
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Morning Revelations

Many people want what they want,
And neglect what they wanted.

Your word is your bond.
Wheres your sense of commitment?
Wheres your first love?

A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways.
How do you expect God to bless you?

If you cant even be trusted with the 'worldly' riches,
How is God going to trust you with heavenly riches?

You want anointing?
You want revival?
You want spiritual breakthrough?
Please deal with yourself first.

You cant even handle yourself,
You wanna handle the souls out there whose 'blood' is in your hands?
Give me a break.

You wanna slay your giants,
Yet you cant even slay your laziness.
You cant even pray, you want to hold a sword?

Come on, you think God was born yesterday?
Yes, He will empower us, but God moves only when you move.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

And since heaven and earth will pass away but His word will never pass away,
When it says it is IMPOSSIBLE, believe me, it shall be fulfilled.

"Many people want change without willing to change". - Phil Pringle

Change of lifestyle, change of friends, change of career, whatever it is.
Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.

Come on, you want change, but you still cling on to that which hasnt changed.
Are you dumb or what?

You dont have to reason faith,
You just have to believe and do it. Period.

"Your life will steer in the direction of those closest to you". - Robb Thompson

It doesnt matter how smart or how talented you are,
"A company of fools shall be destroyed".

Who are the people closest to you?
They will determine the life you steer towards to.

You wanna continue walking round and round in the wilderness?
Its up to you.

There will never be a breakthrough, without the breaking through.

You can be 'having a life', yet losing THE life.


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