
Friday, November 13, 2009

Every SIN, has an I; Multiple Revelations

You can live the life the way you want it to be, you can believe you determine your future, you can say that decisions are yours to make, so if God were to ask for your soul tonight, what will you say to Him who gave you the breath of life?

FOOLISHNESS is crowned king the moment we believe we determine our future. But WISDOM cries out that our future is, in fact, created by the ones to whom we give access. You dont need to be a fool, you just need to hang around one, and you'll be one. A company of fools shall be destroyed.

Nothing ever built on a lie shall stand. That includes your lifestyle. If you believe one thing but live like another, then when the storms come, you will crumble.

Not every good thing, is a right thing.
Not everything that's best, is necessarily ideal.

Broad and wide is the path that leads to destruction,
But narrow and hard is the way that leads to life,
And only a few find it.

Many people love the feel-good feeling,
Nobody likes to suffer, or to be pressured and stressed.

To be like Christ, is not only to rejoice in His blessings,
But to also partake in the fellowship of His sufferings.
In a way, if your life is without sufferings, you are nothing even close to being like Him!
To be like Him, is to be LIKE Him, no more, no less.

If your love is selective, then your love isnt unconditional in the first place,
But one that seeks to fulfill the desires of self.

I may be going through a rough patch, people may treat me this way, that way,
But at least I can be identified with Him. So count it all joy...

I havent been posting revelation for the past few days,
Ill try to post more.

Your willingness to pray, shows the level of intimacy you have with God.
Just look at the people in Yoido Full Gospel Church, 800,000 strong.
If the elderly can pray and be excited and you cant, you are WEAK!

Your level of responsiveness, shows the level of your willingness to serve.
How proactive are you? Or do you leave it all to others to handle a situation?
Do you take initiative? Or are you someone whos always stuck, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say, just lost? Not even an idea to contribute.

I have so many other things to share but I just dont have the time.
Ive been in the warzone lately, I merely came out of it for awhile, to blog, and then Ill be going back in the next moment.

Im busy slaying monsters. While people are celebrating their end of exams, let them be. Its always like that, once you think you have arrived, God will lead you into the desert if He finds out that you're getting too carried away, to 'remind' you of certain truths.

I dont have time to celebrate with the people out there.
They can have all the fun they want and totally neglect those who are in need.

The moment you take away their cross from them, most people will never ask for the cross back so that they can carry it. Given the choice, most will choose preference over conviction.

Sorry guys, for the delay of Robb Thompson S4 notes.


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