Friends, Seeds, People who dont Reply
People are like soil.
You have the stony ground, the thorny ground and the good ground.
The stony ground are the people who are simply dead. They dont react, they dont express, they dont answer your calls, they dont reply your smses, they are just plain dead. Sowing into their lives only make you look foolish, they dont produce any form of return. The NATO (No Action Talk Only).
The thorny ground are those who say "I am with you"..ONLY at the moment they said it. The rest of the time, they are only concerned about their own celgrps, their own connect grps, their own clique. They mean something, but they dont do what they mean. Thorny people are double-minded, they lure you into a relational trap and when they get caught up with their lives, they choke all your efforts and seeds you have invested into them.
The good ground, needless to say, are those whom you sow your love, your energy into and there is some form of harvest. The plant is full of life and they themselves bring life. After awhile, they in turn sow their own seeds. They are fed, to feed, served to serve, given to give, blessed to be a blessing.
Any tree that does not bear fruit will be trampled and thrown into the fire.
People who do not answer calls or reply smses. - Im sure you're pretty familiar.
So what do I think of such an issue? Simple. No accountability.
Why do people behave that way? I dont know and I dont wanna be accused for judging people. Maybe they are brought up like that? Maybe they suffer from low self esteem, or maybe they're just bad at making friends, winning souls, etc.
They say silence is golden. Well if you're gonna stay like that, guess what, that gold will be put under the fire to be purified.
I have no problems with people becoming busy, I have no problems with difficult people, but people who are 'dead'. It becomes a habit, a natural part of you, that your world is your own, and as long as you have your needs, it doesnt matter what other people need. Such people only think about themselves and what can they gain.
They turn people into statistics and 'tools' which they can use. Once they're blessed, thats it, they move on. They are more into the blessing, rather than the Blessor, whether is it God, or the people around them.
And most of the time, people with this mentality are the very ones who just pray to God, "Bless me, heal me, deliver me, help me to do this, help me to do that, anoint me to do this..." They adopt the very same pattern in the spiritual walk because how you treat people is how you treat God.
Most of the time, like how they treat people, God becomes their 'vending machine', the only time they pray is when they need something, the only time they talk to you, is when they want something. They dont even behave like a new friend, even ANIMALS respond. But thats besides the point, but think about it, even a dog knows how to communicate even though it doesnt speak any language. A dog understands companionship and building trust in a relationship.
And to a dog, this is pure INSTINCT.
Dont even talk about instinct, some people just find it a miracle to socialize with someone.
Communication is the key to life, if you're bad at communicating, you'll probably mess up in every other areas in your life. People dont listen to you, your groups dont grow, your business is stuck, your studies cant seem to break through a certain barrier, etc..
Love is not just a great suggestion, love is a commandment.
And you dont need to feel good to do good, that, is obedience.
If these people were to become leaders one day and everyone wants their counsel, their ministry will collapse because they are not willing to say, "my body broken for you". People will leave them because there is no power in their words, sorry, did I mention correctly? Were there even words? lol.
Sometimes, people who have this bad habit, dont even realize it. There you have it, insensitiveness. To them, their whole world revolves around them.
If they're in a bad mood, everyone must feel bad. If they're in a good mood, everyone must be happy. They live by what they feel, not by the word of God. Yet they say, 'no longer I, but Christ who lives in me".
Its even more dangerous if the person is in a position of authority and leadership. But I assume thats pretty rare, though I cant say there arent. I was just having supper and a friend of mine was telling me how her friend's cgl told her 'no need to go FOP tmr, since no one was going'.
To be honest, if I were in that cg, I would change cg lol. I mean, you'd probably think, 'where got such thing?' But sadly, there are. Yes, you can love God and love people, but you dont have the capacity and the spiritual stamina to sustain the growth.
Because they dont reply people, when God speaks, they dont reply either. They continue to do their own thing and 'look holy'. And after God has given them the breakthrough, they continue to do their own thing and neglect the very One who gave them the breakthrough. They dont hang out with God, they dont communicate.
Like my mum used to say, 'the only time you open your mouth is to ask for money..', on the other extreme, you can be really outgoing, yet only outgoing when you can gain something from someone.
People perish not for what they did wrong, but for what they failed to do right.
At the end of the day, you are created in the image and likeness of God, not the image and likeness of a wall.
Yes, Im provoked but there's really nothing much I can do. Afterall, it boils down to their relationship with God. Btw, FOP was great tonight. I came down with a flu at noon, but I was healed before FOP. PTL.
