
Monday, November 30, 2009

New Video! - Guns, Imaginary Guns and Fists

Sunday, November 29, 2009


People who always desire to get what they want, will never leave behind a legacy.
Your dream will die with you.

Because to live a legacy, is to work hard and fight for a lifelong dream,
Only to give it all away.

Its not about what you have obtained, but the question will be,
"When you die, who will now get everything that you have worked for?"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Holy Anger" hahaha.

Sean made a great statement over our "Phonic Prayer" haha.

Its one thing to stand behind someone,
Its another thing to stand in front of someone.

And I think its so true, how can a person stand by someone, if he or she is not 'standing by' someone? English fail? Haha. How can you love someone without loving someone?

Okay, I sound very profound :x

On to my main point...

Sickness does not come from God, but sometimes He gives permission to the Devil to do it. Why place the Devil in front of us? Its so that we, God's children, can WHACK him upside down!

Which is more humiliating? Satan losing to God? Or Satan losing to little children who dont even have a perfect body and yet able to cast him out!?! Satan, you LOSER!

No matter what you do, its not gonna change the fact that you'll be the one suffering for eternity while we will be the ones, celebrating and laughing at you for eternity!

Many people see the problems but they dont see the one behind the problems.

The devil loves to cause trouble, most of the time, he goes unnoticed and we start blaming each other, getting all cracked and fiery, etc.

Not for me, he's as real to me as God Himself.

You had a choice to leave me alone, but you chose not to, too bad for you.

You are so sad, so angry, so unloving, so selfish, and so DISGUSTING that you are so OBVIOUS! Try harder la. If Job's suffering can make him great. You think you are doing yourself a favor by inflicting my loved ones? Give me a break! You might as well not try!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Connect Grp's CG Sermon - Mary and Martha

Today's cg meeting was special. We had it at MuraMura (Japanese Foodcourt) at POMO. When Adam suddenly gave each connect group 10 mins to prepare a 5min, 2-point sermon, that he has NEVER heard before! lol! And each group had to send up 1 representative to take the hot seat and preach.

Honestly, the one who was supposed to preach wasnt me, lol, but last minute, seconds before it was our turn, momo turned to me and said, "Andrew, you go ba, you can do it one right?" hahaha. Man of great faith! lol.

Honestly, Timo thought of the context and the main points, but I was frankly nervous, cus it was sudden and last minute and I had to expand the notes on the spot. But I guess it came out okay..hahaha.

And the SOT grads + CGCs CANNOT preach! So yea, talk about PURE FAITH! lol.

Anyway, here's the sermon my connect grp came up with, which I eventually became the one 'led' to preach lol and I expanded on it a little as I meditated on it, on the way home. :D


Luke 10:38-40 (NLT)

38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home.

39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught.

40 But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."

41 But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details!

42 There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it – and I won't take it away from her."

Whenever we read this text, we have the concept of worship being our highest calling. And its true, we were all made to worship God and to fellowship with Him.

However, lets look at it from another angle.

1. Mary is an example of WORSHIP.
2. Martha is an example of MINISTRY.

What is the basis of worship?

We worship because we LOVE Him.
We worship out of faith.

Why faith? Because we know that no matter what circumstances we are going through, we still know that God is still a good God, that God is never late, that even though we are faithless, He remains faithful!

What is the basis of ministry?

We serve out of LOVE. Again, love is evident. (Thus, the greatest of these is love)
We serve out of a heart of service, an act of works.

God is not against works, in fact, we are saved by faith, FOR good works!
"That men may see your GOOD WORKS and glorify your Father in heaven."

They say, faith without works is dead.


Just because you are worshipping, it gives you no excuse not to serve!
Just because you are serving, it gives you no excuse not to worship!

Both are equally important.

Who were the ones in the house? Mary and Jesus only? No.
Both Mary and Martha were in the SAME HOUSE, where Jesus dwelled in.
The 'house of God' if you will. (Wherever the presence of God resides in)

However, we must strike a good balance.

So why did Jesus say we must not be too occupied with serving and focus on the more important thing, which is in this case, to worship and to love God?

Mary speaks of the vertical beam of the cross.
The Great Commandment - Loving God wholeheartedly

Martha speaks of the horizontal beam of the cross.
Loving people fervently - The Great Commission

"On these 2, hang the law and the prophets."

The vertical beam, is the foundation. It is the beam that goes rooted into the ground.
Therefore, relationship precedes ministry, in everything you do, if your relationship with God is not strong, anything else you build on top will crumble.

And if you know how the cross looks like, the vertical beam, is always LONGER than the horizontal beam, BUT, both are equally important.

Mary's the one, sitting at Jesus' feet, hearing Him speak, just enjoying His company and His presence and no doubt, Jesus himself mentioned that we should not be too busy serving all the time, but to have the right priorities.

Whereas Martha's the one doing the things, preparations, etc. Making sure everything is in order. Even though Mary was the 'featured' one, it was MARTHA, who invited Jesus in!

Its because of these people who worked hard every week to serve, that helped usher in the presence of God, these were the people that make things happen.

So next time, lets not grumble when people end late because of ministry.
Neither should those who serve almost every week be envious of those who get to worship every week. There's always a balance and these are things we can control.

Like talking to your leaders, etc. Ensuring that we dont become dried up or burned out.

Lets pick up the CROSS daily (Mary and Martha) and follow Him.
And Im sure we will see revival in our services, in our celgrps, in our ministries.

Mary, Martha, Jesus - A triune felllowship, a threefold cord that cannot be broken.

Because the CROSS is right there. Power of God will begin to move!

