
Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Guys need to 'shut up' when they're stressed.
Girls need to 'blurt out' when they're stressed.

So why not talk to the girl first,
Once she's calm. Im sure she will give you the peace and quiet you so long for.
Or maybe 'more', if ure married? Haha.


God gave us a list of priorities:

1. God
2. Family/Relationships
3. Ministry/Church
4. Career/Education

Your family and marriage is more important than even the church!
Dont even talk about career, if your career is hindering you, then JUST QUIT IT!

1. If your relationship with God sucks, everything else below will suck.

Because you never experience what its like to love God and for God to love you. The perfect role model is not in your life at all! If you cant handle a relationship with a perfect Saviour, how are you going to manage imperfect people?

2. If your marriage and family life sucks, everything else below will suck.

You cant commit to a church, you dont have the capacity to serve, your studies will fluctuate and your career is relied upon your limited strength when you're supposed to live a life of faith. God gave you a life of faith, to live by faith. How can you have a 'faith walk' if you have no faith?

Whatever you two agree on, it shall be done by My Father who is in heaven.
How can anything be achieved unless there is agreement?

3. If you are not planted in the church, or serve in a ministry, your studies and career will suck.

If you dont build His house, He wont build your house.
If you cant learn to serve others in a friendly and faith-filled, loving, environment, you are going to die out there.

The church is the training place for the marketplace.
Similarly, you cant achieve much in your studies because you're not anointed.

2-3-4 will not work without 1,
3-4 will not work without 1-2,
4 will not work without 1-2-3.

So if a person is smart, do what the bible says!

Jogging! Twice this week! Yeah! 1 more!!!

Why get high, waste money, look older...uglier, and die earlier by drinking, smoking and drugging when you can get high, save money, look younger...better and live longer by exercising?

When people have problems, the stupidest thing is to 'bottle' it.
You should let it 'go'.
(Bottle - Alcohol, Go - Run)

Who is so stupid enough to keep it inside?
Sweat it out!

It is scientifically proven that stress builds up odour and bacteria on one of the layers on your skin. Knowledge is power. People perish for a lack of knowledge.

For guys with a high sex drive, trust me, it helps!

And after you exercise, go watch a movie or do some intense, but reasonable gaming, its the ultimate stress reliever and endorphin rush!

Just as how you lose 'desire' after a release, why not try another form of release?
Trust me, it helps and you still feel 'sexually exhausted' after a good run and it wont bother you for a long time. Esp for you guys who are born with a higher testosterone level like me. Who sometimes get frustrated and pissed why you are born like that!

Have a good run and you'll feel like you can live without girls for days!
Enough time for you to recover and go for another run!

Exercise helps you sleep better and fall sick less to.

For girls with a temper problem, exercise more! HAHAHA.
Stop drinking and make yourself more smelly and unstable.
It doesnt make you cool, it just makes you uncouth!

Monday, September 28, 2009

OMG please watch this..=(


Manhood and christlikeness are synonymous.

You can have abs, drink lots of beer and yet a total wimp!
Totally crude and vulgar, uncommitted and undecisive!
You can be pushy, macho and arrogant, yet without air, you will still die.

On the other hand, you can be a soft, sensitive guy, and yet be a real man.

Because you can guide, you can guard, you can govern and you are as good as your word!

To be a real man, is to be like Christ.
Prophet, Priest and King.

Abounding in love and mercy, slow to anger.
Meek and humble like a lamb.

To lay down your life for others,
To be a servant of all!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Created God?

"If God created man, who created God?" Hello? What a stupid question.

Have u become so intellectual that ure intellectually dumb?
Did u fail ur english grammar?

How can God be created?
How can God be even explained, rationalized or put into a box?
Thats why He's called God. Like..DUH?

Why not u order chicken rice w/o e chicken & the rice?
Just eat the plate will do.


Revelation 260909 - No Longer !

Service was uber awesome! And cg was great.

I just wanna share a revelation I received from Adam during cgm.

Gal 2:20 says:

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

As I look back at the things Ive went through, the struggles Im now going through, I began to remember the life that Jesus lived. Whatever Jesus went through, we will go through. Likewise, just as we are identified with Christ in His death, we are also likened to Him through His death on the cross.

What does it mean? Do we fully grasp the revelation behind it? Well, I did. But it wasnt easy.

The gospel is a threefold process: Death, Burial, Resurrection.

