
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Keys to excellent relationships (compilation)

Some principles:

Success comes the moment you choose to live by Godly Principles.

Toxic people are 'undetectibly deadly'.
People who are toxic dont know how they got there or why they are in a certain state.
Friendships have symptoms. You become part of a person's symptoms (good or bad) if you hang around them too long.
To maximize your life you need to know the right people.
To find a friend that you want, you have to FIRST be THAT friend.

7 most important people in your life:

1. Those who INSPIRE you to OBEY and to do what is right.
-Job 36:11-12, Josh 24:15
-These are people who will bring you into your future without any failures.

2. Those driven by INTEGRITY.
-gen 39:9, prov 10:9, 11:3
-Satan likes to make a deal with people so that they compromise themselves/their character/attitude.

3. Those who are assigned to your FUTURE.
-mk 2:1-4

3 types of people:

a) People of your PAST.
-they will say, "why you (this and that)...before this we were best of friends, we used to hang out together...", etc.... -> always dwell on the past.
-which reminds me: people without a vision dont have a future. and people without a future will return to their past.

b) People of your PRESENT.
-these are neither ppl of ur past nor ppl of ur future. -> they just tag along.
-but u can tell if they are ppl of e future OR they will follow u into e future when God begins to promote u in front of their eyes.

c) People of your FUTURE.
-DONT let them go! becos u might never find another one.
-NEVER miss an opportunity!
-acts 17:11, mk 2:1-4

-God never gives 2nd chances. He gives FRESH STARTs, higher or lower based on your hunger/performance.
-Faithful are the WOUNDS of a friend.

4. Those who are God-Given.
-prov 13:20, Jhn 15:4
-We may not be wise, but when we just hang around wise people, we WILL become wise.
-Hang around with fools, and ull become one and STILL lose everything.

7 characteristics of a true, good friend of your future:

a. My friends must be committed to LONG-LASTING relationships.
b. My friends must have EMPIRES in their brains.
c. My friends must be SOWERS.
d. My friends must QUALIFY to receive my SEED.
e. My friends must prize INTEGRITY above relationships.
f. My friends must be willing to CONFRONT my enemies. (the RIGHT way of course!)

-sowers are contagious. sowers breeds sowers. the more u sow, e more ull find ppl around u sowing. (the right people, wrong people take instead of give).

5. Those who CELEBRATE you rather than tolerate you.
-dont hang around people who are merely tolerating you, you're wasting your time on a relationship that is going nowhere. -> learn to draw a clear line!

6. Those who unlock your GRATITUDE.
-1 sam 25:30-33
-most people have 2 'person's inside them: (stop thinking everyone is like that! have a bigger brain..)

i) The 'King' - the one who wants to rule over you.
ii) The 'Warrior' - the one who resists and fights you.

-choose the right friends! dont expect everyone to be the same, they are not!
-the biggest fool is one who deceives himself/herself.

7. Those who awaken your GENEROUSITY.
-a chr 29, acts 10:1-5, -> people who make you sowers and people who they themselves are sowers.
-people of commitment.

-prov 18:1, phi 2:3, gen 11, psm 133:1

More Principles:

You will suffer both the consequences and the rewards of those that / who are the closest to you.
-prov 13:20
Always consider the negative side of those that you allow to be close to you / with those you choose to be close with.

Every relationship has rules to both enter and remain.
-Est 2:13-17, gen 41:12-14
You have to do the right thing no matter what the situation or the circumstances are...
-ecc 10:8

Wrongs happen in a whisper, not a scream.
When you exceed people's expectations, no one can blame you for anything.

Your future is completely dependent upon the quality of the person you called "FRIEND".
-jhn 15:14, psm 119:79.

When someone compliments you, they are giving you something ; but when someone flatters you, they are taking something from you.

Discovering the hidden power of relationship:

1) The outcome of your life is dependent on the TYPES of relationships you pursue.
prov 13:20, 1 cor 15:33 -> whatever you pursue, pursues you.
-pursue good and blessings/happiness will find you, pursue evil/wrong and curses/failure will catch up with you!

2) I would rather have you hate me for telling the truth than for you to love me for telling a lie.
-pro 27:5-6, jhn 8:41-45
-most prefer to be lied to. -> then when ppl tell e truth they claim they are lying. how ironic!
-True friends tell the truth even when it hurts.
-> The power of love is in the willingness to confront.

3) If a person does not receive your words, he doesnt qualify for your time.
-mt 10:14, jhn 6:60-67
-dun waste your life away on something that brings you nowhere. -> dont delay God's purpose for you in your life!
-never compromise! never trade a SECOND of your life for anything in the world. -> your life belongs to God, not yourself!

4) If a relationship doesnt give birth to CHANGE, then any further association is unneccessary.
-prov 27:17, psm 1:1, prov 5
-good relationships come with people that change your life and/or people whose lives you can change. -> God desires fruitfulness.

5) Never allow the invitation to intimacy be destroyed by the contempt of familiarity.
-est 1:9-12, 2:15-17
-dun become overly familiar with someone and dont be too confident of yourself, of your own flesh. -> know your limits, RESPECT relationships, dont cross the line!

6) The productivity of any relationship is dependent on the strength of its standards.
-jhn 15:14, psm 119:79
-every story has 3 sides, not 2...

i) Your side
ii) The person's side
iii) God's side

-in every situation, know what God is saying!
-everyone is a self-definer.
-God doesnt approve of you the way you are when you came to Christ. -> He 'killed' you -> and you went INTO Christ and now you come forth as a new creation in Christ.
-God makes you a new person.
True friends look forward to EXCEED your expectations.

Put character over people!

7) You are a product of the SUM TOTAL of ALL of your relationships.
-if u wanna know who you are just look at the people around you. -> you are your company.
-prov 13:20

8) Every relationship you have is either drawing you closer or further away from God's will for your life.
-psm 1:1, 1 cor 15:33
-relationships are MAGNETS.

9) In relationship, it is important to recognise who you are, but it is more important to acknowledge who you are not.
-gen 41:15-16, acts 23:1-5
-dont lie to yourself.

10) In a relationship, a person believes what they do, they do not believe what they say.
-prov 26:23, 14:15, james 2:14-18
-listen with your EYES! actions speak louder than words, faith without works is dead.
-Acceptance is not a sign of approval, its the sign for improvement.

11) In a relationship, I must never make the pleasurable people pay for the painful people of my past.
-phi 3:13-14
-people who are present in your life, pay the price for the people who are absent.

12) The way I treat a relationship when I no longer needs it, reveals the motive I had for it in the beginning.
-ruth 1:8-17
-dont be involved in a relationship just because you want something out of it!
-your motive is revealed the moment you no longer need it and by the price you're willing to pay for it.

13) Submission is the WILLINGNESS to bow my knee before men in order to satisfy the requirements of Heaven.
-heb 13:17, mt 8:5-10, heb 4:32
-everything in life has to submit to something/someone.
-Treat people the way you believe God treated you.

14) Show me a man's friend and I'll accurately predict the man's future.
-prov 13:20, gal 4:16, prov 29:25, 13:20
-Fools are spiritual 'suicide bombers'. They cant be detected, they dont know how they got there, and when they blow up, they dont jus get themselves into trouble, they affect people around them as well if you hang around them for too long.

Dont fear man, fear God

15) Discerning people of destiny would unlock a lifetime of favor that would otherwise be impossible for it.
-gal 2:14
-learn to discern, invest in the right people.
-choose the right people, people that will be with you and who will see you through your future. have wisdom, have common sense!

16) It is impossible to please God unless you prize PRINCIPLE over people/relationships.
-gal 3:7-12, exo 32:21-24
-never compromise your integrity/character/attitude for the sake of a relationship or for the sake of acceptance.
-Every relationship has rules to enter and rules to remain.

17) Frustration is birthed the moment you care for someone more than they care for themselves.
-luk 18:18-23, prov 9:7-9, gal 6:1-2, 2 ths 3:10
-God can only help a person to the extent that they are willing to help themselves. -> we all have freewill.
-Never care for a man's problems more than they care for it themselves.

God leaves people hungry so that they will run to Him. Dont curse what God has blessed and dont bless what God has cursed.

18) A life without a harvest is proof that Ive invested it in the wrong people.
-mt 23:23
-why do people sow and yet not receive? cus they sow into the wrong people! those people have never intended to give anything from the beginning.
-if nothing's changing, then dont waste your life away, if a plan is not working, CHANGE PLAN!
-accept change, learn to change, be flexible.

19) Poverty is not the lack of money, it is the proof of MISGUIDED money.
-prov 11:24-25, mt 6:24
-Never take what belongs to God (tithe). -> God gave adam e garden, but God didnt give him the tree. When adam took the tree, God took away the garden.

-Dont disqualify yourself for God's blessings! -> God may have given you 100% of your income, but not 100% is yours! -> A tithe doesnt bring you anything...because it belongs to God in the first place. it merely opens e windows of heaven in your life.

Tithing is a sign of good stewardship and a proof that you have overcome greed.

-It is your pledges, offering and what you do with what is yours, that makes a difference! what moves you, moves God. -> your tithe is NOT a seed, your tithe is your OBEDIENCE.
-God has given u EVERYTHING you need to create your future, is all in SEED FORM!
-A seed is NOT what you sow, a seed is what COST you to sow.

-If you invest in e right things, they will pay you back. But if you invest in the wrong things, they will take even what you have left.


-mt 25:31-46, acts 17:11
Choose who you want to be wanted by today!
Relationships are meant to solve problems, not create problems! If they do, then you have the wrong person.
-Whatever you compromise to keep, you will lose.

