
Thursday, August 27, 2009

QN: Should A forgive B, just because B has an affair?

Forgiveness is not about whether the person wants to or not,
Forgiveness is whether the person HAS it or not.

Forgiveness is an attitude of the heart.
A forgiving person will never hold grudges,
And a resentful person will never forgive.

Since love forgives,
If a couple cannot forgive each other,
Then it just goes to show that everything is just a show.
They NEVER truly loved.
The love was fake, not true love.

And since their love is not true,
Anything not built on truth will not last.
Thats why its called a RELATIONSHIP.
You have to RELATE.

Its more than just spending time together, or being together.
You wanna be together with someone, you have your family.
Why bother to find a guy or a gal?
You can even have a relationship with your dog or your hamster for all you want.

A relationship doesnt end just because you're attached or married.
A relationship is for life.
A lifetime of commitment, a lifetime of sacrifice.

If you're scared of commitment, if you're scared of sacrifice and losing out,
Why get together in the first place? Dont waste your time.

In the first place,
Love GIVES UNCONDITIONALLY, at the expense of self.
Love never seeks to meet your needs, but the needs of others.

If you enter a relationship to be satisfied,
You will be GREATLY disappointed.
You enter to SERVE, you enter to GIVE, you enter to COMMIT,
You enter to CHANGE!

A relationship is a place to build character.
Saying to each other, its okay to make mistakes, your mistake is my mistake.
Let's learn together. They are a TEAM. They do things together.

The guys have their guys clique, the girls have their girls clique.
Where's the bonding? Might as well be gay.
Find things that you two enjoy doing together.

Compatibility is not found.
Compatibility is CREATED.


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