Sometimes we wonder, why are things happening the way they do.
We may not fully understand, we may not comprehend,
We may not even be directly involved in whats happening; Its beyond our control.


Like Jesus, we will go through the life He went through, afterall, we are His 'followers' right? So following in His footsteps, is part and parcel of our walk of faith.

So therefore, it is no longer I who live, but CHRIST, who lives in me. This life of trials and tribulations, for me, this current life of misunderstandings, confusions, sufferings, is Christ in us, manifested.

Because what does it mean for Christ to live in us?
As simple as it is, our lives, becoming HIS life.

So dont be overwhelmed by things that happen, its no longer our life, but HIS life.
So much so, that the life we now live, we live by FAITH in the Son of God! In some translations it says 'the faith OF the Son of God.

We are like a tape recorder, the moment, we accept Him, we surrender to Him, we say, 'let my life Lord, be Your life.', literally, a PLAY button is pressed.

And we begin to 'imitate' and 'act out', more so, we LIVE OUT the life Christ lived.
Yes, we have no control sometimes, but just as how He died and was buried, likewise, we can have this assurance, that we will be identified in His resurrection, His victory, His power and glory, in this lifetime! Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done, on EARTH, as it is in heaven.

Many people say, prosperity is for heaven, that we have to live our lives in lack here on earth, come on, you mean to say all this while you've been praying the Lord's prayer but you totally missed the point and what it means? Of course not.

Then some will say, 'oh, its talking about the NEW earth.'
Then God's will for all to be saved in THIS earth, will not be fulfilled, the end wont come, the new heaven and the new earth wont exist!

Jesus lived a life of abundance, afterall, the roman soldiers were fighting for his clothes!
Who in the right mind will fight for some cheap and worthless fabric?
You mean God is so dumb that He made the people in the bible look dumb?
This aint Simpsons my friend. LOL.

He grew up as a carpenter. He had a career. He was healthy, but He became sick on the cross. He was prosperous, but on the cross He became poor, etc. Im sure in primary school, you already know the meaning of the word "became".

The bible said, "He became poor so that we can become rich..."
It didnt say, "He was poor so that we are rich".
In this first place, this is BROKEN ENGLISH! LOL.

To 'become' is to go through a stage of transition, thats why Ps always says, you may be poor today, but if you follow Jesus you'll not stay poor all your life!

Because why?

It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in Me.
That the life I now live, I live by faith.

Death - Burial - Resurrection.

People then say "Resurrection means in the future, so how can we say we will experience the abundance and healing of God in this lifetime?"

Because God is El Cheapo, but El Shaddai, the God of MORE than enough!
God did not save us, to live a life of death and burial and stay there till we are dead!
He has come, to give us life, and life more abundantly!
He will make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath,
Blessed in your coming in, blessed in your going forth!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Communication is the key to life.
If your communication is weak, everything breaks down.

Its as simple as that. You dont need to be a scholar to know that.

Your attitude, your tone, your gesture, every aspect.
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Your actions reveal your thoughts.
But your words reveal your heart.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Men VS Women's Brain

Real cool and funny! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Windows 7...........................for Vista ... LOL

Love Is Not Automatic

True love is never automatic.

It often requires a sacrifice, giving up something for another thing.
Sometimes, things just happen the way they are, and God allows it to happen.
And at times, these are things we'd like to have or like to do...
Even though we know God wouldnt be happy about it.

But nonetheless, after the 'whale' season of 'overwhelming' emotions,
Come the season of the plant and the worm and the northeast wind.
Every aspect in our life will be tested.
Seasons like these, trigger the way we react, whether are we able to stay true or not.

Whatever we go through, there is always someone else who's in the same boat as you.
We are never alone in our circumstances.
Many times I thought...
Some things I go through are things so private no one would understand how it felt..

But the Lord will say to us, that there's always a way of escape.
Whether we pass the test will be determined by whether we find that door or not.

In times like these, godly fruits are cultivated.
Is God alone enough? Just how much of our lives do we love more than God?

But at the end of the day, when we have gone through the fire, we shall come forth as gold.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Late Night Fellowship; NUS Musical, Updates

Went to see the NUS Law04 Musical : Worlds Apart with Evangeline and Dong Yan. Evangeline and I have been online friends for ages, until I forgot how we first got to know each other (most prob imeem), dongyan, her friend, I only got to know yesterday only haha.

