
Friday, March 31, 2006

First W390 celgrp

celgrp was great. although i didnt really have time to practise much, i thank God for e anointing and e strength to do e impossible and be a line-crosser x) and ill be playing today again in E110.

and yup, W318 is no more, we are now W390. New identity, new vision, new purpose. Lets not look at our past failures but less press on towards e goal of e upward call of God in our lives. for some reason, we keep on confusing W390 with W398..hahaha!

seriously Evan is e one and only leader that im willing to have for my entire life. she's done so much for us, its time we did something for her. we're gonna multiply e group again! this time, we do it the proper more are we gonna combine and multiply but we are gonna multiply within ourselves ;)

Evan did something amazing after celgrp, after laying hands and praying for healing upon huixin (during cg pam shared on healing testimony, wendy also had healing testimony), Evan demonstrated the greatest act of a servant, one who is there to serve and not to be served.

there was a basin, water and cloth. and she bagan to wash the feet of every member. i was really touched and moved. that was the power of love! and honestly, it was e first time i had my feet washed by someone else...and it was none other than my very own, no words can express the gratitude and appreciation and love for my cgl. what she did has changed my life all together...

intentionally we were gonna have communion (last supper) together, but she last minute decided not to have it, prob cus we already have our refreshments later on. well huixin, i believe that God will heal that lump completely. If God can remove tumours, cancer...and even do a creative miracle like FORMING AN EAR DRUM or a KIDNEY on the spot (durin benny hinn), i dun see why God cant remove a puny lump. if God could raise e dead, is there anyhting too hard for Him? =)

btw, for some reason pam and aini's been calling me pow hmm...haha

btw, benny hinn is coming back to CHC next excited. this time he's comin back solely for CHC. for the past few months we've been receiving e word of God to go out and heal e sick. indeed God has spoken thru many overseas pastors and apostles and anointed us with e anointing for healing, not jus thru our members, but through new songs, that will bring waves of healing to the masses.

im really excited..healing services with Richard Roberts tomorrow and sunday! woohoo! although ill be servin on Sunday, i hope i can get to hear e sermon as well =)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

FT2 Lesson 9: Resurrection of the Dead!!!

This lesson is HOT! Its almost 2 hours! And its e longest lesson in FT2! lol. Cant expect me to blog every single detail well, ill try my best to 'summarize' this entire lesson. Its one of e best BS lessons ive been to :D for those whove been thru AFV or GHS....dun be spoiler, hahaha..jkjk =p *bleah lol

here goes....the lesson on the end-times:


ish 57:15, heb 6:1-2

eternity is not the endless passage/extension of time, it has to do with the realm of BEING.
eternity is God's own mode of being. it is the realm in which He Himself dwells in.
God is not bound by the realm of time.
eternity is NOT time in endless duration!

eternity begins the moment time stops.
when we are born/created, time starts ticking in our life.
before time, we are ideas, imagination, creativity, plans, etc.
->Refer back Ps Kong's notes on Deja Vu - Glimpses of Eternity in my previous posts =)
likewise, when we die, time stops/ends, and eternity starts. -> our body dies, but not our spirit.
end of life = end of time

we are a triune being - body, soul, spirit.
spirit - has been saved (salvation + baptism in e Holy Spirit) - redemption
soul - (carnal nature/flesh) is being saved - sanctification
body - will be saved (glorification/resurrection of the dead)


1) Resurrection of the dead
2) Eternal Judgement (FT2 last lesson, lesson 10)
1 cor 15:51-53, heb 9:27, acts 17:30-31, rom 14:10-12, 2 cor 5:10


1 ths 5:23, gen 1:26, gen 2:7, eccl 3:18-21, ecc 12:7

1) The appearance of the spirit of man before God is not the FINAL JUDGEMENT, which will take place ONLY AFTER the resurrection. No resurrection, no judgement, cus we need a body to be judged according to our body and how we live. Therefore, until there is the resurrection, there will be no final judgement.

2) The spirits of the wicked and the ungodly can have NO PERMANENT ACCESS to the presence of God.


1) BEFORE Calvary - the CROSS period

a) In the NT, SHEOL is known as HADES.
-Hades is NOT hell. (hell is the final doom of the lost, hades is a temporary 'holding area' for the spirits of the dead).
-Sheol in hebrew is 'grave', or 'the Pit'.

b) Sheol, or Hades, is WITHIN the earth.
-ezek 26:20, 31:14-18, 32:18, Isa 14:9, 15

c) During e period before e Cross, all people (their spirits) went to SHEOL.
-even e righteous dead end up in Sheol.
-but e righteous dead and e wicked dead were separated in Sheol.
-luk 16:22

2) AT Calvary - What did Jesus do?

-1 Pet 3: 18-20, psm 16:8-11, eph 4:9-10, 1 cor 15:20, 22, eph 4:8
-Jesus went down to the lower realm of Sheol and 'proclaimed' (Gk. kerusso) His victory to the spirits of the wicked.
-On e 3rd day, His spirit ASCENDED from Sheol to the present world.
-His Spirit reunited with his soul and his body, which had been raised, to form a complete personality.

-He became the firstfruits of the resurrected body. PS: The first prototype =)
-Like a farmer, you can tell e condition of e rest of e fruits during harvest, just by looking at e firstfruits, if e firstfruits of an apple plantation tastes horrible, all e others will be horrible, etc.

3) AFTER Calvary - The destiny of christians TODAY at death.

-acts 7:55-60, 2 cor 5:6, 8, phil 1:21-24
-our body goes to the ground where it came from, our spirit goes back to God who we came from, because of what Jesus did.
-we will be escorted by the angels to Paradise.


-psm 139:13-16, matt 10:30, jhn 20:27, luk 21:16-18, 1 cor 15:4
-we will look the same, but the NATURE of our new body is different.
-e.g. Jesus still had e scars of e nails and spears, 'e very hairs on your head are numbered', 'not a hair of your head shall be lost'...


In the OT, it foretells 3 main events about the resurrection:

1) Christ Himself will be raised from the dead.
2) Those who believe in Christ will share in His resurrection
3) There will also be a resurrection of the wicked for the purposes of judgement and punishment. (With what body? The bible didnt state).

Resurrection will occur in 3 successive phases:

1) Christ Himself
2) All true believers when Christ returns
3) The end of Christ's earthly millenial reign.


Death -> Dark Angel of Satan, Minister of Satan, claims the spirit of every unrighteous person that is separated from his/her body when e person dies.

Hades -> Dark Angel of Satan, Minister of Satan, Follows closely upon the heels of Death, takes charge of the spirits of the unrighteous claimed by Death and conducts them to their appointed place of imprisonment.

For more details on the specific phases listed above, sign up for FT2 or enrol in bible sch..hehe ^^ its jus too much to type..lols

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Minor Blog Changes

Current Updates:

1) New Font Style for the entire site.
2) Added Google Search to NavBar.
3) Shifted and centralised the new NavBar + Google Search.
4) Tweaked the Java Clock to make it look neater instead of 2 colors.
5) Audio is now streamed on Mediaplayer Object instead of Embed.
(Hope it solves the laggy problem)

Upcoming Updates:

1) A new link "Search" will be added to the NavBar.
2) Google Search will be moved to 'Search".
3) Bible Finder with Multi-Translations Search feature will be added to "Search".
4) Modify "My Profile" to put my pic...yes, finally! haha. x)

Feel free to give me your feedback. :))

PS: There is no loop function for the mediaplayer object. Mediaplayer object may not load on certain FireFox Versions (Certain plugins are required). This page loads best on Internet Explorer 5 and above (1024x768).

