
Thursday, July 09, 2009

The 3 Levels of Obedience

1. Partial Obedience

Based on a double-minded attitude.

People with this mentality obey because its something good, or they like the idea.
However, they are the ones who become the 'pilots' at the end.
These are the ones with commitment issues, people who just want to be comfortable.

They dont usually last the distance.

Because they are unstable, your relationship with them will be unstable.
So be warned.

2. Genuine Obedience

Being said, people with this mentality are generally nice people. They wouldnt mind doing favors for people they love and cherish. They are genuine and they really mean it.

There are 3 types of Genuine Obedience:

a) Satisfying Genuineness

These people obey, because it benefits them.
There's something good to earn from the experience.
They like the 'feel good' feeling.
They may also do it because it brings great joy to see their friend/leader happy.

b) Fluctuating Genuineness

These people are genuine.
However, they are fickle-minded.

They change their mind pretty quickly based on a different set of interests in their life. They can obey one person for a moment, and then next thing you know, that person is doing something else, for someone else. BUT..he is still GENUINE, yes, but to someone else. There is still an element of genuineness, but that attitude is often questioned.

He is not able to place a priority or make clear judgements and decisions.
And after they are done with their 'secondary task', and having lost focus, they come back to you.
And as previously said, when they do, they are still...GENUINE.

An irony; A controversial attitude.

c) Sacrificial Genuineness

These are the people who arent afraid of losing something.
They are willing to go the extra mile, even if it costs them something.
They are genuine to the max and most of them do it with joy.

Why do I say, "most...of them?"

Because there are people who are sacrificial, and yet put on a long face. Genuinely ingenuine. But yes, they dont mind sacrificing, but for the sake of something or someone. And when asked to do something, they can be sincere, but they get affected by the act of obedience, easily. But still, they go all out for it.

3. Hardcore Obedience

People who are hardcore in obedience, do it, simply because they have nothing else better to do.
They are super genuine, super flexible - adaptive and able to cope with change.
They think of the person whom they are helping all the time.

To these people, obedience is not only genuine, not only sacrificial, but obedience becomes something DEFINITE and UNCONDITIONAL in their lives.

It becomes a part of them.

Unlike the previous 2 types of obedience, this one has no terms and conditions.

Its automatic and very seldom, they will take a 'no' for an answer.
But dont be mistaken, they are not naive nor simpleton, they know what they are doing.
They are fully aware, fully passionate and excited about doing the things they are supposed to do.

A level of maturity.


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