
Monday, August 31, 2009

Random again..

In life, there are always transitions..
Sometimes, we ourselves can just merely be part of a transition in someone's life..
Im not excluded.

Once everything is said and done,
Some people will make you feel as if they're full,
Now, they dont need you anymore.

They call you their friend.

You were there when they needed you.
Now that they no longer need you,
They no longer need you.

You become nothing more than just a transition in their life.
You sow seeds, you press in, only to realise you've pressed into a stone,
Something, or rather, someone...dead.

Yes, we have been a blessing.
At the end, that is all we are to them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

CG Notes - Meeting the King; Obedience

We are familiar with people strolling in after service starts.

People who are late for cg, people who are lazy to queue for the cg,
People who just wanna get blessed and not serve.

They are there to meet the king, yet they themselves think they are the kings and queens over there. There is no fear of the Lord.

What do we do when we meet the King?
You make sure you look presentable,
You make sure you are there EARLY because God is WAITING for you!

You come in excited, eager to meet the king.

When King Saul asked Samuel to gather the sons, only young David was left outside, tending to the sheep. Yet King Saul insisted, they waited till everyone was there, including young David.

David was out there, working, while everyone else was comfortable.
He was in the fields, the bible said he looked 'ruddy', in 1 Samuel,
Yet when he came before the king, he was handsome and his eyes sparkled.

Here's one of the few instances in the bible where God made mention on appearance,
How you carry yourself, your countenance. Your attitude.

Here is a youth, getting messy, sweaty and dirty out tending to the fields,
Everyone else was comfortable and convenient.

Yet when the King called for him, he left what he was doing and ran towards the King.
He's probably wiped his sweat, cleaned his face, touched up, while approaching King Saul,
So much so that when he arrived, he was noticed as handsome and had sparkles in his eyes.

Here is a young man, knowing he's there to meet the king.
And yet look at his attitude, totally dedicated, totally excited and eager.
He didnt drag his feet. HE RESPECTED THE KING'S TIME!

Similarly, do we drag our feet to church, cg meetings, etc?
Do we go to the "King's palace" with a black face and a lousy attitude?
Do we GOSSIP in the King's palace? Hurl vulgarities? Look totally sloppy and unbothered.
Even your armpit hair is so long you could sweep the floor as you walk.

If we being human, know how to be urgent and professional in going for interviews with bosses of corporate bodies, how much more, the king of kings?

Dont make God wait for you.
And certainly dont arrange to meet God and FLY AEROPLANE.
Dont become overly familiar with God.
Afterall, He is still your King, He is still your Lord, inasmuch as He is, your friend.
So give Him that respect. Honor Him and He will honor you.

How we treat others is how we treat God.
Likewise with how we talk/act/etc..
No wonder some of us fly aeroplane on others,
Because in the very core of our being,
That is how we are.

There was once God spoke through Samuel to King Saul, as he was preparing to launch a massive attack on the enemy, to wait for Samuel to travel to a designated place to offer burnt offerings to God, wait for him to return, and THEN begin the attack.

However, after several days, Samuel never returned..YET. But King Saul insisted, why not he just do it instead? In those days, only the priest, or the ones God has chosen, as a custom, he would have to offer burnt offerings to God before they go to war, so that they will have the victory.

Did King Saul wait? Yes.
But he didnt wait long enough. He went ahead and offered burnt offerings HIMSELF.
When Samuel finally came back, he called him a fool, 'what have you done?'
He obeyed, but he obeyed HALFWAY, he was, DOUBLE-MINDED.

If that wasnt enough, God's orders were to wipe out everyone in the enemy territory, including the women and the children, how ruthless right? But the issue here, was that King Saul, failed to obey.

To God, what needs to be done, will be done. No matter what the cost, no excuses.

But the reason as to..why women and children, only God Himself understands as God is sovereign. Not only did King Saul became 'clever' and offer the sacrifices himself, he didnt wipe everyone out. He keep the King alive! How pathetic! Of all the enemy he had to keep the KING alive! He also took all the loot, the cattle, etc.

When Samuel confronted him again, King Saul said he did what the Lord asked him to.!
What a load of crap.

The fact of the matter is, he disobeyed.
And if that wasnt audacious enough, he tried to JUSTIFY HIS MISTAKES by saying, ohhh, Im keeping them so that I can give God a bigger offering!