Yours Truly,

Your friendly neighbourhood blogger =p

Monday, March 27, 2006


From The Inside Out - Hillsong United (United We Stand)

Verse 1

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in our grace
Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Neverending, your glory goes
Beyond all fame

Verse 2

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Neverending, your glory goes
Beyond all fame


In my heart and my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord, Let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out


Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Neverending, Your glory goes
Beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The power of a paradigm - Being a line-crosser


mk 4:35
paradigm = the way you are USED TO doing something or the way you are USED to think.
if we are not careful, past successes can blind us from greater successes in the future.
update your paradigm; dont be afraid to move with God into new spiritual paradigms.
dont be a boring person! especially when you are NOT serving a boring God!

the poorest person is one without a dream.
dare to CROSSOVER to something NEWER and GREATER!
dare to be a line-crosser
dare to cross mental, cultural, traditional and spiritual barriers and do something with your life!

God is the God of NEW THINGS! God is always on the move! Dont lag too far behind. "Im behind you all the way!" "Yea! You're so far behind that I can no longer see you!"

e.g. moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, contemporary praise and worship, miracles signs and wonders, etc...People are more likely to hear a rich and relevant man tell a lie, than a poor and boring person tell the truth!

conformity is the shortest route to acceptance in the crowd.

dont live on the shallow end all the time, where its safe, where theres low-risk, where you are comfortable, where its predictable and boring!
stop dreaming of an exciting life when all you do is to stay at the shallow end.

crossover! step out! launch into the deep end. where life is exciting! its a whole new world out there, and things are always better on the other side! you will never know until you crossover!

Heb 11:8

1) Cross the line of the UNKNOWN

if you dont dare to try the ridiculous, you'll never experience the miraculous!
in the realm of the unknown, you'll learn to trust God.
life can be predictable and thus, boring! dont live a live of regrets...achieve great things for God!

2) Cross the line of COMFORT

-Heb 11:9, 12:2
Sacrifice your comfortable life to do what God wants you to do.
But before you can do that, you'll have to be able to see (have a vision) of something greater than your own life.

3) Cross the line of the IMPOSSIBLE

-Heb 11:11-12, 6
God delights in impossiblity.
If the things you do are not a big deal, why bother to do it!?!
Your life is boxed, the moment your mind is boxed.
Dont put the Holy Spirit in a box! Faith puts no limit on God and God puts no limit on faith.

a line crosser does what people say is impossible!

4) Cross the line of POSITIVE APPREHENSION

-est 4:14, 16, Heb 11:13
dont wait around for positive affirmation, just step out and do what God tells you is right!
there is no success without sacrifice.
death waits for no one...NO! Success waits for someone...=)
Just step out, just do it! Just obey and follow your God-given dream!

Like Esther, if you fail, you fail. At least you tried something big in your life!
When you present all your academic certs to your future employer....the first thing/impression they get will not be your As or zero Fs...but the first impression will be given when he sees a HUGE and THICK stack of certs!

Better to have your book of life filled with entires, than empty with one or 2 As or 'well done's.
Not that you should fail as much as you can, but at least you tried!
Its better to having tried and failed, than having failed to try!

5) Cross the line of the PULL of the world

heb 11:15-16
the moment you put one leg across the line and attempt to cross e line and do something great, people will bound to pull you back.
they will say, 'dont waste your time', 'ure too young/old', 'what if u fail', 'are u sure u wanna do it?', 'come on, face life man', etc.. -> PS: ppl who pull u back are not your friends anyway.

your faith will make their fears obvious, your strength reveals their weaknesses, etc.
the more you cross over, the weaker the pull of the world is.

-gal 6:9
you become a blessing when you cross the line, dont just talk the talk, WALK the WALK!
dont just dream about your future, MAKE IT!


im so excited. today's service was great...i was in tears during praise and worship. the presence of God was so tangible and strong. heard so many healing testimonies from our mission team. indeed God is opening up Asia like never before, and God is showing Himself strong in the end-times! PTL!!! =)

some people think e presence of God is the knowing that God is there...NO!!! its something tangible, something you can feel with your natural senses! if ure not experiencing God in a tangible way, or having encounters or if you dont sense/hear God speaking to you, something is wrong....

thats why we need e Holy Spirit in our lives. With God, ALL things are possible. He can help us do what we cannot do =) im so excited, indeed we ARE crossing over! im so grateful. we have done so many things which man said was impossible. thats wad being a line-crosser is all about! ;) and i believe we are gonna cross an even greater Iconic Stadium, 10-000 seater, a landmark on the world e marketplace, for e marketplace, to penetrate e marketplace!

God has spoken to ps kong and it will come to pass :)) jus keep praying, keep believing, and keep doing! people who never receive breakthrough are people who lose heart. your breakthroughs end the moment your faith ends. the size of your accomplishments is determined by the size of your dream and of the capacity of your actions based on faith! without faith it is impossible to please God. ;) finally, wordpower was tested 2pm today at expo. queued so EARLY! LOL!


I wanna begin by saying...WAYNE CHOONG! CONGRATS FOR BECOMING THE NEW CELGRP LEADER FOR E406! (for a moment i tot it would be NXXX...LOL) :) *clapclap...x) theres so much potential. yay! =) lols. he's got adam, sebas, sharon, willard, rhonda and bao (if im not wrong)...and mebbe more, not too sure yet of e exact ppl.

on evan's side...we still have e110. only my cg W318 is affected. and currently and officially as of this moment, W318 is no more. We are without 'identity' and are currently a temp cg..LOL. until next wkend tt is when we will get our new official CG Codename. :D evan was thinkin wad shld we call ourselves for e time being, and i gladly came up with 'T110' T for temporary. hahax.

sounds like a tutorial we also have some transfers between E110 and T110. quincy, yongren, peng, wendy and shin (if im nt wrong) is going over to E110. and E110 is sending us rayna and wulla-wulla-wesley...^^ wesley and eugene can be our bodyguards :D

by right our grp was on e verge of getting disbanded, but evan once again saved us by combining with e110 (same thing happened with E354 and W318) and thus forming 3 groups...thats genuine shepard's love! we have 100% tithers, 100% in ministry, nice people, loving one thing we lack...FRUITS!

went to bedok after svc to makan, ate fried kway the LARD SO HUGE! lol. so far ive tasted 2 out of 3 more to go lol. and wayne has eaten chicken rice frm almost every stall oredy..hahas so next time can ask him for recommendations haha. ate this really HUGE $5 watermelon ice! really nice...and FILLING! lol..played e number game..whoever loses take a gulp of watermelon juice and some of e watermelon balls...

its really nice..watermelon balls, ice with watermelon syrup, pineapple cubes, peaches and longans(or lychees) in a HUGE WATERMELON BOWL made of REAL WATERMELON! yes, they cut open..really creative ;)

haha on our way back played cold mind games..LOL. in e end the planner ended up playing mind games with herself...lolz. and ending up in our own worlds..haha. mebbe during cg mus play mind games...lols

we also have a few new members apart from Pampers...we have Diapers, Sleeveless, Aman-da..

and not forgetting...the most important member...