Our lives live/die on relationships.
Our memories replays our past, but our imagination 'pre-plays' our future.
Satan wants you hurt when you're young so that you cannot be anything/succeed in life when you get old.
Dont say you dont need relationships when you're young, that is why many elderly are now at home waiting for people to visit them! -> cultivate healthy relationships when you're young.

-acts 17:11, 1 cor 11:12-14
-a bad life that you try to forget will take away your memories. -> you dun run away from problems, you confront them and say to the mountain be removed!
-We need relationships, you cant multiply anything with the number 1. -> you get nowhere.
The quality of your harvest is dependent on the quality of the soil.

Satan cannot plan your destruction, but he can sure plan your distraction.
Admission brings release/freedom.
Be open in a relationship.

Relationships are not born, they are cultivated.
Relationships are not birthed in times of happiness, but in times of trouble.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Skool is not gniffulb ^^

hmm...since im feeling rather derob might as well golb. hahas

loohcs is starting next keew. im retaking OOP which means when i hcaer the moorssalc on that day, ill be the artxe, cus everyone will be like neila to me and vice asrev.

well, kinda missed half of ecivres 1's sermon seton cus i forgot tt this week ps robb is gonna hcaerp diff sermons. if im not gnorw i heard tt hes gonna preach on e 42 principles on having an tnellecxe relationship. 42...tts like a lot! tcerroc me if im gnorw ^^

so excited for cg tomoro...mebbe ill ge gniog for s2, 3, 4, 5, 6 =D anyone care to nioj me? hahas...
yay, finally got kcab my guitar reifilpma frm daryl's hse. =D

went to tuc my riah yesterdae at JP. tuc until repus short! e back i told e hairstylist to tuc differently. so now one side regnol than e other. kinda looked interesting lol. but must wait for riah to worg longer than will look better, now too trohs oso...haha...

yea...looking forward to service tom (later i and yadnus! =))

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

7 Kinds of Faith

1. NATURAL Faith - Faith in people, ideologies, theories and things. -also known as the Head-Faith or the Thomas Faith (Seeing is believing).

-examples of natural faith:

communism, democracy, that ur house wont collapse, faith that e cook wont poinson your food, faith in scientific theories, etc.

-EVERYONE has natural faith. Which is based on:

i) Life's experiences
ii) Physical senses
iii) Human reasoning
iv) What others have taught you

Natural faith is NOT biblical faith. Bliblical faith is based upon a revelation of God's will as found in His WORD or by His SPIRIT.
-2 Ths 3:2

2. HISTORICAL Faith - Purely intellectual, religious faith.

-this kind of faith doesnt have a CONNECTION with the Presence/Power of God.

-in other words, its religion without a personal relationship.
-James 2:19 -> u are not a christian jus bcos u go to church, just bcos u live in a country with Christian roots or jus because u are raised in a Christian family or just because you know and believe in God.

EVEN demons believe in God and they tremble, some believe in God without having the fear of God in their lives.
Historical/Religious faith makes one religious -> doing for the sake of doing/doing because you're SUPPOSED to... -> doesnt bring us into a right RELATIONSHIP with God.

3. TEMPORARY Faith - Faith that has not counted the cost.

-e.g. the faith u have when going to e altar call. (DOES produce a 180 degrees change/decision and u give ur life willingly to God without counting the cost). It is...temporary.

However, ppl with temporary faith weaken or backslide when problems, crisis, tribulation comes or when they have to make a decision/COMMITMENT.
-Mostly hearers but NOT DOERS. (Believers but not true DISCIPLES)
-Mt 13:18-22

4. SAVING Faith or JUSTIFYING Faith - Faith that believes in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

-Eph 2:8 -Involves a DECISION + CONFESSION.

5. Faith IN God - DAILY Faith -heb 10:38 -Provides common sense and wisdom for everyday living.

-> From the Bible/Word or the Logos(gk.) Having faith IN God is having a GENERAL ASSURANCE that God will SOMEHOW carry u through.
-rom 12:3 -> God has given us a MEASURE of faith e moment we receive Him into our lives.
-This MEASURE of Faith is only in POTENTIAL form. -> It has to be DEVELOPED, like muscles.

The different levels of Faith Development:

a. WEAK faith - rom 4:19
b. LITTLE faith - mt 8:23-26
c. GROWING faith - 2 Ths 1:3
d. RICH in faith - James 2:5
e. FULL of faith - acts 6:5
f. SINCERE faith - 1 tim 1:5
g. OVERCOMING faith - 1 jhn 5:4
h. STRONG faith - rom 4:20-21
i. GREAT faith - mt 8:5-10
j. PERFECT faith - james 2:22, mark 11:22

-Faith takes TIME to grow. like our bodies it must have e proper food (hearing the Word) and regular exercises (DOING the Word). -Like a race, no matter how tired you are, you dont stop. Because when you stop, ull find it hard to regain the momentum. Keep reading, keep obeying, keep acting, keep praying, dont lose momentum. 'Jog on the spot even if u have to!'

-> dont just be a hearer, be a DOER. (start carrying weights!) Dont start off by carrying extremely heavy weights beyond your muscular capacity. it takes time and effort slowly, step by step.

-> David learnt how to handle a lion before he confronted Goliath. -Check your faith level before you leap, dont exercise faith in areas beyond your faith level. -> But keep on working that faith 'muscle' out.

6. The GIFT of Faith - God's OWN Faith

Types of Gifts:

a. Gifts of Revelation: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits.
b. Gifts of Utterance: Prophecy, Different kinds of tongues, Interpretation of tongues.
c. Gifts of Power: Faith, Working of miracles, Healings.
-1 cor 12:7-11

-These gifts are supernatural -> They cannot be performed by normal/natural means/abilities.

Characteristics of the GIFT of faith:

a) The gift of faith is GOD'S OWN FAITH
-mk 11:12-14, 20-22
The gift of faith is subjective -> it revolves around God as the subject and not the person.

To have the gift of faith is to:

-Have the faith OF God.
-Have the God-like faith.
-Have God's OWN faith.
-Have the faith God possessed within Himself.

-Gift of faith is not ordinary/normal, human faith, but it is a portion of God's VERY OWN faith given to you!
-God doesnt doubt what He says, He is 100% confirmed that it WILL come to pass. -> God has tremendous faith in His own Word.

Heb 11:13, Gal 2:20, acts 3:16
-The measure of the gift of faith is determined by the measure we are willing to crucify our flesh.

b) The gift of faith comes from the HOLY SPIRIT.

-When you are faced in a crisis, it is not enough just to know the stories/parables in the Bible. You must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to your heart. -> Hear God for yourselves!

c) The gift of faith comes through a REVELATION or RHEMA.

Difference between Logos and Rhema:

i) Logos is the WHOLE COUNCIL or SUM TOTAL of thought, concept or idea. Logos is the Word of God in its entirety (The entire Bible) aka the WRITTEN Word.

ii) Rhema is a word SPOKEN for a PARTICULAR occassion for a SPECIFIC person. It is a PERSONAL word form God to you; A word that a person takes action upon. It becomes a CONVICTION.

e.g. Peter walking on water was a Rhema SPOKEN by Jesus when He said to Peter, 'Come!' It was spoken to a specific person and a particular time. Peter did not walk on water throughout the Bible. That was why the others in the boat did not follow Peter on the water because they knew it was a Rhema for Peter alone.

e.g. Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It was a Rhema SPOKEN by God the Father to Jesus. It was for a specific occasion to a particular person. Jesus did not raise every dead person from the tomb!

-Every rhema is different, no 2 rhema is the same. What God has spoken to you is for you and you alone, for the situation ure in. You dont need to find out other ppl's rhema. Other ppl dun need to know your rhema, just do what you are supposed to do and 'mind your own business'.

If God has spoken then do it, obedience is better than sacrifice.


The Bible is God's Written Word (Logos) while the Rhema is God's SPOKEN Word.
Gift of faith comes by hearing and hearing from the SPOKEN Word of God.
When you hear the Rhema form the Holy Spirit, a portion of God's own faith immediately gets deposited into you.

This kind of faith comes when God clearly gives you a DIRECT REVELATION of His Will over a particular situation. -> You do not just have a genaral assurance (Logos), but the SPECIFIC Word (Rhema) in your spirit from the Holy Spirit.

It is dangerous sometimes when you cant differentiate the two. Satan knows the Logos (Written Word) and he used it as a weapon to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. The devil knows the Logos more than most Christians and he makes the Logos into a 'shortcut to success'.

Jesus knew the Logos, but He didnt do what the devil tempted to Him to do because although Satan quoted the Logos, there was no Rhema frm God to act, God didnt speak directly to Jesus to jump off.

Faith(Rhema) = weapon = Sword of the Spirit. (The devil has the Logos, but you have the Rhema! What God speaks will come to pass.) -> Only when God gave the 'go', only then did the Isrealites attack the enemies.

-God performs miracles to meet the needs of His people so that God can be glorified. NOT to prove to unbelievers that He is God. -> God doesnt come to you, you go to Him! (God listened to Abraham and asked him for His opinion before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah was because Abraham was God's FRIEND!)

-Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. You have to build relationship with God before God can listen to/trust you.

-eph 6:17, Jhn 21:20, mt 14:29

d) The power of God's faith is released through SPEAKING the Word.

mk 11:23-24
The faith OF God makes a BOLD CONFESSION. -> The faith OF God doesnt doubt.
When God SPOKE the universe into existence, He didnt doubt.

e) The gift of faith is NOT something ARBITRARY.

