There's so much I wanna blog.
This week's been okay for me, drills, drills and more drills.
The power of prayer:
Without prayer, I wouldnt have nice bunk mates.
Without prayer, I wouldnt have united squadmates.
Without prayer, I wouldnt have a christian PFI (Permanent Field Instructor)
Without prayer, I wouldnt have a smiley and friendly PDTI (Police Defense Tactics Instructor)
Without prayer, I wouldnt have a nice OC.Without prayer, I wouldnt have a fair and decent Coy Commander.A dream come true? How is it that everything can seem so perfect? Every big shot, thats been placed in front of me, are a team people can only dream of.
Im sure there are guys who would love to take my place right now.
Its hard to believe Im 'lucky' in my NS huh? When I pray, when people pray, 'luck' happens. Its not luck my friends, its God. While everyone else is suffering, Im having a great time. This week had many funny incidents, lol..just PM me and Ill share, too much to blog here.
There's something I wanna blog about a long time ago, before enlistment, but it wasnt the right time..but now Ill blog it.
Im gonna blog about..
The God in the Midst of Failure.People are naturally afraid to fail.
People naturally strive for excellence.
I was reminded.
About my poly I failed no matter how hard I tried.
How I studied 4 years while others studied 3.
How I enlisted when people are ORDing.
Did it feel good? Honestly, no..seeing people ORD at 21, while I enlist at age 21.
Those moments I spent, with no one in school whom Im close to.
Those moments during year 4, where it seems Im a loner.
Yet if you were to ask me, "Hey andrew, did you regret not studying harder?"
I can tell you...No I never regretted anything.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt have met great people like Torance, Seowshi and Amber.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt have become a guitar teacher of 7 people.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt be in the police force.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
All those blessings I mentioned in the beginning of this post, wouldnt have come.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
Timomo wouldnt have the chance to rise up to be a cg guitarist.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt have met so many great friends like alicia, wyelin, karwen, khanh, and so much more.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt have had the chance to work at sentosa.
If I hadnt failed my year 3,
I wouldnt have the chance to attend this year's Asia Conference. (Perfect timing)
Because of one failure...
Blessings came. Everything just flowed into place.
Im not saying you should fail in order to be blessed,
Its about how when you fall, you fall forward,Its about how when you fail, you fail in faith, believing that God is always faithful, always on time, always good.I have
NEVER, not once, doubted God.
People can say what they want, how I wasted one year,
But now when they see the blessing that comes along with obedience,
What can they say?
I am happier than Ive ever been, Im more closer to God than Ive ever been.
It is not effort that pleases God (even though its good to try our best)
It is not ability or talent that pleases God (even though its always better to be equipped)
It is not even spirituality that will please God (even though its crucial)
Without FAITH, it is impossible to please God!Im not blessed, because Im 'older',
Im not blessed, because Im more spiritual,
Im not blessed, because God likes my face,
But one thing I will say...
I am blessed, because I am stubborn,
I am spiritually...HUNGRY.
You want so many things in your life,
You pray for so many things, hope for so many things,
And even work hard for so many things..
But do you REALLY want them?
How can you glorify God with those things you wish for?
My cg members who are close to me will know, sometimes I can get really emo at times. Not because bad things happened in my life, but because Im not satisfied with certain things in my life, I get frustrated.
People can say Im weak, Im easily stumbled, emo king, unrealistic, whatever..
Thats just how desperate and hungry I am, for the things of God.
What about you?
What is on your mind everday, every second of the day?
To me, my celgrp is always on my mind, my friends are always on my mind, my guitar is always on my mind...GOD!!! always on my mind.
How do I do it?
Passion.Without the fire of passion,Everything you do, your 'incense', is just mere DUST!Yes, love is not an emotion,Love is a choice.Is your love for God based on emotion, circumstances, conditions
Or choice?
Decide this day, whom you will serve.