
Sunday, September 20, 2009

One body, One vision.

WIth regards to my previous posts, many of us have different opinions, but the same vision.

The DNA of CHC:

1. Great commandment - loving God wholeheartedly, loving people fervently.
2. Great commission - going into all the world and making disciples.
3. Cultural Mandate - being relatable and relevant to society. To penetrate culture and society and be salt and light.

The Singapore DNA, like PM said, also aims to bring unity between people of different racial/religious/ethical beliefs.

So, a "singaporean city harvester", if you would, would be someone who embraces both visions.
And I think there's nothing wrong with mixing around the downcasts of society, i have friends who smoke who have happier marriages than most christians. You wanna talk about muslim friends? I think they're on par with my church friends in terms of numbers LOL.

The Cultural Mandate, unlike most sermons, is not so much of a sermon for spiritual growth. But it's like an 'expansion pack'; it builds on the fundamentals and the basics of the christian walk. In order to effectively live out the cultural mandate, one must already be strong in aspects below it, prayer, fasting, reading the word, moving in the gifts of the spirit, leadership, ministry, discipleship and fellowship, etc.

Fellowship is not just eating, or having fun, but really, its about bringing God into social life. Ps gave a very good sermon about fellowship, I think 3 years ago, yes I still remember haha. He said, the purpose of fellowship, is for a group of people to come together to live out God, to talk about God, to share, meet needs, to give...

Fellowship is centered around God, not just friends, not just the celgrp.., etc, even though that is important. But that is just the basics, the lower level.

God wants to be involved in our social life. Thats where sharing and showing genuine love comes in. "Will people thank God because of you?"

The greatest story is not the bible alone,
But I believe our lives tell the greatest story, our lives, should be the living Word.

The way we think, the way we feel, the way we react to certain people, to certain issues, whether is it sex, anger, gossip, etc, is not so much of 'who we are' or 'what has happened', but really they reveal the 'bible' we live.

Church and sermons is not just something we receive or go to on the weekends,
But everyday, out there in public, even in our private lives, let it be a good example.

Because when the Day comes, there will be no more weekdays or weekends, just an endless eternity. When that happens, what will church be to you? 24/7, we will be with God. Now, if you already feel awkward, and feel the need to have your 'own' lives, you're gonna have a hard time adjusting to eternity.

From the start, our lives are not our own.
But like Christ, our body is broken for others.

Hope it clears some doubts. :)
No one has to agree with what I said, I may be right, I may be wrong.
Im not sharing what I think, Im sharing what Ive learnt. Thats all. Haha.


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