How many times do we try to justify our mistakes or make excuses?

Oh, I cant come for prayer meeting because I was stuck at a party.
Oh, I was late for cg/service because I was eating with my friends.

What a load of nonsense.
These are things under your control.

If you follow God, then FOLLOW Him.
The fact of the matter remains, you are LATE.

If ps kong were to decide to meet your cg one day for fellowship,
But you have a party, Im sure you will either not go at all,
Or even if you did, you'll bother to leave early.
You'll be eager, excited, etc.
How much more with God?

Jesus said, Id rather you be hot or cold, dont be lukewarm, if not I will spit you out of my mouth.
Dont put one leg into the kingdom of God and one leg into the world.

You love God, but you're not willing to give up your sinful lifestyle.
One foot, you are attending bible study. Another foot, you are hurling vulgarities,
Blowing your tempter, etc.

One foot, you enjoy church and prayer. Another foot, you have alcohol, drugs, porn, etc.
In church, you serve around. Outside church, you sleep around, fool around, etc.
So on and so forth.

You're not willing to surrender FULLY, give up your past FULLY and follow Him to the new way of life.

God is saying, dont be lukewarm, either you're 100% for Me, or if you wanna be lukewarm, then Id rather you be cold and against Me instead!

Just imagine, if your spouse says "I love you..but I cant forget my love for my ex", how would you feel? You would rather he/she not marry you in the first place right? That is how God would feel towards you!

"Obedience is greater than sacrifice".

What does it mean,
Everything that you want to do,
Everything that you can do,
Everything that you have sacrificed and done for God,
Means NOTHING, if all you did was disobey.

David murdered, he committed adultery, yet not one word was spoken against him.
God still raised him as king. Calls him the one after God's own heart!
God used him, because God trusts him that when he says he will do something, he will do it!

Even though he has his weaknesses, but it doesnt matter, because when you love someone,
You will obey.

Yet for King Saul, did he murder or commit any serious offences? Not that I know of.
Yet God said "he did evil in the eyes of the Lord".

Not because of what he has done,
But because of the simple fact that he disobeyed!

Obedience is greater than sacrifice.

Thats why we believe, if you wanna do something, do it well.
Be excellent, be professional. Be committed. RADICALLY.

You can never be too radical for God.
The depth of your love, is measured by the width of your expression!

When you sing, you sing loud, you clap with energy, you dance before God,
Because He deserves it. Because He is worth it.
When you pray, pray! Dont murmur to yourself.

When you choose to live for God, then give your best!
When you surrender to God, surrender EVERYTHING!
God didnt die for you halfway!

When you go to church, bring your bible, take down notes.
Even if you're illiterate, at least show that you are interested!
That you can even be BOTHERED. Put your heart into it!

There are people who cant sing, yet they sing the best they know how.
And when they are sincere, to God, their voices are the most soothing.

Dont just come to God when you're down,
What about the times when you are happy?

If God is just another friend to you,
Then its time to reflect who do you worship.
God...or yourself?

You could even worship your problems.
Drown yourself with work, with school and choosing not to step out.

God says love Him wholeheartedly.
God says love people fervently.
God says forgive, and keep on forgiving.
God says 'your body broken for others'.
God says do not worry.
God says give and it shall be given back to you.

Just do it.

At the end of the day, your achievements, your great plans for a great zone camp, a great cg outreach, means NOTHING, if you went many rounds yet end up at the same place of :
"You never obeyed."

Dont try to make excuses, justify our wrongs, yes, sometimes it can make sense.
But of what value is it? You still disobeyed.

Imagine you ask your friend,

"Hey could you get me a cup of soya bean?"
He says, 'Ok'. And later comes back with a cup of sugar cane.
And you ask, "Huh? I thought I asked you get sugar cane? No more soya bean?"
And his ultimate answer is, "orh, no la, since sugar cane nearer, and since its nicer and cheaper, i got it for you lor, I can help you save money!"

Sometimes we are like that, we try to justify our actions, think its just a small deal, its okay.

Did he did anything wrong? No. In fact, he got an even better deal!
He helped his friend. He even had "better intentions" than his friend!
But like King Saul, he totally missed the point.

At the end of the day, its about "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"
Have we done did what God has asked us to do?

