
Thursday, November 26, 2009

A.S.K. - Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask and it shall be given.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened to you.

These are famous words from Jesus Himself.

Then a question dawned upon me, so Andrew, what does it mean to be like Him?
The answer that struck me was simple:

It's when His words become your words!

Are you able to speak the very same words Jesus spoke?

"Ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you".


Have you come to a place where you are able to provide for others?
Or are you just busy trying to get what you want, worse so, at the expense of others?
Even if you dont have the means, do you have the heart?
When people cannot see your hand, can they trust your heart?


Can you be found?
Are you always there, or always MIA?
Can people count on the things you say?
Worse so, are you the one that is lost?


Just how much do people know about you?
Just how much do you know about people?
Is pressing into people's lives part of your lifestyle?
Vice versa, do you have a thick skin, but a thin heart?

When a person knocks, there are 3 responses:

1. The door opens
2. The door shuts

Or worse...

3. There is no response

Which one are you?
What kind of 'beloved' are you?

Jesus says, "Come, fellowship with me."
Are you able to say that?

Jesus says, "Cast your cares on Me because I care for you"
Are you able to say that?

Jesus says, "Call on me and I will answer."
Are you able to say that?

Just what is the measure of your likeness in God?

The way you live your life, shows the type of God you serve.

Jesus fellowships with his 'group' of disciples, Do you?
At the same time engages people who are down and out. Do you?
Jesus reads the Word. Do you?
Jesus loved to pray. Do you?
Jesus lays hands and prays for the sick. Do you?
Jesus sets people free. Do you?
Jesus blesses. Do you?
Jesus brings joy. Do you?
Jesus has an intimate relationship with God. Do you?
Jesus loves the house of God. Do you?
Jesus lives by truth. Do you?
Jesus loves unconditionally. Do you?
Jesus forgives. Do you?
Jesus shows compassion. Do you?
Jesus blesses His enemies. Do you?
Jesus preaches the word. Do you?
Jesus gives. Do you?

The list goes on. If I could list down all the things He did and the things He is,
How many of us can truly say, we are like Him? How many 'percent'?
(If there's a definite number in that list).

What have we been doing all these while?

Busy with our lives?
Busy with ministry?
Busy with the wrong things?
Busy with the wrong people? Etc...

Or are we busy with God?

"Ask and it shall be given."
If God is the one asking, will He be able to receive?

"Seek and you shall find"
If God is the one seeking you, will you be found faithful and available?

"Knock and the door will be opened"
If God is the one knocking, will you open your heart to Him today?

On a sidetrack...

Thank you guys for praying. Ahma is able to swallow and sit on a chair for a short while now, but she gets extremely tired after an hour or so and ends up in a deep sleep. The doctors are ready to discharge her and send her for her rehab therapy tomorrow. It will be at St Luke's Hospital at Bt Batok.

This week's been rather okay so far. Still trying to really work on my prospect list :x Anyway, the daily prayer thing is good and it certainly works, things are happening. I mean, if we are really hungry, we should be 'persistent' in our prayers just like the woman in one of the parables.

If we are really hungry for a move of God, we should be so persistent, that in heaven, we 'spam' the Throne Room with our prayers such that the only prayer that the angels hear is our prayers. :D No offense to those who are praying haha. You may be praying, but we wanna be desperate and hungry.

Lets keep it up guys. Yesterday, I was asked to prophesy (so stress LOL, but excited what God's gonna do) during my prayer call by...ahem...a fierce little girl :D hahaha! Kidding. I know you read my blog so...dun kill me...:( I have my fishballs ready to throw at you! HAHAHA! jkjk.


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