yupx my week's been good! every week is good! lol, everyday of my life is good! achieving the impossible....chicken feet with God :) keke...im getting so used to this....achieving e impossible everyday, miracles upon miracles....man God, i need to see and experience UNUSUAL miracles from now on...xD yay.....
indeed problems are not there to bring you down, its an oppotunity for you to trust God for the impossible. =) you can CHOOSE, u could do something no one else could. ur whole life is a CHOICE. well, overnight prayer meeting was great....man how i miss OPMs...T_T next week's the final one before pledge day.....and yupx ive got an amount! yay....but it will cost me literally EVERYTHING....but i tell myself....its worth it. xD
months ago durin missions fund, i pledged $1000 and i fulfill it. all my PT job in sentosa paid off. now its time for God to challenge me again....this time, with DOUBLE the sacrifice. yes $2000 is my pledge, its gonna cost more than just finances, its gonna cost me my ENTIRE LIFE! but of course in e meantime, ill be looking for a PT job if possible. xD
as i look for a PT job, i NEED to look for one that im wired for. like pastor said, if ure not wired for it, ull nv see success because each of us have a different calling....a different purpose. and when u do it for God, the job is no longer a job....it becomes ur ministry! if i cant find one...then its gonna take faith and an enlarged capacity to pour my life out frm my savings.
i told myself, my life is no longer mine, my finances are not mine, they are God's...im just a steward. all i have, i give it to You....
all that happened in e past 2 weeks have indeed stretched my capacity, and enlarged my faith to believe e impossible. but MOST importantly....all that ive been through, have caused me to love GOd even more. :)
well, here are today's notes: yay!!!! lol....i really appreciate ps kong for not feeding us with milk, or bread, but with SOLID FOOD....xD
-Eccl 7:12-13, eccl 7:13, gen 2:1-2
-What is rest? a place of rest is a place of
control; a place of
-Success is a
CHOICE. the reason you are not successful is because you have not CHOSEN to.
-Beware of mediocrity, be a contrarian! and do things contrary to others. e.g. durin a time of recession, everyone is saving and worrying about their finances, but you sow by
faith into the kingdom of God. then God will bless you in the midst of recession.
-"nature" means
law and order in v13. (TLB).
While the earth remains, seed TIME and harvest....shall not cease...1. Your
SEED must be planted. - gen 8:22
2. What you sow is what you
REAP. - gen 1:12, gal 6:7
3. The
QUALITY you sow is the quality you reap. -mal 1:8, prov 3:9-10
4. The
MEASURE you sow is the measure you reap. - 2 cor 9:6, luke 6:38
5. Sow
TO your
HARVEST SIZE, not from your harvest size. - gen 26:1. 12-13
-dun sow out of what you have, but look to the future and sow to it.
6. You must render your seed
USELESS. - John 12:14
-when you give, do not give out of popularity, etc... / give with an unwilling heart / give your leftovers or something which costs you nothing, just to tip God...
-learn to
LET ur seed
GO; let go and let God!
7. Your seed must be planted on
GOOD GROUND. - Matt 13:8, Mark 10:29-30, Hag 2:18-19
-the best ground is the kingdom of God, that is unshakable and eternal.
-mk 10:29-30, u give a 'house', and God will give you 'houses'-the moment you sow into God's kingdom no matter wad ur situations maybe...God says that
'from that day on, i will bless You.'8. The harvest always takes
TIME. - mk 4:26-27, gal 6:9, eccl 11:1
-in between seed and harvest...is TIME!
-if ure impatient, ull
never get ur harvest.
9. A part of your harvest is for
SOWING AGAIN. - 2 cor 9:8, 2 cor 9:10-11
-always have a leftover, so that you can keep on sowing.
-if you sow everything, how are you gonna sow more? how are you gonna b a blessing to others?
-e.g. an old well, there is a pump. and beside the pump is a small bottle of water. it kept so that in future, the pump can be used again.
-this leads to the last point.....10. God gives seed to the
SOWER. - 2 cor 9:10
-you must start somewhere.
-you may start small, but as you continue to trust God, in time, ull see yourself not jus giving $5 or $100, but thousands and millions of dollar and STILL have more than enough to be a blessing to others.
Deut 8:18: Remember the Lord, for it is He who gives you the ABILITY to produce wealth, and so confirms His convenant, which He swore to your forefathers, as it is today.1. Ability is the
POWER, SKILLS, RESOURCES to accomplish something. - mt 25:15
2. Life distributes to everyone
ACCODRING to his/her ability. - heb 5:14
-God may know your limit, but they CAN be stretched.
3. God expects you to
LEVEL of your ability. - Jhn 16:12
-Some things God may not reveal to you now, because you are not ready for it. but tt doesnt mean he wont reveal it to you later. he EXPECTS you to raise your ability to THAT level; to a level when ure ready.
4. Your ability grows to the level of your
DREAM. - prov 18:9
-we dont live on welfare, we live to fare well.
-dun blame God, dun blame e govt, ure only as good as ur dream/goal.
5. Inability has more to do with a
BAD ATTITUDE. - luk12:48, mt 15:24-25, mt 25:28
-In life, we are possessors of nothing but stewards of everything.-its all about the attitude.
ur attitude determines ur altitude.
-a few examples:
people living in slums.
-DONT think they have no creativity, DONT tink they have no ability.
-building an
cardboard boxes, raffia strings and bamboo poles, u dont call that ability???
-indeed they HAVE the ability, its just that they dun have a dream/vision from God/attitude that will take them to the next level!
gangsters and mafias.
-it takes a LOT of ability to
lead tens/hundreds of people. it takes ability to get people to
obey/listen to you, it takes ability to have people to be good 'stewards' of your
money and to
ensure that the money goes back to you.
but what happened?
they dont have the attitude, that is why they are
not successful in life, but merely just a
stain to society.
7. With ability comes
-responsiblity comes from 2 words: response + ability.
-people will EXPECT a quicker/better response, and an ABOVE AVERGAGE ability from a better person.
-e.g. if u want a high pay job, with above average bonuses, you need to have a higher level of commitment & attitude, and an above average ability.
8. As ability increases, so does the
OPPORTUNITIES. - prov 18:16
9. Ability attracts
ABILITY. - 1 chr 12
-e.g. tenor groups/duets -> they are formed because they share the same skills and abilities.
-this leads to the last point...10. Your ability is hindered or enhanced by the
COMPANY you keep. - mk2, 1 cor 15:33
-if u wanna be an eagle and soar high in life...dun hang around turkeys!
-friends are there to carry you to a point when u can carry yourself.
-wanna noe why e rich become richer and e poor becomes poorer? the answer is simple, e rich hang around e rich and they
share their creative ideas, while the poor gather around the poor and
complain of poverty and lack.
-there must be a change in attitude, someone MUST step out in faith and DARE to dream!study break this week, common test next week and building fund pledge too! so excited. if God is with me, no one can be against me, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, He will make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, blessed in your coming in, blessed in your going out. seek first His kingdom and all His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you......so many promises......and of cos, WITH God, ALL things are possible.
which is why i never rely on myself, or on earthly things/people/ideas...:)
we are destined for success...xD