Dont try to 'help' God. He's almighty anyway. You think He really cannot do it without you?
He's just looking for a man a woman, a boy a girl, who's TOTALLY yielded to Him.
And whose heart is towards Him.
Why did God create Adam, to fellowship with him.
That was how it is, in the beginning. And this is what love is,

Love is obedience.

God will not fault you for not being at your best,
God will find fault with you for not trying enough.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

QN: Should A forgive B, just because B has an affair?

Forgiveness is not about whether the person wants to or not,
Forgiveness is whether the person HAS it or not.

Forgiveness is an attitude of the heart.
A forgiving person will never hold grudges,
And a resentful person will never forgive.

Since love forgives,
If a couple cannot forgive each other,
Then it just goes to show that everything is just a show.
They NEVER truly loved.
The love was fake, not true love.

And since their love is not true,
Anything not built on truth will not last.
Thats why its called a RELATIONSHIP.
You have to RELATE.

Its more than just spending time together, or being together.
You wanna be together with someone, you have your family.
Why bother to find a guy or a gal?
You can even have a relationship with your dog or your hamster for all you want.

A relationship doesnt end just because you're attached or married.
A relationship is for life.
A lifetime of commitment, a lifetime of sacrifice.

If you're scared of commitment, if you're scared of sacrifice and losing out,
Why get together in the first place? Dont waste your time.

In the first place,
Love GIVES UNCONDITIONALLY, at the expense of self.
Love never seeks to meet your needs, but the needs of others.

If you enter a relationship to be satisfied,
You will be GREATLY disappointed.
You enter to SERVE, you enter to GIVE, you enter to COMMIT,
You enter to CHANGE!

A relationship is a place to build character.
Saying to each other, its okay to make mistakes, your mistake is my mistake.
Let's learn together. They are a TEAM. They do things together.

The guys have their guys clique, the girls have their girls clique.
Where's the bonding? Might as well be gay.
Find things that you two enjoy doing together.

Compatibility is not found.
Compatibility is CREATED.

QT Verse

"Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed." - Rom 10:11 (NASV).
If you are disappointed, you don't believe.

Short but powerful words.

"For as many as those who are LED by the HOLY SPIRIT, these are the SONS of God".

If emotion is still a reaction to you,
Instead of being something you can choose,
Then you're still a long ways off.

Maturity is not being yourself,
Maturity is being God, despite yourself.

If you truly love God,
You should be feeling what He feels, like how couples do.

My Fall - Updates

What happened.

I was jogging on the concrete pavement by the roadside.

Upon reaching a carpark exit, I saw a car coming. So I jogged on the spot to let it pass - main road both 'to' and 'fro' lanes were empty. Then the car stopped in front of me. First logic, its giving way to me.

Okay, so I accelerated. I wasnt at my 'terminal' speed yet, I was still in a state of acceleration when suddenly, the car accelerated and drove off onto the main road.

Being just 3 steps away from crossing directly in front of the car, and the sudden acceleration, I couldnt stop or suddenly slow down, lost my footing, and while 'accelerating', fell forward, skidding my knees on the concrete and landing on my palms and chest.

Amazingly, no chest pain.
Amazingly, my palms only had a scratch.

I swore I was raging to educate the driver on some of my hand signals man! Thankfully there arent any bricks nearby, if not Ill smash his windscreen, scratch his car and puncture his tyres!

What was he thinking man?! He'd better not be drink driving, if not Ill stuff the beer/wine into his mouth and then use the broken can/glass to scratch both his face and his car!

And he couldve been 'phone driving'. Well, Ill steal his phone then. Inconsiderate people. Or worse, he was staring at a girl. Now, I dont even know if the driver is male or female. The point is,


If he/she deliberately drove off in front of me, if I ever see that car again, or in the parking lot. Muahaha...'what car?' :@

Went to the doc on tues, on 3 days mc. Well, its good AND bad. But more bad than good cus..lets just say my reports are piling up!!! :( And I havent even finished, last friday, last saturday, last sunday and monday's report. They come on a daily basis, so..going back to work on friday, itll be..lets see..

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.. 7 reports to do!!! Arrgh.

Haha above the mc, I hope I can really walk properly to service this week. Just bending both knees alone are like tearing my flesh apart :x

*Pictures are on facebook.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fall, Devil

Had a fall. See my facebook for updates.

