
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quiet Time Notes - The Fire of Testing

1 Cor 3:13 (AMP):

The work of each [one] will become [plainly, openly] known (shown for what it is); for the day [of Christ] will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done.

Just because something is beautiful, doesnt make it beautiful. Just because something is excellent, it doesnt make it excellent.

How do we know the quality of our work? Not by evaluation, not by peer-assessment, but by fire. Because fire not only exposes, fire tests and fire purifies.

Every breakthrough in our lives, doesnt stop just because we have broken through. Just when you think you have arrived, guess what? The fire will come to test it.

For example:

Just when you think you have passed your exams, guess what, a harder paper will come..not to break us, but to really test - not just your knowledge, but your character. More than just the good results, are you a diligent person? Are you committed?

Next thing you know, Dr AR Bernard is coming, 20th Anniversary is coming, big days are coming, your zone is gonna have OPM, now comes the test of priority and commitment.

It doesnt just stop there...everything is continuous, progressive and linked.

Just when you think your cg can multiply, does it stop there? No. Your sacrifices will be tested AFTER the breakthrough. Fire comes AFTER the work.

So if you think just getting the breakthrough is hard enough, sorry to say, it has only just begun. Now comes the real testing.

Thats why ps always says...

Talents, experiences, knowledge and ability gets you there,
But its character that keeps you there.

Dont aim for the top and not have the character to sustain it!

As a church, we have gone to places few churches has gone before, yet we are still united and fervent, why? We have the character and discipline to sustain the success and growth.

Lets not lose that passion, lets pluck into the DNA of the church.

You dont do the work first, then commit yourself.
You commit FIRST, then the work and the breakthrough will come.


You dont ask God to bless you first, so that you can give.
You give FIRST, then believe God for the blessing to come!

Obedience is greater than sacrifice.


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