Scarily, Ive never met either of them in person before, at all! HAHA. So happened that yan who has affiliation with Teen Challenge, managed to get tickets and Evangeline asked me if I wanted to see the musical, so I said, I wouldnt mind.

Initially, none of us knew what musical we were in for haha. So funny. And I didnt know Bt Timah had a NUS campus! o.o Almost got lost haha, but anyway, thank God for security guards. :D

Wasnt so bad, 3.5-4/5. Got some funny parts and some which are just 'fillers', haha but creative nonetheless. Must really applaud them for their hard work, to put up a 2hr+ long musical. Even church drama alone is at most 1hr+.

Both of them are younger than me and they're like SOT grads, me? I lao jiao, but still serving NS, felt a bit inferior and intimidated lol. All the while, Ive been thinking, what am I doing? Im coming to 23 in a few months time and Im still serving NS! :(

Sigh..wanna find a girl around the same age as me who's spiritually compatible also very hard. Cus Im the only joker lagging behind. All my friends have ORDed, all my friends are either working, in uni, or attached, whether is it same age, or even just 2-3 years, all of them have gone ahead of me..

So when, there's once I liked someone 5 years younger than me, the people who knew it got shocked. Yea, thats because you take your life for granted. You dont understand what Im going through, you're just happy that your life is blessed, and thats it. I try my best to be strong and keep fighting the fight of faith when deep down, Im just a shattered pot glued together many times over, and in a nice and presentable way.

You have no idea how it feels like to grow up with nobody to talk to, nobody to play with, nobody to hang out with, and with everybody else leaving you behind. You have cliques, you always have people to go out with, but you hardly even THANK GOD FOR IT! Because you just take it as a normality of life, that you assume, having friends and people to relate to is something natural and basic.

Not for me, to me it's a walk of faith, a fight of courage.
What you freely have, I fought for it.

But I still thank God, for last night. After the musical met up with another guy, Jaydee. Really great guy. We sat at macs and talked about having partners, hear them share their SOT experiences, different personality types, our needs, requirements and wants, hearing JD shares his security experiences with pastor, etc haha.

I just sat there, inspired, hungry, desperate, yet there's nothing I could do cus Im still stuck in NS. Even in my cg, the 'remaining' bunch will enrol next year into SOT, which leaves me the last one to enrol, and Ill prob enrol alone, with nobody I know. Haha..SO EXPECTED.

All my life, its been like that. But I just tolerate and suffer in silence, and still have the guts to encourage others even though sometimes I myself is in need of that very same breakthrough..

Anyway, I reached home at 3 last night haha. Just came back from ahma's house. Prayed for her, then went to the neighbour and prayed for him.

Thank God, when I prayed for ahgong stage 4 cancer, he got discharged. When ahma fell, I prayed, she got discharged, on two occasions and a sickness she has suffered for years, which we didnt even know, got healed miraculously. And now, the uncle with pancreatic cancer, I believe too, that there will be breakthrough.

I dont care if Im not SOT trained, if God moves, I will flow. I may not know how to pray for the sick or cast out demons, but the little that I have, love and faith and obedience, will become much in the Master's hands.

Yet at the same time, Im not satisfied, seeing cancer patients getting discharged is not enough, I want more, Im still hungry to be SOT-trained, not just to heal, not just to deliver, but to tear down the kingdom of darkness!

Satan, Im just waiting for a chance to get back at you. Dont provoke me, dont tempt or test me, because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world! You stir up the wrong emotions, you're gonna get it!

Satan is weak! Why? He created the spirit of weakness ma!!! HAHAHAH! What a noob!
You wanna succeed in winning the war against God when you created the spirit of failure and error? Come on, you think I was born yesterday? Give me a break. Go eat your kitkat and stay out of my life!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

One body, One vision.

WIth regards to my previous posts, many of us have different opinions, but the same vision.

The DNA of CHC:

1. Great commandment - loving God wholeheartedly, loving people fervently.
2. Great commission - going into all the world and making disciples.
3. Cultural Mandate - being relatable and relevant to society. To penetrate culture and society and be salt and light.

The Singapore DNA, like PM said, also aims to bring unity between people of different racial/religious/ethical beliefs.

So, a "singaporean city harvester", if you would, would be someone who embraces both visions.
And I think there's nothing wrong with mixing around the downcasts of society, i have friends who smoke who have happier marriages than most christians. You wanna talk about muslim friends? I think they're on par with my church friends in terms of numbers LOL.