Some of you may understand how it feels, nevertheless, keep sowing, and never get tired of doing good, like Dr Kim said, always bless, if they dont wanna receive it, it will bounce back on you.
For me, like a wise farmer, if you know a ground is hardened, then dont sow there ONLY, you sow there to give God room to move, at the same time, you sow the remaining seeds of your love, time, and energy on the good soil.
This is not some deep theology or some maturity topic, because shouldnt this be taught in primary school already? In your hao-gong-ming, civics and moral education, or whatever they call it these days. This is something that even kids have as immature people. If you're like that, then sad to say, even an immature person is somewhat better than you. This is like, basic courtesy 101. If you're in sec sch and you dont know how to respond or communicate simple things like that, guess what, you're 3-5 years behind time! If ure in JC or poly, in your mid 20s, guess what, you're more than a decade behind time. If ure 30 and above, I dont're out of time? Living in the land before time? After time? Whatever.
I know of people, whom I try to reach out to and love for more than a year and not once they replied or answered calls. Yes, I look silly and like a dork, but isnt that how obedience should be? If people doesnt reply so what, God records our life and will play it as a movie one day in heaven for all to see, so what. I can tolerate such nonsense for more than a year, yet Im still 'in touch' with the person (1 year). Not because I force myself to, but because I love the person. Can you love the unlovable? Ive been loving, not just the unlovable but the DEAD man..LOL. SO what if my outbox is 455 and my inbox is 21? It makes no difference.
With true love, comes true obedience.
It just shows how much you really love people.
If you think you're always busy then guess what, you'll never be free. Even for all of eternity, you'll be serving God in the new heaven and the new earth. So for eternity you'll be like that? I dont think so. I have no power to change, just gotta believe that God will bring the change and the breaking in the person's life. And keep loving and keep praying.
Honestly, I dont care what people say. I did my best, if it all comes to nothing, then the person is nothing, and there's nothing I can do either.
Obedience is greater than sacrifice.
If the person is deliberately avoiding you, lets see how they avoid you for eternity LOL. Or, if you wont see the person in eternity (*touch wood), then all the more, whats a few years of rejection compared to an eternity of joy? Haha.
Anyway, who invented the phrase touch wood? Why wood? Why not paper? Or metal? Metal is tougher than wood. I know why, because the cross is wood. When you touch the cross, all your curses will be exchanged with blessing!
You have the stony ground, the thorny ground and the good ground.
The stony ground are the people who are simply dead. They dont react, they dont express, they dont answer your calls, they dont reply your smses, they are just plain dead. Sowing into their lives only make you look foolish, they dont produce any form of return. The NATO (No Action Talk Only).
The thorny ground are those who say "I am with you"..ONLY at the moment they said it. The rest of the time, they are only concerned about their own celgrps, their own connect grps, their own clique. They mean something, but they dont do what they mean. Thorny people are double-minded, they lure you into a relational trap and when they get caught up with their lives, they choke all your efforts and seeds you have invested into them.
The good ground, needless to say, are those whom you sow your love, your energy into and there is some form of harvest. The plant is full of life and they themselves bring life. After awhile, they in turn sow their own seeds. They are fed, to feed, served to serve, given to give, blessed to be a blessing.
Any tree that does not bear fruit will be trampled and thrown into the fire.
People who do not answer calls or reply smses. - Im sure you're pretty familiar.
So what do I think of such an issue? Simple. No accountability.
Why do people behave that way? I dont know and I dont wanna be accused for judging people. Maybe they are brought up like that? Maybe they suffer from low self esteem, or maybe they're just bad at making friends, winning souls, etc.
They say silence is golden. Well if you're gonna stay like that, guess what, that gold will be put under the fire to be purified.
I have no problems with people becoming busy, I have no problems with difficult people, but people who are 'dead'. It becomes a habit, a natural part of you, that your world is your own, and as long as you have your needs, it doesnt matter what other people need. Such people only think about themselves and what can they gain.
They turn people into statistics and 'tools' which they can use. Once they're blessed, thats it, they move on. They are more into the blessing, rather than the Blessor, whether is it God, or the people around them.
And most of the time, people with this mentality are the very ones who just pray to God, "Bless me, heal me, deliver me, help me to do this, help me to do that, anoint me to do this..." They adopt the very same pattern in the spiritual walk because how you treat people is how you treat God.
Most of the time, like how they treat people, God becomes their 'vending machine', the only time they pray is when they need something, the only time they talk to you, is when they want something. They dont even behave like a new friend, even ANIMALS respond. But thats besides the point, but think about it, even a dog knows how to communicate even though it doesnt speak any language. A dog understands companionship and building trust in a relationship.
