
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Guitar, God, Strength, Randoms

Had guitar lesson just now, will be having another one tonight.

Tomorrow morning will be accompanying ahgong to SGH from 8am till maybe about 1-2pm in the afternoon for a checkup, all by myself. Its gonna be a long day, napfa has just ended and I dont have enough time to rest.

But what can I say? What can I do? Life comes, you just gotta learn to take it in.

Was just chatting with xiaoshi on msn, and a random thought just came to mind while chatting. Isnt it amazing, how every great man and woman of God, all started with nothing, just a desire, a love and a passion.

We were nobodys, with nothing in our hands, all we had, was a cry, "God, I love You".

And that love alone, has brought us to where we are today. As I look back, I see how good God has been. Nothing I ever had, nothing I ever accomplished, was from me.

Its as if God helped us to love Him, through the Holy Spirit.

Indeed, the financial blessings, open doors, everything was made by Him, through Him and FOR HIM. We didnt start out to be people with a stage presence or a public anointing, we just wanted to be lovers, worshippers, just like the story of Mary and Martha.

How can someone so wise, so strong, so big, so perfect, like God, dwell among and love people like us? If you want to compare the difference, its VAST and ENDLESS.

Yet what was it so special that connected these 2 beings together so closely?

It sums up in one word: Love.

Indeed it has no boundaries. Afterall, it can join God and man. Thats why as long as we have a dream and we love doing what we do, there is nothing we cant accomplish.

I remember a song by Delirious, it says, Love is a miracle.

Love is a miracle.
God is love.

Therefore, if you want a miracle.
Have God, have love.

Most people associate a miracle with intense spiritual warfare, fasting and intense praying and sacrifice, no doubt all these are essential, but without love, you are all missing the point.

If you want to see a breakthrough in cg attendance, LOVE people.
If you want to see a breakthrough in your spiritual life, LOVE God.
LOVE prayer, LOVE the word, LOVE fellowship, LOVE discipleship, LOVE commitment.

Many times we find ourselves in a dark room, hearing nothing but cries. God seems so far. Yet we dont realise, that the cries we hear in the dark where no one knows, are the very same cries someone else is having.

And we dont realise,

Even though the room may be dark with cries, its not just our cries only, there will always be someone else in the same room as you, going through the same thing.

Sometimes we ask, "God, why didnt you give me my breakthrough? Where is my answer?"

Most of the time, its not because He wants to hold back, but its really because He has already given you the breakthrough, the answers, you just failed to notice it.

It may come in a form of a friend, an open door, an opportunity, or a still soft whisper.

God isnt rude, He wont tell us, "Why are you asking me for answers when Ive already given you a long time ago? You slow or what?"

He just keeps quiet.

In an intense situation, are you gonna complain and grumble about your breakthrough, or are you gonna start opening your ears and eyes, and look around you for the answers?

God has already given you every answer long before you even encountered the problem!

Your whole life has been destined for victory the moment you are born again. It doesnt say, your life is being destined for victory, the Word didnt say you are becoming more than a conqueror!

It says you ARE more than conquerors! God is not stupid, neither is He dumb. The moment you accept Him He already knows everything, and He has already given you all the answers, even long before you were born.

Thats why God can confidently say that in every trial, there is an escape!

He's not just saying it for fun, or just because it sounds good and motivating, He means what He says. Its just like in a room.

You're locked inside.

There's no way to bang your way out.

You pray, "God please send me a locksmith! God please send me a SWAT team to help me blow down the door! I dont wanna die here!"

And God doesnt answer, He doesnt send any locksmiths or SWAT teams and you complain and grumble, you get angry with God. Not knowing that in every room, there is a window! Its been open all along! And you're just stuck inside, overwhelmed by your problems that you failed to see the answer right before your eyes.

Isnt that how we behave most of the time? We think that there's only one solution to a problem. God is a creative God. He's capable of coming up with more solutions than you can think of in your entire lifetime, just for that one problem or crisis.

Sometimes we do make mistakes, we do go down the wrong path. And we think, oh my god, I made a mistake, I feel so paiseh to go back, Ill just be strong and endure and try to work things out.

It will never work.

Since the beginning of time,
God has proven it.
Satan has proven it.
People have proven it.

I once had a revelation, people who say, "I will try to work things out myself", really, are people who are proud, who say they dont need God or think they are equal with God. No doubt the person can be sincere, and yet sincerely wrong.

And soon they realise, how come things arent changing?

Its because insanity is doing the same things over and over, expecting a different result.

Yes, you can change your way of solving the issue, yes you can change the tone of your voice, you can even change your attitude.

But thing that hasnt changed is that you are still trying without God.

They're so afraid of what people will think or say. If they're so afraid of people's opinions and responses, then it shows one thing, they arent really serious about dealing with issues in their life. They just do it for the sake of doing it.

The proof of your desire is in your pursuit.

One thing Ive learnt from the movie, Pursuit of Happiness, is this.

"If you want happiness, go get it!"

Strength is not just the endurance during a tough time,
Strength is the tenacity to get back on your feet, and walk back the right path.

I can put it this way,

Strength = Repentance

You stop where you are going right now.
You turn around.
You have a higher level of thinking.
And you walk back.

Its like those drama serials..

You see a girl emoing, walking along the beach, and suddenly she decides to commit suicide.

And she starts walking into the water, hoping to drown herself.

Along the way down, she says to herself, "Oh no, I dont wanna die, I dont wanna drown, but Ive got no choice. Ive already started walking down the water..looks like this is the end for me, Im gonna drown and nobody will know..but I dont wanna die, I have people who love me. Stupid ocean, I hate you, why must you drag me in..."



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