Boon Lay! hahahahahaha =p pamela...yoooou keeeep quieeettt.....LOL ^^ keke.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Results are out








Last W318 celgrp meeting; Played One Way for CG

FInally i submitted my project TOR. now to get a database working. left sch at 630plus..took bus to clementi. reached at around 7...took train back, on e way went to JP to get the CDRW to burn Mission Bell for huixin. reached home around 745pm. 10minutes before cg started, evan suddenly asked me to play One Way for praise.

cg was rather short today cus it was our last cgm...T_T we'll see where God takes us... it was super impromptu and all i did was play once through for evan, then she say ok, i think you are able to play. but deep down i wasnt emotionally or spiritually strong to e level where i am able to play, cus i learnt tt what goes on on e inside will come out and permeate e atmosphere around you. and i was worried tt i would affect e atmosphere bcos of what was goin on on e inside of me...

i jus made a simple prayer to God:

take all of me and fill me with Your anointing, Im just an intrument, I give you my hands and make them your hands. No matter how imperfect they are, I know little becomes much, when placed in e Master's hands... i was really optimal on e inside, but nevertheless, i told God, help me do what i cannot do.

and so cg started, apart frm the volume which i have whenever playing on a classical guitar (cus e neck is sooo huge and e strings are so far apart, making me mute some of e strings), and the split second of lag at e beginning, i really wanna thank God that i didnt miss a single chord or go off rhythm at all throughout the song.

its was an impromptu first-hand, first-time learning experience. i sang while playing, but theres something that i have to learn tt cant be taught in guitar lesson, that is to sing louder than the guitar or the members cus i play a role as well. as i played i was totally calm, although once or twice struggling with e power chord fingering, but nevertheless...i thank God for the anointing.

peng told me that overall was great, apart from e volume...(thats why i need a new accoustic guitar! classical guitar is like ages old! not mine oso lol) they can praise God without having to worry tt ill go off track...

what is that? THE ANOINTING OF GOD! i really mus thank Him, all credit goes to Him. He made me do what i could not do. evan said great and well done, not bad for a start! but really, i wanna do my best not bcos of who i am, but bcos of who He is. most of e feedback was a good overall, great potential, can go far, etc.

quincy made me realise one mistake i did that went unnoticed. instead of trying to flow with the beat of the members, i shld be playing a beat for them to follow...other things i could learn from was during the bridge, since evan didnt say to play it praise-like or worship-like, so i jus flowed with the members. quincy and huixin noticed a split second of lag.

and yongren msged me saying that from outside, it sounded like pow wee its not THAT soft after

well, exam results out today. and ive gotta get started on my wordpower. by right supposed to have test today, but thank God evan postponed to saturday. was intendin to study b4 cg, when she asked me to play...God replaced that time and increased my study time lol....i love you Jesus! =) hahas...thanks verii muchh....x)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In the middle of the night..

jus now received a msg via frenster frm a brother oso in S1, saying how he enjoyed reading my blog esp e notes and asked if i could create one for him. well, id love to man, mebbe sometime after my IHP has finished. x)

ive been getting quite a few publicity regarding my blog the past few months or so...basically...this entire year. i have people ranging from fellow brothers and sisters, to entrepreneurs in england, bloggers from taiwan, india, a book author from UK (yes, true!), businessman from US, etc...

i received really encouraging msges thru my tagboards, frenster, emails, even on MSN! lol. really appreciate..though i nv had e intention of publicising my blog..haha. oh well..when Jesus' name is lifted high He will draw all men to Himself isnt it? ;)

im rather curious now, just how many people know my blog as a notes station? LOL...really i would like to know...haha. cus its not normal for people to jus 'happen to drop by' lol...come to think of it, i find it rather amusing lol.

for all you DotA players out there, i just found a new Hero Map that is faaaar and waaaay better than DotA, its based on anime and e map is cool, with unique items, secret chambers and customized heroes (edited icons, modelling, skinning, etc.), the gameplay is also better.

the new map is called Sacred War Revolution v2.3, i believe its been around for sometime now...and i must say..its the best Hero map ive ever played. haha...pity no AI yet..need to play in a big group then fun lolx.

you can download the map HERE

ive also seen a preview of EA Games' new game release called The Godfather: The Game. The graphics and physics and realism is just awesome! it pwns eidos interactive LOL...of course their new game Hitman: Blood Money is also coming out..or is it oredy out? cant rem...haha

you can check out the Godfather game HERE

ahhh..i need a new game....i dun wanna face MySQL and ASP.NET for the next 18 weeks LOL! hit counter's gonna reach 5-digit soon (10000)...and im gonna cut my hair today..yeah...snip snip snip..lols

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Cause We're All About You

ive almost come to e end of myself! God i need your supernatural strength! =) praise God my supervisor allowed me to change the programming language from PHP to ASP.NET, tink im gonna find Josh one of these days...its really good to have a brother whom i can turn to...he knows ASP.NET and MySQL...;)

well..done 50% of the TOR...will be continuing the rest later when i reach sch. if not i wont be able to wake up LOL. having headache since dinner...better have enough sleep, if not ill have red eyes again lols...without knowing >.< haha.

speaking of which, i chatted with huixin until 4am plus yesterday...and considering e day before my ministry i only had 1 hour of sleep....lols need rest...if not ill grow old..haha. gotta burn AccessD disc 1 and disc 2 for pranee, and Mission Bell for huixin.

looking forward to BS on wed....=)

"...and the walls will fall down, and religion will break, and the nations will hear this shout. Can you hear the sound of faith?..."

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Emerge Coming...might be missing it all...NOOOO!

Emerge is excited...but at e same time...this year's excitement has been disfigured by the awesome words of 'Final Year Project"...!!!

Emerge2006 is on a weekday as usual...and even if i clock out at 6, and i try to catch e night e time i reach expo i can be there for the dismissal....arrgh. feeling like ponning IHP but dun wanna get debarred...supervisor will check. i feel like using one word now...'SH*T'!

cant believe i might not be going for Emerge this year...cant take it anymore...very soon ill come to a point where i cant be bothered about anything anymore..numbed by stress, lol. have IHP, have guitar class, have wordpower, cg gonna poop, have ministry...its really by God's strength that i am able to be having the mood to

here are the events for our annual 3-day Emerge2006 Youth Conference :

1. Parade of Schools
2. WordPower
3. Preaching Challenge

4. Spelling Bee (ostentation, obfuscate, abysmal, lambasting, kvetch, erudite, debilitate, jocular, nitroglycerine, abnegation, bougainvillea, lycanthrope, nincompoop, logorrhea, taramasalata, finals is 2500 words!!! woot! lol good luck to all spelling bees, cant wait to see the tertiary lvl words, faint...those words are secondary sch level! >.<)

