
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Service, Troubled

Service was great.

Is Jesus alone enough for you?

If you dont feel His presence,
If He doesnt bless you,
If He doesnt heal you,
If He doesnt answer your prayers,

Is He alone, enough for you?

For me. He is.

Stop wanting "this" or "that" and start wanting "Him".

Many people want many things, most of them cant be brought into heaven. Why live a fulfilled life here on earth and compromise on your eternity?

They are like a fool, who put their trust on things that are seen, things perishable. Its like eating junk from a rubbish bin that will one day be either incinerated or broken down and recycled into some other stuffs.

Passion keeps you going. Where is your passion? Where is your interest? What is your obsession? When that which catches your attention dies away with this world, will your passion die away along with it? Will your love die along with it?

Their hearts are drawn away, with things, with people.

If God gives you that particular desire you've been longing for?

Can He be glorified?
How can you use it to serve God?
How can you use it to serve people and leave behind a legacy?

People can think Im dry and boring because I talk about God all the time. Or because I am 'numb' to this world. I dont really care.

I love God and Im committed to this relationship.

Whether you, reading this post, is in love with Him in the same 'obsessed' way, or whether you're as commited, doesnt really matter to me. When we get to eternity, all will be made known, God is gonna play your life in front of heaven like a movie clip. What will people see? What are you going to do about it? Is it worth it?

Are you going to waste your time, are you going to waste your life? I know I cant go back to my secondary school days, time cannot be reversed. The moment mankind is born, you have started dying because time has started.

Ecclesiastes 7:4 (NLT)
A wise person thinks much about death,
While the fool thinks only about having a good time now.


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