How am I gonna sleep tonight? :S Im worried that Ill aggravate my injury while I sleep.
Or on another note, how am I gonna go to work? :S Wyelin says dun go. Amen man. LOL.

Sigh..and its a miracle I actually bathed myself with all that 'exposed' knees. And yet can wash with dettol soap! Must be the adrenaline from my jog, when it happened, anger towards that reckless driver! Thank God there wasnt a brick nearby! RAWR.

Ok, Im calm.

Stupid devil. Get out of my life, get out of my family.
Dont let me see your shadow, dont even let me smell you.

"The Son of Man has come, that He may destroy the works of the evil one".
God. Raise me up. I wanna fight with you. Lets take 'him' down together!

Mummy has eye infection :( PRAY!!!

Zero tolerance!!!

Satan, God didnt die for you, so you can do die yourself :P

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cool breathtaking pictures. I wanna take pictures like that.

Lots of stuffs.

Service was awesome. Though serving, going for makeup service at JW later.
CG was awesome.

Kena 'love at first sight' today. But she's a total stranger and she looks 17. Okay, but I dont know, a bit too young? Haha, chemistry, what can I do? Visual input signals, transmits neurotransmitters to the cerebral cortex of the brain and stimulate phenalethalene. All I did was just happen to see this person on the train..and BAM.

But oh well, its just an emotion. Ive fallen for more than 20 girls in my lifetime, 6 odd confessed to me, and 1 or 2 unknown hot babe from online msns me requesting to meet up for sex cus Im cute. But Im still a virgin and glad to be one.

I know of guys who can ejaculate just by staring and fantasizing at a girl in a club or a discotheque long enough. He doesnt even need to say anything, do anything, or even be near the person, let alone have any form of physical contact. He just lets the eyes and the brains do the work.

So if you ladies think just by wearing an eskimo costume is enough, think again. The guy's brain is able to visually 'photoshop' you naked.

Its about wisdom, doing the right thing, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people at the right place.

People ask me, why not I just take the step of faith in relationships?

That made me ponder a bit.

Simple, because God is first.
If you only care about your own interests and how you feel, what you want,
Where's the purpose in that?
Do you include God in your life?
If He's not even worth the little things in your life, how can you trust Him with your destiny?

I liked what Adam preached yesterday..does God's opinion matter to you?
Does He even matter to you?
How can you love someone and not be accountable to that person?
So what its a personal preference? Just because you are given the option to sin, does it mean you can freely sin? Certainly not.

If someone places a bowl of fattening cream cake and a bowl of fruits, which one would you choose? Some will go for the cake, some will take the fruits. But no one will bother to ask, is the cake edible? Are the fruits expired? They eat, and end up in hospital.

Faith may be invisible, but faith certainly isnt blind.

I can easily take any girl I want. I mean, sex came to me for goodness sake!
Ive got plenty of options and they are people who come to me, instead of the other way round.
Not many, but a fair share.
But so what? You think you know the person better than God? Give me a break.

We've learnt about radical honesty and joint agreement?
So its just a great sermon to some of you? You mean you dont practice it? You dont live it out?
There are people I know jumping from one relationship to another.
And nothing's changed because you always do the same thing!

Life wont change with time.
Life changes only when your thinking changes!
Dont expect the world to revolve around you.
You are not the center of the universe, God is.

Do you 'divorce' God just because you are attached?
Where's that joint agreement between you and God?
Where's that radical honesty?
Huh? You mean you and God NEVER had a relationship!?!

A relationship is not two-way.
A relationship is THREE-way, a triunity.

God is smart.
He gives us freedom of choice.
More than seeing if we make the right choices,
He sees whether you really love Him or not.
He sees your priority.

Just because something is a good idea,
It may not be a GOD idea.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Random again..


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Short Update

Hmm, just wanna share about last week's cg. It was an encounter moment for me, and Im sure it was for the few of us who were there.

I reached thad's place, and 10min before cg started adam called me into 'the room', timo was inside practicing. Suddenly he asked me if I could play a particular praise song, I said, shouldnt be a problem.

So I practiced diligently lol. Then he called me in again, this time to play. Not bad, it was good..surprisingly I havent rusted even tho I no longer have an acoustic to play or practice on haha. The power of daily prayer and communion with God. =D

Like pastor said, never lose the momentum.
Dont even come to a place where you get stuck at where you are.
Backsliding is not just moving backwards, backsliding is anything but moving forward!