5. Extreme Sports/Olympics
6. Street Basketball (3v3)
7. 3-Point Shoot-out
8. Soccer 11-a-side
9. Captain's Ball
10. Triathlon
11. Arm Wrestling (u might end up wrestling with Ps Yong LOL! jus kidding =p)
12. Track Competitions
13. Talentime Solo Vocals
14. Talentime Solo Intrumental (Music)
15. Talentime Solo Songwriting
16. Talentime Solo Hosting
17. Talentime Group Band
18. Talentime Group Instrumental (Music)
19. Talentime Group Songwriting
20. Talentime Group Dance
21. Talentime Group Drama
22. Cybergames 'Winning Eleven" XBOX Challenge
23. Cybergames "Counterstrike" LAN Gaming Challenge (I WANT!!!!! Start training man lol!)
24. Make-up Contest
25. Personal Testimony Challenge
26. Trailer Challenge
27. Short Film Competition
28. Essay Writing Competition
29. CHC's Funniest Home Videos (I think i can qualify LOL!)
30. Website Design Competition

finals for the cybergames will be played on our big 5m x 5m LED screen....or is it bigger? lol, dunno e exact size...*drools

service was great. there was a great atmosphere. frenship connection is over, cant wait for ps kong to preach solid meat messages next week on...yeah! hahas. now we're talkin sermons man...lols =)

after svc had FT2 makeup BS. bro Joseph was e speaker. lesson was great. and after e lesson we had a chance to practise being led by e Spirit. and we were supposed to pray for someone whom we do not know, and believe the Holy Spirit to give us the right discernment to pray the right things...and praise God, it went off pretty well...of course, not becos of who we are but bcos of who He is! =) at e same time i really wanna thank e brother who prayed for me...:D

he prayed exactly what was in my heart and of the problems that im goin through...likewise i prayed for his and praise God, indeed how amazing it is to find out how accurate we can be when we learn to flow in the Spirit and be led by Him...of course our conscience must be sanctified.

and like any other spiritual gifts, they can be neglected, thus we mus always exercise them if not they'll turn to 'fats', and become ineffective. after BS went to EXPO BK to meet wendy, JS, Tricia, huixin and e same time met JH and PohChoo when i arrived. pam was late and couldnt join us, e rest were in changi airport makaning.

i got worried when i saw huixin, she was like very pekchek. so, obeying the voice of the HS and being led by Him, i decided to accompany her to sembawang then take back to jurong east and change for the train back to boonlay. reached home about 12. on e way, shared a lot of our childhood memories lol. some really funny ones...and i also told her about bao and his 'flash me' stunt...hahaha oops, sorry manz....^^

and now i know, next time pass her staple must be careful, if not...lalala...lols. hey xinn, hope ure feeling 'lighter' now...;) btw, wendy, JS and aini got to have an outing with Sun and the pastoral staff!!! so gooooood, bo jio...*sobs...i wanna have a picture with ps kong man...

dunno if ill be sleepin tonite...later gotta serve...and i cant serve without e anointing of God...i told Him if ure not gonna anoint me im not gonna serve cus i cant do anything without Him. mebbe ill spend some quality time with God for these few hours until 4 plus-5plus. im so thankful to Him...theres just too many things to thank Him for...

no words can express my feelings i have for Him. and im glad im closer to Him like never before...i wanna be led by the Spirit every single day!!! =) im looking forward to BS on wed and CG on thurs, heard itll be a combined cg with e110. until then, im glad i found a new friend in the same workroom as me for my IHP...

we both love movies and gaming, lol...just that he is able to provide the movies, hahaha...mebbe i can provide e games mebbe he'll jus do both..haha.

Friday, March 17, 2006


few updates:

must submit TOR on tuesday
must study PHP + come up with a working php site with a working functional database

had a great cg...thanks guys for e refreshments =) next week we'll be having our last cgm. yes, evan will be announcing an important announcement this week.

what are my thoughts....? nothing. im in a new environment now..where no one knows each other, and thank God, i met someone new yesterday...kinda managed to click with each other, both of us love movies and games...jus that he can supply the movies hahahas.

few ppl added me to MSN today.

ended up 'honey', 'laogong', 'sweetheart', 'dardar'...lolx...woot! next thing i realised the gal was using my pic as a display pic! lol...dun wanna see sy rogers man...

oh well...few more hours to the big thing....dunno wad will happen....

serving FB walkie tmr...(next to stage)...walkie is a scary word to me, cus i always have a hard time hearing esp during PnW...i cant do it on my own...God i need you....

study, study, study, php, php, php...TOR, TOR, TOR...wa, wa,

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What the Holy Spirit produces in us


-Acts 1:8, Zech 4:6, 2 Tim 1:7, Heb 6:4-6, Eph 1:13-14

-Its not ordinary strength or power, but supernatural/spiritual power of God.
-Since the message is supernatural/spiritual, its delivery must also be supernatural.

NOTE: theres nothing wrong with using natural means like rallies to share the gospel, but dont rely too much on it! Rely on the ANOINTING of God! -> The supernatural enablement to fulfill what God has purposed.

Might = what you have by nature
Power = what you have acquired in life
-> Being acquired means u have to CHASE it!
-God wont give you power just because you're smart or good looking, ASK and it will be given.

5 experiences believers must experience:


b) Tasting the HEAVENLY GIFT - Eternal life and Jesus Christ.

c) Partaking of the HOLY SPIRIT - a SEPARATE encounter from salvation -> Holy Spirit is not given when you receive Christ! If not why is there a need for Pentecost?

d) Tasting the good WORD of God.

e) Moving in the POWERS of the age to come! -> u dun have to wait for Eternity to experience supernatural PHYSICAL HEALTH and STRENGTH! Although supernatural strength, health, faith (no fear), no sickness, no tiredness/weakness is NOT given in its full measure, we can still have a taste of the life to come, through the Holy Spirit.

A good example would be looking years younger.


-Jhn 10:10, Eph 4:27, rom 8:11, 2 cor 11:23-25, Gen 2:7, Deut 34:7, Acts 14:19-20, 2 cor 4:7-11,
psm 105:37, 1 pet 4:14, mk 9:1-5

-We only have this life to the extent we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us.
-We are NOT immortals. But we can enjoy supernatural strength and vigor all the days of our life, we dont have to die before our time.
-E.g. moses and the isrealites.."none were sick"!


-acts 10:38, acts 19:11, mt 4:23, 1 cor 2:4-5, rom 15:18-19, mt 10:7-8, mk 16:17-18
-in acts 19:11 -> there were UNUSUAL miracles, we should be experience miracles daily! Just yield and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! They had so many COMMON miracles like healing/deliverance that there were UNUSUAL miracles...that were not even heard of.

a) Be DESPERATE for powerful spiritual gifts.
-God has no problem giving His best...the problem is in US receiving His best!
-1 cor 12:31, 14:39

b) DONT NEGLECT moving in the power of the Spirit.
-gifts CAN be neglected.
-1 tim 4:14

c) Constantly STIR UP the gifts.
-2 tim 1:6

2) LOVE (agape) -> self-giving, supernatural (only God has and only God can give), unconditional, perfect, eternal. -> freely given to e most undeserving, helpless, unworthy, attractive, etc.
-2 tim 1:7, rom 5:5-8

-having a mind renewed to (see + understand + evaluate) things the way God (sees + understands + evaluates) them.

