
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Blog, Randoms

Service over the weekend was great, I need not say more. The church is not a 'place' you visit on a weekend, you ARE the church!

It's not where you come once a weekend to be 'holy' and for the rest of the week, on the outside, you are living your life, partying, smoking, getting drunk, hurling vulgarities, blowing your temper and gossiping about other people!

What God is looking for is not believers, even the demons believe in God, Satan has access to the throne room of God, and he knows the bible more than most of us! Yet God is looking for true disciples, people who are worthy to be called SONS of God.

People who think like their Father, talk like their Father, people who carry their Father's DNA and reflect who Christ really is.

You go to church because you are called.
But you enter heaven because you are selected.

Many are called, few chosen.

The Kingdom of God is going through a process of people selection. Where all the impurities are purified by fire, and the remnants thrown into the fire.

The call to repentance.
The call to faith.
And the call to fruitfulness.

At an instant, at the sound of a trumpet, we will all appear before God, just like how Jesus called Lazerus from the dead. Lazerus had NO CHOICE to say, wait, let me put on some clothes, wait, let me stretch myself, no, Jesus spoke the word, and the word was executed.

The first thing God will say to us when we appear to Him, is not, "Welcome to heaven, hope you had a great stay on earth.." but the first thing He would say is, "So what have you done with the gifts and talents I have placed in you? Where are your fruits?"

Lets not come to God empty handed or speechless. We are living in the last days, we are already on borrowed time. In History, God sent Marco Polo and a few missionaries to Asia, however due to the 'stress' of the journey, they decided to give up halfway.

The Chinese Emperor, as a result, did not receive the gospel as planned, The whole continent of Asia, was 'destined' to be filled with the Gospel, instead, because of the weaknesses of man, buddhism, taoism, confucianism, and other religious sects came in as the Chinese Emperor sought to find the truth behind this 'God' but the truth never came.

Ghandi..was interested in this God of the Bible, he marvelled at how a man could die lay down His life for a stranger, decided to go to church to find out about this Jesus. However, he was turned away because of the color of his skin and the dressing he wore. As a result, the truth never reached him. And soon, that hunger led to the birth of hinduism and other religious representations of God.

2 continents, one of them the largest in the world, never received the gospel as 'planned' because of the stubbornness of man. When Paul wanted to enter Asia, God stopped him and said, no, now is not the time.

God sent 2 of the most influential people in Asia and India, searching for this God, but imperfect people, 'screwed up' a perfect plan of Salvation. Now God is raising up a whole new generation of people that will take Asia by storm. People who carry the convictions and the moral values of God, and bringing it into society, into culture, into all of Asia, for one purpose, that is to see the Kingdom of God, right here on the earth.

Discipled in the great commandment, to fulfill the great commission and penetrating and changing lives through the Cultural Mandate.

We are indeed living the last days, borrowed time, God's second plan for the salvation of Asia and the rest of the world, with every man the fails, God will raise up a whole new generation to be His "backup" plan, He will raise up a new standard. And we will see growth and impact at an accelerated pace, compared to our predecessors.

"Fools are those who reject God's idea, do their own things, their own way and have the audacity to ask God to bless their plans."

Just recently, Ive fallen in love with someone... :O
Yet not my desire but His desire...
The steps of the righteous shall be ordered by the Lord...


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