The Cultural Mandate, unlike most sermons, is not so much of a sermon for spiritual growth. But it's like an 'expansion pack'; it builds on the fundamentals and the basics of the christian walk. In order to effectively live out the cultural mandate, one must already be strong in aspects below it, prayer, fasting, reading the word, moving in the gifts of the spirit, leadership, ministry, discipleship and fellowship, etc.

Fellowship is not just eating, or having fun, but really, its about bringing God into social life. Ps gave a very good sermon about fellowship, I think 3 years ago, yes I still remember haha. He said, the purpose of fellowship, is for a group of people to come together to live out God, to talk about God, to share, meet needs, to give...

Fellowship is centered around God, not just friends, not just the celgrp.., etc, even though that is important. But that is just the basics, the lower level.

God wants to be involved in our social life. Thats where sharing and showing genuine love comes in. "Will people thank God because of you?"

The greatest story is not the bible alone,
But I believe our lives tell the greatest story, our lives, should be the living Word.

The way we think, the way we feel, the way we react to certain people, to certain issues, whether is it sex, anger, gossip, etc, is not so much of 'who we are' or 'what has happened', but really they reveal the 'bible' we live.

Church and sermons is not just something we receive or go to on the weekends,
But everyday, out there in public, even in our private lives, let it be a good example.

Because when the Day comes, there will be no more weekdays or weekends, just an endless eternity. When that happens, what will church be to you? 24/7, we will be with God. Now, if you already feel awkward, and feel the need to have your 'own' lives, you're gonna have a hard time adjusting to eternity.

From the start, our lives are not our own.
But like Christ, our body is broken for others.

Hope it clears some doubts. :)
No one has to agree with what I said, I may be right, I may be wrong.
Im not sharing what I think, Im sharing what Ive learnt. Thats all. Haha.

Part 2 - Love is a Choice

Ive been getting quite a variety of comments abt my previous post haha.

But i think as long as ppl feel how God feels, think how He thinks, etc..shld be fine haha..

Its not like when she asked for it, i wasnt tempted. =/ its e most powerful temptation i can ever face lol. 22 years, i wanted it, bt i had to learn to say no. and explain to her my basis on christianity and premarital sex and she understood.

She still managed to share abit, her struggles and all, at least i wont be so stressed, she had someone to talk to. last night i kept thinking abt it, my body is telling me to regret not giving in - that i could have my 'chance', but im glad i did e right thing..

In e end, she's fine with it, she said its ok. and then disappeared haha..she deleted me instead..

Anyway, to the 3 of you who gave me your feedback, I appreciate it. :D
I will improve my revelations to make it even better and more effective. :)

Sex, Love, 'Despos'

What do you do when someone random adds you,
Asks you for sex, tells you she is feeling a bit emotional and sad...

If your first reaction is to:
1. Ignore her.
2. Delete her.
3. Ban her.

Then everything pastor has preached has fallen on deaf ears.
You simply dont have the foundation of loving God wholeheartedly,
Loving people fervently. Period.

*Apparently, 95% of the people Ive shared with so far, failed the test.

Dont talk about anointing for ministry or growth or impartation or revelation or encounters,
Without love, you are nothing.

Is that how Jesus wouldve reacted?

'Oh, but I forgot about it', then sad to say, if its not a natural response,
Then it was never a part of you in the first place.

The word has to be lived out, not just something you hear on a weekend.
More than that, it has to become YOU; Part of you.

Jesus fellowshipped with the prostitutes.
Here is someone whos looking for love, the need to satisfy her deepest emotional needs,
Just that searching the wrong places.

These are people with needs, they dont even sell their body.
And unlike most people, they have the courage to express their needs
And be honest about their weaknesses!

And mind you, Jesus fellowshipped with them.
He hanged out, spent time, chatted, bonded...with them.

If we cant even talk to someone with genuine needs,
How are we going to fellowship with the downcasts of society?

Of course if you're the opposite sex, no one's asking you to 'counsel', But at least show some love and acceptance. The least you could so is to feel for the person. If we cant even have the right emotions, how to execute the right actions?

If you just judge people by what they do or what they say,
Then whats the gift of discernment for?
You mean, you believe in a supernatural faith but live in a natural perspective?

Whether is it girls or guys, all of us have needs.
No problem is ever born with the solution at the same time.
It is something you have to seek and learn.
Even if it means falling, that is why we have the grace of God.