-2 tim 1:7, gen 1:26-28, gen 2:7, eph 4:8, gen 3:7, gen 2:25, gen 3:6, rom 12:2, eph 4:23

-in order for God to make man in His image, God has to have an image of Himself! That's why Jesus is the second Adam, aka the EXPRESSED IMAGE of God.

CASE STUDY : Creation Story

-Everything was created by the WORD of God...BUT...for humans (Adam and Eve), God had to use His hands to FORM them, God took EXTRA EFFORT to make man. Because we are special, different, unique.

-God took the essence of Himself and imparted it into Adam -> everything society ever needed!
-Impartation = (ruach) -> a strong, sharp breath.

-After the fall (mind of man was darkened), man started living shorter lives, knowledge has been lessened, etc...

Scientists estimated that man used 3% of his brain. And with that THREE PERCENT, man is able to set spacecrafts beyond our solar system! What more Adam had, with 100% his brain in the beginning!

-> Thats why God had the plan of redemption (NOT elimination/annihilation), to take back what is broken, fixing it, and restoring it back to its original purpose and intention!

-Survey has PROVEN, that knowledge is increasing once every THREE YEARS, compared to 20 years ago; once every 7 years. If before every 3 years, we seek God for a new idea, a breakthrough, a revelation, we can change the world, come up with something new and become millionaires 3 times in 9 years!!!

-Before the fall, Adam was NOT perfect. If not he wouldnt have sinned. He was just INNOCENT! -> They were naked, but not ashamed. There was no such thing as 'what if i fail', 'the lion's teeth is too sharp, how can i have dominion', 'oh, im naked, what if i get mosquito bites?' or 'the elephant is too huge'...etc.

EXAMPLE 1: children running around naked and having fun, not afraid of anything, not ashamed.

-If something didnt work out, he'd probably try something else, and move on. Adam was never physically stronger than the beasts of the land, yet he still had dominion and authority over them. How? He didnt know he was weaker than them! His only protection was his MIND!

EXAMPLE 2: scientists have calculated the dimensions of a bumble bee (of its wings in respect of its body size and weight), and by right it shouldnt not be able to fly. But why is it able to fly? Because it doesnt know its not supposed to be able to fly!

Before fall : Not ashamed, which means:
a) No feeling of INFERIORITY
b) No sense of INADEQUACY
c) No FEAR/APPREHENSION to step forward and take God's call.

-There was no such thing as failure in Adam's makeup. No such thing as "what if".

After fall : Man 'REALISED' he was naked (mind had become perverted), lost innocence:
a) Adam felt INFERIOR over everything around him.
b) Adam began to have a sense of INADEQUACY in his daily existence.
c) Adam became APPREHENSIVE about his future.

-"I cant do this", "im not worthy/good enough for God", ''what if..'', etc.
-> No more CONFIDENCE -> Instead: FEAR.
-That's why we need to TRANSFORM and RENEW our minds, with the help of the Holy Spirit!

e.g. Adam saw/was present when the Serpent tempted Eve and when Eve took the apple. Why didnt Adam stop Eve, but instead ate the apple with her?

ANSWER: He loved her.

-Restoration of our minds back to the original potential and capability; to the time before Adam sinned is not done through psychiatry, psychology, education or counselling, but through the SUPERNATURAL OPERATION done by the Spirit.


-prov 2:5-6, prov 4:7, 1 cor 1:18-28, 1 cor 2:4-14, 1 cor 3:18, 2 cor 12:7-10, eph 2:8-10
-The works of the Holy Spirit are often beyond human reasoning or wisdom. He is NOT against reason. He is just moves BEYOND it.

Knowledge : The gathering of information (IMPORTANT)
Understanding : The correct analysis of a given situation/information. (MORE IMPORTANT)
Wisdom : Doing the right thing at the right time. (MOST IMPORTANT)

With wisdom comes power, both of them go hand in hand.

Human strength/wisdom/understanding cannot go with God's supernatural strength/wisdom,understanding!

For God to give you His supernatural strength/wisdom/understanding, you first have to come to the end of yourself. Once you're empty, only then will you be totally dependent and hungry for God...thats when God will give you the supernatural!

Most people give up the moment they come to the end of themselves...WHAT A WASTE! Instead, it is the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to seek and ask God for the supernatural!

But for that to happen, God needs to cast down our HUMAN PRIDE (Human wisdom + human power) -> ONLY THEN can He move in our lives. God is not impressed with human wisdom/power...e.g. man's wisdom is like foolishness to God.

As long as you are able to handle on your own, God wont interfere. He'll just watch and let you continue to do your own thing.



A good example is an infant with his/her dad. The kid is playing and fixing with his own lego blocks, and when the father tries to help, the kid will cry out, "No!" and continues to try his best and fix things himself. Only when the kid has lost all strength and ability to fix the lego, the kid will then run to dad and cry out, asking him to help him finish fixing the lego because he cant do anything anymore...its the same with us and God!

When we are able to handle things on our own, or there is still an amount of human strength/power left, normally we are too busy or preoccupied with it. Cause we think we can solve the problem. E.g. exams, etc. Most of the time, we wanna try to impress God and say, "See? I did it!" (PS: That's something i must learn as well, lols =) )


Normally when a person is in the midst of drowning/struggling in the water, normally the life guard will observe the person for while before going into the water to save him/her. Why? Because if he goes in and attempts to save him or her when the person is struggling in the water, he/she might end up knocking the life guard unconscious and resulting in both of them having a greater risk of drowning, because the person still had energy and strength!

-Whatever man does, God always does the exact opposite! E.g. you want to be rich? then GIVE, you want to be loved, then FORGIVE, etc. In our fallen world, its the other way round!

-God likes to choose the most unlikely people, the most ordinary to do the extraordinary! What does it mean to be poor? To be HUNGRY, to be DEPENDENT, to be OPEN and TOTALLY YIELDED to the Holy Spirit!


1) God's grace BEGINS when human ability FAILS.
2) God's grace is only received by FAITH; and carries a risk.
3) God's grace leaves no room for PRIDE.

-God's power is released only through human weakness, you are strong only when you are weak, let the weak say I am strong, God's strength is made perfect in weakness! =)

Shaggy Dogs

so fast its oredy 2nd week of my IHP...and i havent done my project outline and TOR yet >.< still in e midst of trying to get PHP materials to study on...:S

went to watch Shaggy Dogs yesterday....nice show, cute show, funny show...highly recommended...hahas ^^ went with willwin-huiying, princess-with-grand-entrance-kexin, gary-jinhong and his fren frm security, Wendell, same svc one hahas. =p bao couldnt join us cus he watching music fest, pam was delayed.

b4 we bought e tix, while waiting for princess veracia, jinhong and his fren went to pasar malam across e rd to buy food. i followed huiying to e bubble tea shop. lol, we took like forever to discuss where to eat, in e end, pasar malam was the best! LOL....

and so we went to buy e tix, we were looking for a list of movies, mebbe can watch one tt pam can join also, and huiying was like, "" hahaha...then 'oh, its McPhee" LOL. (well, in case ure wonderin...its 'Ph' is pronounced as "ffff") lolz

and so i chose e seats and we paid e cash. huiying was like, why choose so far...haha. but anywaez, when we sat down, e screen was jus in front of us...dun even have to tilt our necks or bend em..haha. e theatre is smaller than it seems on the computer screen at e counter lol.

great movie. they were talkin on how the monkey resembled someone they know....of course, they were referring to yours truly..hahahaha! :x after movie we were like..okay, wanan go where makan? in e end, all go home makan...hahahaa! LOLX! jinhong and wendell went to city hall to meet cg member b4 we left, at e pasar malam saw this guy who crafted colorful name tag key chains...yes...literally using marker, acrylic and a saw that i used during my DnT days..haha

very skilled. got crowd standing in front of him sia lol. well...dat was my day...tired, stressed, but happy. lets hope itll be e same lol. later got BS, and tmr CG. everyone working sia...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

-= PHP =-

PHP is a scripted programming language that can be used to create websites. Short for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" (the initials actually come from the earliest version of the program, which was called "Personal Home Page Tools"), it is an open-source, reflective programming language used mainly for developing server-side applications and dynamic web content, and more recently, a broader range of software applications.

