
Monday, October 10, 2005

Service 5, Service 6

SERVICE 5 - Faith Changes Things

Everything and every situation/circumstance natural/visible is subject to change.

-2 cor 4:8-9
Facts are, TRUTH is.
Facts are the reality of things, but TRUTH is the revelation of things unseen. Facts are subject to change, the truth is NOT because the truth is in God's Word.

Nothing you see is final, only God's word is final
Everything is subject to change, even DEAD things.

-Dan 2:21 -> even TIMES can change
-2 cor 4:13-16, 17-18

Faith changes things/situations/circumstances; Faith (YOUR faith) can change PEOPLE too.
God is a god of new things, a god of CHANGE.

SERVICE 6 - Faith breaks borders and limitations

Faith breaks borders and limitations and is able to take you beyond your wildest dreams!
-Eph 3:20 -> God WANTS to give you MORE than you even thought you could have.

1 Chr :10 -> Jabez = 'pain'
The problem is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is your MIND.
Faith breaks borders and limitations!

If the fish that you catch is too big, then CHANGE YOUR FRYING PAN! -> dont live with a small, limited mindset!

1) Believe God that you can DO more than what other people have done.
2) Believe God that you can have more GIFTS than others.
3) Believe God that you can SERVE more than others who have served.
4) Believe God that you can GO further than others have gone.

Few things to dare:

a) Dare to DO the impossible
b) Dare to THINK the impossible
c) Dare to SPEAK the impossible
d) Dare to BREAK your LIMITS

You can do things when you do not know its impossible.
Dont limit other people!
There is no limit to one that believes

God wants to give these to you:

i) Dreams
ii) Visions
iii) Ideas
iv) Miracles
v) Nations

If your dream FROM GOD starts working, no force on heaven or earth can stop it.
God can make you a nation-changer.

Limiters that prevent you from breaking your borders:

1) Loneliness
-We need each other (church) to see our dreams come to pass in your life.
-Church is more than a hobby, its your life.
-Christianity is more than a religion, its a relationship.

2) Fear
-Its scientifically proven that worry and fear is the number one cause for all sicknesses.
-80% of all sicknesses are psychosomatic (mentally-related causes).

3) Wrong friends and surroundings
-Get REAL and good friends.
-Atmosphere changes you, and atmosphere is determined by the friends you hang out with.
-If you wanna be an eagle, dun soar around turkeys!

4) Wrong upbringing
-God believes in you -> when u do not see God's hands, you can trust His heart.
-God can give you the desires of your heart when you seek Him FIRST.

-The measure thatll be given to you will be determined by the size of your heart; the measure you are willing to receive. -> Never limit God or yourself!

-Psm 34 -> Faith breaks borders and limitations.


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