Commitment and Loyalty

Ps once said,

Just because you are committed, it doesnt mean you are loyal.
Just because you're loyal, it doesnt mean you'll REMAIN loyal.

The measure of our commitment and loyalty to each others,
Shows the measure of your commitment and loyalty to God.

The cross has two beams, the horizontal, the vertical.
If you just have one of the beams in your life,
Then in short, you dont really have the cross in your life.

A.S.K. - Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask and it shall be given.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened to you.

These are famous words from Jesus Himself.

Then a question dawned upon me, so Andrew, what does it mean to be like Him?
The answer that struck me was simple:

It's when His words become your words!

Are you able to speak the very same words Jesus spoke?

"Ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you".


Have you come to a place where you are able to provide for others?
Or are you just busy trying to get what you want, worse so, at the expense of others?
Even if you dont have the means, do you have the heart?
When people cannot see your hand, can they trust your heart?


Can you be found?
Are you always there, or always MIA?
Can people count on the things you say?
Worse so, are you the one that is lost?


Just how much do people know about you?
Just how much do you know about people?
Is pressing into people's lives part of your lifestyle?
Vice versa, do you have a thick skin, but a thin heart?

When a person knocks, there are 3 responses:

1. The door opens
2. The door shuts

Or worse...

3. There is no response

Which one are you?
What kind of 'beloved' are you?

Jesus says, "Come, fellowship with me."
Are you able to say that?

Jesus says, "Cast your cares on Me because I care for you"
Are you able to say that?

Jesus says, "Call on me and I will answer."
Are you able to say that?

Just what is the measure of your likeness in God?

The way you live your life, shows the type of God you serve.

Jesus fellowships with his 'group' of disciples, Do you?
At the same time engages people who are down and out. Do you?
Jesus reads the Word. Do you?
Jesus loved to pray. Do you?
Jesus lays hands and prays for the sick. Do you?
Jesus sets people free. Do you?
Jesus blesses. Do you?
Jesus brings joy. Do you?
Jesus has an intimate relationship with God. Do you?
Jesus loves the house of God. Do you?
Jesus lives by truth. Do you?
Jesus loves unconditionally. Do you?
Jesus forgives. Do you?
Jesus shows compassion. Do you?
Jesus blesses His enemies. Do you?
Jesus preaches the word. Do you?
Jesus gives. Do you?

The list goes on. If I could list down all the things He did and the things He is,
How many of us can truly say, we are like Him? How many 'percent'?
(If there's a definite number in that list).

What have we been doing all these while?

Busy with our lives?
Busy with ministry?
Busy with the wrong things?
Busy with the wrong people? Etc...

Or are we busy with God?

"Ask and it shall be given."
If God is the one asking, will He be able to receive?

"Seek and you shall find"
If God is the one seeking you, will you be found faithful and available?

"Knock and the door will be opened"
If God is the one knocking, will you open your heart to Him today?

On a sidetrack...

Thank you guys for praying. Ahma is able to swallow and sit on a chair for a short while now, but she gets extremely tired after an hour or so and ends up in a deep sleep. The doctors are ready to discharge her and send her for her rehab therapy tomorrow. It will be at St Luke's Hospital at Bt Batok.

This week's been rather okay so far. Still trying to really work on my prospect list :x Anyway, the daily prayer thing is good and it certainly works, things are happening. I mean, if we are really hungry, we should be 'persistent' in our prayers just like the woman in one of the parables.

If we are really hungry for a move of God, we should be so persistent, that in heaven, we 'spam' the Throne Room with our prayers such that the only prayer that the angels hear is our prayers. :D No offense to those who are praying haha. You may be praying, but we wanna be desperate and hungry.

Lets keep it up guys. Yesterday, I was asked to prophesy (so stress LOL, but excited what God's gonna do) during my prayer call by...ahem...a fierce little girl :D hahaha! Kidding. I know you read my blog so...dun kill me...:( I have my fishballs ready to throw at you! HAHAHA! jkjk.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mighty To Save

When I was praying with Sean the past few days,

This phrase was repeatedly emphasized during our prayers,

So...I decided to put up the song and I believe it is the song for the season. :)

The Good AND The Bad

I really appreciate those who tell me, "Hey, thanks alot, Im really blessed".

But sometimes, when some things arent right,
One must then ask, "In what way then, have I been blessed by you?"

If we cant even bless those who bless us,
How are we gonna bless those who CURSE us?

You dig deep into others, but they wouldnt want to dig deep into you.
So what happens, they drift away from you while emotionally,
While you're still 'attached' to them and it hurts.

Whether is it friends, cgcs, or even cgls, relationship and EQ is applicable irregardless of position or status. Have you ever asked yourself why so and so likes to be your friend?

Very often, its because they feel good around you, they can benefit from you.
And sometimes, that is all. Yes, sometimes the devil makes us feel negatively so that we will stumble and fall, but he's not that stupid.

My life experience has also proven to me that he can also use positive emotions as well to make you stumble and fall!

That is why, its called, temptation.

Whether is it a good feeling or a bad feeling, Ps Casey made it clear, WHO CARES HOW YOU FEEL!?! The devil can use both good AND bad.

When you're happy, you become complacent, you no longer hunger and thirst for things, you idle and 'backslide' silently. Likewise, God doesnt always allow good things to happen all the time.

So now..

God uses good AND bad.
Satan uses good AND bad.

How on earth are you going to differentiate the two now???

The devil is good at sounding like God.
On the other hand, sometimes God is very good at not making any sounds at all! Haha.

So what are you gonna do about it?