So cg started, I was all prepared, but as God is, He never goes according to our schedule, NEVER. lol. We started a short prayer before the meeting started which soon became a mini PM, and Im really thankful God brought me through. I wasnt prepared honestly, but as thad always thought me, to learn to change and learn to flow.

Anyway, I saw this email from Ps Stephen Goh on my FB and I felt it was the word for me and maybe it could be the word for some of you:

To the world you might be one person,
But to one person you just might be the world
And that's my prayer for you today.
That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life
And lay them at the feet of God...

Because in the end,
He's the only One who will be able to give you a relationship.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you,
May the Lord Make his face shine upon you,
And give you Peace......Forever

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

QT Revelation - Liberty

"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"...

Many of us have heard this verse countless times, but have you experienced it at a personal level? Has that word become flesh to you?

It doesnt matter what you're going through,
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

If you have a family crisis,
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

If you are anxious or worried in the workplace,
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

If there's no breakthrough in your life,
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

If you're stuck at any point in your life,
Where is the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The key to breakthrough, the key to revival, is prayer.
But above all, it is GOD who brings the breakthrough.

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Is the spirit of the Lord at your workplace?
Is the spirit of the Lord at your home?
Is the spirit of the Lord in you, through you and around you?

Are you a carrier of the presence of God?
Do you create a spiritual atmosphere around you wherever you go?

Learn to praise God when you're down.
Learn to worship when you're tired.
Learn to pray when you're desperate.

Yes, prayer is important. But what is the whole deal?
Its not whether you prayed or not, even though that's important.
At the end of the day, did the power of God manifest itself?

Dont just believe in God, even the demons believe in God.
Satan himself knows more of the bible than even most believers!

Be God.
Bring God.

Let God BE there.
And Light will dispel every darkness!

Revelation, Randoms.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.
Where your heart is, there YOU will be.

Where will you be found?
Where will your finances be found?

What are you busy with?
That is what will draw your commitments, your sacrifices, devotion,
And if not careful, even your worship.

Many people want breakthrough, but they are just so busy with the problem that the breakthrough has no room to come!


A friend asked me, how come Im still single.. do I put it. Either the people came at the wrong time, or Im just not ready.
Financially, Im ready now, but emotionally, I dont know..something's holding me back.

My NS is taking up a lot of my time, my tons of commitments, etc.
And for me, I do need my quiet, 'alone' moments after a hard day's work.
Praise God, if I get to hang out with people.

But deep down...I dont know.

I dont know if people are happy being around me,
I dont know if Ive hurt people unknowingly,
I dont know if Im enough for them or have I met their expectations,

I dont really care about myself, Ive always thought of others and how they would feel.
I get really bothered and stressed if I dont know how they feel.

And I guess without that honesty, without that connection, with whichever girl I come into contact with..they lose a lot of 'points' in my life.

And Im a simple guy. Im easily satisfied.
Everytime Im ignored or neglected, I always find someone else within 24-hrs.

What can I do? Ive sacrificed the best I know how, Ive given the best I know how.

Now, I can only pray for the girl who's committed, focused and led by revelation and conviction. Someone who is a real christian, someone who loves God wholeheartedly, and loves people fervently.

Just because you are happy being with someone, it doesnt mean the person will be there for you. Happiness is just an emotion, but discipleship is an attitude.

Dont just have the form but no substance!

2nd sidetrack:

They say maturity is how fast a word becomes flesh in your life.

We've heard alot of sermons, but if till now, you're still at "loving God wholeheartedly, loving people fervently", you are real slow man. What about the beattitudes? What about preference vs conviction? What about the song of solomon series?

For me, after every weekend service, I always receive revelation during the week that is beyong what pastor teaches during the weekend services, because Im not just a hearer, but a doer.

Its not how much you know, its how fast you become what you know.
Its not just about knowing Christ, but whether have you become more Christlike?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Night Prayer Meeting

Man, it was awesome. I wasnt expecting it to be an intimate worship session, even though there were only a few of us, but as we knelt down in the presence of God. I began to feel so overwhelmed.