-the gift of faith is SPECIFIC. (when? where? who?) -> Jesus did not go round cursing fig trees or raising every dead person from every tomb!

the gift of faith IS NOT OURS TO COMMAND.
we have to be OPEN to the Holy Spirit and to hear His Rhema.
You dont hear from the Holy Spirit every moment of the day! -> What to eat, what to wear, whether to sleep or not, whether to go toilet or not, etc...

99% of the time, God expects us to live by our own COMMON SENSE!
For day to day living, you need the faith IN God.

With the faith IN God you WONT have the absolute certainty of the faith OF God.
Faith IN God is:

-Acting ON the Word.
-RENEWING your mind.
-Acting OUT the Word.

Faith IN God is still a powerful miracle-working faith. It just lacks one quality:

The certain knowledge that God has already worked on your behalf!

Although the faith IN God is not perfect faith, we still need to develop our faith muscles! We cant effectively operate in the faith OF God without having first developed a strong faith IN God!
But for special occasions, when the Holy Spirit SPEAKS to you through a Rhema, you could be moving in the faith OF God!

7. The FRUIT of Faith

A GIFT is received INSTANTLY, but a FRUIT is CULTIVATED over a process of time and skillful labour.
gal 5:22-23

-The gift of faith has to do with a SPECIFIC ACTION.
-The daily faith to live by has to do with a LIFESTYLE.
-The fruit of faith has to do with your CHARACTER and ATTITUDE!

As you learn to live by faith and move in faith, you develop an abiding TRUST in God.
psm 125:1, 56:3, 2 Tim 1:12

Fruit of faith -> trust in God -> ENTRUSTING your whole life TO God.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Weird Dream

jus woke up from a strange dream. dunno whether u call it a nightmare or a yesterdae was kinda bored, sleep and check MSN, sleep and check blog...time for me to finish up my bible reading.

weird dream i had. dreamt that i was going back home to my old house at Redhill (Lengkok Bahru to be exact). then i had no keys. called my mum to bring e key over and i managed to go into e house. then i wanted to go out but no key cus my mum took it with her.

somehow i managed to get out and found myself walking along e roadside in e middle of a jungle. e road was very ulu. i had 2-3 other ppl with me. and they asked me for directions to go to a certain place. and i began to lead them to where they wanted to go. down a slope, past trees, etc.

next thing i realised i was in church main audi. i had my guitar with me and i was playing with the amplifiers and effects on the stage. it belonged to one of the musicians. it felt good, i tried on the amp and the effects...i was playing change and one. jus on the amp, it wasnt connected to the stage speakers. there were ppl with me but i couldnt rem...(cus its a dream, u dun rem every detail!)

next thing i know i was in the cab in e middle of a jungle with kexin and seth (i think). started talking about my dream. seth(or whoever dat was) was sitting beside me and kexin in front. i was talking to 'seth' about my dream and goals in life.

then kexin turned around and.."huh! continue dreaming..." and gave me the (who do you think you are) look. "You dun even LOOK like one!". i ignored her and continued to talk to 'seth' den kein said a lot of things..."do you think i care?", "its your problem...", disturbing things...cant rem all. i could only rem the look she gave, the 'i despise you' look...

then i woke up. * scary....well, not really scary. later goin JP to buy Prisoner of War. heard its a tough game to play. and since its considered a 'classic', well..not really, they've reduced e price to 19 bucks so i can afford it.

this sat during CG mus pay 10 bucks to shin for e funfair tix. though i have no intention of going, i still bought it for 10 bucks so as to help shin out. which brings something else to my thought. i had e thought of donating 10 bucks to kexin's 'arashi fund'....yes i can hear your scream dunno...i mean its building fund period and already e amount im giving is literally gonna reduce my savings frm 2k plus to jus a few hundred.

initially i had 4k, gave 1k to missions and used e money for other stuffs like paying for e movies during fellowship, for lending ppl and stuff. and at tt time i also lent 150 to rachel once..but she paid back. and no it wasnt a shared account, it was my personal saving account.

ever since i came to CHC ive been giving and giving and lending and blessing e ones i love. even quincy's bdae gift this year i paid for it all. everytime i give i have never expected anything in return.

I like what pastor avanzini said, "Your money is not yours, your money is God's money". We are just stewards. ive nv complained or grumbled once when giving, but ive always given in joy in faith. because its God's money. If God can bring money throught you, He will bring money TO you.

God is like my daddy. and i get my allowance from Him. i believe that whenever im out of cash, i can always go to Him and let my requests be made known to Him. one thing i HATE, i hate ppl who beg...people who ASK for blessing (consistently, persistently). if not then call blessing for what? itll be more like extortion lol.

nevertheless, once u realise and UNDERSTAND that your money is God's and ure looking after it. it doesnt matter how much u have at the end, because God has everything and what good will He hold back from those who love Him? ;)

Monday, October 24, 2005

New Look, New theme

A new background, a new theme color and a new song.

Special thanks to (Learnt about plagiarism lol):

Esther - for the song (Shine Like Stars by True Worshippers (Shine Like Stars)). - for the lyrics


Cant wait for Bible Study this wednesday! =)) yeah...

man i miss church and CG oredy... x) heex...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Great service!

yay svc was great. learnt that God wants to make us a pillar. God is our strength. and if God wants to make us pillars, He wont put a weight too much that itll break us, but make us stronger. and that no one is BORN a pillar!

God is not just for you to know or believe, God is meant to be experienced! Dont live a life independent from God. why did Peter the great man of God full of power and anointing, seemed to be powerless at e garden of gethsemane? it was bcos before that he told himself, "I am strong...if all were to fail You i will not betray You..."

God only empowers e weak and humble. if ure so full of pride and think u dont need God, then God wont give u any power to overcome obstacles since u say u dun need Him. =) hunger for more of God today, when the power of God comes upon you, you can say to e mountain be removed and be cast into e sea and it will be done as u say. every mountain shall become a plain! ;)

Shine Like Stars - True Worshippers

Look at the world we live today
Look at the hurting everywhere
Let us see mercy and Your grace
Overflowed in every place
Let us be one with You today
And let Your glory fall

Teach us to live in righteousness
Teach us to love in one accord
Guide us to live life everyday
As we worship in Your court
Let us declare Your majesty
And let Your glory fall

We will shine
Shine like stars above
Shining in Your light
Guided by Your love
Let Your fire burn in us
Burning like the sun
As we glorify
And show Your kingdom come
In all the earth

We will shine like stars above
As we're burning like the sun

Saturday, October 22, 2005

CCGM, OPM, YummyRace

ccgm (w318, e110 and w216 (andy and sylvia)) was great. adam so funny...fat momma dance and the 'winky loves girls' tee hahahaha! u rock

great msg too...great presence of God durin PnW. no space so we sat like classroom style...haha. reminds me of primary school ^^

decided to leave my guitar amp at daryl's place and collect some other day cus it was inconvenient to bring to church for OPM. left for church in sharon's car. so cool, after ccgm we had 3 cars outside daryl's hse to hitch us a ride to church. at first i was in andy's modified car with body car. but everyone was like trying to squeeze again, haha so i went over to sharon's car.

wayne's car was also full. but not THAT full like e other 11-seater toyota corolla hahahas.

OPM was great...great PnW. i was touched by e presence of God. while we knelt there and worshipped...presence of God came like a mighty river. there were tears in my eyes. once again i felt that love....the same FIRST love i had towards God. i felt so complete, so safe, so secure, so satisfied ;)

first session was great and on fire, i like the song Shine Like Stars from True Worshippers' Shine Like Stars Album, written by Sidney Mohede. so nice, so hip, so cool, not jus full of good music, but full of the presence and the power of God! =)

second session felt rather weak cus i jus eaten during e break so naturally ull wanna sleep, furthermore it was already 2-3plus in e middle of e night. but i told myself to stay on and pray on. ;)

third session was good, had a "Holy Spirit" time, my favourite! :)) received a word from 2 leaders as we worshipped. really blessed by it. ;)

yummy race was crazy today. surprised to see Jun Ting come, but she was in another grp. stella brought her brother (hardcore pincher) and her cousin. in same team with me, fat momma winky, wesley and pammie. first stop, expo. took a lot of crazy poses and i actualli had to take one behind a dustbin hahaha. quite funny lol. it was kinda like a peek-a-boo photo at hall 8!

oh ya, speaking of hall 8, during OPM ps tan mention we'll be using hall 8 for our services. sat 5pm and sun 10am. of course they are subject to change....yes...seriously, literally cus its not confirmed yet hahas.

and during christmas we are going to use 2 halls...YES...>TWO HALLS MAN and FOUR SERVICES IN EXPO! lol. one for service one for a carnival. its gonna be like a family day kinda thing. there'll be rides, games and food at one hall and when its time for svc, we jus go over to e next hall ;)

second stop, sempang bedok. went to e prata stall and ate the 'plaster' and 'tissue' prata. the plaster was cripsy all the way and i tink they added butter or sugar to make it sweet at some parts and it was shaped like a cone. so we can sort of 'rip' it out. fully crispy and dipped in curry....yumm. :D tissue prata is like egg prata, jus dat its something like sunshine egg in prata. e yolk is watery and nice! :D MILO DINOSAUR WAS THE BEST! milo was sweet and chocolatey and it also had milo powder floated on top of e drink. YUMMY! its like heaven! lol...

once again we took crazy pictures hahaha. then went to 85 Market for satay and bah-chor-mee. juicy, tender, sweet smelling, tasty satay! lol. took crazy pictures again haha cus we have to ma...with e whole team and e food lol.

after dat had ot find "Exceptionally hers" at century sq and the ShiLin (cant rem e name) and ate the XXL chicken. whoa...heaven again. sweet, juicy, tasty and spicy chicken!!! yummmm...^^

last stop was the "Village of Adam and Steve" we were like...HA? Simi lai eh? lol. found out it was changi village! whoa lol. waited for e bus for like 20minutes! is a wonderful God....2 other teams were on the SAME BUS!!!!!! woot lol we were like..."man this has got to be a joke" ROFL! =p

arrived at changi village, took a few more photos and we finished e race. though we didnt win anything but like yong ren said, we did win a stronger family bond together :)) we had to come up with an item related to food. some did songs but we did sort of like a FatMomma Rap hahaha....thanks to adam. lol =p here it goes:

(FatMomma dance)
FatMomma Sing,
FatMomma Sing,
FatMomma eat your chicken wing!

