait for evan and left with me alone...

met up with li ping later, with her cg member...also called wenrui...hahaha. then i was like, eh? i know a guy called wenrui also...haha then he tio stunnn...and so it seems, wenrui is no longer a rare name..haha. and e 2 wenrui's chinese character is exactly the same! haha..was hoping e surname was e same as well but they were different...awww..hahaha

saturday i was on e phone with li ping for almost 2 hours. man...i cant rem when was e last time i talked to someone on e phone for so long! lols. but praise God...indeed problems are meant to be solved..stay strong at a time, those problems will eventually expire and die out...

we live in an imperfect world....and our problems are imperfect too! they lose their strength over time, they are temporary, they die out..

until we are willing to go through the fire, we will never be purified. unless raw material enters the furnace...a diamond can never emerge. ;) but nevertheless when we are in e fire, know that we are not alone, you are not alone...

sunday after svc, stayed back helped with the POS preview. came home and talked on e phone for close to 2 hours again..haha. my phones one by one flatted out...LOL.

emerge coming! project ending! yay? or oh no? haha...more like oh

if i fail my IHP its e same as my entire 3 years in poly is all for nothing...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Conference with Rev Dr Phil Pringle - Day 01


rev 4:1-3
-connecting to the realm of the spirit is like flicking a switch, you dont need to be a pastor or a full-time church staff to get urself connected. we believers have e right to e spiritual realm of God, a realm of impossibilities, a realm of hope, visions and dreams and a realm of future.

you can never see something until you LOOK/SEARCH for it.
and you can never see further/beyond until you go higher!

prayer is an open door that never shuts.
whatever you build in e spirit will manifest/fall to e natural.
things will only happen in e natural e moment its changed in e supernatural.

our words frame our world and our thoughts shape the future.

a burden is meant to be given back to God -> this is not our world. God knows best.
forgiveness precedes apology/repentance and not the other way round!
our spirit needs to get rid of excess baggage/waste daily.
whatever is true for e natural is also true for e spiritual.
sin loses its power e moment we turn and face Jesus.

jam 5:16
ur struggles in life doesnt disqualify u from having effective prayer!
an effective prayer is e prayer of faith.
e christian life is not hard, but impossible. we need e power of e spirit to make e Word flesh in our lives. Get connected with the source!

effective prayer gives birth/conceives things!
God takes time do do things suddenly.

rev 12:1-2, 7
making a decision doesnt make you born again! -> e church has to give birth!
people are not decided or committed into the kingdom, they are BORN into it.
have a prayer that CRIES OUT in labour, in giving birth in e spirit.
a church has to be pregnant -> with visions and dreams -> hope, future, legacy!

people's lives are not changed even though they pray its because they arent connected with e spirit! there is no conception!

prayer - connect with e spirit - conception - pregnant - give birth - future, hope and legacy!

be sensitive to the HS.
"there is war in heaven" -> prayer is always a fight. flesh vs spirit.
e christian life is a life of warfare. (learnt in AFV)


service was great. e moment e first worship song was sang, i was ministered immediately and i felt e love of God. i was in tears as i came back to God. today's message's timing was so accurate. in e morning i had an impression in my spirit tt today's message was gonna be kairos, and about prayer....and true enough..:D

as prophecy video was shown in front, i was deeply touched and moved. it felt like e prophecy was happening all over again. and today ps phil gave an impartation of prayer. it was awesome. prayer should be a lifestyle. after today, i told myself tt im gonna pray at least 1hr everyday. =)

yea today..was like God discipling me one on one..haha. really felt convicted. cant wait for tmr! =) later i mean...hahaha...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My blog is dying...noooo, hahaha. Dun tink so =p

well, been so busy that i hardly have e time and e 'passion' to blog anymore. haha. oh back...for now LOL. my hits are de-celerating...haha.

and oh, ive jus downloaded Theme Hospital from torrent. its one of my childhood games, hahaha...very fun and very interesting. quite challenging towards e end too. =)

my maid has gone home, so for packing my own room!!! haha. and also, yesterday i spent almost 2 hours in the resource center installing Visual Studio!!!! woot, i literally fell asleep...hahahaha. then it poured...oooo...kaaaay.

i jus saw e manpower for my ministry...and under e stage crew section, my name was in there...for this week!!!!! yes, PHIL PRINGLE!!! im doing stage! waaaaahhhhh....lols!!!