PHP allows interaction with a large number of relational database management systems, such as MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite. PHP runs on most major operating systems, including Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and can interact with many major web servers. The official PHP website ( contains very extensive documentation.

There is a command line interface (CLI), as well as GUI libraries such as the Gimp Tool Kit (GTK+) and text mode libraries like Ncurses and Newt.

PHP is the result of the efforts of many contributors. It is licensed under the PHP License, a BSD-style license. Since version 4, it has been powered by the Zend engine.

-= Taken from =-

Monday, March 13, 2006

Typical Sunday...or is it? =)

well, again it felt kinda weird being at home on a sunday lols. but thank God bao called me earlier telling me tt i can meet him at around 1 plus - 2 at bnl 180 busstop cus he jus finished JAMS. and so..i met him and went to his hse.

when we alighted at bukit panjang, before we changed to another bus, we stopped by mac and had ice-cream. man, cant rem when i last ate icecream LOLs...i jus realised tt there are lots of new flavors...hahas. bought the raspberry twist...and its huge and it has a nice raspberry core in e center! mmm...lols. well, luckily i didnt buy the milkshake...its huge and its only 2.20. (size of a milo cup i think)...hahas

theres also mocha twist, grape twist and choco twist. its e cone type one..hahas. 1.50. well, i gave e cashier a rather big note..LOL cus i needed smaller change to pass the 60 bucks to bao later lols. reached his hse abt 3...started lesson. all in all i learnt 2 new guitar strumming rythms and some other techniques and a bit of plucking/scaling.

man, i really need a new guitar LOL...of course im saving for it as well..x) well, sad to say, i havent really studied my PHP. im intending to go to the new JWLib next to my block later to borrow some PHP encyclopedias and study them until i become a geeky nerd...hahahaha =p

man i really need to get started on my project outline and my TOR....busy busy busy, stresssss...whoaaaaaa LOL. tmr will be watchin shaggy dogs with huiying and some others, gonna contact them now...tata.

btw, if u wanna noe wad game im playing now...its web based =.=

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Celgrp at Hilde's house

woke up at 6 on that day and was in sch frm 9plus till 6 in e evening for my IHP. after that felt very lethargic...kept on yawning and dozing off wherever i went. even when standing up or walking LOL. my eyes felt uncomfortable...which i later found out after cg, that my eyes were red! oh man...not enough sleep...lols

well, after taking sometime to find the right bus stop at eunos mrt, we finally reached hilde's place at marine parade. falling asleep while lift at e void deck very cool, got hidden CCTV in e lifts

cg was great. cg sermon was great. and so we ended at 10 plus. at e bus stop, we were struggling whether to makan or go home...and body tells me to sleep..hahas so decided to go home. took same bus with my bro and pam.

and GUESS WHAT!?! wendy told pam, 'hey this bus goes to eunos!' pam: 'oh ya hor...' and we boarded e bus. halfway we saw the road signs...'hougang, paya lebar, airport road, serangoon' then suddenly 'ang mo kio, punggol' LOL...come to think of it...those are at different parts of e island! lol, and i had no idea what direction the bus was travelling..LOL

so feeling lost...i went to ask e driver for e nearest MRT. and he said, bishan MRT, 30 minutes. woookkay....and it was 11pm. last train from expo to boon lay is 1115pm. and we are talking about BISHAN! north man! first thought of taking cab..cus we were like in e east...or northeast...well, no idea oso where we were..hahaha by e time we reach bishan itll be how to catch last train..haha but comfortably we remained on e bus and enjoyed the ride...

halfway saw pamela's grandpa! HAHAHAHAHAA!!! okay...*zip :x lol cant rem e name hahas. she would know what im tokin abt lolz. okok i better keep quiet before the bear attacks me..lols

and so miraculously we reached BISHAN! actually it was nice of e driver to drop us off at bishan station. we were like lost...hahahas but dont worry pam, i dont blame u...come to think of it..wad an experience it was ;) well, praise God...i saw parts of singapore that i didnt even step into before..i saw this magnificent looking had a very grand victorian look. kinda found it interesting....saw huge mosques that looked like huge chalets..and many more...night scenes..

praise God we managed to get a train to raffles place, and still get a train frm raffles back home! yeah! =) pam was particularly fascinated by bishan MRT...cus it had a 'subway' was under e road hahas...north area = alien land..LOL!

guess what again....when we left e busstop at hilde's place, quincy and yongren were havin dinner with bao and evan. and they of course, left later than us. we then....we were on the SAME TRAIN! WAHAHAHA! woot! lol...then kena suaned by the quin-laugh...hahahas

reached boon lay, felt lazy didnt want 2 heat up dinner at home, so bought nasi lemak frm the lady tt sells outside e stn. it looked appetizing and it was still warm! wooooh..^^ reached home, happily ate th nasi lemak and poured ALL of the chilli onto e rice..cus i was too hungry...until the every rice grain was RED with some leftover chilli even AFTER MIXING! other words...a chilli lake! LOL..

it was delicious at first..and i remembered eating like no tomorrow...then after i finished e nasi lemak i finally experienced the effects of OVERKILL chilli...hahahaha...MANZ! lols..x) what an interesting day it was...

well, JW library is open! the building so remind me of CHC JWSt91! lol...metal cladding...but ours is titanium! hahas..well scully is e same designer LOLz..gotta get all the PHP books i can get...those encyclopedia lookin books and study them! lols...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Feeling the stress

well, i didnt turn up for BS today. as i left my house, on e way in e train, suddenly i realised tt i didnt bring e BS book! in a state of desperation, i cleverly decided to rush back home to get it. upon reaching boon lay i realised that ill be at least 10-15 minutes late...

so after knowing that ill miss out on the BS, i gave evan a call to ask if i could have a makeup. well, thank God i am able to go for a substitute BS class....most prob in EXPO. ;)

later ill be having IHP again. man, i really need to get a PHP book...i have until monday to master PHP before i can start on my TOR assignment. manz...time is everything, time is what i need, time is all i need, time is all i have! waaaaa.....lols JIU MING AH! :S

after IHP mus rush down to marine parade for CG at Hilde's place. pam say meet at eunos MRT at 630 to take i tink i end around 6? LOL by e time reach clementi is already 6.20-6.30 hahahas...btw, pam called me shortly after i called evan, to tell me abt the cg location. say i lazy somemore...wootz *sniff...sobs...T_T...lolx

i know i reject u on e bus after bs dat day...dun have to traumatise me right?
pam: hi andrew
andrew: hi tricia
hahahahahas...okies id better have enough rest...if not ill become senile even faster LOL!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