Chicken wing? Why eat me? I go call my cousin-stick!
Call what stick?

Stick what stick!?!
So much stick...
It's the food that makes me tick! (We did the ''walla-walla'' on the tummy)


had a crazy journey back with stella and gang. monkeys man lol. a lot crazy things happened, i endured 1.5hours of pinching until got internal bleeding and a minor skin tear on one of my arms. then God spoke to me, "As much as you did it to one of these little ones, you did it to are blessed because you have strength..." i was so blessed by that.

poor pamela had to stand...cus stella and gang were ''thinking too much'' between me and pam lol. i was victim oso. hahas. wesley was like punching bag that couldnt be moved. lol u rock =p hahas...

reached boonlay bought sweets for them and accompanied them on 243 all e way to their busstop. and making a detour back to my house.

at home some bad things happened and i was broken and sad. cried while talking to evan on e phone cus at tt point in time, i had no one else to talk to, yes God was there but i needed to talk to someone to let felt as if there was no more brother, no more mother or father.

carrying 2 crosses all my life has made me strong. but at tt point in time, i had to carry 4 crosses...and i knew i couldnt do it on my own strength. that was why i broke down...

really wanna thank evan for lending an ear and for being a good discipler. ;)

God, i need more of Your anointing, more of Your strength, more of You!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

7 Definitions of Faith

Faith = "Pistis" (Gk.) -> Persuasion AND Conviction

Heb 11:1 -> Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of the things HOPED for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen. (NKJV)

A few translations of Heb 11:1:

NLT - What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
RSV - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the CONVICTION of things not seen.
GNT - To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.
NIV - Now faith is being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we do not see.

1. Faith is different from HOPE

1 cor 13:3
Faith is NOT hope but faith IS SIMILAR/RELATED to hope.


a. Hope is for the FUTURE, faith is for the PRESENT.
-eph 2:8-9

-Hope is: I hope i can be healed, etc.
-Faith is: I receive my healing now, etc.

b. Hope is anchored in the realm of the HEAD, but faith is anchored in the realm of the HEART.
-1 ths 5:8, rom 10:10

Hope is: a mental attitude of expectancy
Faith is: a product of the heart

What does it mean to believe with the heart?

-The heart of a man is at the very CENTER, the core of man's being which is his "SPIRIT".
-rom 2:28-29, 1 pet 3:4, luke 16:19-23, 25

-To believe with your heart is to believe in your SPIRIT.
-1 cor 2:14, rom 7:22
-Your spirit man can See, Feel, Know and Analyse things apart from the mind.

-jhn 20:24-25, 29

-Thomas-Faith: see to believe.
-Abraham-Faith: believing to see.

Head-Faith: Exists only in the realm of the mind. It is an intellectual, mental acceptance of certain facts and doctrines. It is not biblical faith but human faith. Doesnt produce results and changes in the lives of people.

Heart-Faith: Built on spiritual truths and revelation. Doesnt mean denying weaknesses/circumstances, but looking beyond natural circumstances and weaknesses and looks to God's promises. If God says so, then it is so, PERIOD.
-rom 4:17-21


-When we have faith we have a substance in our spirit man.
-We are 'pregnated'/'birthed' with an accomplished reality that has yet to be manifested. -> You can feel it because you carry it.

This "substance" is described as:

a) A sense of confidence.
b) A feeling of confirmation, boldness, assurance.
c) A sure internal indication that it is done, you have grapsed it, you have the ownership or title-deed of what you want.

Phil Pringle - "If you dont have the 'feeling of faith', you will surely fall when you attempt something bigger than your abilities".

3. Faith produces an ATTITUDE. (In your spirit)

-Example: positive, joyful, confident, dont think that life is unfair, etc...a feeling of absolute confidence
-num 14:24, 2 cor 4:13, 16-18 -> Everything is subject to change. Facts are subject to change, only the TRUTH (God's Word) is final.
-Paul called his problems "light affliction'' and "for a moment".

4. Faith produces a FIRM FOUNDATION.

"Substance" = "hupostasis"(gk.) -> a support or a platform you stand on.
Faith is the BASIS or FOUNDATION for everything we hope for.

Faith is not trying to psyche yourself up to make what you wish for come true.
Faith is not mental concentration or mind control.
Faith is not mere positive thinking.
Without faith, our hope is mere wishful thinking, doomed to bitter disillusionment.

You can hope all you want, but it is faith that ACTIVATES!

Faith allows us to receive things from God. -> Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Faith is substantial -> we can walk, stand, build our lives on it.

5. Faith deals with DESIRES.

You can hope, you can desire but it is faith that allows you to receive.

HOPE: desires, visions, dreams
God wants to fulfill our desires and our goals AS LONG AS it tallies with His.
Be SPECIFIC with your desires or prayers. -> dun pray something like:

"God help me to desire what You desire so that Your desires can become my desires and that You will be happy when I desire Your desires...etc...." (bla bla bla...)
God is asking you today: What do you want? -> You do not have because you do not ASK, you asked but do not receive because you ask with wrong motives.

-Mk 11:24
-When you ask, BELIEVE you have received. -> as long as you dun go out of God's will.
-Definite things/Definite desires -> Definite faith.

6. Faith produces an UNSHAKABLE CONVICTION.

-Evidence is used to prove a case. Another word for evidence is CONVICTION.
-When God speaks a Rhema to you, there is an unshakable conviction in your spirit that indeed God has spoken and God will make it come to pass.
-Do NOT base your faith on other people's faith/conviction!

7. Faith reaches out to the INVISIBLE.

-Ish 55:8-9, Gen 15:1-3, Jhn 11:39-40, psm 27:13, rom 4:17-21, 11-12.

Faith deals with the things in the realm of visions, dreams and your IMAGINATION.
2 cor 5:7, heb 11:3, 1 cor 2:9-10, 14.
Faith is not the product of human reasoning.

Human reasoning is: See to believe.
Faith is: Believe to see.

-However, God is NOT AGAINST reason. He is simply BEYOND or HIGHER than human reasoning. -> God's Word EXPANDS your reasoning.

-Having faith doesnt mean you throw away your common sense/brain or to put your reasoning aside. We have to be WISE!
e.g. In e desert, Satan asked Jesus to jump off the roof.

If we are carnally minded, we can only accept what our natural senses reveal to us. But if we are spiritually minded, our faith will make the truths in God's word more real than what we see or experience naturally. (Seeing to believe).

If you can see it then there's no need for faith. We need faith because we cannot see it...YET.

BIBLICAL FAITH vs NEW AGE (Mind over matter).

Biblical faith: God-centered (With man it is impossible, but WITH God, ALL things are possible.)
New Age: Man-Centered (Mind over matter -> e.g. feel the inner man within you rising..etc.)
Its all about you, you and you.

Biblical faith: Word-Centered (Rhema/Promise) -> Logos is the written Word. Rhema is the SPOKEN Word.
New Age: Self-Centered/Self-Desires (All about I, Me and Myself...what I can become/do.)

Faith is more than positive thinking, it is hope with a positive thinking accompanied with an ACTION done after receiving a Rhema because you can hope all you want, but it is faith that ACTIVATES.


Bs was great....went to the foodcourt next to BayView Hotel to makan. Went with Bao, Pam, Kexin, HuiYing, Seth and Zack. had a good time. =)

Yea BS is always so exciting always learn new things :) We've got to expand our thinking cus when we limit our minds, we limit our life. Einstein was considered a 'PRO' simply because he used his brain 1% more than others. ;)

Its like saying, the food tastes great. People can believe or not. But only when you taste it for yourself, then itll taste really really good haha...jus eaten so....yea...hahahas ^^

You never achieve anything great if our minds are limited, our thinking is so narrow, if we remain comfortable where we are. We've got to change our thinking, enlarge our capacity and step out of our comfort zone. The grass is always greener on the other side ;) heex...=D

Cant wait for the churchwide conference on GOTP (aka the Tabernacle). indeed we shouldnt be feeding on milk or bread anymore...lets go on to perfection, having laid the RIGHT foundations and move on to SOLID FOOD! =)

Life is more than just existing or merely surviving. God has come to give life and life MORE ABUNDANTLY ;) In HIm, we have MORE THAN ENOUGH, yea..=))

Once again, happy bdae to Seth an HuiYing aka Will-Win..hahahas ^^

comb CG this friday at daryl's place...3 storey bungalow, private house..mans...imagine...jus his ROOM alone can fit a drumset! and ill have to carry an amplifier...hahaha jus when i thought carrying a pail with 2 tongs and a knife was bad enough...hahahahahaha =p

Happy Bird-Day! hahaha


woke up at 8 by accident, thought i was late for BirdPark then saw the time...i almost screamed. then went back to sleep.

woke up again at 10...ohno...mus wake kexin reply....went back to sleep.

woke up AGAIN at kexin again.....ok now she got pick up...ok...went back to sleep.

woke up again at 12...time to shower and leave...gotta meet jinhong, zen and kexin at 1245pm at boonlay interchange.

reached boonlay interchange at 12.40pm waited will 1pm. no one yet...go jurong point mac and stone...dunno y ppl stared at me...i famous isit? hahaha

1.15pm - no one yet...go JP arcade have a look.

