
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Service 4

They couldve took the easy way out.

Whats so difficult about bowing?
Besides, Im sure God understands right?

They couldve fought for their freedom,
They couldve fought for their happiness.

"Just bow and you'll be free."
"Just bow and you'll be happy."

Its so easy. So comfortable.

But how can someone experience the 4th man, unless he is first thrown into the furnace?

Many times the moment we see a drowning person,
We try to jump in and save him, throw the float, do so much.
Not knowing that the person could swim on his own.

I may be down, I may be crushed and hurt deeply,
But at least I still know that God knows what He's doing.

When Jesus was on the cross.

There were those who cried and sympathised with Him.
And there were those who, not knowing what the plan of God is..
Shout, "If you are the son of God, come down."

There were those who shouted, "He's innocent! Let him go!"
Does it sound politically correct? Im sure it does.
Does it sound like the right thing to do? Yes.


In that scenario, it was NOT the GOD thing to do.
God had something in mind.

Yes, there are those who needs to be saved.
But there are those who God has allowed to go through the fire.

As I stood in service 4, God began to speak to me.

"Andrew, will you let me break you even more? Can I have your permission, to deal with you and to shape you and mold you? I know it hurts right now, it hurts Me more than it hurts you. But I have a plan, can you take the pain? Can you take the heat? Will you let Me take you to places your eye has not seen, your ears have not heard, nor mind conceived?"

Ps Tan gave the altar call a second time, and I went.

Totally broken, totally surrendered, in tears.
I remembered hearing Ps Aries, standing in front of me..
Praying for 5-10 seconds, before I felt it.

I remembered God telling me the first few days when I became cgg..

"You will go through fire like you've never experienced before. I will change so much in you. Sometimes you have to go through what other people went through..alone..will you let Me take your hand?"

Back then, I didnt know better. I just said 'yes, do what You will.' Not knowing the consequences of that prayer until recently.

I may be in a valley right now, but as long as Im holding God's hand.
Im happy enough.

Do you love Him enough to not only let Him break you,
But to break you..all the way?


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