First day of IHP

today is the first day of IHP. woke up early...7am. then as usual ill turn off e aircon in my room, which eventually leads to a stuffy atmosphere which results in me dozing off again, considering the fact the i was struggling to open my eyes still...results? i was late for briefing. lol

reached sch and clocked in at 11am. sat there chatting and deciding what project to do. 6hours to go. jus now i met my SUP for e FIRST TIME! lols. hes a really nice guy ;) we had a short discussion and stuff. i can start on my TOR this wk/nxt wk! yeahs!

as for the project...well, he started off by telling me tt i shld try something new, something out of e box. so he asked me wad am i interested in learning...i answered PHP. then he said, 'good! i have the perfect assignment for you!"...oh...kay..

so i was assigned to be in charge of developing a Resource Management System for the students in sch of ICT. where students and staff can loan items, room booking, for this entire week, im gonna get some HUGE, THICK, HEAVY PHP books and start learning how to use it. a total of 2-3 books i have to book oredy looked so much scarier than my bible LOLx!

which makes the time constraint even more! 20 weeks to master PHP, do a MySQL database and come up with a resource management system and test it and implement it...! whoaaa lolx
like i told seth, im literally rotting in the confines of my classroom from 9-5 (normal working hrs) for 20 weeks man! AGEING! yes, and ill literally be one year older by e time im done with my project lols..

jus now in e afternoon, one of the supervisors, more like IT fella came into my room and asked whos IP ends with stun tio. then found someone's lappy whos ip matched e one he was looking for. but no one was using that lappy, e owner went to makan or something.

then someone ask why u looking for e lappy with IP ending with 47? e IT guy said, the owner's laptop is attacking the school system and sending multiple packets which could sabotage everyone who was in the system, which is us!...lols then e IT guy tot e person trying to be funny but found out tt e owner's lappy is infected with a virus/worm.

and so he removed the wireless card from the infected laptop and asked one of e guys in e room to call e owner to tell him wad happened. strange. no one sitting at e laptop and the laptop started sending packets and attacking e sch server..LOLS!

now lets hope i dun have to enter into year4...>.<

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fellowship at Tea Chapter was great!

today e fellowship at tea chapter was great! hahas, spend like 3 hours plus. we jus sat there, enjoyed tea, had some side dishes and played board games and card games. cus they provide. well, we had an extra UNO cards as well.

the staff there are very nice, very polite..if i could do a survey on their cusotmer service, id give them 20/10! =) it was really nice of the lady to teach us how to do the tea and all, cus it was out first time there x)

Toby joined us too! =) long time nv see him oredy...gotta get his msn soon, hahas then can chat more often ^^ and frenster too if he has..ill ask peng =) kekez. i jus wanna thank quincy for really helping us with the tea today. :)

well, we also played kuala bear..lols! and we made a such a commotion bcos of our excitement tt we had to be told to lower our volume, lol and also cus we were the BIGGEST group there...13 people! hahas x) so paiseh..hahas, but yea, we lowered our volume lols...but we still enjoyed least i enjoyed mine, thanks guys x) btw, thanks pamela for really making me your first blood! LOL...

im always the first victim of her...sobs...i had so much struggle jus to give birth and recover from my trauma and u treat me like dat...u good...!

wahahahas =p

also wanna thank eugene for sharing the food and the cost. but it was worth it...seldom we get to enjoy real nice tea and i love the tea egg and siew mai! hahahas, and of course the chicken and glutinous rice as well =)

at first we were kinda lost just to find the right place, hahaha. like a bunch of sec sch kids going on those WW2 fieldtrips in outram, tanjong pagar and chinatown area LOL all those old shophouses...i kinda enjoyed the scenery btw ^^

well, after spending a great time with W318 and Toby, me and bao took bus to his place for my guitar lesson. so fast one month has passed. on the bus, there was this couple that were a bit 'disturbing' LOL..

the guy was sitting in front of me, and his gf was sitting on him, or standing...or wadever e position was...didnt bother to look...>.< then they were like rubbing and 'moving' here and there with e gal on top of the guy....and i was like....oh man...dun do it here pls...lolx

for like 20 minutes i have to 'ren', bao also realised wad they were doing, when he told me after we alighted that e couple were further front french kissing i was like...omg...lols thank God for AccessD CD that occupied my attention...

guitar lesson was another learning experience. learnt to flow from one song to another. well, practise makes perfect. the proof of your desire is in your pursuit =) i mus say bao to me is a great guitar teacher. im glad to be able to learn frm my mistakes and move from glory to glory, strength to strength! =)

IHP starts tmr...i need a GOD-idea!!!!! 20 weeks of returning to school for normal working hrs if i can rem..cus its in-house. well, i wanna get back my results soon...c programming is occupying my brain...>.<

im definitely looking forward to prayer meeting this tuesday! ;)

Strange Mid-Day Dream

woke up at abt 9 plus today...then i dozed off again at 10am. then i had a weird dream.

i dreamt tt i was in some grp discussion. and pam was in it. dats e strange thing. then the disussion leader after e discussion decided to meet all the christians for a discussion. then the weird thing is she was talking abt, 'hey, lets go sell the gospel..'

i felt uncomfortable...rem pam telling me, 'its not right'...and i agreed lols. next thing i realised i was in FCBC...and it DOESNT look like FCBC..cus i went into the wrong hall before. lol. and the discussion leader was there! i remember being on e verge of dozing off during the service. which i know doesnt happen in FCBC. =)

for a moment i thought they were gonna preach on selling e gospel which was wrong, and in my dream, they did..for a split second. and i felt uncomfortable again...(of course, i dont believe FCBC preaches on things like that, i believe they are strong in the Word ;)) i mean, just look at their fruits...

also i remembered handphones ringing which i believe FCBC has its standards of discipline ;) and so pastor lawrence khong asking who was sick, and during that scene i was having a flu and developing phlegm in my throat so i raised my hand. and ppl were laying hands and praying for the sick. there were ppl praying in e spirit so i was confortable enough to pray for myself as well.

there was one lady who laid hands on me...didnt say any prayer and left. then there was another old lady, whose looks could scare anyone away. IN THE DREAM, i was like, ohno..but when she laid hands and prayed for me..i felt the electric-fire power of God flowed through half of my body...and when she laid both her hands i felt a double portion of that power flowing through my entire body now...and i remembered i was healed instantly.

then the scene changed again, i was sitting next to ps khong! and we were chatting. he was asking me things like, how i was doing..i attend chc, so i told him more abt myself, my ministry..then the scene changed to another sister asking me if i wanna join bible school, i remember saying, i couldnt afford and im still schooling, then zack appeared out of nowhere! (zack from w318), and said, ITS FREE MAN! LOL...then the scene changed again...back to me sitting beside ps khong...

