
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Robb Thompson - Service 4 (Raising The Bar 4)

Psm 19:7
When you pray, you speak to God.
When you read the Word, God speaks to you.
Communication is a 2way process.

God's word causes us to be like our Father.
God's word is more reliable than people's opinions!
God's knowledge gets you where you need to go.

2 Pet 1:2, 3-4, Josh 1:2, 8
There's no such thing as cheap grace.

Grace is something tangible, not just an imaginary 'formula'.
Grace can be DEFINED.
Understanding grace requires an understanding of knowledge.

1 Ths 2:13, Psm 119:1-8, 138:2, Jhn 10:35
God's word works, the moment we choose to believe it.
The more you read the Word, the more you find yourself doing the things in it!

The Word is God is not just about what is being spoken,
But WHO said it. Even Satan can read the scriptures.

God exalted His Word ABOVE His name. (Psm 138:2)
God believes in His Word more than He believes in Himself!

Dont just listen plainly, the even the people in the new testament, after every sermon, went back to examine and test the scriptures, and made cross references against what was said. They based their faith, not in people, but in the Word.

A. You do not LOVE God more than you love His Word. (Jhn 14:21, 23)
B. You do not KNOW God more than you know His Word. (1 Jhn 2:3-4)
C. You do not FEAR (Believe, Trust, Respect, Etc) God more than you fear His Word.
(Isa 66:2, Ecc 12:13, Acts 23:1-5, 17:11)

1. Faith comes alive the moment you HEAR the Word of God.
(Rom 10:17, Acts 8:26-31)
Baptism separates you from your old life.

2. Without God's Word, GENUINE CONVERSION is impossible.
(Psm 19:7, Jam 1:18, 1 Pet 1:22-23)

You can backslide, while IN church.

3. The man who would become what God has chosen him for, must prefer his SPIRITUAL food over that which just increases the size of his belly.
(Jhn 4:32-34, 1 Pet 2:2, Mt 4:3-4, Heb 5:14)

Dont just remain as babes, grow up to feed on solid meat. Be TEACHABLE.
Dont just be a hearer, but a doer. EXERCISE the Word!

4. The heavens OPEN WIDE for the man that makes God's Word his guiding light.
(Psm 119:130, Eph 1:17)

Education is NOT light. You can have a high IQ and yet not know how to tie your shoes!
You can have a high IQ and still have a lousy marriage!

Dont bury your past shames and mistakes with EDUCATION!

5. God had one thing in mind when He sent us the bible - Our HEALING.
(Psm 107:17-20, Prov 4:20-22)

6. Walking in freedom is impossible until the moment you EMBRACE God's Word.
(1 Cor 15:57, Psm 119:9-11)

7. The fastest way to know what you look like is to look inside GOD'S WORD.
(Psm 119:5-7, Jam 1:23-25)

The bible doesnt just reveal who God is,
The bible also reveals who you really are!

8. Your future in heaven is guaranteed the moment you choose to LOVE what God loves.
(2 Cor 9:6-7)

What is it you have done, that makes you significant with God?
Not with others, not with yourself, but with God.


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