
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lots of stuffs.

Service was awesome. Though serving, going for makeup service at JW later.
CG was awesome.

Kena 'love at first sight' today. But she's a total stranger and she looks 17. Okay, but I dont know, a bit too young? Haha, chemistry, what can I do? Visual input signals, transmits neurotransmitters to the cerebral cortex of the brain and stimulate phenalethalene. All I did was just happen to see this person on the train..and BAM.

But oh well, its just an emotion. Ive fallen for more than 20 girls in my lifetime, 6 odd confessed to me, and 1 or 2 unknown hot babe from online msns me requesting to meet up for sex cus Im cute. But Im still a virgin and glad to be one.

I know of guys who can ejaculate just by staring and fantasizing at a girl in a club or a discotheque long enough. He doesnt even need to say anything, do anything, or even be near the person, let alone have any form of physical contact. He just lets the eyes and the brains do the work.

So if you ladies think just by wearing an eskimo costume is enough, think again. The guy's brain is able to visually 'photoshop' you naked.

Its about wisdom, doing the right thing, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people at the right place.

People ask me, why not I just take the step of faith in relationships?

That made me ponder a bit.

Simple, because God is first.
If you only care about your own interests and how you feel, what you want,
Where's the purpose in that?
Do you include God in your life?
If He's not even worth the little things in your life, how can you trust Him with your destiny?

I liked what Adam preached yesterday..does God's opinion matter to you?
Does He even matter to you?
How can you love someone and not be accountable to that person?
So what its a personal preference? Just because you are given the option to sin, does it mean you can freely sin? Certainly not.

If someone places a bowl of fattening cream cake and a bowl of fruits, which one would you choose? Some will go for the cake, some will take the fruits. But no one will bother to ask, is the cake edible? Are the fruits expired? They eat, and end up in hospital.

Faith may be invisible, but faith certainly isnt blind.

I can easily take any girl I want. I mean, sex came to me for goodness sake!
Ive got plenty of options and they are people who come to me, instead of the other way round.
Not many, but a fair share.
But so what? You think you know the person better than God? Give me a break.

We've learnt about radical honesty and joint agreement?
So its just a great sermon to some of you? You mean you dont practice it? You dont live it out?
There are people I know jumping from one relationship to another.
And nothing's changed because you always do the same thing!

Life wont change with time.
Life changes only when your thinking changes!
Dont expect the world to revolve around you.
You are not the center of the universe, God is.

Do you 'divorce' God just because you are attached?
Where's that joint agreement between you and God?
Where's that radical honesty?
Huh? You mean you and God NEVER had a relationship!?!

A relationship is not two-way.
A relationship is THREE-way, a triunity.

God is smart.
He gives us freedom of choice.
More than seeing if we make the right choices,
He sees whether you really love Him or not.
He sees your priority.

Just because something is a good idea,
It may not be a GOD idea.


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