And to a dog, this is pure INSTINCT.
Dont even talk about instinct, some people just find it a miracle to socialize with someone.
Communication is the key to life, if you're bad at communicating, you'll probably mess up in every other areas in your life. People dont listen to you, your groups dont grow, your business is stuck, your studies cant seem to break through a certain barrier, etc..
Love is not just a great suggestion, love is a commandment.
And you dont need to feel good to do good, that, is obedience.
If these people were to become leaders one day and everyone wants their counsel, their ministry will collapse because they are not willing to say, "my body broken for you". People will leave them because there is no power in their words, sorry, did I mention correctly? Were there even words? lol.
Sometimes, people who have this bad habit, dont even realize it. There you have it, insensitiveness. To them, their whole world revolves around them.
If they're in a bad mood, everyone must feel bad. If they're in a good mood, everyone must be happy. They live by what they feel, not by the word of God. Yet they say, 'no longer I, but Christ who lives in me".
Its even more dangerous if the person is in a position of authority and leadership. But I assume thats pretty rare, though I cant say there arent. I was just having supper and a friend of mine was telling me how her friend's cgl told her 'no need to go FOP tmr, since no one was going'.
To be honest, if I were in that cg, I would change cg lol. I mean, you'd probably think, 'where got such thing?' But sadly, there are. Yes, you can love God and love people, but you dont have the capacity and the spiritual stamina to sustain the growth.
Because they dont reply people, when God speaks, they dont reply either. They continue to do their own thing and 'look holy'. And after God has given them the breakthrough, they continue to do their own thing and neglect the very One who gave them the breakthrough. They dont hang out with God, they dont communicate.
Like my mum used to say, 'the only time you open your mouth is to ask for money..', on the other extreme, you can be really outgoing, yet only outgoing when you can gain something from someone.
People perish not for what they did wrong, but for what they failed to do right.
At the end of the day, you are created in the image and likeness of God, not the image and likeness of a wall.
Yes, Im provoked but there's really nothing much I can do. Afterall, it boils down to their relationship with God. Btw, FOP was great tonight. I came down with a flu at noon, but I was healed before FOP. PTL.
Some of you may understand how it feels, nevertheless, keep sowing, and never get tired of doing good, like Dr Kim said, always bless, if they dont wanna receive it, it will bounce back on you.
For me, like a wise farmer, if you know a ground is hardened, then dont sow there ONLY, you sow there to give God room to move, at the same time, you sow the remaining seeds of your love, time, and energy on the good soil.
This is not some deep theology or some maturity topic, because shouldnt this be taught in primary school already? In your hao-gong-ming, civics and moral education, or whatever they call it these days. This is something that even kids have as immature people. If you're like that, then sad to say, even an immature person is somewhat better than you. This is like, basic courtesy 101. If you're in sec sch and you dont know how to respond or communicate simple things like that, guess what, you're 3-5 years behind time! If ure in JC or poly, in your mid 20s, guess what, you're more than a decade behind time. If ure 30 and above, I dont're out of time? Living in the land before time? After time? Whatever.
I know of people, whom I try to reach out to and love for more than a year and not once they replied or answered calls. Yes, I look silly and like a dork, but isnt that how obedience should be? If people doesnt reply so what, God records our life and will play it as a movie one day in heaven for all to see, so what. I can tolerate such nonsense for more than a year, yet Im still 'in touch' with the person (1 year). Not because I force myself to, but because I love the person. Can you love the unlovable? Ive been loving, not just the unlovable but the DEAD man..LOL. SO what if my outbox is 455 and my inbox is 21? It makes no difference.
With true love, comes true obedience.
It just shows how much you really love people.
If you think you're always busy then guess what, you'll never be free. Even for all of eternity, you'll be serving God in the new heaven and the new earth. So for eternity you'll be like that? I dont think so. I have no power to change, just gotta believe that God will bring the change and the breaking in the person's life. And keep loving and keep praying.
Honestly, I dont care what people say. I did my best, if it all comes to nothing, then the person is nothing, and there's nothing I can do either.
Obedience is greater than sacrifice.
If the person is deliberately avoiding you, lets see how they avoid you for eternity LOL. Or, if you wont see the person in eternity (*touch wood), then all the more, whats a few years of rejection compared to an eternity of joy? Haha.
Anyway, who invented the phrase touch wood? Why wood? Why not paper? Or metal? Metal is tougher than wood. I know why, because the cross is wood. When you touch the cross, all your curses will be exchanged with blessing!
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