then i remember it was his wife that asked me if i wanna join FCBC...and i told her my story...and the weird thing is that she said, nvm abt chc, jus join us..again i felt uncomfortable again, felt like they are gonna sell me their church membership or something, which i felt is wrong, then ps khong asked me if i ever encountered annoying church leaders...and i couldnt answer his question cus i was being...ya that moment...

then i woke up...manz...

i dun believe a single thing in that dream. i refuse to criticise of judge any church. although there are some who does. i rem wad ps preached yesterday, that the religious christians like to analyse, judge and criticise. when someone is sick, theyll say bcos they sinned, when someone is sick, they say God is punishing you or teaching you a lesson....are u saying that there is sickness in God, and healing in the devil!?!

but true disciples encourage, love and build up people's faith. which im so thankful for the bunch of brothers and sisters that God has placed in my life. i wouldnt be where i am without them and without God =) love ya guys x)

well, gotta go to tea garden later to meet up with cg...ill blog again tonight or mebbe tmr..hahas ^^ *cheerios! =)

Great service, great drama...

today's svc was great. yongren is back! yeah! hahas, zack too..with isabel and hilde. =) finally we're seeing people hahas...and rach sat with us today

e message was good too, its built on wad ps kong has been saying for the past few weeks. reaching out e Jesus way, to bless, to fellowship, to meet needs and pray..THEN share e gospel

we dont believe in street evangelism, or door-to-door evangelism or giving out cards or telling anyone and everyone that if they dun repent they'll burn in hell or something...

dats why we NEVER have street witnessing, etc, because it NOT the Jesus way. every time, Jesus built a relationship with a person, most of the time He NEVER preached at all! all He did was to meet needs, cared for their welfare more than anything else, and they'll just want more of Him.

he didnt even ask anyone to go to church all His life! He did say we should be planted in the House of God, but in the perspective of reaching out, He jus met needs, showered them with the love of God, to bless, to fellowship and to pray for them. He didnt share the gospel, He DEMONSTRATED the gospel!

we are the living bibles that people in e world ever read in their entire lives...people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care! when the disciples faced e multitude of 5000 men, including women and children, there were about 20000, and He said, "YOU give them something to eat..."

He didnt ask the disciples to share the miracle story...but He DEMONSTRATED it with just 5 loaves and 2 fish. He said, 'YOU give them something to eat.." He was more interested in meeting their needs than even preaching to them...

soul-winning is not about reputation, or recognition, its about compassion! its not about what you have or how much you have, but its about WHOSE hands, its in, 'little becomes much when placed in the Master's hands'... Do your best and God will do the rest x)

when cg ended, had debrief with evan as usual. something she said really inspired me and got rooted in my spirit: You either live by conviction or you live by consequence (by Brain Houston), people who live by preference do what is good, but people of conviction do what is RIGHT!

celebrated peng's bdae today, haha the gift was a door-tag, or whatever u call it. one side had Jesus Loves Julian (J and J combined into one big J, and the 'love' is a shape of a heart) , and on e other side was BEWARE OF MAGGOTS! hahas, if u know e110 and w318, ull know who maggot is :x lolx

exams have ended, but i seriously, i feel more stressed after exams! my IHP TOR have not submitted, cant think of any project idea that is not simple...dots. for 20 weeks no holiday, and i have to go back to sch oso like normal sch day. if dats not stressful enough, i still have my guitar and also frens conn. arrgh stresssss ahhhh....lols T_T im feeling very drained...

literally no time to de-stress or to recover from the stress (including knowing that my C programming paper is buang..cus i only answered 1.5 out of 4 qns and they are badly answered too :S), no time at all to even breathe, and more stress is added in...waaaaaaa....20 weeks, 5 months...OMG! and i need to train up my body oso....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....>.< lols

Friday, March 03, 2006

FiBoNaCCi Blogskin Released

My new blog theme is ready. Ive named it FiBoNaCCi cos today as I was studying my C Programming, I found this really bombastic word known as Fibonacci Functions, hahaha!

I was chatting with Zaki and he told me that Fibonacci is a person's name, lol..well I also dont know..hahahas =p

List of changes:

  • New font style
  • New color scheme
  • Modified Javascript
  • New layers
  • Modified positioning

Total re-skinning time: 2.5 hours

Total beta testing time: 45 minutes

Changing Theme

hey guys n gals, im in the midst of changing my color theme. do let me know if theres any area i can improve font color, etc.

any feedback will be gladly appreciated and considered =)

thankiews x)

Other upcoming updates:

Probably a whole new layout in mid 2006 (after my 20 weeks of IHP ^^)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Great BS!

bs was great today. and i have 1 more paper to go...and its the toughest paper where i know of many who failed every practical test other than me..>.< well, today's bs talked abt results of baptism in the Holy Spirit.

learnt tt when u are saved, you DONT have the Holy Spirit and that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate encounter that you have to ASK for. not only that, when ure saved u only receive authority, and authority is not power! you only receive POWER (dunamis) when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. only after pentecost were Peter, Paul, and many more, changed ENTIRE cities.

they moved in such great power that the whole city was in an uproar, and even the religious leaders were not happy about it! even riots broke out in some cities. and ps meng mentioned wad ps ulf said during last wk's prophetic svc, that the Holy Spirit stopped Paul form entering Asia because its not the time yet.

instead, Europe rose up followed by America. and now the season has changed, its time for Asia to rise up in the end times! =) learnt e diff types of love:

Phileo - Love of one friend for another (or brotherly love)
Eros - Sexual love between man and woman
Storge - (the 'e' is pronounced as 'eh'...'stor-jay') Affection in a family
Agape - (again the 'e' is pronounced as above) Perfect, unconditional love that only God has.

->Agape love can only be found in God, and it doesnt depend on any factor. "If we love one anoter, God abides in us". similarly the opposite is true, if we dont love one another, God wont abide in us.

3 kinds of life mentioned in the bible:

Bios - physical life
Psuche - mental, emotional life
Zoe - spiritual, supernatural life -> the life of God that only God has and is able to give.

e.g. u can be 70 at yet look 40; your body doesnt wear out when ure living life in God; u can go to bible school, work in a company, study for your PhD, and still get a bonus, promotion and an increment! its totally supernatural and only God can give it. just yield to the Holy Spirit! =)

also learnt that prayer must be spirit empowered, if u dont have the Holy Spirit, there wont be power in it. prayer has to be anointed and empowered. praying in the Spirit will allow u to have direct access to God and the devil wont be able to understand wad u are praying, yes...he hears our prayers too, he can come before God and accuse us, dats y he's the 'Accuser'...and thats where Jesus our intercessor comes in.

today during the lesson, ps meng asked us to pray in the Spirit for awhile and believe God for a new tongue. it was phenomenal, i had it for awhile...and i remembered i was singing a new song to God even though there was no music or guitar, we were all yielded and flowed with the Holy Spirit. of course like any new tongue, it has to be exercised. its like lighting a new candle...

remembered in GOTP learnt tt the lamp in the tabernacle must never go out, but it has to keep on burning and burning..! dats wad im gonna sick of this dry and boring least for this week bcos of all the stress and stuff dats making me really geeky..lols see my MSNnick and ull know ^^ time to re-ignite my spirit man, building up in e most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit! =)

celgrp tmr...^^