Keys to excellent relationships (compilation)
Success comes the moment you choose to live by Godly Principles.
Toxic people are 'undetectibly deadly'.
People who are toxic dont know how they got there or why they are in a certain state.
Friendships have symptoms. You become part of a person's symptoms (good or bad) if you hang around them too long.
To maximize your life you need to know the right people.
To find a friend that you want, you have to FIRST be THAT friend.
7 most important people in your life:
1. Those who INSPIRE you to OBEY and to do what is right.
-Job 36:11-12, Josh 24:15
-These are people who will bring you into your future without any failures.
2. Those driven by INTEGRITY.
-gen 39:9, prov 10:9, 11:3
-Satan likes to make a deal with people so that they compromise themselves/their character/attitude.
3. Those who are assigned to your FUTURE.
-mk 2:1-4
3 types of people:
a) People of your PAST.
-they will say, "why you (this and that)...before this we were best of friends, we used to hang out together...", etc.... -> always dwell on the past.
-which reminds me: people without a vision dont have a future. and people without a future will return to their past.
b) People of your PRESENT.
-these are neither ppl of ur past nor ppl of ur future. -> they just tag along.
-but u can tell if they are ppl of e future OR they will follow u into e future when God begins to promote u in front of their eyes.
c) People of your FUTURE.
-DONT let them go! becos u might never find another one.
-NEVER miss an opportunity!
-acts 17:11, mk 2:1-4
-God never gives 2nd chances. He gives FRESH STARTs, higher or lower based on your hunger/performance.
-Faithful are the WOUNDS of a friend.
4. Those who are God-Given.
-prov 13:20, Jhn 15:4
-We may not be wise, but when we just hang around wise people, we WILL become wise.
-Hang around with fools, and ull become one and STILL lose everything.
7 characteristics of a true, good friend of your future:
a. My friends must be committed to LONG-LASTING relationships.
b. My friends must have EMPIRES in their brains.
c. My friends must be SOWERS.
d. My friends must QUALIFY to receive my SEED.
e. My friends must prize INTEGRITY above relationships.
f. My friends must be willing to CONFRONT my enemies. (the RIGHT way of course!)
-sowers are contagious. sowers breeds sowers. the more u sow, e more ull find ppl around u sowing. (the right people, wrong people take instead of give).
5. Those who CELEBRATE you rather than tolerate you.
-dont hang around people who are merely tolerating you, you're wasting your time on a relationship that is going nowhere. -> learn to draw a clear line!
6. Those who unlock your GRATITUDE.
-1 sam 25:30-33
-most people have 2 'person's inside them: (stop thinking everyone is like that! have a bigger brain..)
i) The 'King' - the one who wants to rule over you.
ii) The 'Warrior' - the one who resists and fights you.
-choose the right friends! dont expect everyone to be the same, they are not!
-the biggest fool is one who deceives himself/herself.
7. Those who awaken your GENEROUSITY.
-a chr 29, acts 10:1-5, -> people who make you sowers and people who they themselves are sowers.
-people of commitment.
-prov 18:1, phi 2:3, gen 11, psm 133:1
More Principles:
You will suffer both the consequences and the rewards of those that / who are the closest to you.
-prov 13:20
Always consider the negative side of those that you allow to be close to you / with those you choose to be close with.
Every relationship has rules to both enter and remain.
-Est 2:13-17, gen 41:12-14
You have to do the right thing no matter what the situation or the circumstances are...
-ecc 10:8
Wrongs happen in a whisper, not a scream.
When you exceed people's expectations, no one can blame you for anything.
Your future is completely dependent upon the quality of the person you called "FRIEND".
-jhn 15:14, psm 119:79.
When someone compliments you, they are giving you something ; but when someone flatters you, they are taking something from you.
Discovering the hidden power of relationship:
1) The outcome of your life is dependent on the TYPES of relationships you pursue.
prov 13:20, 1 cor 15:33 -> whatever you pursue, pursues you.
-pursue good and blessings/happiness will find you, pursue evil/wrong and curses/failure will catch up with you!
2) I would rather have you hate me for telling the truth than for you to love me for telling a lie.
-pro 27:5-6, jhn 8:41-45
-most prefer to be lied to. -> then when ppl tell e truth they claim they are lying. how ironic!
-True friends tell the truth even when it hurts.
-> The power of love is in the willingness to confront.
3) If a person does not receive your words, he doesnt qualify for your time.
-mt 10:14, jhn 6:60-67
-dun waste your life away on something that brings you nowhere. -> dont delay God's purpose for you in your life!
-never compromise! never trade a SECOND of your life for anything in the world. -> your life belongs to God, not yourself!
4) If a relationship doesnt give birth to CHANGE, then any further association is unneccessary.
-prov 27:17, psm 1:1, prov 5
-good relationships come with people that change your life and/or people whose lives you can change. -> God desires fruitfulness.
5) Never allow the invitation to intimacy be destroyed by the contempt of familiarity.
-est 1:9-12, 2:15-17
-dun become overly familiar with someone and dont be too confident of yourself, of your own flesh. -> know your limits, RESPECT relationships, dont cross the line!
6) The productivity of any relationship is dependent on the strength of its standards.
-jhn 15:14, psm 119:79
-every story has 3 sides, not 2...
i) Your side
ii) The person's side
iii) God's side
-in every situation, know what God is saying!