Ps Kenneth gave an impartation too on the re-baptism in the HS, and a new anointing for new tongues. And just kneeling there, hearing myself utter those new tongues in prayer just wowed me. The presence, the anointing, the power that was in that prayer shook my entire being.

It was phenomenal. Indeed those who hunger and thirst shall be filled. Everyone was filled with power from on high in the room, it was like the upper room experience all over again.

Btw, I was on half day today, so yea, I went for double PM, 2nd time this week. Weet! =)

After PM went makan with shi. Its been ages since we last even really sat down and chatted, let alone have a meal together. After that walked around JP, now my hand got girl's perfume smell. Man, soap cannot wash! lol. Lets just say I make a good perfume tester. =O

Luckily I didnt bump into anyone I know, if not theyll be asking, come u got girl smell???? :S lol. Back to work later.

TGIF! :)

Correction, Discipline, Communicating Needs

The simplest way to enjoy a relationship is to lovingly express your need and patiently hear other people's needs.

Communication is the key to life.
What is a key, a key is something that unlocks.

Learn to talk. More than talking, having 2 ears, learn to listen.

When you're angry, learn to say, "Hi, what you did is making me angry, can we talk?"

Or when you're hurt, learn to say, "Hi, are you free? Can we talk? I just wanna say that somehow Im hurt by what you did/said just now.."

The tone? It's calm and casual.

Being loud doesnt bring your point across,
Being loud simply brings your insanity across.

It takes a strong and loving person to scold softly.
And a weak and immature one to do the opposite.

When you correct in love, the person understands.
When you correct under impulsion, the person resents.

Discipline is an art of communication. Not an animal instinct.

Any relationship or career, or anything else for that matter,
That isnt built on truth wont last.

Even when loving, it's always best to love truthfully.
Never be afraid of what people will think or say.
Because in the first place, love understands.

Its better to knock a kerb and reverse,
Than to drive off a cliff and die.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Short Post =)

You can have 'A' for your language.
You can be Mr Charisma.
You can be the most influential person.
You can be the most knowledgeable person.
Or even the wisest person.

You can have all the theories,
Or proofs and explanations.
To tell me that there is no God.
It could even be true or reasonable.

But its too late...

Ive already experienced Him.

You may 'experience' otherwise,
But that's quite expected since you only get what you believe for.
Now, that is not theology, but scientific psychology.

The bible may not prove or reason the existence of science,
On the contrary, it is science that has proven the existence of God.

Monday, August 10, 2009

CG Message [Revelations]

I liked what Adam said:

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do good things happen to bad people?

Its not so much as to whether something is good or bad,
At the end of the day, is it something necessary?

A person can say he/she has had many boyfriends,
Even though it may be something he/she feels is good,
Is it necessary? No. Because your character doesnt sustain your 'accomplishment'.

A person can be going through the stress of exams,
It may seem like a bad thing,
Is it necessary? Yes. Because knowledge is power, no knowledge, no power.
You cant build a future without the foundations.

A person may be sick,
It may seem like a bad thing,
Is it necessary? Depends. Ask God, what is He doing through this experience?
Its not up to you to decide.
Will someone be saved through this crisis?
Will I be able to minister and encourage someone else who's going through the same thing?
Or is it totally unnecessary because you chose not to look after your own health?

Just because you have eyes, it doesnt mean you can see.
Just because you have ears, it doesnt mean you can hear.
Have the mind of Christ.

Friday, August 07, 2009


Courage is not the absence of fear,
Courage is moving on despite of fear.

At the end of the day, its not what great plans or intentions you have,
Its whether has it been accomplished or not.

People dare to love, but are afraid to fail.
People dare to try, but are afraid of mistakes.
People dare to commit, but are afraid to lose out on their wants and desires.
People dare to change, but are afraid of letting go of something they hold on to.
People dare to give, but are afraid of sacrifice.

Its time to stop living double-minded lives and really do what you are called to do.

In NS, you dont question authority..
You just do..
If not..
You die.

Dont think about your own schedule or deadlines,
If you wanna love, then love.
If you wanna commit, then commit.
If you wanna give, then give.

"Make up your mind this day, whom you shall serve"..