its gonna be tough, partly cus stage e where it all happens, where u become part of the MAIN EVENT!!! cant afford to screw up man..haha. its also e place where...anything that happens during service, its because of e stage crews, haha. :S

and its gonna be my first time sharing e anointing on e stage with the musicians, singers and pastors!! right into e holy of holies! :D where the anointing of God is...need all e prayers i can get...:D i like nora's nick: The purpose of prayer is not to get what we want, but to become what God wants!

and to make things more chellenging, my FIRST stage experience have to be a guest speaker service!!! phil pringle somemore, woot, hahaha...thank God not Ulf Ekman..haha. but at e same time, im excited also...

hmm, at e same time, anything CAN happen when ure doing stage. so..really must charge up in prayer man. leading celgrp is one thing...leading MAIN SERVICE is another!!! learnt from one of e guys doing stage, that an 'expert' is one who is able to execute changes WITHOUT having asked to do so..which mean, gotta be really super sensitive to e HS...its like 500% dependence man...lols.

indeed when you are faithful in the little, much will be added to you. its not by might, not by power, but by His spirit!!! Isaiah 58 then came to my of e blessings of giving to e poor was promotion..and true week after the easter ministry special offering to e poor and going all e way to the top!

had my first chat on e phone with li ping yesterday. she added me on frenster and msn recently. know tt ill be praying for ya..;) oh, and she suddenly asked me about empirical formula...WOOT! *faint, *scream, *shriek...LOL. its like 3 years since i touched chem..and to be honest, i was totally blanked out. but thank God, He re-downloaded what i had learnt in my past, back into my brain, hahaha....

mole = mass/molar mass then to determine empirical formula, find e mole ratio between the elements in that compound :D yeah! haha *twist x)

not bad, i managed to learn and refresh something jus by talking to someone about it. =)

yea, going for bible study soon...we have the authority for victory!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Seriously, i need to update! LOL

well, svc with ps casey treat was great! hahas. ive been kinda busy lately...not having enough sleep and all...finally after 2 beginning to have symptoms of flu and cold..>.<

well ill jus summarize e entire sermon. basically, you can be a christian on your way to heaven living life like hell, while others on their way to hell live like heaven on their way is it possible? you can be saved, yet unrenewed in your mind!

people dont get blessed, healed, prosper, have success, is not because God is holding things from them, neither is it because of what they did in the past. its not e past that determines who we are, but it is e conscious decisions we choose to make TODAY!

God holds no good things from those who love Him, our lives were predestined for success, to be e head and not e tail, above and not beneath..

so whats holding all e good things back? it is the way we think. God doesnt move by our needs, or desperation, God moves by our faith. and we cant think e way God thinks, until we renew our mind! jus as baptism in e HS is a separate experience from salvation, a renewing of our mind is also necessary in order to receive all that God has in store for us.

we were born into this fallen world, born of flesh which is weak and hostile to God. you cant be carnally minded yet try to think of God-things, it wont work unless we have 2 minds. but we only have ONE soul, made up of our mind, will and emotions.

our life will only prosper to e extent that our soul prospers, and our soul can prosper only to e extent our mind is renewed!

just like e parable of e lost son, only when 'he came to his right mind', then he bagan to return to his father and his father embraced him and clothed him in robes, etc.

his brother was religious, but he didnt receive e blessings of his father.

God had preordained blessings for our lives, prosperity for our lives, but only when our mind is renewed, then we are able to receive freely what God has planned for in our lives. religion will not save you, being religious and going to church for e sake of a religious duty wont give u e right into God's blessings for your life...

what God wants is not your religion, God wants a personal relationship, He wants your heart, your life, your all.

Is Jesus is not your Lord of all, He is not your Lord at all..

prosperity is not just finance, but it includes health, family, relationship, education, business...''we will prosper in ALL things just as our soul prospers''...

and im so happy, ive finally sent my guitar for setup hahas.

evan has gone for mission trip. wayne too, along with others. on sat after svc we all went to airport to makan and then we took a group photo and sent them off. keeping them in prayers :D

yea! excited for this week...conference with phil pringle! yeehaaa! lols...

oh ya and btw, i installed The Matrix: Path of Neo on my lappy..a BIT lag...cus a lot of blurs and particles..LOL woot. haha...nice game though :D

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yeah! Update! Fall of Lucifer, CG, etc.

