CHC anniversary was e best!!! not only do we have guests like e ambassador of taiwan, we had Jack Neo with us as well. after seeing the videos, i really thank God for pastor kong and for Sun, i really appreciate everything they've done for our church...
they are my role models, they are my kong is like a father to i wish i could know him more personally e way his staff knows are just some of my views on ps kong:
1. he is a man of faith, an apostle for the endtimes
2. he doesnt just talk e talk, he walk e walk
3. he is a man of courage, of strength, of wisdom, of character, of conviction, or anointing, of power, of revelation, of love, of generousity, of patience, of passion, of zeal..
4. he doesnt preach anything he doesnt live by
5. he has brought our church as a family, to where we are right now by e grace of God
6. he has energy, youth, passion, desire, dreams, visions, he is relevant and he leads by example
7. he loves God, he loves e church, and most of all, he is humble and he fears God
8. he has set in us a level of discipline tt im proud CHC has apart from other churches
9. im thankful he doesnt go for believers, he goes for DISCIPLES
10. he's a dream pastor, a dream father, how i wish i were dayan..lolz
11. he doesnt compromise
12. he is totally dependent on the Holy Spirit and is obedient to the call of God no matter how tired he is
theres just too many to describe. ill dream e day when i take a photo with him...^^
now, for e FOP. it was e most drastic service. well, there are good things and bad things regarding it. ill start with the bad, unnecessary movement, no flow from the people (to an extent tt CCC had to stop in e middle of e intro for Thank You to address e crowd to let em know it worship time)...
im like...OMG. e atmosphere totally dissipated...then pohchoo and huixin next to me were talking all throughout e sermon. think they talk even more than the preacher!
worse still, there was a new friend frm myanmar sitting next to them!!! yea, you judge for yourself....
totally no fear of the Lord, no sense of discipline and conviction. worse than backslider, worse than unchurched...
speaking of which, theres this bunch of people in front of me tt were fidgeting throughout e service. one of em were even sleeping in front of my eyes...if i were in e flesh id have punched him in e face a long time ago...want to sleep go home and sleep. this is the house of God, not a resort!!!
back to no-flow christians, when u are supposed to sing, u sing, when u are supposed to clap/shout/dance, you do so..when ure supposed to worship/lift up ur hands, you life up ur hands...and for goodness sake, AT THE RIGHT TIME!!!!!
thats why i always say, a person without wisdom (aka a hypocrite/fool) is worse than a person without a brain. so many christians do the right things at the WRONG TIME. i have no prob with dynamic praise n worship, but please have wisdom....
you can be smart, you can be cool, you can be good looking, but without wisdom, you are still a hypocrite or a fool! which leads me to conclude that you hang around fools as well..
your destiny is locked into the people whom you associate yourself with and to whom you give ur life access to.
then this grp of gals behind me screaming during praise machiam they manifesting like that...God wants people who praise him with sincerity, FOP is not a circus parade, neither is it a resort hotel, and neither is it a kopitiam or a clubhouse!!!!!
yea....kopitiam..why? i was told by one of my frens tt people ate potato chips during e sermon...!!!! if u were living in e old testament...i can tell you almost everyone around me wouldve been killed instantly....
cheering and shouts of joy towards God is one thing, but excessive uncontrollable unneccessary screaming, no more like SHRIEKING is soooo gals giving birth or something!?!
you people take God for turn the house of prayer and praise into the house of food and merry people have no sense of discipline. even if you are hungry, that doesnt mean you can still move around...
and not just movement around...PHONECALLS AND SMSES AS WELL!!! either your church failed to disciple you or you failed to grow up. seriously, tt whole hall felt more like a pub than a house of God!
during worship people life up their hands you guys lift up your handphones and cameras...oh God will ever need your phone or camera...and dont worry, no matter how hard you may try to conduct lightning in the will never happen!
with christians like these who needs antichrist?
you guys leave e building machiam its ur grandma's house like that...and just because hillsong and delirious are not leading praise n worship...the attendance dropped. singapore shld make FOP NON-free, like mebbe pay a hundred bucks or something...then we'll see if people will come...
and on tt same sunday, planetshakers was present at another location, i heard, so i assume people moved over as well..
but God was still merciful, Don Moen moved in e prophetic in e last service, he spoke a word frm a verse in e bible concerning the churches in singapore and for a nation itself. then after that he was led to sing Still by Reuben Morgan (hillsong) was awesome, e presence of God touched me and i knew i had encountered God...
indeed God saves e best for last...indeed those who endure TO THE END will be saved, and indeed we will REAP, spiritually in this sense, if we do not lose heart.
but pity so many people were not present. kairos timings like these come only to those who are hungry. that is why many are called but few chosen. time is the least God can demand from you.
having a relationship with God is like marriage. if there is only one-way fellowship/communication, one of em will always fall out of love. and since God cant fall out of love, that is why it is US who eventually become spiritually dry.
and instead of thinking about God all the time, most of e time we think about ourselves and our own lives. our own interests and our own dreams and desires. so many times, we leave God out of the picture.
you can experience God, and yet not receive something frm Him. because you neglect the time factor between the seed and the harvest. God has never failed to impart to me things whenever i go for multiple services.
and ive recalled intently...100%, EVERY week whenever there's a chance for multiple services, God always move. 100%, all the time. since i first came to CHC 4 years ago, till now, every guest speaker week i always receive an impartation at the end...WITHOUT FAIL.
you might think, hmm mebbe God wont move this week, but in actual fact, from experience...God moves EVERY WEEK! and when you miss it, it might never come back again.
doors of opportunities, words of wisdom/knowledge, impartations, revelation, healing/deliverance, etc. God is always on the move, and its up to you to keep up.
well, this year's FOP is over. din get to take any pics with CCC though T_T those whom im close to will know just what im going through this week. its stressful emotionally for me to live with these actually know the things that i know is gonna happen...
but i will hold God's hand...i will never let go...
shiying, if ure reading really sorry i didnt inform you i wasnt serving :S feel really bad, whatever you were gonna pass me, ill say in advance, thank you very much, and no matter what it may be..ill appreciate it for as long as i live :D
jus gimme an sms or a call if u wanna pass it to me, u can do so anytime.
often in my worst times, that when i find the best people...