-everyone is a self-definer.
-God doesnt approve of you the way you are when you came to Christ. -> He 'killed' you -> and you went INTO Christ and now you come forth as a new creation in Christ.
-God makes you a new person.
True friends look forward to EXCEED your expectations.
Put character over people!
7) You are a product of the SUM TOTAL of ALL of your relationships.
-if u wanna know who you are just look at the people around you. -> you are your company.
-prov 13:20
8) Every relationship you have is either drawing you closer or further away from God's will for your life.
-psm 1:1, 1 cor 15:33
-relationships are MAGNETS.
9) In relationship, it is important to recognise who you are, but it is more important to acknowledge who you are not.
-gen 41:15-16, acts 23:1-5
-dont lie to yourself.
10) In a relationship, a person believes what they do, they do not believe what they say.
-prov 26:23, 14:15, james 2:14-18
-listen with your EYES! actions speak louder than words, faith without works is dead.
-Acceptance is not a sign of approval, its the sign for improvement.
11) In a relationship, I must never make the pleasurable people pay for the painful people of my past.
-phi 3:13-14
-people who are present in your life, pay the price for the people who are absent.
12) The way I treat a relationship when I no longer needs it, reveals the motive I had for it in the beginning.
-ruth 1:8-17
-dont be involved in a relationship just because you want something out of it!
-your motive is revealed the moment you no longer need it and by the price you're willing to pay for it.
13) Submission is the WILLINGNESS to bow my knee before men in order to satisfy the requirements of Heaven.
-heb 13:17, mt 8:5-10, heb 4:32
-everything in life has to submit to something/someone.
-Treat people the way you believe God treated you.
14) Show me a man's friend and I'll accurately predict the man's future.
-prov 13:20, gal 4:16, prov 29:25, 13:20
-Fools are spiritual 'suicide bombers'. They cant be detected, they dont know how they got there, and when they blow up, they dont jus get themselves into trouble, they affect people around them as well if you hang around them for too long.
Dont fear man, fear God
15) Discerning people of destiny would unlock a lifetime of favor that would otherwise be impossible for it.
-gal 2:14
-learn to discern, invest in the right people.
-choose the right people, people that will be with you and who will see you through your future. have wisdom, have common sense!
16) It is impossible to please God unless you prize PRINCIPLE over people/relationships.
-gal 3:7-12, exo 32:21-24
-never compromise your integrity/character/attitude for the sake of a relationship or for the sake of acceptance.
-Every relationship has rules to enter and rules to remain.
17) Frustration is birthed the moment you care for someone more than they care for themselves.
-luk 18:18-23, prov 9:7-9, gal 6:1-2, 2 ths 3:10
-God can only help a person to the extent that they are willing to help themselves. -> we all have freewill.
-Never care for a man's problems more than they care for it themselves.
God leaves people hungry so that they will run to Him. Dont curse what God has blessed and dont bless what God has cursed.
18) A life without a harvest is proof that Ive invested it in the wrong people.
-mt 23:23
-why do people sow and yet not receive? cus they sow into the wrong people! those people have never intended to give anything from the beginning.
-if nothing's changing, then dont waste your life away, if a plan is not working, CHANGE PLAN!
-accept change, learn to change, be flexible.
19) Poverty is not the lack of money, it is the proof of MISGUIDED money.
-prov 11:24-25, mt 6:24
-Never take what belongs to God (tithe). -> God gave adam e garden, but God didnt give him the tree. When adam took the tree, God took away the garden.
-Dont disqualify yourself for God's blessings! -> God may have given you 100% of your income, but not 100% is yours! -> A tithe doesnt bring you anything...because it belongs to God in the first place. it merely opens e windows of heaven in your life.
Tithing is a sign of good stewardship and a proof that you have overcome greed.
-It is your pledges, offering and what you do with what is yours, that makes a difference! what moves you, moves God. -> your tithe is NOT a seed, your tithe is your OBEDIENCE.
-God has given u EVERYTHING you need to create your future, is all in SEED FORM!
-A seed is NOT what you sow, a seed is what COST you to sow.
-If you invest in e right things, they will pay you back. But if you invest in the wrong things, they will take even what you have left.
-mt 25:31-46, acts 17:11
Choose who you want to be wanted by today!
Relationships are meant to solve problems, not create problems! If they do, then you have the wrong person.
-Whatever you compromise to keep, you will lose.
Our lives live/die on relationships.
Our memories replays our past, but our imagination 'pre-plays' our future.
Satan wants you hurt when you're young so that you cannot be anything/succeed in life when you get old.
Dont say you dont need relationships when you're young, that is why many elderly are now at home waiting for people to visit them! -> cultivate healthy relationships when you're young.
-acts 17:11, 1 cor 11:12-14
-a bad life that you try to forget will take away your memories. -> you dun run away from problems, you confront them and say to the mountain be removed!
-We need relationships, you cant multiply anything with the number 1. -> you get nowhere.
The quality of your harvest is dependent on the quality of the soil.
Satan cannot plan your destruction, but he can sure plan your distraction.
Admission brings release/freedom.
Be open in a relationship.
Relationships are not born, they are cultivated.
Relationships are not birthed in times of happiness, but in times of trouble.