
Thursday, August 24, 2006

ARB S3 and other thoughts (File Attached)

First of all, sorry for the delay. Here's the notes for ARB S3: HERE

these few days have been great. prayer meeting was a time of renewal and refreshing in the area of my spiritual walk. i was greatly inspired by Dr Yonggi Cho's church...close to a million people! and what amazed me was that we are at the same growth rate as his church! :O

and what was interesting is that after they hit 20,000, they accelerated because they had 3 things: prayer, humility and spiritual hunger! i was greatly inspired. if they could do it back then, what more us as a new generation!

i just wanna say one thing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR KONG! =) well, i might be late a few hrs because i had to re-listen to the sermon, haha..but nevertheless i thank God for pastor kong in my life. he is the body, by which new information has come into my life and transform me inside out...:D thank you that no matter how tire you may be, to me, you will always be more than a pastor to me...=)

had BS just now. then after BS went for evan's grandma's wake. its the FIRST TIME i attended well, evan..know that im praying for you and that you are always my source of inspiration next to pastor kong. it was your discipleship, love and care that made me who i am today :D thank you..=)

recently i had interesting discussions with josh..i suddenly thought of a few interesting questions and ideas on the things of

1. Jesus was a physical person, even after His resurrection, in His new body. and since Heaven is a physical place (you can feel and touch), then Jesus PHYSICALLY ascended into heaven, does that mean heaven is PHYSICALLY ACCESSIBLE? (same with hades/hell)

2. Jesus was human does that make God human because Jesus is the expressed image of God? Or is God a spiritual being? or a hybrid of both? lol..maybe spiritually physical or physically spiritual? hmm..

3. the bible talked about a new heaven and a new earth. and since in e end times itll be a heaven on what was it about the new heaven AND a new earth? will all THREE of the trinity be on earth? or in heaven? or both?

4. if human with 3% of their brain are able to do space exploration, come up with the calculator, computers, etc. before the fall, Adam had 100%. and since God 'downloaded' information into Adam by breathing into him the breath of life...does it mean that Adam knew how God looked like? does it mean he knows the answer to all those questions above? every invention in the world today, already existed in Adam's mind..

its just that after sin came in, that it became darkened. and adam had the knowledge to fly and to survive underwater? (if not how would he have dominion over the birds of the air and the fish of the sea?)

the knowledge to live life as if it were the new body because only when sin came in, then he started dying. which means, before sin, adam was living in an eternal, incorruptible body? (IN A WAY..)

5. and we started talking about God sharing His secrets to people who have a close intimate relationship with Him.

God's ultimate plan was to restore intimacy with the entire human race. and a secret is meant between you and God, and no one else. one that He shares with you. furthermore, if its a secret, that means only you and God know, which means that no 2 secrets are the same.

can you imagine 8 billion over different secrets that God has about Himself, and each is different!?!?! and can you imagine, if He does share His secrets (PLURAL) with a person of close intimacy with Him, it could very well exceed to over 16 billion, 24 billion over secrets about the things of God and EACH IS DIFFERENT...

was chattin with pam last night and we were talking about the 3% brain that humans use as a lifetime. and with all the achievements human society has come up with..can you imagine 100%? education is not learning new things, it is the rediscovery of things.

it is bringing back that which was the remaining 97%. the cure for AIDS and cancer is in the remaining 97% that was darkened after sin came in. the solution to every problem has always been in the 97% that we do not use...we have the mind of Christ, the mind of Adam, its just that we only use a pathetic 3%.

why then do we struggle in life? every solution is already in us through Christ. that is why if we can see it, we can have it. because when we can see it, its registered in our brain somewhere, perhaps in the 97%, which is why sometimes we fail to see the solution..

that is why RENEWING YOUR MIND is important! the redemption of the mind back to its original purpose and intention! and i jus heard frm ps audrey today during GOTHS BS, that humans now use 7-9% of their brains compared to a few years ago...

we are advancing so fast...

still i cant imagine...

100% brain usage and capacity...every potential, in the remaining 90+%..nothing is new, when we entered the world its like we suffered a concussion and we lost our memory, the journey of life is to recover back the portion in our mind which was lost because of the fall, until the day Christ returns..

man im so excited...never again shall i say to myself, i cannot do it, never again shall i say to myself, its too difficult, but what im gonna say to myself is: God open my eyes, give me the revelation and the solution You've placed in me in that 90+%. because what You called me to do, You have empowered and it will come to pass..

and if You already know what im gonna do next, if You already know where my destiny holds...then what more is there? everything is in my mind all along! before the foundations of the world!

Jesus, I give You my all, in exchange for all of You....

for in that day, we WILL BE like Christ =)


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