Listen to yourself? Listen to the devil? And if God says nothing, you only have 2 choices, how? Call police? No. You refer back to last week's sermon notes and read out the main points again!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Morning Notes

Only lazy and unwise people give excuses for things they're unable to do, while in fact, they're in control and have the freedom of choice over it.

Dont be a cheapo, saying you cant do this, you cant do that, you're unable to go for this, unable to go for that, when in fact, its because of a conscious effort to make the wrong decision, that makes you end up doing so.

You're merely living by emotion, something that is often fallen and imperfect.
Most of the time, a negative emotion, of out fear, you do this, out of doubt, you do that.
Out of complacency, out of 'peer pressure', out of COMPROMISE, etc.

Why be a devil's follower?

All of us were given a choice, no matter what people say, we still have the final move.

How true it is, your life is the result of your own decisions.
If life sucks, your decision sucks.


Worse still, please even decide to make one!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

S2 Sermon Notes - Casey Treat - Core Strength (Part 1)

Having a good core strength, physically, prevents complications and makes your body strong + healthy.
Same with the spiritual, with a good spiritual core strength, you can prosper and succeed in life.

Prov 4:20-23

What is at the core of your heart?

Is it what's going on in the world?
Is it whats going on in your family?
What do you think about most of the time?

Whatever captures your heart, captures you.

You have physical muscles, similarly, you have spiritual muscles.

Have you developed your inner core strengths by 'exercising'?
When you exercise, dont just stick to one style of 'push ups', try a variety for more effective results!

Just because you believe in God, it doesnt mean you are strong!
Even Satan believes in God and Satan reads the Bible well enough to quote and challenge Jesus!

"For out of the heart, springs the issues of life..."

It didnt say, out of your family,
Or out of your business,
Or even out of your country...springs the issues of life,
But out of your HEART.

Whether is it sickness/health, success/failure, poverty/prosperity, etc.
The issues of life, springs forth from your heart.

You hear people say, 'You make me mad', 'Dont irritate me', etc.

The truth is...

Nobody can make you mad, or angry/lose your temper.
If not, any pastor can make you tithe,
If not, any cgl can make you join a ministry,
If not, God Himself can make you believe in Him!

But no, a person is angry not because someone made him/her angry,
But its because out of YOUR HEART, you respond in anger!

Out of your heart, you feel lousy,
Out of your heart, you lie,
Out of your heart, springs the issues of your life.

Your heart determines your boundaries in life.

Prov 20:27

Its one thing to have God's word in your life.
Its another thing to make God's word an ABUNDANCE in your heart.

A person can believe both in sickness and in healing, success and failure, etc.

E.g. On 40%, you believe God can heal you,
But because of the fear and doubt in your heart,
Another 60%, you can believe that swine flu will overwhelm you.

On one percentage, you believe you will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.
On another percentage, you believe the news, its the season of the economic crisis.

You have the word of God in your heart, thats good.
But its not the ABUNDANCE of your heart!

As a result, most people pray in fear, rather than pray in faith!

You pray for healing because you fear sickness.
You pray for good grades because you fear failure.
You pray for financial blessing because you fear you'll come short and be in lack.

Josh 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your MOUTH, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then YOU will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

Dont just say what the world says,
Say what the WORD says!

Only when you have the word, THEN you willl make your way prosperous,
THEN, you will have good success.

Who will make your way prosperous? YOU.
How? Through the abundance of the WORD in your heart!

Most people are beggars, rather than believers.

All the time, its like they are begging God for blessings,
Begging God to change them, begging God for this and that,
But all it takes, its the WORD, ROOTED, which will then become flesh,
Not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit.

BELIEVE the Word, and ACT on it!

A person can have intelligence, and yet lack wisdom and understanding.

They have a lot of knowledge, but they dont know how to handle people.
They dont know how to adjust to change, their marriage is on the rocks, etc.

Psm 119:11 - Is the Word bigger than EVERYTHING else in your heart?

Dont ever miss out on God's best for you!

Mt 25:19-30

FYI: A talent is estimated to be worth, 20 years of wages.
But still, the servant hid it.

God will never give you something He has not enabled you to handle.

20 years of wages, yet the servant can still hide his 'talent' and give excuses saying, "I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed."

Look at him, wrong thinking! Did the Master sow? Yes. One servant 5 talents, one 2 talent, one 1 talent.
Did the Master scatter the seed? Yes.

A wrong thinking causes you to fear.
A wrong thinking causes you to even believe lies!

With a wrong thinking, you will never go anywhere in life!

How does the world see success?
Title? Position? Networth?

Not in the Kingdom of God.
God rewarded the servants irregardless of the amount.

Remember in another parable, many servants worked for the Master.
And the Master said he will give them a denarius each.

All of them worked different hours, yet all were paid the same, yet the one who came first, argued that why was he the first to come, yet he was still paid the same as the one who worked the shortest.

And the Master replied, "Didnt you agree with me that you shall work for me for a denarius each?"
The first became the last and the last became first.

In the parable of the talents, the one who earned the most was honored.
And the one who earned nothing, cast away.

Contrary to this, in another parable of the rich man (Luke 12:16-21), a rich man yielded plentifully and laid aside his earnings yet God called him a FOOL! ("Tonight your soul will be required of you...")

Why the contradiction?
Should we be like the rich man?
Should we be like the one who hid the talent?
What is success to God?

Simple: What is your MOTIVATION???

Mt 6:9-11

"Give us this day our DAILY bread..."

Why DAILY bread? Why not MONTHLY provisions?
Do you say grace and thank God for the food daily?
Or do you do it once a month, when you buy your groceries?

God is more concerned with the PROCESS of growth and maturity, on a DAILY basis!
The connection you have with Him, the intimacy, its about whether are you connected to Him or not.