That when sin abounds, grace abounds even more.
So that through the needs and problems, we can be led to Christ.
And have the grace to overcome.

How can a person have the grace to overcome is he/she doesnt know the Grace-Giver?

Does it mean we have the freedom to do what we want?
Of course not.

Love is accepting people, to change them for the better.

Like ps preached a few weeks ago, do not live as if we are righteous in our own ways and shame those who have nothing.

If we cant have a heart of compassion for a world without a vision,
We totally missed out on the heartbeat of God.
We're merely just having the love for God without the love OF God.

Sometimes, it takes someone who has gone to the lowest,
To understand and appreciate people who are going through what we're going through.

Let us be faithful in the little things, in what belongs to another man :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Im currently testing this live feed thingy on my blog. =)


Your reaction is not the result of circumstance, your reaction is the result of character.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ultimate Love Leading To Ultimate Obedience

God says love. you love.
God says forgive. you forgive.
God says give, you give.
God says sacrifice, you give.
God says lay down your life, you lay down your life.
God says tithe, you tithe.
God says love somemore, you love somemore.
God says give somemore, you give somemore.
God says forgive again, you forgive again.
Keep your comments to yourself.
No ifs, no buts, dont argue, dont complain.

Love is obedience.
Jesus was obedient, even to the point of death.
No terms and conditions.

Should we stop loving just because its painful?
Did He?
Should we stop giving just because we havent received anything?
Did He?
Should we stop laying down our lives just because the person isnt worth it?
Did He?

We say we are 'christians'...'little' Christs.
Are we even a 'little' bit like Christ?

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.

God is love. No God, no love.
Therefore, Christlikeness is synonymous with the extent of our love.

To be like God, is to be like love.
Not your love, not the world's love, but HIS love.

Do we love someone because the person will love us back?
Or do we love someone because we cannot DONT love?

Do we give because we know the person will repay us?
Or do we give because we cannot DONT give?

Do we forgive because if we dont, we wont feel better?
Or do we forgive because He first forgave us?

Who is love benefitting?
Us? Or them?

Above all, let everything be done to the glory of God.


How you treat people is how you treat God.
Obedience is not 'who am I doing it to'
or 'when am I gonna do it',
it's 'have you done it or not?'.

Anyone can love the lovable,
but only the mature can love the unlovable
because love is obedience.

People who dont mean what they say,
"Ill be there for you", etc.
People who go against their own words,
Disobey themselves. still...disobedience. Period.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

QT Notes - 150909 - Openness and Teachability

1 Thessalonians 5 (NLT)

11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord's work. They work hard among you and warn you against all that is wrong. 13 Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted love because of their work. And remember to live peaceably with each other.

14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. 15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to everyone else.

16 Always be joyful. 17 Keep on praying. 18 No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

19 Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. 20 Do not scoff at prophecies, 21 but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.

22 Keep away from every kind of evil.

"Most people want change without wanting to change..." - Phil Pringle

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weirdos Will Change The World...:O

From weirdo meimei:

"What happened if you put 2 weirdos in a conversation? The result will be, each one will try hard to prove to another that they are more weird than they think! Wahahaha"

Revelation (Part 2)

Faithfulness is not true faithfulness until you have the chance to be unfaithful.
Love is not true love until you have the chance to hate.
Friendship is not true friendship until you have the chance to gossip.
You will never experience true healing until you are exposed to sickness.

There will not be true life without the true death of a Saviour.
There will not be the perfect salvation without the perfect sacrifice.

Nothing in life is true, until it is TESTED.
Your life will be tested.
Your character will be tested.
Your relationships will be tested.
Your beliefs will be tested.

Genuine love is built on a covenant that never says goodbye.
Loyalty is the conerstone of character.

QT Revelation - Prayer

2 Chr 7:14 - "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Most people just want to seek the Hand of God,
And not the FACE of God.

Most people just want to seek God for what He can do,
And not for who HE IS.

If my people will humble themselves...
God will not make you humble, situations may humble you,
But before God, YOU...humble YOURSELVES.

Humility is not just an attitude,
Humility is a choice.

What you have no control over, we lift it up to God through prayer and fasting, with thanksgiving. But the things we have control over, God expects us to put in our best effort.

Dont just pray 'God bless me, God heal me, God deliever me.'
Doesnt He know you need these things? Is there one thing that He isnt aware of?
Before you were born, He knew you.