Excuses dont excuse, and reasons dont explain.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

LOTS of updates. Quite. :O

From my FB:

"Do you remember what I SAID!?!" - No, he/she doesnt. Because you didnt SAY, you SHOUTED. That is why "Do you remember what I shouted?" is a broken sentence structure. It has more impact than the point you're trying to get across. So by scolding and yelling, the person doesnt get the point, he/she only gets your ugliness and your noisiness when you shout.

IPPT: Failed.


FOP was awesome this year! The 2nd and 3rd service was sooo CHC. Anyway, thanks Adel for accompanying me on the last night.

Kinda sad cus I missed CHC Anniversary 1st service cus overslept. :( Serving the night before, things happened, but Im kinda glad for people who are always found whenever I seek them..

Its an irony though, I prayed for people to be healed so they could get in, and they really got healed the night before, and thinking how I went to work every morning to pray for the services, but ended up I was the one who couldnt go..sigh.

Ah ma could walk on her own. But on heavy medication, pls keep her in prayer. 10-20 tablets and pills per meal is scary. But I really wanna thank God that in the midst of medication, her condition of sudden blindness, giddyness when travelling, caused by some cannot-remember-the-name disease, was cured. All along we thought it was something else to do with the ear or something..

Please continue to pray for her, really thank you guys who prayed. I believe her life and testimony will change many. Please pray for my parents and uncle too, who are supporting her financially..the medication, the maid, etc..its really not easy. Also her house is rented out now in order to bring in more income, do pray for safety and open heaven.

On a lighter note..

I made a police report last week. Forgot to share, PS. lol. PM me for more info. Hehe ^^

Saturday, August 01, 2009

"Love" by Ps Stephen Goh

Love is a Reality.
Love is not an emotion.

Love is not a feeling.
Love is an action.

You can have all the right feelings,
But without doing anything to express them, what good do they do?

Love is more than sympathy.
Love is doing what it takes to help people.

Love is a verb.

Friends, Seeds, People who dont Reply

People are like soil.
You have the stony ground, the thorny ground and the good ground.

The stony ground are the people who are simply dead. They dont react, they dont express, they dont answer your calls, they dont reply your smses, they are just plain dead. Sowing into their lives only make you look foolish, they dont produce any form of return. The NATO (No Action Talk Only).

The thorny ground are those who say "I am with you"..ONLY at the moment they said it. The rest of the time, they are only concerned about their own celgrps, their own connect grps, their own clique. They mean something, but they dont do what they mean. Thorny people are double-minded, they lure you into a relational trap and when they get caught up with their lives, they choke all your efforts and seeds you have invested into them.

The good ground, needless to say, are those whom you sow your love, your energy into and there is some form of harvest. The plant is full of life and they themselves bring life. After awhile, they in turn sow their own seeds. They are fed, to feed, served to serve, given to give, blessed to be a blessing.

Any tree that does not bear fruit will be trampled and thrown into the fire.

People who do not answer calls or reply smses. - Im sure you're pretty familiar.

So what do I think of such an issue? Simple. No accountability.

Why do people behave that way? I dont know and I dont wanna be accused for judging people. Maybe they are brought up like that? Maybe they suffer from low self esteem, or maybe they're just bad at making friends, winning souls, etc.

They say silence is golden. Well if you're gonna stay like that, guess what, that gold will be put under the fire to be purified.

I have no problems with people becoming busy, I have no problems with difficult people, but people who are 'dead'. It becomes a habit, a natural part of you, that your world is your own, and as long as you have your needs, it doesnt matter what other people need. Such people only think about themselves and what can they gain.

They turn people into statistics and 'tools' which they can use. Once they're blessed, thats it, they move on. They are more into the blessing, rather than the Blessor, whether is it God, or the people around them.

And most of the time, people with this mentality are the very ones who just pray to God, "Bless me, heal me, deliver me, help me to do this, help me to do that, anoint me to do this..." They adopt the very same pattern in the spiritual walk because how you treat people is how you treat God.

Most of the time, like how they treat people, God becomes their 'vending machine', the only time they pray is when they need something, the only time they talk to you, is when they want something. They dont even behave like a new friend, even ANIMALS respond. But thats besides the point, but think about it, even a dog knows how to communicate even though it doesnt speak any language. A dog understands companionship and building trust in a relationship.

And to a dog, this is pure INSTINCT.

Dont even talk about instinct, some people just find it a miracle to socialize with someone.