What we do daily (short term), will determine our long term strength.
How strong is your CORE?

If you're not connecting with God daily, you're probably not getting any stronger!


1. DAILY dedicate your life to the will of God, not your flesh.

Matt 6.

Even if you start with NOTHING, but because you dedicate yourself to God DAILY, He will ensure that the destiny He has for you, come to pass!

2. DAILY choose the Word of God, not your emotions.

Heb 4:12

A lot of WORD = Power-full (Powerful)
Are you full of the Word? Or are you full of yourself? Your emotions? All the time?

If you can only do what you FEEL like doing, you will remain SMALL and POWERLESS!

Stop asking yourself how you feel!
Who cares how you feel? Just live by what's right!

3. DAILY MEDITATE on God's Word.

Anyone can meditate.

Basically its what goes on in your mind most of the time.
What do you SEE most of the time?
What do you HEAR/LISTEN TO most of the time?
What do you ponder about when you're bored?

Meditation is like a repeated cycle of inputs into your brain.

Is your mind full of God's Word?

Or is it full of sports, money, fashion, entertainment, news, gossips, or even the negative media influences? You keep on pondering about H1N1, economic crisis, your wrong relationships, etc.

Some people know what the world says,
But yet not know what God says!

People can meditate so much on sports, they know all the facts, all the numbers and statistics, it keeps on going through their mind.

People can meditate on music that is unhealthy. They keep hearing it over and over again.
What do you feed yourself with?

You can be so immersed in culture and yet forget your spiritual disciplines.

Engaging culture is not wrong, but have you come to a place where it has taken the place of God?
Has it taken the place of the Word?

People wonder why things arent working out for them,
They look at everything everywhere around them, except themselves.

Once again...

Josh 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your MOUTH, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then YOU will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

Just pause and think, what is going on inside of you right now?
That is where your life is heading towards.

Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will never pass away.
Is the imperishable in abundance in your heart, in your mind right now?

Decide today, to feed on the Word.
Never forget your DAILY disciplines or prayer and the Word.

Dont engage culture until you become engaged to culture.

Strengthen your spiritual disciplines, train your spiritual muscles, so that you may overcome, so that you may prosper, so that you may succeed!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Morning Revelations

Many people want what they want,
And neglect what they wanted.

Your word is your bond.
Wheres your sense of commitment?
Wheres your first love?

A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways.
How do you expect God to bless you?

If you cant even be trusted with the 'worldly' riches,
How is God going to trust you with heavenly riches?

You want anointing?
You want revival?
You want spiritual breakthrough?
Please deal with yourself first.

You cant even handle yourself,
You wanna handle the souls out there whose 'blood' is in your hands?
Give me a break.

You wanna slay your giants,
Yet you cant even slay your laziness.
You cant even pray, you want to hold a sword?

Come on, you think God was born yesterday?
Yes, He will empower us, but God moves only when you move.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

And since heaven and earth will pass away but His word will never pass away,
When it says it is IMPOSSIBLE, believe me, it shall be fulfilled.

"Many people want change without willing to change". - Phil Pringle

Change of lifestyle, change of friends, change of career, whatever it is.
Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.

Come on, you want change, but you still cling on to that which hasnt changed.
Are you dumb or what?

You dont have to reason faith,
You just have to believe and do it. Period.

"Your life will steer in the direction of those closest to you". - Robb Thompson

It doesnt matter how smart or how talented you are,
"A company of fools shall be destroyed".

Who are the people closest to you?
They will determine the life you steer towards to.

You wanna continue walking round and round in the wilderness?
Its up to you.

There will never be a breakthrough, without the breaking through.

You can be 'having a life', yet losing THE life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Yesterday she woke up twice.

One was when the nurses were trying to get her to sit up during her therapy.
The other was when she coughed so bad :S And her eyes were fully opened.

Well, at least she's responding.

The staff should stop being complacent and suck out the mucus already, while she is still asleep! Gosh! All the phlegm and mucus accumulate and she's not able to cough/blow it out properly...come on, especially if you have a doctorate but what good is it if you are a USELESS doctorate graduate!

Urine was clear last night.

Suspected infection. Either kidney failure (which scan shows is working), or urinal tract infection - probably.

If I knew people in the world were so stupid and noob, Id get promoted like nobody's business, easily!

How do you know if you have a heart for people?
When you truly press in, when you're involved in their lives.
You can never love anyone from afar off. Jesus didnt.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

S4 Revelations

Courage is doing what is right even when its unpopular.
Its one thing to be loyal, its another to REMAIN loyal.
Many 'loyalists' dont remain. They come and they go.

A servant (diakonos) is someone who serves, but remains in himself, he still has a choice to do something else, or to say no. It is a preference.

But a slave (duolos) is someone who serves, but wherever his Master goes, he follows. Whatever his Master does, he does likewise. He has no option, it is a conviction.

Who are you a slave to?

If you can only serve in the area of your talents, what you're gifted at, what you like, what you're passionate about, then who are you serving? YOURSELF! And not others!

Ministry does seek to fulfill not ambition,
But to fulfill the needs of others.

To find a need and meet it, not just to FIND the need.
To find a hurt and heal it. not just to FIND the hurt.

Many people find a need, but dont meet it,
They find a hurt, but dont heal it.

Then you're just not doing what God would be doing.

If you want to conform to 'normality', you will never be creative, innovative or progressive!

But Jesus said to him, 'Anyone who puts his hand to the plough and LOOKS BACK, is NOT fit to be in the Kingdom of God.' - Luke 9:62


Its not about how this person has treated me,
But its about how you have treated them.