1.25-130pm - jinhong called to say he reached. went to bus interchange find him.
just nice kexin oso reach and zen was there with jinhong. se we waited for bus 194


reached birdpark by 2pm went to e talking birds section tried talking to birds. kexin asked me to laugh my trademark laugh see if the birds can copy ... 0.-" ... hahaha. den we had a problem..."WHERES THE MAP?" hahahahaha. we forgot to take e map lol.

took e Panorail to dunno which stop...

( PS: kexin had one extra free trip (ticket had 3 trips for 3 stations) cus at one instant when they checking ticket she cant find hers and managed to sneak out hahaha PRO!!! eventually she found her tix so yea...hahaha lol )

...only 3 stops ma (Main, DunnoWadStop, and Waterfall station) hahas. went into the Humongous birdcage lol. like jurassic park hahaha. walked on the suspended bridge above the treeline below...look down its go down im birdfood....hahahas

stayed SUSPENDED in the bird cage for some time. jinhong tried to take a few shots of the birds up close cos they were like sitting on the handles of the platform next to us. then saw this 2 birds kissing. so those with gd cam phones tried to take a few shots.

after a few M18 shots...the lovers suddenly shy shy...den turn their backs against us pretend nothing happen. next thing we know suddenly e entire platform was filled with BIRDS! hahahaha....real colorful ones too...very cute...very nice :)) then got this big lizard...extra...haha!

next we went to the 'Big Birds' section. say a really big eagle...2.6m kexin tried to use her dominion powers to call the bird down and ZHUN ZHUN one really came down..hahas ^^

next to it was e Birds of Prey section. lots of HUGE birds too. (pls dun think too much...l0ls) really huge ones. one of them flew down from e top of e cage, did a REBOUND on the side of the cage before landing in front of us.

man u can HEAR the wings flap loudly and when it landed....WHOA...we can feel the wind sia! so power! and the wind as strong as that in a storm...the kind tt can blow ur umbrella away one... =)) praise God for such majestic creatures ;)

walked past this ostrich area...the ostrich so funny and so blursotong...haha. as we walked past, we saw e ostriches butts, but teh heads all on the so funny. then when we stop...suddenly one by one the head pop out like a submarine telescope hahahaahaha!!!!! then after awhile 'submerge' again LOL!

den suddenly kexin tot of the arcade game....haha the Whacko thingy. not just one ostrich, but EVERY ostrich were doing their 'surface' and 'submerge' thingy haha...

after dat went to birdshow. on e way got kissed by a mosquito near my ear and one on my feet. luckily i nv shout molest. =p kexin and jinhong oso kena durin e show it was nice. jinhong was one of those who held e hula hoops in e hand and e birds had to fly through them. so nice.

Kexin: one of the birds laugh like someone here le...

okay fine...hahahahaha =p ^_^ *blushblush...l0lx

after dat went to waterfall station...on e way saw the flamingos (kexin's favourite ^_^) and swans. got this white swan with a black neck and head, got fully black swans and ONE fully white snow. so nice. the 'zebra' swan mebbe cus the white mate with e black hahaha.

den suddenly we think of swan AND and pink or white and pink haahaa...^_^ strawberry swan lol!

waterfall aviary was cool but very moist haha cus we had to walk thru a mini 'rainforest' and sooo moist haha. den we stoned below e waterfall and enjoyed e scenery. suddenly i got a flashback in my memory..hahaha


i rem when i was young my mum to me to the GB/BB campsite in sembawang cus she was one of e event organisers for e GB camp thingy. then i rem got this girl to0k me and climbed up the tree. (it was an obstacle/rope course tree, and it was very high then there were studs for them to climb and ropes suspended frm tree to tree).

and they left me on top and asked me to stay there. obviously they were 'playing' with me. but i was young so i thought they were trying to keep me away frm my mum. when i saw my mum below...suddenly in front of all e girls (cus GB camp) i found no other way to get i jumped off the high tree...l0l

i remember landing on the grass...dat was all i could remember...haha


so after e waterfall aviary (which we din se much birds btw...jus e waterfall hahaha), we went back to the main station. went to e World of Darkness...saw e night birds like owls....and so funny. there was 4 sections in the air-conditioned and dark room. and every sectionn jinhong will knock the glass 5 times to attract attention and/or to scare the owls...hahhahahahahaha....

is like we walk...then Knock x5, walk, knock x5, walk, knock x5...hahaha imagine e thermal/NV camera/ 4 screens. each screen see the same thing...hahahaha scully e ppl tot camera spoil lol! "eh? how come every screen playing e same thing ah? the same guy knocking on the glass...then they turn and look at the next same thing....hahahhaha =p

after dat went to penguin enclosure to chill cus e aircon very nice. saw king penguins and those small swimmers. stayed there for like 20min. we saw this 3 king penguins standing in a circle and looking up at the CCTV inside e enclosure. so kexin came up with a "ahbeng congress'' story...hahaha

cus the penguin walk like ahbeng, shoulder move like ahbeng and like ahbengs, their head always tilt upwards one....hahaha. then these 3 penguins will walk together and their heads all faced upwards in e same direction haha.

den saw this 2 penguins kissing at e corner and one vain penguin looking at e mirror in confusion lol. kexin came up with many stories...hahahaa so funny. =p PS: korean dramas...hahas


went back to JP to makan. ate chicken rice at LaiLai. then kexin made a good point. she call us to look at e LaiLai logo on the plate. den we "Home made curry"...then i looked at e stall. chicken rice, duckrice, dumpling noodle, etc. "home made curry"? waht curry? hahahahaha *faint lol...

den while i was talkin to zen and he owned a laptop. then i asked him what model. and the funny thing happened! after i asked him, i felt the answer jus shot into my head and my heart and i said aloud the brand name.

and at the SAME INSTANT, WITHOUT DELAY, he said the same word. hahahaha so cool. praise God for a Word of knowledge....keke. such things rarely happen =) it felt as if it wasnt me saying, cus i felt i had lost control somewhat for a split second and the word jus came out. :D

went to see CDs, DVDs and VCDs then went to Life Bookshop. looked at CDs, books, name tags, etc. came back at 8pm fell asleep. woke up at 11+pm and had a peanut butter bread and a cup noodle. tomoro cant wait for BS. expect a long lesson tomoro guys ^_^ later i mean...haha

and of course, friday is combined cg with E110 at daryl's place. man so excited, nv go his hse before 3-STOREY BUNGALOW...more like mansion lor...haha. got drumset, etc. so cool. wayne is game master! i was like...oh no...hahahaha =p no "niu-nai" game pls...hahahaha :x

after CG chiong for OPM...yay! finally. =)

den saturday is our "Yummy Race" at expo. start at expo finish at expo. haha if wayne is in ur team, prepare to eat like uve nv eaten before lol. and after dat enjoy the scene of 'food-creativity' as he plays with the food...hahahaha like peng ^_^ ok i shant say more...later i kena hoot lol. =p keke...

of course...cant wait for service too! =) so excited...heex =D

PS: heres a public birthday greeting to huiying: happy bdae Huiying! =))

Monday, October 17, 2005

7 ways to increase in the anointing

Jud 3:1-2, 5, 24-25
Samson = "sunlight" / "glory"
40 days in e Bible always represents a period of testings and trials
We are like Nazarites -> People who love God; we live in the world/marketplace

Dun just be a spectator, dun just be a hearer, be a doer!
God moves when you move, God stops when you stop.

1) Position yourself in the place of FAITH
-jud 14:5-6
It is faith that make things happen.

2) Defeat the "LIONS" in your life
-we become stronger with every 'foe' we slay. -> dun let circumstances rule your life, you rule your life IN Christ.
-Slay EVERY Lion. -> In Christ we can be the head and not e tail, above and not beneath, blessed in our coming in, blessed in our going out. -> no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

7 Lions in your life:

temptation is not sin, it only becomes sin the moment you yield to it.
-1 Pet 5:8

b. Lion of APATHY
laziness and/or indifference
-> our will is like a muscle, the more we execise it, the more you'll flow in the will of God

1 Chr 11:22
the moment you say its impossible, you have lost.

-In Christ we can be the victors and not the victim!
-dont be a noisy christian; dun just talk the talk, WALK the walk.

-1 Kings 13
-> e moment we are drawn away from God, we are vulnerable to the devil because he knows ure weak without God

-life is not about you, but about the One who gave you life.

g. Lion of DECEPTION
-rev 13
Dont be weak, be strong! Dont be a fool, be wise!

3. Grow in the revelation of the WORD
- Jud 14:14, 19, Ish 11: 1-2
-Dont just live by knowledge alone, live by revelation.
-We dun have to rely on second hand revelation, hear God for yourselves today! -> get a Rhema from God

Dont just have the head-knowledge, have the HEART-knowledge. -> the longest distance in e human body is from the head to the heart.

4. Use the GIFT God has put in your hands. (No matter how insignificant it is).
-Jud 15:14-17, 18-20, Psm 18-29
Just keep working on it and exercising it and itll grow in power and anointing.

Its not about what weapon you're using, but at whose hands its being held in.