sry for e late update guys, ive been pretty busy e past few days. intensive IHP and other stuffs, like BS, ministry, etc..first of all, im really excited for emerge! although ill try my best to go for at least e night sessions heex x)

BS was great, learn abt e fall of lucifer, and more abt e preadamic period, abt e 3 archangels, abt demons as well. ive learnt tt demons do possess the craving for mortal flesh, because in e preadamic period, these demons were once inhabited in mortal bodies, and as a result, now that they are merely spirits, they will try to find any body they can possess that is weak...even animals...remember the swine? theyd rather leave and find another body than to be anywhere else!!!

watching horror movies for example, the moment fear enters you, and fear is a spirit, as u have e spirit of fear, when fear enters u, once its experienced e joy of being in a mortal flesh again, it will be very desperate to try and stay in that particular body. that is why when you get shocked out of fear, u feel as if something entered you...or hit you in ur spirit in a way. so musnt play around with fear...fear one of e devil's weapon against us.

satan commands fear, and when fear enters u, he can command you! some ppl have sleepless nights because of a shock of fear tt they have experienced e night before. also learnt tt, not really learnt, they reinforced e fact tt God did NOT create satan!

God created Lucifer, the shining one! the archangel of worship, one closest to e very presence of God, Satan was a result of pride and rebellion, along with a conscious DECISION to try and live life as if he doesnt need God, and even try to storm from earth to heaven to try and de-throne God Himself!

pride is worse than blatant arrogance, pride can even come in e form of tears and desperation, but nevertheless it is still pride. "I know...", "I feel", "I think..", all about I, me and myself! pride is the STRENGTH of sin and the character of the devil himself. to have pride is to say u dont need God, to live ur life INDEPENDENT of God.

a child on e other hand is innocent, dependent, and TEACHABLE!

the most powerful thing in life is not good or evil, light or darkness, but it is the power of CHOICE! traffic rules are placed, but why do ppl get involved in traffic accidents? because a CHOICE was made to dash e red light, to cut lanes haphazardly, etc. so u cant blame e minister of LTA for road accidents!

likewise, bad things in life happen because rules are broken! because we choose to rely on our own strength and live a life of pride and rebellion. God is in control WHEN we give Him control, if we dont CHOOSE to allow Him to have control in our lives, guess who else is willing to control us? mr s.a. tan himself!

learnt tt e kingdom of darkness is very well structured. the history of e bible dates back around 6000 years...(talking abt tt, fossils tt are millions of years are found, why? preadamic period! =)) for more info pls sign up for AFV or join bible school! hahaha....

and so e devil has 6000 years of experience in handling human being, he knows us inside out! so dont be a fool and try to take him on alone! (i had painful memories some time ago that were similar...)

every bad thing and temptation is PLANNED by e devil, every good thing is PLANNED by God, and every bad can become good when we PLAN to make a DECISION to submit it to God. its not about what we have, its about whose hands its in.

a scapel is used by a surgeon to operate, give e scapel to an infant and ull know e rest of e story.

cg was great. it was really really really challenging for me for e first time. i had to play and give a word at e same time! it was tough and i went off key!!! lol. i was chatting with bao and he told he he had similar problems as well. guess we are all a 'work-in-progress'...dont be afraid to make mistakes and to learn from them.

its not every week tt i get to share a word during cg..i even stumbled a bit, cus my mind was going haywire...haha. these kind of move of e Spirit mus fast like mad one. pray for anointing alone is not enough...believe me...i know...haha. its not even multitasking, its feels as if u need 2 sets of brains and all...relying on God is not even enough, you have to rely 100% on God, maybe 200% for me...haha...not easy.

normal human talents and abilities cannot accomplish this and we are not perfect, so personally i dont feel really bad, cause its something supernatural to be able to play and listen to God and speak a word at e same time...its like having 2 Holy Spirit...hahaha one for worship, one for ministry....lols at e same time. how to have 2 Holy Spirit?

the answer is the RENEW YOUR MIND! and never underestimate e Holy SPirit. it seems impossible, with man, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! =)

looking forward to Casey Treat this weekend, yeehaa...haha. x)

Monday, May 01, 2006


Wahahaha!!! love this song! lols. So cute...

Hillsongs is in TECHNO man! lols...^^

Jesus ure my Superhero...

Ure my Star, my Best Friend...=)

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! hahahas x)