Its not about how this person has blessed me,
Its about what have you blessed them with.

Its good to be thankful for the little things,
But just how many people are thankful because of you?

Life is never about us, life is never about you.
Our body is to be broken for others.

If you want to win others,
You got to 'lose' yourself.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Way Up Is The Way Down.

The way to success is not by climbing over others to the top.
The way to success is to go all the way down, to be a servant of all.

Climbing over others merely changes your 'position', you can be at the top, but still, a loser at the top.

But serving others changes your character and makes a leader out of you, a leader at the top.

Amanda's Facebook

I think this is REALLY good. Stirs me up to wanna blog it too. Okay, guys, here's my THIRD post in an hour! HAHA.

"Recognition is what people say about you. But character is what God knows about you."

"If you're still facing the same problems, then you haven't learnt the lesson you need to learn, and you haven't grown."

Robb Thompson - Service 4 (Raising The Bar 4)

Psm 19:7
When you pray, you speak to God.
When you read the Word, God speaks to you.
Communication is a 2way process.

God's word causes us to be like our Father.
God's word is more reliable than people's opinions!
God's knowledge gets you where you need to go.

2 Pet 1:2, 3-4, Josh 1:2, 8
There's no such thing as cheap grace.

Grace is something tangible, not just an imaginary 'formula'.
Grace can be DEFINED.
Understanding grace requires an understanding of knowledge.

1 Ths 2:13, Psm 119:1-8, 138:2, Jhn 10:35
God's word works, the moment we choose to believe it.
The more you read the Word, the more you find yourself doing the things in it!

The Word is God is not just about what is being spoken,
But WHO said it. Even Satan can read the scriptures.

God exalted His Word ABOVE His name. (Psm 138:2)
God believes in His Word more than He believes in Himself!

Dont just listen plainly, the even the people in the new testament, after every sermon, went back to examine and test the scriptures, and made cross references against what was said. They based their faith, not in people, but in the Word.

A. You do not LOVE God more than you love His Word. (Jhn 14:21, 23)
B. You do not KNOW God more than you know His Word. (1 Jhn 2:3-4)
C. You do not FEAR (Believe, Trust, Respect, Etc) God more than you fear His Word.
(Isa 66:2, Ecc 12:13, Acts 23:1-5, 17:11)

1. Faith comes alive the moment you HEAR the Word of God.
(Rom 10:17, Acts 8:26-31)
Baptism separates you from your old life.

2. Without God's Word, GENUINE CONVERSION is impossible.
(Psm 19:7, Jam 1:18, 1 Pet 1:22-23)

You can backslide, while IN church.

3. The man who would become what God has chosen him for, must prefer his SPIRITUAL food over that which just increases the size of his belly.
(Jhn 4:32-34, 1 Pet 2:2, Mt 4:3-4, Heb 5:14)

Dont just remain as babes, grow up to feed on solid meat. Be TEACHABLE.
Dont just be a hearer, but a doer. EXERCISE the Word!

4. The heavens OPEN WIDE for the man that makes God's Word his guiding light.
(Psm 119:130, Eph 1:17)

Education is NOT light. You can have a high IQ and yet not know how to tie your shoes!
You can have a high IQ and still have a lousy marriage!

Dont bury your past shames and mistakes with EDUCATION!

5. God had one thing in mind when He sent us the bible - Our HEALING.
(Psm 107:17-20, Prov 4:20-22)

6. Walking in freedom is impossible until the moment you EMBRACE God's Word.
(1 Cor 15:57, Psm 119:9-11)

7. The fastest way to know what you look like is to look inside GOD'S WORD.
(Psm 119:5-7, Jam 1:23-25)

The bible doesnt just reveal who God is,
The bible also reveals who you really are!

8. Your future in heaven is guaranteed the moment you choose to LOVE what God loves.
(2 Cor 9:6-7)

What is it you have done, that makes you significant with God?
Not with others, not with yourself, but with God.

When If Meets Must (E420); CG Revelations

If we can fight together, we must strive together.
If we can play together, we must pray together.
If we can plan together, we must stand together.
If we can cry together, we must try together.

If we must strive together, if we can fight together.
If we must pray together, if we can play together.
We must stand together, if we can plan together.
We must try together, if we can cry together.

The future of man is built on a plan
Of working together whenever we can.

So 'if' must stand so tall
And 'must' alone, cannot fall

For together, forever we bring
The best, the good of it all.

You call your cg your family.
How many times we you even there with them?
What is your 'family' morals made of?

Even when they plan outreaches you dont really enjoy,
Were you there, together with them?
Even when one member is going through tough times,
Were you there, to cry with them?

Were you there, when they fellowshipped?
Were you there, when they prayed?

Even when your leader moves in a direction you dont really agree,
Do you still follow and flow, not because he/she's your leader,
But because the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord.

If there is no complete unity, no complete agreement,
Then that celgrp is weak.

There is no perfect leader, but there can be better members.

Sometimes we can get so caught up with the "I Love God"s,
And not experience the "God loves me".

Peter was the one whom the authority of the church was given to,
But it was John who received the revelation of the end times.
Yes, Peter was the greatest, but what made John so special?
It's because he understood, that more than just "I love God",

He understood "God loves me".

Have you come to a place of brokenness?
How easily is it for you to cry in the presence of God?
How easily is it for you to be touched, broken and shaped by God?

Many people can serve, many people can lead,
But yet not many can truly worship.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Every SIN, has an I; Multiple Revelations

You can live the life the way you want it to be, you can believe you determine your future, you can say that decisions are yours to make, so if God were to ask for your soul tonight, what will you say to Him who gave you the breath of life?

