
Monday, November 02, 2009

Short Notes :)

You become who you follow. Period. End of story.

If you can miss one service, live without the presence of God, miss the touch of God...even for ONE moment, and FEEL OKAY, then you and God arent really inseparable in the first place.

They say, a family that eats together stays together.

Well, 'eat' here isnt a general word which meant to 'do things together', but LITERALLY, eat.
When Jesus fellowshiped with people, He ate with them.

He did not dance with them.
He did not sing songs with them.
He did not go overnight camping with them.

But one thing's for certain, in an atmosphere of a meal, people are open because everyone's on common ground and we learn to serve others by looking out for others before ourselves.

That is when He began to speak to them, impart to them and begin to share things with them. Not only did He win them over, He strengthened His bond with His disciples over a meal.

More than just what we do together that creates bonding.
Its what we share with each exchange, everyone gives and takes.

Yes, movies are fun, karaokes are fun, camps and outreaches are fun, but at the end of the day, is there a connection between the people? We're not just talking about fun, or the emotional aspect of the people, but their inner most deepest needs, do we know them?

The struggles they go through, the brokenness behind the smile, do we see through all of these?

Jesus didnt just go fishing with the disciples and became friends over a fishing adventure, He stepped into Peter's boat, and took him out of that boat, to show him something in life that is greater than himself.

Yes we may have 'bonded' with them, but are their lives still the same?


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