5. Get spiritually HUNGRY for the Holy Spirit
-The gifts, power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit is only RESERVED for those who are serious with God, for those who hunger and thrist after it -> not for the casual believers.
-Those in the upper room received the Holy Spirit because they waited and waited and waited and waited -> they had spiritual hunger.

6. Saturate your life with PRAYER.
-Samson's long hair represented his prayer life. -> He lost everything when he lost his 'hair'.

Anything not birthed by prayer IN God BY faith will NOT last.
-Jud 16:17-19
People dont backslide overnight, people backslide step by step and prayer is one of the factors.
-Mt 6:6, Ps 91:1

What is the difference between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person?
Its in the 'extra' prayer!
-Prayer is never convenient, there's always a price to pay for something great.
-Seek God in your 'secret place'

-Jud 16:21 -> When your prayer life is affected, you stop having visions and you stop progressing.
Dont become stagnant and comfortable where you are. -> Be strong, step out!
-Jud 16:22 -> Dun be discouraged jus like Samson's hair, no matter what situation you may be, your prayer life can grow again!

What happened when Samson renewed his prayer life for the last time?
-V29-30: He accomplished at ONE point in time, MORE than the SUM of ALL the achievements in his life!

Its not about how you fall, its about how you get up each time you fall! Because you know that with God, you can always rise up stronger and more anointed.

7. LOVE GOD more than you love His blessings
-Jud 16:28 -> dun seek the gifts, seek the Giver of the gifts!
Because when you have God, there is nothing you lack.

-V31: Samson fulfilled his life's purpose because He chose God more than anything else.
(He was buried at the same place he was born between Zorah and Eshtaol, the place where he first got his vision/purpose in life, the place where he first started, the place...where he got his destiny!)

Dont just be a convert, be a disciple! Dont just be a believer, be a worshipper! Dont just live to be spoonfed, be a strong PRAYER WARRIOR! =))

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hot Hot Hot

sorrie e notes for today's svc will be delayed. =) jus now after we makan finish at kopitiam after svc, we went to cafe cartel at cine to chill. man im like goin to cine every night for 4 wks in a row now..hahaha but dun mind lol

well. heres my views on wad happened earlier on regarding e issue of prosperity, the red dress and tongues:

first of all. we were clearly speaking out of the wrong atmosphere and the wrong intention. im sure we all felt that 'discomfort'. God said tt we shld speak out of faith, love and hunger for more of God's revelation in our lives.

Dont only focus on a PORTION of the Bible..we have to embrace the ENTIRE doctrine, from start to finish. like wad we learn in BS, u love God as much as u love His Word, u obey God as much as u obey His Word ;)

Like wad pastor said, we shouldnt build a church based on knowledge alone, but on revelation. to hear from God THEN do it. (rhema) -> With the word alone, ull dry up, with e spirit alone, ull blow up, but with e word AND the Spirit, ull grow up =)

every great things, comes with a great price. like wad ps talked abt today, e gift of e Holy Spirit is reserved ONLY for those who are serious...those who hunger and thirst for it. we will never achieve anything great if we remain in our own comfort zone. we have to step out in faith, because faith pleases God. God is not moved by needs, God is moved by faith. Things happen when we have the effective prayer BUILT on e foundation of faith.

like wad we learn today oso, God moves when we move, God stops when we stop. We have to take e first step. God will only speak to us what we need to do, guide us and correct us. again like wad we learnt in BS, when e boat was in e storm Jesus was sleeping...why? Because knows that we are a new creation in Christ with a new authority and He wants us to be able to calm e storms in our life thru Faith in Him. We can say to e mountain be removed and be cast into e sea and it shall be done as you say.

dun expect to be spoonfed all the time. its time to leave e elementary principles of Christ (milk), lay e right foundation (bread), and go on to perfection (solid food). :D the higher u wanna go, the deeper u have to dig =) not here to talk abt the issues...but rather...basic common sense on how we shld approach it. haha i suddenly rem wad ps tan preached abt things ttll stop u from moving on in of them is your past.

somehow jus now it seemed tt our past is catching up with us. its like: eh? i tot we dealed with it oredy? haha

so here goes:

before we discuss anything..we shld have the basic common sense to tell if e atmosphere is frm God or not. how do we know?

Atmosphere of God - Speak out of faith, hope and love. There is liberty, freedom and openness. we dun speak because we wanna justify ourselves or to judge, but it is in love and a hunger and a desire to know more abt God's Word.

To esteem others higher than self and to be humble, to be INTERESTED in others.

Atmosphere of e devil - Fear, PRIDE (led to e fall of Lucifer), Confusion, Disorder, Division, Aggression, Intimidation, etc. (clearly we felt at least ONE of these jus now...)

When e atmosphere is not good, watever we speak...itll not work. why? God's presence travels thru an atmosphere of worship and God's power travels thru an atmosphere of faith. CLEARLY, that was not e case. we were speaking WITHIN e atmosphere of e devil himself.

im sure we all sensed the 'discomfort' one way or another. that was why i kept quiet because i will not let e devil have his way. i will not contribute to pride, or confusion or fear or of any sort of division or church politics. =)

so thats abt e atmosphere.

now e second common sense i wanna talk abt. As long as anything is FROM God and IS in the will of God, then we will see several things:

Presence of God, Power of God, And not just fruits but fruits that REMAIN. clearly through the crossover project into e music industry has won 117,000++ souls to Christ =)

as long as whatever we are doing bears forth these fruits, theres no need to question it. ;) what we faced is more than just fruits that remain, but more importantly, LIFE TRANSFORMATION. like was ps said, we dun jus want converts, we want disciples! =)

the last common sense: since God approves what we do, since we see the Fruits of the Kingdom. then why more do we need to question?

one last thing. every church is PART of the body of Christ. each with a specific role, and a specific word. the RHEMA given to a pastor of a particular church WILL BE DIFFERENT from the rest.

we must understand that a Rhema given to a person is for THAT PERSON only and for THAT season/point in time.

for example the heart and the brain. BOTH were created by e same chromosome/DNA that is in e person. one was given e task "PUMP BLOOD" the other "PUMP nerve signals/electromagnetic pulses"

the brain cannot say to the heart "Eh, my DNA says we must pump EM signals! Why are you pumping blood?" vice versa. but BOTH were generated by the SAME DNA.

so before we discuss anything. Firstly, identify the atmosphere and the spiritual intention. Unity or division, pride or humility, hunger or skepticism, faith or fear, etc...

Secondly, once we have e right atmosphere, we see if God approves e things a church does by looking at its fruits. When we read a storybook we dun jus question halfway why this and that...we read e entire book! =)

instead of working from e centre...we shld learn to start from the BACK/END result and backtrack to see if we did anything we shldnt do. Once e fruits are there, okay we can skip to e next step.

that is to understand that we are one body, to understand that each part is unique in its calling and purpose. but yet same Creator :) God will not reveal things to you if youre not ready, or not open to receive it. questions remain unanswered because it is not e time and e season.

as long as its frm God and fruits remain, then its all tt matters. if God is FOR us, who can be against us? =)

learn to be more sensitive to e things of Spirit, to have BASIC discernment and to be Kingdom minded because our lives will follow what we set our hearts and our minds on :))

Christianity is not a religion but a relationship =) Abraham was considered God's FRIEND. Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrhoa, God DISCUSSED with Abraham. God LISTENED to Abraham and God changed His mind and plans because Abraham was His friend. :)

salvation is not jus a one time event, but a life long journey of learning and discipleship ;) like me, im still learning...with a hunger for e Word of God of course. =) dun jus drink milk all your life...its time for Solid Meat! ;)

well...ill post today's notes tomoro ^_^

CelGrp and Seth's Bdae at East Coast


celgrp was great. about how a prayer that is productive, purposeful and powerful, has to built on e foundation of faith. it was like our FT class haha. the higher u wanna go, the deeper u have to dig =)

learnt tt we shld ask the BEST from God because God loves us and is willing to give us His best, "the thoughts I think towards you...thoughts of love and of give you a hope and a future".. :)) and not to live in deception...when ure facing problems..dun say ure not. when ure sad, dun pretend life is a bed of roses.

they always say guys shouldnt cry. but come on...who wants a guy who deceives himself? who wants a guy who is not genuine, not true. who wants a guy who is insecure and tries to be someone else??? who wants a guy who doesnt share your tears when you are in your darkest moments? Jesus didnt jus cried, Jesus WEPT...does that mean He's not a man?

Definitely not! (of cos we know tt He is 100% God AND 100% Man -> e Word became Flesh) =)
PS: not that ive been wronged or something....haha its jus that i feel on fire tonight dunno why..haha...^_^

When we face problems, even when we wronged God, we dun run away from Him, we run TO Him. id rather to be discipled by God in my QT then to have my faults exposed in public ;)


after CG went makan at JP with zack, TYR, quincy, shin, tricia, eugene, pam and peng. after dat pam, peng and eugene went to my house to chill and play my guitar as me and peng took a shower at my place and at e same time, pam and eugene stayed until around 645 cus they had to rush for Usher support.


seth called me to bring a pail, tongs and a KNIFE!! i was id better take cab....i dun wanna be on e headlines...hahaha :x (NO WAY im taking public transport lol!)

so i took a cab with Peng to East Coast and met with Marlin and her CG. they celebrating Keith, Alexis and Seth's bdae.

got them to do monkey, chimpanzee of course we also sang bdae songs to them, blessed them and their CG gave them gifts as well.

food was good, but din eat much though...jus a sausage that Marlin 'gave me' so to speak, a few leftover chicken wings and some marshmilo, or is it seth...its marshmallows. Hahahaha....=p


left at around 10plus, we tried to find e main road unfortunately, it seemed as if it was gonna take

we managed to hit the road, only to find it beside the highway! was so ulu and there were like no cars along e road. furthermore, the exit seemed forever too haha.

as we were walking to find the main road...which looks as if itll take till morning, i told God...hmm. how am i gonna get home with this knife? (i felt like going for war lol with a knife, 2 tongs and a pail hahaha...) will i have enough to pay cus i only have 50 for to and fro trip and it looked as if i was gonna pay e midnight charge cus i had to take cab to JE with aini and marlin..before making a DETOUR back to boonlay.

then i told Your me the impossible...:D i told God: hmm..God, since right now im all alone with You..(cus i was walking like behind everyone else) Lord i pray for a cab to appear (i was walking next to e highway where there was not even one car in sight!) Lord, let a taxi stop right at my face even if its impossible.