FOOLISHNESS is crowned king the moment we believe we determine our future. But WISDOM cries out that our future is, in fact, created by the ones to whom we give access. You dont need to be a fool, you just need to hang around one, and you'll be one. A company of fools shall be destroyed.

Nothing ever built on a lie shall stand. That includes your lifestyle. If you believe one thing but live like another, then when the storms come, you will crumble.

Not every good thing, is a right thing.
Not everything that's best, is necessarily ideal.

Broad and wide is the path that leads to destruction,
But narrow and hard is the way that leads to life,
And only a few find it.

Many people love the feel-good feeling,
Nobody likes to suffer, or to be pressured and stressed.

To be like Christ, is not only to rejoice in His blessings,
But to also partake in the fellowship of His sufferings.
In a way, if your life is without sufferings, you are nothing even close to being like Him!
To be like Him, is to be LIKE Him, no more, no less.

If your love is selective, then your love isnt unconditional in the first place,
But one that seeks to fulfill the desires of self.

I may be going through a rough patch, people may treat me this way, that way,
But at least I can be identified with Him. So count it all joy...

I havent been posting revelation for the past few days,
Ill try to post more.

Your willingness to pray, shows the level of intimacy you have with God.
Just look at the people in Yoido Full Gospel Church, 800,000 strong.
If the elderly can pray and be excited and you cant, you are WEAK!

Your level of responsiveness, shows the level of your willingness to serve.
How proactive are you? Or do you leave it all to others to handle a situation?
Do you take initiative? Or are you someone whos always stuck, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say, just lost? Not even an idea to contribute.

I have so many other things to share but I just dont have the time.
Ive been in the warzone lately, I merely came out of it for awhile, to blog, and then Ill be going back in the next moment.

Im busy slaying monsters. While people are celebrating their end of exams, let them be. Its always like that, once you think you have arrived, God will lead you into the desert if He finds out that you're getting too carried away, to 'remind' you of certain truths.

I dont have time to celebrate with the people out there.
They can have all the fun they want and totally neglect those who are in need.

The moment you take away their cross from them, most people will never ask for the cross back so that they can carry it. Given the choice, most will choose preference over conviction.

Sorry guys, for the delay of Robb Thompson S4 notes.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Slipped into semi coma.
May not be self-aware.
Doctor says she has until saturday to wake up.
If not...well...go home.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No cross, No crown

I dont know if its the family prayer meeting we had last night,
Or whether is it the extra service that I committed myself to,
Or the extra offering I gave last weekend that pierced my heart,
Or was it the breakfast I treated my 'xiaomeimei' this morning,

But today, my boss received some email on KFC.
She saw it and had craving, so she ordered, for EVERYONE! lol.
When asked why, oh, she said, 'I cannot possibly eat alone ma..' owned.

And I just received news I got removed from shift hours.
So now E420, see you guys at my house on Fri. :)
The cgcs will be visiting my ahma together with me tmr,
Really thanks guys.

Daddy God's been good, really, no words can ever describe this feeling right now.
I was on the bus and my eyes were wet. So moved.
People say Im too soft, but its okay, I dont care what people say.
I like it that way. I like being teddybear.

"If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children,
How much more, your Heavenly Father?"

The way to the crown, is through the cross.

To be conformed to His image, we partake in the fellowship of His sufferings,
But like Christ, we also rejoice in the victory and blessings He received for us.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

MRI Scan - Updates

Acute Cortica Stroke.
Area near central brain.

Swelling which is causing heavy drowsiness.

Main artery transferring blood to that section is damaged.
(Prob due to high blood pressure)

Hopefully when swelling subsides, the body dynamics can send blood there
through other arteries.

Ability to stand or walk is substantially limited.
2 drugs given to lower BP and hopefully the brain heals before embarking on therapy
And rehabilitation.

Unable to swallow, speak, move facial muscles, open eyes.
(Feeling very weak, that part of the brain isnt sending any signals)
Because the eye muscles round the sockets havent been used lately,
Its started to turn blueish black, as if the cells are dying out.

Zoning in and out of semi consciousness.

Left side temporarily paralyzed.

1 nasal tube for oxygen.
1 nasalgastro tube, into the nose to stomach, for feeding.
1 drip tube on arm for medication.

Since June 2008, before I enlisted. Ive been fighting non stop.
Most of the time, Im all alone, apart from my parents.

17 months have passed since that day.
Im still fighting alone.

Not once hugged, not once held tight, not once had any shoulder to cry on.
Not once had any listening ear to pour my heart out.

Everyone is busy 'fulfilling the cultural mandate'.

When Im praying, apart from my parents, those who were 'supportive' of me,
Were really behind me all the way, so far behind I dont see anyone.

When Im fighting the devil and casting sickness out,
It was the same scene. Look left, look right, no one.

Thank God for my parents.
If they can do it, I dont see why anyone else cant.
And I must really thank my cg, those who prayed for me, really appreciate it.
And thank you 'dragonlady' for crapping with my nonsense LOL.

Its almost 2 years since that day.
The devil hasnt stopped, not even for one month.

I think I visit the hospital so much, almost every month, I think the staff there
Recognise my face already.

"Dont worry, Im sure you'll find the right one soon"
HAHAHA! (Laughs until I faint)

Now, who's willing to forsake all to share the life Im living?
And to go through 'hell' together?

Only superwoman.

APEC deployment - Fri morning shift. Sat night shift (which will end on Sun around 9-10 depending on how many jokers there are in the neighbourhood). After night shift, rush for S4. Can imagine the arrival of Panda Warrior. Me.


