
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Service 3 - Calling into fellowship

Salvation and Calling go together - e moment we are saved, we know our calling (to reach out to e lost)
The presence of God is PURITY
holiness is NOT being perfect, although we should all strive for perfection, but holiness to be separated unto God, FOR God.
everyone has a soul, and we were created for eternity. (life is jus a preparation for eternity)
of course where u spend eternity is another choice ull have to make

***The entire BIBLE is summed up in 5 categories:

1. Creation
2. Incarnation
3. Redemption
4. Sanctification
5. Glorification

creation + incarnation + redemption + sanctification + glorification = SALVATION

salvation is therefore a lifelong PROCESS
salvation never started with ministry, but at e pt of creation. where we first got our calling
DO NOT blame past circumstances for making u who u are today!
each individual is uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made
no one is e same, everyone is different

you have what it takes to be used by God for His purpose and His glory. - our eyes cannot taste, nor can our stomach pump blood or our brain dissolve oxygen, each part has its own purpose and they all work together for the good of e entire body of Christ. - you are what God wants u to be!

God, like a loving father (prodigal son), longs for us to yield to Him and not doubt/resist Him.
e.g Joseph - instead of revenge against his brothers who treated him badly, he chose love and compassion, he was of a different spirit.
***To keep our calling in e midst of adversity, the answer is having a SOFT heart! like Joseph.
Whatever God says WILL come to pass
if ur heart is hardened, God cannot do anything if u refuse...
a hardened heart is easily/prone to being used by Satan and he can take away ur calling!
Therefore we must walk WORTHY of our calling.
The fact that we are called doesnt make us exclusive, we are called to SERVE.
Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve

We may EXPERIENCE negative situations in our lives but we should not IDENTIFY with it.
God is in control doesnt mean bad things are from God! God is a good God and Satan is a bad devil
***"In all things, GOd is in control" means that if we are willing to place e negative situations in our lives on His altar and trust in Him, he can turn any situation for GOOD and for His glory.
God is in control, when we give Him the control! Gen 50:19
e devil has been defeated! says e Word of God, but NOTE: satan has not been cast into e lake of fire yet....where is he? in the world!!!

Our calling doesnt make us perfect, but gives us strength, confidence, faith, hope, etc. to help us strive for perfection
We are called to be WITH God, in FELLOWSHIP with Him, an intimate friendship with our creator.
Truth sets us free
Dun fill the universe with just 'yourself', make room for God
Jesus is not our 'tool', we mus NOT USE Him like a toy/tool/healing machine/money tree/etc.
it means we commune with God, talk to Him, tell him ur troubles, tell him how wonderful ur day is, tell him how u feel, share ur joy with him.
when troubles come dun run from Him, run TO God. he is WAITING for u to come to Him so tt He can bless/heal/deliver/etc. you....
Everyday God is saying to you, holding u in his hand and kissing you like a loving father unto his child saying, 'i love you', 'will you come home and have 'dinner' with me' and his arms are open to receive you.
God has emotions...Jesus has emotions...Jesus the son of God CRIED/WEPT. likewise as in e prodigal son, e father receives e child with living arms and there are tears of joy, reconciliation, reunion in e eyes of e father...;)

No matter how small u are, God took e time and effort to create u special. and He came to die on e cross for that small thing on earth called a human (us).
but He sees us bigger, he sees us in HIS image and likeness...

we are not just here to serve God, we are here to ENJOY God


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