What is the basis of prayer?
Prayer is communication.
Prayer is more than asking or saying,

There's a difference between someone who knows God,
And someone who LOVES to Him.
Someone who's CLOSE to Him.

Close friends share secrets,
Close friends provide for you and give to you even when you dont need them,
Even when you dont ask for it.

"Seek first his Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sermon Reflections - Kisser VS Cleaver

Today's sermon was just awesome.

As I look at my own life, indeed, when I look at the people around me, everyone's friendly, everyone's loving, but only 2-3 are TRUE friends, people who are loyal and committed.

Friendship is never true friendship, until it is TESTED.'
You are never truly faithful until you are given the chance to be unfaithful.
You are never truly loving until you are given the chance to hate.
Etc, etc...

For me, majority failed the test. People who were once there, but are no longer there.
People whom I sacrificed and laid my life down for, once there, no longer there.
People who dont reply calls or smses, it just shows how 'committed' they are.

There's no commitment, to them, Im just someone there to meet their needs, like a vending machine.
Once satisfied, thats it, you no longer hear from them.

People who are totally uninterested in other people's lives.
The only time they are interested in people's lives are when there is something that interests them.
+1 -1 = 0.
You are going nowhere my 'friend'.

They dont even press into people's lives.
And the only time you ever hear from them, is when they have a problem and they NEED you.

I dont want friends that 'need' me, please.
I want real friends that WANT me.
Friend who enjoy each other's company and are involved in each other's lives.
Whether you're up or down, they are there, right beside you.

And not behind you 'all the way', so far that you cant see them.

You have your 'cliques', those are your true friends, so spare yourself from going around and telling anybody and everybody that you are their friend and cheat people of their feelings and not being accountable and responsible, or taking stewardship of what belongs to another person - that is their time and their energy.

Yet despite, being in the midst of all these, I still try my best to give all the way, serve all the way, even when I get nothing in return, because that's what true love is.

Without love, you are nothing.

The bible says to "look out not just for your own INTERESTS, but also for the INTERESTS of others".

Note, it didnt say to look out for the needs of others, but INTERESTS.
Dont just talk about what you like, what you feel, what you intend, all the time.
Next time, just bring your 'name card'.

And when others start sharing their life stories, you become cynical, skeptical and judgemental.
You get excited about yourself but bored of other people.

What the world is looking for, are not the 'kissers', but the 'cleavers'.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The 3 Foundations

The 3 foundations:

1. Being faithful in the little.
- Are you always too busy? With your own life?

2. Being faithful in tithes and offerings.
- Do you always say, "God, bless me first then I will give"?
- You dont sow, you dont reap. Basic kindergarten english.

3. Being faithful in what belongs to another person.
- Do you waste people's time, energy and trust by not replying calls or smses,
entering wrong relationships and gossiping?
- Do you have a lifestyle of borrowing and debt?

It's not just about belongings or property, its about relationship.
When everything is over, you're gonna have to give an account to God.
And it wont just be your actions alone, but also your reactions.
To situations, to PEOPLE.

You can be committed, yet unfaithfully committed.

Without foundation, nothing can be built in your life.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Blog, Randoms

Service over the weekend was great, I need not say more. The church is not a 'place' you visit on a weekend, you ARE the church!

It's not where you come once a weekend to be 'holy' and for the rest of the week, on the outside, you are living your life, partying, smoking, getting drunk, hurling vulgarities, blowing your temper and gossiping about other people!

What God is looking for is not believers, even the demons believe in God, Satan has access to the throne room of God, and he knows the bible more than most of us! Yet God is looking for true disciples, people who are worthy to be called SONS of God.

People who think like their Father, talk like their Father, people who carry their Father's DNA and reflect who Christ really is.

You go to church because you are called.
But you enter heaven because you are selected.

Many are called, few chosen.

The Kingdom of God is going through a process of people selection. Where all the impurities are purified by fire, and the remnants thrown into the fire.

The call to repentance.
The call to faith.
And the call to fruitfulness.

At an instant, at the sound of a trumpet, we will all appear before God, just like how Jesus called Lazerus from the dead. Lazerus had NO CHOICE to say, wait, let me put on some clothes, wait, let me stretch myself, no, Jesus spoke the word, and the word was executed.

The first thing God will say to us when we appear to Him, is not, "Welcome to heaven, hope you had a great stay on earth.." but the first thing He would say is, "So what have you done with the gifts and talents I have placed in you? Where are your fruits?"