Most people seek to find friends, but are INCAPABLE of being one themselves.
They wanna win souls, but fail to win friends.
What a joke.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Upcoming S4 Notes

Ill upload the S4 notes soon.

It was awesome. Totally different from other 3 services. Indeed, the best was saved for last. Yes, it was about Raising the Bar - Part 4, but it focused heavily on the word of God and how to raise up a standard in your life.

For now, deployment. I dont know how Im gonna visit ah ma...

NS is selfish. Satan is selfish. do your own equations. WAHAHA!

Rev Dr Robb Thompson - S2

I wont type out all the notes, just the key revelations.

Our primary purpose, is not to have a good business,
Or to have a good family, or even good grades or success in life.
Because seek first His kingdom and His righteousness
And all these things will be added to you.

Our primary purpose is to KNOW Him.
We were created to fellowship with Him.

The question today is: "Who is God to you?"

Poverty is not the lack of money.
Poverty is the proof of misguided money.

Those who truly know God doesnt need to be told to be generous.
They dont need to be told to forgive.
They dont need to be told to love.

Just because you know God, it doesnt stop Him from saying,
"Depart from Me, I never knew you..."

"FOOLISH" is crowned king the moment we believe we determine our future.
While "WISDOM" cries out that that the future is determined by those
To whom we grant access.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tangibility of Love

Love is tangible.

It is not merely an intention or a good feeling, or even a great attitude,
But an ACT based on a DECISION that despites all.

It can be seen with your eyes,
Heard with your ears.
You can feel its touch and presence.
You can taste and see that it is good.

How can one give true love,
Unless one has experienced true love.

Most things are not taught, but caught.

Many times we say, 'What would Jesus do?'
And yet live in the world of 'What would Jesus want to do?'

All there is, is just the wanting, the thinking, the feeling,
But hardly the doing.

Jesus did not come to just tell us He loves us,
He came to LOVE us. Period.

When we say we love God wholeheartedly and love people fervently,
What does it mean to you?

Is it just a state of mind?
Or have you actually obeyed and be a doer?

Dont be a NATO christian.
No Action Talk Only.

Lets press in and engage.

God wont come to you on the last day and say, "Show me your mind."
He will say, "Show me your FRUITS."

Just how many people are thanking God, because of you?

Total Abandonment Toward God

You will never come to a place of brokenness,
Until you come to a place of total surrender.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Unified Prayer

When 2 or 3 are gathered, there He is in the midst of us.

A place of agreement is the place of power.

Ive decided from today on, to really discipline myself. 10pm is prayer time. Anyone who stays near my house can feel free to drop by, spend a short while to pray together.

Not neglecting our own quiet time, I believe that as we pray in groups every single day, breakthrough will come. I mean, just looking at Yoido Full Gospel Church already inspires me.

And when groups come together to pray, as we water others, we ourselves will be watered. So Im really excited for what God is going to do.

Every night, I will find someone to pray with, either at my home, at someone's house or over the phone. In the morning, I have my qt alone with God in my station, but when it comes to night time, when everyone is free, I believe if we combine the fervency of private, intimate prayer with the power and dynamics of corporate prayer, I believe our lives will change!

When a person goes to battle, its good if he's able to run alone. But how many of you know, that when you have people on your left and right, there is no wall we cannot tear down, no mountain we cannot move.

Like ps said, love is patient, love is kind, love does not boast of itself, but esteem others above self, etc. It wasnt referring to just relationships, but the church as a whole.

It doesnt matter if the person is from another cg, it doesnt matter if the age gap is different, if we can, we should pray dynamically and not just stick to our own 'clique's all the time.

The church exists for others, 'my body, broken for you', as ps tan once said.
Prayer, IN UNITY, is the key to revival.

So, if at anytime at night, if any of you wanna pray, count me in! Lets shake the heavens together! I wanna fill everyday of my life, with powerful prayer.

If we wanna see 30,000 members, lets start living as if we are already there. :)

Falling in Love, Falling in Lust

Why not fall in Lust?

Falling in lust sees only the outer and never the inner, it is blind to reason, ignorant of life, and hates the truth. Falling in lust casts us into a pit, where pleasures kill us, sensation robs us, and time has a clock. Falling in Lust brings fatal diseases, murders our self respect, causes adulteries, and brings revenge by the hand of a betrayed spouse. Falling in Lust uses us, violates us, and tramples our character. Falling in lust causes parentless offspring, broken families, and aborted children. Falling in Lust wants you now and will rid you tomorrow, it will ruin your life and shatter your heart. Falling in lust is temporal, never forever, and casts you away after its gratified. Falling in lust will betray you, lie to you, and use you for self gain. Falling in lust cares only for itself, hardens the heart, and will leave you astray. Falling in lust deceives the heart, entices the mind, and shatters dreams. Falling in lust is a weak escape, a selfish ambition, and a self destructive mindset. Falling in Lust is led by pride, forced by ignorance, and brings death to a promise. Falling in Lust cares not for hope, violates boundaries, and manipulates a human heart. Falling in lust betrays love, betrays grace, and most of all betrays God. Falling in Lust is among the most dangerous forms of devil worship on the face of the earth.

Are YOU in lust?

So Why Fall in Love?

