
Sunday, November 22, 2009

S2 Sermon Notes - Casey Treat - Core Strength (Part 1)

Having a good core strength, physically, prevents complications and makes your body strong + healthy.
Same with the spiritual, with a good spiritual core strength, you can prosper and succeed in life.

Prov 4:20-23

What is at the core of your heart?

Is it what's going on in the world?
Is it whats going on in your family?
What do you think about most of the time?

Whatever captures your heart, captures you.

You have physical muscles, similarly, you have spiritual muscles.

Have you developed your inner core strengths by 'exercising'?
When you exercise, dont just stick to one style of 'push ups', try a variety for more effective results!

Just because you believe in God, it doesnt mean you are strong!
Even Satan believes in God and Satan reads the Bible well enough to quote and challenge Jesus!

"For out of the heart, springs the issues of life..."

It didnt say, out of your family,
Or out of your business,
Or even out of your country...springs the issues of life,
But out of your HEART.

Whether is it sickness/health, success/failure, poverty/prosperity, etc.
The issues of life, springs forth from your heart.

You hear people say, 'You make me mad', 'Dont irritate me', etc.

The truth is...

Nobody can make you mad, or angry/lose your temper.
If not, any pastor can make you tithe,
If not, any cgl can make you join a ministry,
If not, God Himself can make you believe in Him!

But no, a person is angry not because someone made him/her angry,
But its because out of YOUR HEART, you respond in anger!

Out of your heart, you feel lousy,
Out of your heart, you lie,
Out of your heart, springs the issues of your life.

Your heart determines your boundaries in life.

Prov 20:27

Its one thing to have God's word in your life.
Its another thing to make God's word an ABUNDANCE in your heart.

A person can believe both in sickness and in healing, success and failure, etc.

E.g. On 40%, you believe God can heal you,
But because of the fear and doubt in your heart,
Another 60%, you can believe that swine flu will overwhelm you.

On one percentage, you believe you will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.
On another percentage, you believe the news, its the season of the economic crisis.

You have the word of God in your heart, thats good.
But its not the ABUNDANCE of your heart!

As a result, most people pray in fear, rather than pray in faith!

You pray for healing because you fear sickness.
You pray for good grades because you fear failure.
You pray for financial blessing because you fear you'll come short and be in lack.

Josh 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your MOUTH, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then YOU will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

Dont just say what the world says,
Say what the WORD says!

Only when you have the word, THEN you willl make your way prosperous,
THEN, you will have good success.

Who will make your way prosperous? YOU.
How? Through the abundance of the WORD in your heart!

Most people are beggars, rather than believers.

All the time, its like they are begging God for blessings,
Begging God to change them, begging God for this and that,
But all it takes, its the WORD, ROOTED, which will then become flesh,
Not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit.

BELIEVE the Word, and ACT on it!

A person can have intelligence, and yet lack wisdom and understanding.

They have a lot of knowledge, but they dont know how to handle people.
They dont know how to adjust to change, their marriage is on the rocks, etc.

Psm 119:11 - Is the Word bigger than EVERYTHING else in your heart?

Dont ever miss out on God's best for you!

Mt 25:19-30

FYI: A talent is estimated to be worth, 20 years of wages.
But still, the servant hid it.

God will never give you something He has not enabled you to handle.

20 years of wages, yet the servant can still hide his 'talent' and give excuses saying, "I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed."

Look at him, wrong thinking! Did the Master sow? Yes. One servant 5 talents, one 2 talent, one 1 talent.
Did the Master scatter the seed? Yes.

A wrong thinking causes you to fear.
A wrong thinking causes you to even believe lies!

With a wrong thinking, you will never go anywhere in life!

How does the world see success?
Title? Position? Networth?

Not in the Kingdom of God.
God rewarded the servants irregardless of the amount.

Remember in another parable, many servants worked for the Master.
And the Master said he will give them a denarius each.

All of them worked different hours, yet all were paid the same, yet the one who came first, argued that why was he the first to come, yet he was still paid the same as the one who worked the shortest.

And the Master replied, "Didnt you agree with me that you shall work for me for a denarius each?"
The first became the last and the last became first.

In the parable of the talents, the one who earned the most was honored.
And the one who earned nothing, cast away.

Contrary to this, in another parable of the rich man (Luke 12:16-21), a rich man yielded plentifully and laid aside his earnings yet God called him a FOOL! ("Tonight your soul will be required of you...")

Why the contradiction?
Should we be like the rich man?
Should we be like the one who hid the talent?
What is success to God?

Simple: What is your MOTIVATION???

Mt 6:9-11

"Give us this day our DAILY bread..."

Why DAILY bread? Why not MONTHLY provisions?
Do you say grace and thank God for the food daily?
Or do you do it once a month, when you buy your groceries?

God is more concerned with the PROCESS of growth and maturity, on a DAILY basis!
The connection you have with Him, the intimacy, its about whether are you connected to Him or not.

What we do daily (short term), will determine our long term strength.
How strong is your CORE?

If you're not connecting with God daily, you're probably not getting any stronger!


1. DAILY dedicate your life to the will of God, not your flesh.

Matt 6.

Even if you start with NOTHING, but because you dedicate yourself to God DAILY, He will ensure that the destiny He has for you, come to pass!

2. DAILY choose the Word of God, not your emotions.

Heb 4:12

A lot of WORD = Power-full (Powerful)
Are you full of the Word? Or are you full of yourself? Your emotions? All the time?

If you can only do what you FEEL like doing, you will remain SMALL and POWERLESS!

Stop asking yourself how you feel!
Who cares how you feel? Just live by what's right!

3. DAILY MEDITATE on God's Word.

Anyone can meditate.

Basically its what goes on in your mind most of the time.
What do you SEE most of the time?
What do you HEAR/LISTEN TO most of the time?
What do you ponder about when you're bored?

Meditation is like a repeated cycle of inputs into your brain.

Is your mind full of God's Word?

Or is it full of sports, money, fashion, entertainment, news, gossips, or even the negative media influences? You keep on pondering about H1N1, economic crisis, your wrong relationships, etc.

Some people know what the world says,
But yet not know what God says!

People can meditate so much on sports, they know all the facts, all the numbers and statistics, it keeps on going through their mind.

People can meditate on music that is unhealthy. They keep hearing it over and over again.
What do you feed yourself with?

You can be so immersed in culture and yet forget your spiritual disciplines.

Engaging culture is not wrong, but have you come to a place where it has taken the place of God?
Has it taken the place of the Word?

People wonder why things arent working out for them,
They look at everything everywhere around them, except themselves.

Once again...

Josh 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your MOUTH, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then YOU will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

Just pause and think, what is going on inside of you right now?
That is where your life is heading towards.

Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will never pass away.
Is the imperishable in abundance in your heart, in your mind right now?

Decide today, to feed on the Word.
Never forget your DAILY disciplines or prayer and the Word.

Dont engage culture until you become engaged to culture.

Strengthen your spiritual disciplines, train your spiritual muscles, so that you may overcome, so that you may prosper, so that you may succeed!


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