Morning Notes
Only lazy and unwise people give excuses for things they're unable to do, while in fact, they're in control and have the freedom of choice over it.
Dont be a cheapo, saying you cant do this, you cant do that, you're unable to go for this, unable to go for that, when in fact, its because of a conscious effort to make the wrong decision, that makes you end up doing so.
You're merely living by emotion, something that is often fallen and imperfect.
Most of the time, a negative emotion, of out fear, you do this, out of doubt, you do that.
Out of complacency, out of 'peer pressure', out of COMPROMISE, etc.
Why be a devil's follower?
All of us were given a choice, no matter what people say, we still have the final move.
How true it is, your life is the result of your own decisions.
If life sucks, your decision sucks.
Worse still, please even decide to make one!
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