Communication is the key to life, if you're bad at communicating, you'll probably mess up in every other areas in your life. People dont listen to you, your groups dont grow, your business is stuck, your studies cant seem to break through a certain barrier, etc..

Love is not just a great suggestion, love is a commandment.
And you dont need to feel good to do good, that, is obedience.

If these people were to become leaders one day and everyone wants their counsel, their ministry will collapse because they are not willing to say, "my body broken for you". People will leave them because there is no power in their words, sorry, did I mention correctly? Were there even words? lol.

Sometimes, people who have this bad habit, dont even realize it. There you have it, insensitiveness. To them, their whole world revolves around them.

If they're in a bad mood, everyone must feel bad. If they're in a good mood, everyone must be happy. They live by what they feel, not by the word of God. Yet they say, 'no longer I, but Christ who lives in me".

Its even more dangerous if the person is in a position of authority and leadership. But I assume thats pretty rare, though I cant say there arent. I was just having supper and a friend of mine was telling me how her friend's cgl told her 'no need to go FOP tmr, since no one was going'.

To be honest, if I were in that cg, I would change cg lol. I mean, you'd probably think, 'where got such thing?' But sadly, there are. Yes, you can love God and love people, but you dont have the capacity and the spiritual stamina to sustain the growth.

Because they dont reply people, when God speaks, they dont reply either. They continue to do their own thing and 'look holy'. And after God has given them the breakthrough, they continue to do their own thing and neglect the very One who gave them the breakthrough. They dont hang out with God, they dont communicate.

Like my mum used to say, 'the only time you open your mouth is to ask for money..', on the other extreme, you can be really outgoing, yet only outgoing when you can gain something from someone.

People perish not for what they did wrong, but for what they failed to do right.

At the end of the day, you are created in the image and likeness of God, not the image and likeness of a wall.

Yes, Im provoked but there's really nothing much I can do. Afterall, it boils down to their relationship with God. Btw, FOP was great tonight. I came down with a flu at noon, but I was healed before FOP. PTL.

Some of you may understand how it feels, nevertheless, keep sowing, and never get tired of doing good, like Dr Kim said, always bless, if they dont wanna receive it, it will bounce back on you.

For me, like a wise farmer, if you know a ground is hardened, then dont sow there ONLY, you sow there to give God room to move, at the same time, you sow the remaining seeds of your love, time, and energy on the good soil.

This is not some deep theology or some maturity topic, because shouldnt this be taught in primary school already? In your hao-gong-ming, civics and moral education, or whatever they call it these days. This is something that even kids have as immature people. If you're like that, then sad to say, even an immature person is somewhat better than you. This is like, basic courtesy 101. If you're in sec sch and you dont know how to respond or communicate simple things like that, guess what, you're 3-5 years behind time! If ure in JC or poly, in your mid 20s, guess what, you're more than a decade behind time. If ure 30 and above, I dont're out of time? Living in the land before time? After time? Whatever.

I know of people, whom I try to reach out to and love for more than a year and not once they replied or answered calls. Yes, I look silly and like a dork, but isnt that how obedience should be? If people doesnt reply so what, God records our life and will play it as a movie one day in heaven for all to see, so what. I can tolerate such nonsense for more than a year, yet Im still 'in touch' with the person (1 year). Not because I force myself to, but because I love the person. Can you love the unlovable? Ive been loving, not just the unlovable but the DEAD man..LOL. SO what if my outbox is 455 and my inbox is 21? It makes no difference.

With true love, comes true obedience.
It just shows how much you really love people.

If you think you're always busy then guess what, you'll never be free. Even for all of eternity, you'll be serving God in the new heaven and the new earth. So for eternity you'll be like that? I dont think so. I have no power to change, just gotta believe that God will bring the change and the breaking in the person's life. And keep loving and keep praying.

Honestly, I dont care what people say. I did my best, if it all comes to nothing, then the person is nothing, and there's nothing I can do either.

Obedience is greater than sacrifice.

If the person is deliberately avoiding you, lets see how they avoid you for eternity LOL. Or, if you wont see the person in eternity (*touch wood), then all the more, whats a few years of rejection compared to an eternity of joy? Haha.

Anyway, who invented the phrase touch wood? Why wood? Why not paper? Or metal? Metal is tougher than wood. I know why, because the cross is wood. When you touch the cross, all your curses will be exchanged with blessing!