Lets not come to God empty handed or speechless. We are living in the last days, we are already on borrowed time. In History, God sent Marco Polo and a few missionaries to Asia, however due to the 'stress' of the journey, they decided to give up halfway.

The Chinese Emperor, as a result, did not receive the gospel as planned, The whole continent of Asia, was 'destined' to be filled with the Gospel, instead, because of the weaknesses of man, buddhism, taoism, confucianism, and other religious sects came in as the Chinese Emperor sought to find the truth behind this 'God' but the truth never came.

Ghandi..was interested in this God of the Bible, he marvelled at how a man could die lay down His life for a stranger, decided to go to church to find out about this Jesus. However, he was turned away because of the color of his skin and the dressing he wore. As a result, the truth never reached him. And soon, that hunger led to the birth of hinduism and other religious representations of God.

2 continents, one of them the largest in the world, never received the gospel as 'planned' because of the stubbornness of man. When Paul wanted to enter Asia, God stopped him and said, no, now is not the time.

God sent 2 of the most influential people in Asia and India, searching for this God, but imperfect people, 'screwed up' a perfect plan of Salvation. Now God is raising up a whole new generation of people that will take Asia by storm. People who carry the convictions and the moral values of God, and bringing it into society, into culture, into all of Asia, for one purpose, that is to see the Kingdom of God, right here on the earth.

Discipled in the great commandment, to fulfill the great commission and penetrating and changing lives through the Cultural Mandate.

We are indeed living the last days, borrowed time, God's second plan for the salvation of Asia and the rest of the world, with every man the fails, God will raise up a whole new generation to be His "backup" plan, He will raise up a new standard. And we will see growth and impact at an accelerated pace, compared to our predecessors.

"Fools are those who reject God's idea, do their own things, their own way and have the audacity to ask God to bless their plans."

Just recently, Ive fallen in love with someone... :O
Yet not my desire but His desire...
The steps of the righteous shall be ordered by the Lord...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The 3-Way Street

In life there are those who are:

1. In front of you:

Running their own dreams, even if it means having you to 'bless them' at your expense.

a) Some will bother to look back at you because you matter to them
b) Some will just keep going, and leave you behind.
c) Some will bother to turn around, run back to you, hold your hand, and run together.

2. Behind you:

Yes, they may be supportive, whether emotionally, financially, etc..
But they are not committed to people and relationships/friendships.
They just want to be comfortable, keep dreaming, keep desiring, but never do anything.
Yes, they're people who will always be behind you no matter what..
So far behind that you cant see, sometimes.

3. Beside you:

These are the true friends. People you can spend your lives with.
There is connection, honesty, openness and trust.

a) When you look ahead, they are there to inspire you.
b) When you look behind, they are there to support you.
c) When you look at the sides, they are just there, period.

Shot Updates

Went to mac:

"Hi, can I have one sausage mcmuffin, 2.50, takeaway, drink coffee.."
"5 dollars please.."
"If you want to buy the 2.50 one, its 5 dollars, unless you want to buy the meal, then that one's a little more expensive"
"The sausage mcmuffin, you guys still have the 2.50 one?"
" that's a total of 5 dollars..."


Someone follows 2 boys (friends) to a hotel in geylang, got raped by both.
Haiyo, what else can you do in a hotel? O_O

Open Doors:

I used to pray for ahgong, then ahma, who is now able to walk on her own.

Yesterday, her neighbour has pancreatic cancer, too big to operate, will undergo chemo, asked me to pray for him. I went in, saw those idols on the shelf, and one really huge one - half the size of a human.

Couldnt care less. Went to pray, even though I was caught off guard, unprepared. Thank God I was fasting. Because after that, prayed for ahma'a maid who will be undergoing an op this week to remove some lump.

3 people in a row. I knew God is good and He is faithful.
Honestly, I had some doubts, but still because I love God, because I love people,
I would still be willing to stir up my faith 3 times, for 3 different healing anointings,
To pray for 3 different people.

Knowing what to pray is one thing,
Doing it is another.

Praise God for open doors. No demon shall touch the people I know, or even strangers, and get away with it.

On side note, I dreamt I was in some hawker center as President Obama LOL. When someone came and..well..assassinated him. And because I was nearby, I was shot too. How I survived? I didnt know, but in my dream, I did. LOL. Weird stuff.

Love = Obedience