Hired oso nvm...somehow ill get on a cab...even a hired cab was subject to change ;) so after i prayed finish, the 2 cabs came...hired? nvm...see wad happens..and HoLaMoMMa, it stopped right beside us and alighted e passengers...:)

Everyone was like.."WHOA! PRAISE GOD!" haha =)

i told God, "I know i might sound crazy...but hey, You remained on e Cross and endured e most 'crazy' thing...Lord as long as im not 'crazier' than sure u can do something not so crazy, like making cab stop right at my face... then i was like laughing quietly..haha ^_^

indeed what was impossible with man is possible with God. learnt in BS that God doesnt move by our our needs, but by our faith. it is OUR faith that heals sickness and diseases, it is OUR mountain moving faith that make things happen.

The measure of your life is determined by the measure of YOUR faith, you have for it ;) dont just sit around and hope for a good life anymore, SPEAK IT into existence! =) words indeed HAVE power.

We can create our own lives! Fate doesnt determine us, we determine our fate. =)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Its 4am, and bored...

jus today alone i received like 4 penpal requests ever since i signed up an account at haha.

glad to meet so many diff ppl frm diff backgrounds. =) hello frens in korea, china, and thailand! ;) i have this guy frm India jus add me...hes some financial manager, i was like WhoA!!!! lol...and also got this guy from England add me oso...hes a Psychiatric Nurse. sounds profound lol. all dua-pais...hahaha =x

open door perhaps? e-evangelism...haha..^_^

mebbe e reason why so many ppl add me cus i put a whacky photo..hahahaha yes, e one on the "MissingPhone", done by WE354318 Madness Gang hahaha =x

later might be goin to JB with family, go buy stuff and makan, cus my dad took off. yep. im really lookin forward to CG and Service this wk. ps kong comin back to give e Word...yeah! =) nevertheless, its not about the speaker but about God, how one Word from Him and your life will never be the same =)

and mine's been better each day, every week when the Word is given. i move on to another level of breakthrough. :)) dun jus be a hearer, but a doer. ;) so excited...hehe. =D any plans for this sunday evening people? haha...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

An exciting night..

haha yesterdae when i was chatting online with kexin, we all suddenly so ON abt penpals and wholivesnearyou l0l..

it jus so happen, e moment i created a penpal account at , less than 15min later i got a penpal request...i was like...WHOA! l0l..=)

den my wholivesnearyou (WLNY) acc got ppl msg me. was one of those "omFg, chc...noisy and inconsiderate church'' dat kind...l0l

well, kinda reminded me of wad happened in my first blog too. haha. was kinda like a battle for me. it wasnt as bad as wad happened in my first blog. only half e level of difficulty. haha. if u wanna noe wad happened in my first blog, haha look for me. ill be more than willing to share my past victories in Christ.

my first blog's battle lasted a month. well, yesterday''s incident lasted less than an hour. lol. all battles and persecution, it starts with the enemy's first weapon: fear and intimidation.

well, since ive got 'hands on experience' with this kind of battle, i knew how to tackle. but it wasnt easy though =) ive learnt not to be shaken by fear, but shake fear with love. love is the most powerful weapon ttll tear down EVERY stronghold. =) with love as a weapon, and faith as a shield, i knew if God was with me, then victory is guaranteed.

it was like a handicap match. it was like me AND God versus dat overkill...haha. so instead of retaliating, i began to bring myself down and esteem him higher than myself and i respected him. yes! esteeming other above self is easy, well at least for a believer (for some cases its SUPPOSED to..haha, no finger pointing =p).

but esteeming an enemy ABOVE SELF takes a lot of courage and humility. but it did jus dat. and i started a frendly conversation while he continued with his 'you guys are....this and that"

well, eventually. e stronghold was broken. and he started to seem interested in why we do the things we do...YES!!! frm a 'you chc ppl @#*@)#' to 'if..this and that...why do u guys..this and that..." ^_^ indeed its a drastic change. and i wasnt me. it was God. =)

PS: ive learnt my lesson and got scolded by the Holy Spirit once for giving credit to myself...well...dats another was discipleship frm God himself. painful, but helpful hehe...=)

so i continued to 'converse' with his guy on WLNY. eventually...the tone of aggression was broken when he started to.."" yea..could feel him opening a bit...praise God for that. :D ended quite ok i mus say, i talked to him as if he were my fren. well...till now he nv reply, most prob out of wins =))

well..slept at 5am LOL!!! haha. thanks pammie for the Hope CD heex :D yesterday after BS went JLS with kexin, huiying and pammie. cus the 'Tour Guide' nv come hahaha...kexin was like...'yay!' hahaha...=p

remember, hate is a big weapon and causes a lot of damage, but love is a small weapon that can reduce the size of its enemies smaller than itself. never be shaken by fear, but shake fear instead with love. no matter wad situation u may be in, out of every furnace is a shiny, speckless diamond...a beauty, a masterpiece =))

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A long awaited update.

well, went for service 2, 3, 5, 6, served in service 1 last wk. on sunday after S6 ended went to makan with Wayne, Bao, Kexin, Zack and the NUSers at cine food court. met sandee and valerie.

we intended to watch 40-year-old Virgin later, 745pm show. coincidentally, sandee and val were goin for the same show, same time, same place and they sat behind us!!!

the show was funny, laugh until no more air. lol. content was M18 scenery, nice sounds, blablabla....hahahaha =x the ending was good.

jus came back frm S5 and S6 comb prayer meeting. it was gooood. indeed we are gonna shift in december, shift to expo. at e end of the year, we are gonna look back and say, what a great year's its been.

in 1mth++ time, itll be our last service here in jurong west. lets pack the place, every seat, and end this year with fulfillment, knowing that we have finished our race here in jurong west, knowing that our time in jurong west has ended with a bang. and its time to move on...

like wad ps said, its not gonna be a new chapter, but a new BOOK. we are believing God for 50,000 members, not jus converts but disciples...when we are in expo. indeed when we are in expo, our growth will increase EXPOnentially ;) yeah...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Service 5, Service 6

SERVICE 5 - Faith Changes Things

Everything and every situation/circumstance natural/visible is subject to change.

-2 cor 4:8-9
Facts are, TRUTH is.
Facts are the reality of things, but TRUTH is the revelation of things unseen. Facts are subject to change, the truth is NOT because the truth is in God's Word.

Nothing you see is final, only God's word is final
Everything is subject to change, even DEAD things.

-Dan 2:21 -> even TIMES can change
-2 cor 4:13-16, 17-18

Faith changes things/situations/circumstances; Faith (YOUR faith) can change PEOPLE too.
God is a god of new things, a god of CHANGE.

SERVICE 6 - Faith breaks borders and limitations

Faith breaks borders and limitations and is able to take you beyond your wildest dreams!
-Eph 3:20 -> God WANTS to give you MORE than you even thought you could have.

1 Chr :10 -> Jabez = 'pain'
The problem is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is your MIND.
Faith breaks borders and limitations!

If the fish that you catch is too big, then CHANGE YOUR FRYING PAN! -> dont live with a small, limited mindset!

1) Believe God that you can DO more than what other people have done.
2) Believe God that you can have more GIFTS than others.
3) Believe God that you can SERVE more than others who have served.
4) Believe God that you can GO further than others have gone.

Few things to dare:

a) Dare to DO the impossible
b) Dare to THINK the impossible
c) Dare to SPEAK the impossible
d) Dare to BREAK your LIMITS

You can do things when you do not know its impossible.
Dont limit other people!
There is no limit to one that believes

God wants to give these to you:

i) Dreams
ii) Visions
iii) Ideas
iv) Miracles
v) Nations

If your dream FROM GOD starts working, no force on heaven or earth can stop it.
God can make you a nation-changer.

Limiters that prevent you from breaking your borders:

1) Loneliness
-We need each other (church) to see our dreams come to pass in your life.
-Church is more than a hobby, its your life.
-Christianity is more than a religion, its a relationship.

2) Fear
-Its scientifically proven that worry and fear is the number one cause for all sicknesses.
-80% of all sicknesses are psychosomatic (mentally-related causes).

3) Wrong friends and surroundings
-Get REAL and good friends.
-Atmosphere changes you, and atmosphere is determined by the friends you hang out with.
-If you wanna be an eagle, dun soar around turkeys!

4) Wrong upbringing
-God believes in you -> when u do not see God's hands, you can trust His heart.
-God can give you the desires of your heart when you seek Him FIRST.

-The measure thatll be given to you will be determined by the size of your heart; the measure you are willing to receive. -> Never limit God or yourself!

-Psm 34 -> Faith breaks borders and limitations.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Your Attitude towards Problems (CG) + Service 2


Successful people are problem solvers and possiblity-thinkers.