Falling in love searches the heart, explores the mind, and embraces the spirit. Falling in love will never leave you,. never forsake you, and never abandon you. Falling in love will be patient, enduring, and tolerant of even the greatest challenges. Falling in love will restore a broken heart, heal a troubled mind, and awaken a lost soul. Falling in Love is greater then it was yesterday, unbreakable in the present, and makes the future invincible. Falling in Love remains the same, never changes, and will embrace you through the fiercest storms. Falling in Love never lies, never betrays, and never changes its mind. Falling in love sees through the spirit and not just through the eyes. Falling in Love has true discernment, is never deceived, and stands in righteousness. Falling in love sees the positives more so then the negatives, it never tires, and it perseveres against distractions. Falling in love knows a persons heart, sees beyond flaws, and becomes one with truth. Falling in Love gives birth to Life, tramples death, and lasts forever. Falling in love has great courage, has no fear, and is never low-esteemed. Falling in love is certainty, reassurance and a promise that never dies. Falling in love accepts one for who they are, will go the extra mile, and never walk away. Falling in love is never discouraged, never fails, and can conquer the greatest weaknesses. Falling in Love is among the greatest honors we can give unto God.

Are YOU in love?

Angry Depression 3

Praise is the language of faith.
If you cant praise, you dont have faith.

God's not dead.
He is alive.

Angry Depression 2

I am more than a conqueror in Christ! Satan, you want to charge at me and die? How stupid can you be! You resemble the suicide bombers yourself, the only difference is you wont destroy anything you fool!

I am a peacemaker, I destroy chaos!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Angry Depression

First cancer, then death, then fall, then now stroke.

Stupid Satan, dont force me to cast out every spirit of infirmity and wipe out the entire species!

You think you so smart and so free? The day you get thrown into the lake of fire, we shall see who has the last laugh!

You're just a choir leader with a big mouth, you piece of s**t!

Sigh. Anyway, a shoutout of thanks to those who encouraged me, to adelene, lizhen, timo, pranee, elaine, peishan and everyone else for your little words and actions, it really meant a lot to me.

And a thanks to a longtime friend, for spending the day with me, thought I know you probably wont be reading my blog often.

Truly nothing beats the power of physical presence. Whenever we need God, He will not just send us His words, but His presence, and His power. True love is something tangible.

Been fighting for 2 years, just when I thought I was out of the furnace, Im into another one. Now it feels Im carry the responsibility to be there, not only for my grandparents, but also to my own parents.

Somehow it seems, Im ending up to be the leader of the house. All the burden seemed to be placed on me now. Being at the 'bottom' of the family tree, I carry the burden of 2 generations above me.

Now, I hate APEC, to the core, because of my shift hours, visiting ahma will be so hard! I dont know what to do.

But like David, I will run to the battle, then I will slay any giant that stands in my way, and then Ill take his own sword and start hacking and hacking and hacking away his head!


Bad consequences will always follow bad decisions.
That is a universal law, and there's nothing you can do about it,
Except to wake up your idea.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

People VS Problem

Whenever people struggle with each other, they focus more on the person rather than the wrong attitude that needs to be changed.


If you want 'your' dream so bad, God might just give it to you, but He can choose not to go with you. You can have what you want, but you live a lonely, tough and miserable life. You give God attitude, He can give you attitude too.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Short Notes :)

You become who you follow. Period. End of story.

If you can miss one service, live without the presence of God, miss the touch of God...even for ONE moment, and FEEL OKAY, then you and God arent really inseparable in the first place.

They say, a family that eats together stays together.

Well, 'eat' here isnt a general word which meant to 'do things together', but LITERALLY, eat.
When Jesus fellowshiped with people, He ate with them.

He did not dance with them.
He did not sing songs with them.
He did not go overnight camping with them.

But one thing's for certain, in an atmosphere of a meal, people are open because everyone's on common ground and we learn to serve others by looking out for others before ourselves.

That is when He began to speak to them, impart to them and begin to share things with them. Not only did He win them over, He strengthened His bond with His disciples over a meal.

More than just what we do together that creates bonding.
Its what we share with each exchange, everyone gives and takes.

Yes, movies are fun, karaokes are fun, camps and outreaches are fun, but at the end of the day, is there a connection between the people? We're not just talking about fun, or the emotional aspect of the people, but their inner most deepest needs, do we know them?

The struggles they go through, the brokenness behind the smile, do we see through all of these?

Jesus didnt just go fishing with the disciples and became friends over a fishing adventure, He stepped into Peter's boat, and took him out of that boat, to show him something in life that is greater than himself.

Yes we may have 'bonded' with them, but are their lives still the same?


You dont need rocket science to know, that you will never find the right people if you search the wrong places! If you have a brain, use it!

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Doing the right thing doesnt require much willingness, but teachability and OBEDIENCE.

Its not about whether you want to do it or not,
Its about whether HAVE YOU DONE IT or not.

The most valuable things in life are not taught, but caught.

A person can give you all the gifts in the world, but if you're not willing to receive what's the point?

If one is not willing to receive instruction, correction, advice from others, your life will still be the same! How can you be a disciple unless you are discipled?

How can you be a success unless someone makes a success out of you?
"Ohh..but I can make my own success.."
Then why arent you one now???

As long as a person wants or seeks something, you dont need rocket science to realize that its because the person doesnt have it now! The fact that a person is looking for food shows he/she is hungry. The fact that people find love, success, fame, shows that they are unloved and miserable.

God is everything. (That's why He's called God, duh)
And when God is truly in you, you have everything.
That's also how one can tell if God IS everything to him/her or not.

"He who drinks of Me shall never thirst again..."

Is your dream compatible with God's?

"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Similarly, if God is against you, what difference does it make if the whole world is for you?
Nothing will work out, nothing and no one will be for you.
Even if you do succeed, your dream, your success is nothing more than a LIMITED vision!

Sometimes people need to be 'caned' in the spirit.
Let's stop being a child and move on to maturity.

A mature adult is someone who can take the words of others.
And not someone who needs to be caned, suffer through pains and hardships,
To learn something!