
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Revelation, Randoms.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.
Where your heart is, there YOU will be.

Where will you be found?
Where will your finances be found?

What are you busy with?
That is what will draw your commitments, your sacrifices, devotion,
And if not careful, even your worship.

Many people want breakthrough, but they are just so busy with the problem that the breakthrough has no room to come!


A friend asked me, how come Im still single.. do I put it. Either the people came at the wrong time, or Im just not ready.
Financially, Im ready now, but emotionally, I dont know..something's holding me back.

My NS is taking up a lot of my time, my tons of commitments, etc.
And for me, I do need my quiet, 'alone' moments after a hard day's work.
Praise God, if I get to hang out with people.

But deep down...I dont know.

I dont know if people are happy being around me,
I dont know if Ive hurt people unknowingly,
I dont know if Im enough for them or have I met their expectations,

I dont really care about myself, Ive always thought of others and how they would feel.
I get really bothered and stressed if I dont know how they feel.

And I guess without that honesty, without that connection, with whichever girl I come into contact with..they lose a lot of 'points' in my life.

And Im a simple guy. Im easily satisfied.
Everytime Im ignored or neglected, I always find someone else within 24-hrs.

What can I do? Ive sacrificed the best I know how, Ive given the best I know how.

Now, I can only pray for the girl who's committed, focused and led by revelation and conviction. Someone who is a real christian, someone who loves God wholeheartedly, and loves people fervently.

Just because you are happy being with someone, it doesnt mean the person will be there for you. Happiness is just an emotion, but discipleship is an attitude.

Dont just have the form but no substance!

2nd sidetrack:

They say maturity is how fast a word becomes flesh in your life.

We've heard alot of sermons, but if till now, you're still at "loving God wholeheartedly, loving people fervently", you are real slow man. What about the beattitudes? What about preference vs conviction? What about the song of solomon series?

For me, after every weekend service, I always receive revelation during the week that is beyong what pastor teaches during the weekend services, because Im not just a hearer, but a doer.

Its not how much you know, its how fast you become what you know.
Its not just about knowing Christ, but whether have you become more Christlike?


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