1. Problems are INEVITABLE

A problem-free life is just an illusion/fantasy
Once u develop a mentality that problems are inevitable, ull NEVER be caught unaware/unprepared
-Jhn 16:33, Jas 1:2

2. Problems are TEMPORARY.

Every problem has a limited lifespan.
Every problem has a way out
Hope = holding on and praying expectantly.

-1 cor 10:13, jer 29:11


theres always 2 sides to a coin.

how we act reflects what we believe.

-gen 50:20, phi 1:11-13

4. Problems test our FAITH.

your problem will never get smaller, you have to be BIGGER than your problem.

-gen 12:1-5, 10

5. Problems may be confirmation that we are living for JESUS.

whatever God loves, the devil hates. -> he has come to STEAL God from you, to KILL your dreams and visions and to DESTROY your self-image, your thoughts and attitude and ultimately your life.

-3 Types of sufferings:

a) Demonic suffering - Job
b) Suffering for righteousness' sake - 2 tim 3:12
c) Suffering for your own foolishness - gal 6:7-8

6. Problems are CATALYSTS for personal growth.

We dont know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure.
God is more interested in your character than your comfort.

-jas 1:2-4

7. Problems draw us CLOSER to God.

Learn to let go and let God -> give Him your burdens. ("God, my problem is now Your problem", "This battle is no longer mine, but Yours..")

-Psm 61:1-2


We are born to win.
-Rom 8:31-37, Jhn 16:33

What defeats you when you're young, will conquer you when you're old.


1. Conquer YOURSELF

before you can take on any other obstacles you must first conquer yourself
conquer the 'unholy trinity': Me, I and myself

2. Conquer the WORLD/NATIONS

-1 Jhn 5:4
age is not a limit. you are never too young.
once you limit yourself, you limit your life.

the greatest battlefield is in your mind.

3. Conquer the EVIL ONE

1 Jhn 2:13-14
Conquerors are submitted to God and are dependent on Him
Only IN Christ, we are MORE than a conqueror.

Jesus is the conqueror because He overcame death, sin and the devil himself. But since the Conqueror lives inside of us, thus we are MORE than conquerors IN Him. -> u cannot be MORE than a conqueror WITHOUT having a Conqueror in you.


a railway train, no matter how strong and fast it may be, is dependent on the track. only when its on the track that it gets its power from, and its sense of direction.

likewise, ONLY when we are on the 'rail' of Christ, can we be MORE than a conqueror.


praise God everything went smoothly today. well, im stuck at L4 cus they had an error with e roster...oh wells....had to do a few troubleshooting.

firstly, L4R3 and L4R4 have BS at 630pm. finished setup by 615pm. did with Welton today. as i did the sound check, i realised that L4R3 had no sound...i went to check, mute off, got signal, amps and speakers on le...VADIS system tutorial mode on oso le..

after checkin 3 times, i found the error. the VADIS tutorial mode was on, but the return line was off! so L4R3...done :) welton helped me with the EQing of bro Kim Hock's voice. so thankful. looks like i need to be more sensitive to diff ppl's voices..:D and to know the various levels of Hi-s, Lo-s, and Mid-s for EACH person! lol...

another troubleshooting case...

childrens' church no sound...lagi best, got signal though. immediately checked the VADIS system in the business center. room comb. mode on, amps on, speakers on. this one took me one check to solve..haha

went under the room comb. mode found out that Rm 5 and 6 comb mode is on. BUT...only rm 6 is lighted and rm5 is off. farnie right? comb. mode for rm5 and 6 is lighted but when u go in only one rm is activated lol...

then a thought came to me....(since it happened before)....if i re-activate room comb. for rm5 and rm6 wont it reset rm4? (which is havin BS atm...) so decided not to take the waited for BS at L4R4 to finish then went into business center resetted room comb. for 5 and 6.

true enough thank God i didnt reset earlier...rm4 went dead and reset as well!!! lol...PheW...haha. if id resetted earlier on, im gonna get hoot by the ps haha.."WHY SUDDENLY NO SOUND!!?!?!???!!!" lol....not only that, ull hear a loud 'boop' sound cus 2 mics are plugged in lol...

broke fast at 8pm after svc started. ate meatball spaghetti. den went into video rm watched service. msg by Ps Robert Ekh was good. about marriage and family. really good. but sorry guys didnt take notes. ^_^ cus i was listening to the sermon and the walkie at e same time haha....

but one thing i liked abt wad ps said: to have a strong church, you need to have strong families in the church.

well...cgm tomoro...later i mean. im really expectant that God is gonna speak a word in season and take us to a whole new level =))

also cant wait for svc...hehe...ill most prob be goin for S3, 5 and 6. yup....diff msg. =)) who knows...God might prophecy again thru him in one of e services...where God is, i want to be there!!! :)) yeah...

Friday, October 07, 2005


every friday, ill be fasting and praying for a breakthrough in my ministry, in my own personal life and for e celgrp.

im so angry, yet so broken...i dont know what to do...

i spent an hour plus building up the atmosphere, because i really really so long for the Holy Spirit to sow up in my room and speak to me and change my life.

but just now, my brother came into my room when i was in e toilet...and DESTROYED THE ATMOSPHERE THAT TOOK ME AN HOUR PLUS TO BUILD WITH HIS STUPID MAPLESTORY!!!!!!!!!! (*($*#()*$)(#*(@#@

i almost blew up and whacked him...but i know i couldnt bring myself to do that.

so there i was...alone in my room. atmosphere and presence of God is gone. all my efforts, all my seeking after God...resulted in nothing!!!! T_T

i was so sad, so broken, i began to break down and cried and cried. "God i need you..."

what can i do? what can i say? even as i type this i wiped my tears away, yet the thought of losing God's presence dawned on me again...i jus couldnt stop crying. it feels as if the Holy Spirit has left my room...and im all alone....lost and helpless...

what am i gonna do now? its all ruined...all ruined. and i have to leave for ministry soon...

mebbe next time i should tie a live wire around my door knob and electrocute him to death...

i feel so own brother....took away that which meant my life my all.
feels as if hes with Satan and not God. i feel holy anger, yet theres nothing i could do.

worse still, jus received an sms that there was an error in my roster. so im going back to cafe and childrens' church. WHY?? WHY??? WHY?? could a shift in e presence of God cause so much to happen!?!?!?! my brother has not given me anything but have taken everything...

yet im thankful that Jesus still loves me. He is the reason i live, the reason i sing, the reason i give. even if everyone and/or everything is against me in this thing that il treasure the most, if that Jesus loved me.

though i may be imperfect, though i may fail, though i did so many things that hurt Him, yet He still loves me with an everlasting love...

what can i do, to repay Him? what can i do to make up for the biggest sacrifice that He gave on the cross...? there is nothing i can do, but give Him my heart, my life, my all.

Lost in You alone, it's where i wanna be.

Where can i go from Your presence? Under your wings I take refuge. Can't live a day without Your presence, closer to You I wanna be...

My soul cries out...for more of you...theres nobody else that can take your place in my heart...

Corpse Bride

yea, watched corpse bride with peng, zack, bao and yong ren =)) nice show hehe...

met them at Bugis to watch the 815pm show. after that went Bugis st to buy some food, the 'popcorn' chicken rocks..haha, but i no money T_T.

lol...owe eugene 1 buck, junhong 4 bucks, and bao owe me 6 bucks. btw, quincy's gift is supposed to be paid by cg fund, but it seems i paid for it lol...

anywaez, jus got my roster for tomoro's ministry, i saw ive been placed in B4 S1. doing walkie crew, one who is in charge of msging the ppl at the 2 consoles and stage. crucial role. it certainly comes with greater responsibility.

dunno why got a msg say they assign wrongly, i was like what the...? lol *sigh. yet not my will but Yours be done...:S

Thursday, October 06, 2005




INNOVATION & ENTERPRISE IN ACTION PX (For modules with Pass OR Fail only)




nothing much to say, being able to get a C for NF is really a blessing. cus i was 30days without a proper learning environment. and i was soooo far behind because of what happened. and it was my weakest as well.

its really not easy to catch up on 30days of knowledge especially when everyday single day a different thing is being taught.

PS: D is pass. So C is 60% and above.

din expect to get a D+ for EBF as well. i was expecting a F or a D at most because i didnt know about the mock exam which was included in e final grade (because of what happened during the 30days) and as a result i was one hour late. din have time to finish e paper also.

so for me getting a D+ is really something i didnt deserve. but through it all, God was with me, and we love each other and that's all that matters...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


yesterdae went for 2T15 class BBQ at costa sands. happy birthday to sookjai and guo hua =)) its e first barbeque i had tt didnt result in me going to 'pearl harbor', lol. well done guys...u all cooked really well ^_^

reached home after midnight cus i had to travel from one end to the other hahaha ><

jus came back from Bible study at YMCA. BS was good. ate at international plaza foodcourt (is it what its called? lol...anywaez....). then had a tour around Bugis will bao as our tour guide haha. dropped by this 'ice shop' or wadever u call it haha....had those big bowls of ice with mango and strawberry sherbet (kexin drooling....hahaha). it costs 6 bucks so each of us paid a bit.

it was well spent as it tastes good =))

tomoro results out...*bites fingernails...oh man....nevertheless, with God ALL things are possible! =)) tom goin watch Corpse Bride with zack, peng, bao, yongren, quincy and their fren. time not confirmed yet but itll be around suntec and in e evening cus zack and yongren working :D

poor kexin, house electricity kena cut zai ah, maybe is trip le? got check ELCB or not? haha...i still remember the term (electric leakage circuit breaker....i think hahaha!)

serving this friday..loooking forward to CG and service...yea =))