
Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Saviour, My Lord

im currently in e midst of a 3-12 fast. prob cus of the 8 songs hahaha and the stage this week :S

must be totally dependent on e HS cus its impossible for me to do those things w/o e help of e HS. which reminds me..there was one time i was worshipping God suring svc, on e terrace. and u see mostly adults there...

there was one thing that impressed me was their the total sincere, heart-felt worship that the adults have. it is more easier for then to kneel down and tear in e presence of God than we do. even when no one is kneeling, but because of their love and relationship with God, the people around them makes no difference because it is God they are loving...

it has encouraged me greatly. i began to kneel before God during svc even more u dont have to wait for e ps to say, 'let us make some room..', its about you and God, noone and nothing else.

just now as i was practising e songs for cg, it became my QT with God. as i was playing 'Take All Of Me', i felt e tangible presence of God like a rushing wind, penetrating into my chest and out from my back..

then it was gone..i was sad. i wondered: why only 1 second? Holy Spirit..come back...

i got kinda distracted because it jus went through me, a split second then it was gone..e presence of God..but i was focused on chasing it, i wanted the presence of God back. it felt as if it was EMERGE all over again..for a split second!!!

i was like: i know this..i felt this during EMERGE...

as i pressed in, because God loves me and I love Him, its hard for both of us not to have an intimate moment spirit to spirit..deep calling to the deep. Eventually within minutes, e presence of God filled my room once again and i started to tear and i just kept playing e chorus, e more i played e more i began to experience the love of God..

i was deeply touched and ministered.

i came to realise frm BS yesterday that sometimes, we get so occupied with what we have to do instead of what we WANT to do. tarrying in e presence of God shouldnt be a chore, a religious duty, or do it for e sake of doing it...but it should be a love relationship..

ive learnt tt sometimes we are soo concerned about how we perform, in ministry etc..

but God is not interested in all that, no doubt they are good, but our primary calling is not to ministry, our primary calling is to God Himself! that revelation hit me like lightning. God knows we are not perfect, God knows we can never do everything, all the time..He knows our weaknesses...

its not HOW or WHAT, its WHO

tell God "I love You'' more...drop those methods and start touching the heart of God..

in case ur wondering about e title of this post..its e title of my second song.., well, its not MY song, its God's song. in a way. during my QT i was in e holy of holies..and there i came up with this song, for God..its a short song but it was what's going on in my heart at tt point in time...

i wont be putting e lyrics or e sample here though :D hahaha..

well, what can i say..



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