1) POWER-Acts 1:8, Zech 4:6, 2 Tim 1:7, Heb 6:4-6, Eph 1:13-14
-Its not ordinary strength or power, but supernatural/spiritual power of God.
-Since the message is supernatural/spiritual, its delivery must also be supernatural.
NOTE: theres nothing wrong with using natural means like rallies to share the gospel, but dont rely too much on it! Rely on the ANOINTING of God! -> The supernatural enablement to fulfill what God has purposed.
Might = what you have by nature
Power = what you have acquired in life -> Being acquired means u have to CHASE it!
-God wont give you power just because you're smart or good looking, ASK and it will be given.
5 experiences believers must experience:
b) Tasting the HEAVENLY GIFT - Eternal life and Jesus Christ.
c) Partaking of the HOLY SPIRIT - a SEPARATE encounter from salvation -> Holy Spirit is not given when you receive Christ! If not why is there a need for Pentecost?
d) Tasting the good WORD of God.
e) Moving in the POWERS of the age to come! -> u dun have to wait for Eternity to experience supernatural PHYSICAL HEALTH and STRENGTH! Although supernatural strength, health, faith (no fear), no sickness, no tiredness/weakness is NOT given in its full measure, we can still have a taste of the life to come, through the Holy Spirit.
A good example would be looking years younger.
SUPERNATURAL HEALTH AND STRENGTH IN OUR MORTAL BODIES-Jhn 10:10, Eph 4:27, rom 8:11, 2 cor 11:23-25, Gen 2:7, Deut 34:7, Acts 14:19-20, 2 cor 4:7-11,
psm 105:37, 1 pet 4:14, mk 9:1-5
-We only have this life to the extent we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us.
-We are NOT immortals. But we can enjoy supernatural strength and vigor all the days of our life, we dont have to die before our time.
-E.g. moses and the isrealites.."none were sick"!
POWER FOR MINISTRY-acts 10:38, acts 19:11, mt 4:23, 1 cor 2:4-5, rom 15:18-19, mt 10:7-8, mk 16:17-18
-in acts 19:11 -> there were UNUSUAL miracles, we should be experience miracles daily! Just yield and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! They had so many COMMON miracles like healing/deliverance that there were UNUSUAL miracles...that were not even heard of.
a) Be DESPERATE for powerful spiritual gifts.
-God has no problem giving His best...the problem is in US receiving His best!
-1 cor 12:31, 14:39
b) DONT NEGLECT moving in the power of the Spirit.
-gifts CAN be neglected.
-1 tim 4:14
c) Constantly STIR UP the gifts.
-2 tim 1:6
2) LOVE (agape) -> self-giving, supernatural (only God has and only God can give), unconditional, perfect, eternal. -> freely given to e most undeserving, helpless, unworthy, attractive, etc.
-2 tim 1:7, rom 5:5-8
3) SOUND MIND-having a mind renewed to (see + understand + evaluate) things the way God (sees + understands + evaluates) them.
-2 tim 1:7, gen 1:26-28, gen 2:7, eph 4:8, gen 3:7, gen 2:25, gen 3:6, rom 12:2, eph 4:23
-in order for God to make man in His image, God has to have an image of Himself! That's why Jesus is the second Adam, aka the EXPRESSED IMAGE of God.
CASE STUDY : Creation Story-Everything was created by the WORD of God...BUT...for humans (Adam and Eve), God had to use His hands to FORM them, God took EXTRA EFFORT to make man. Because we are special, different, unique.
-God took the essence of Himself and imparted it into Adam -> everything society ever needed!
-Impartation = (
ruach) -> a strong, sharp breath.
-After the fall (mind of man was darkened), man started living shorter lives, knowledge has been lessened, etc...
Scientists estimated that man used 3% of his brain. And with that THREE PERCENT, man is able to set spacecrafts beyond our solar system! What more Adam had, with 100% his brain in the beginning!
-> Thats why God had the plan of redemption (NOT elimination/annihilation), to take back what is broken, fixing it, and restoring it back to its original purpose and intention!
-Survey has PROVEN, that knowledge is increasing once every THREE YEARS, compared to 20 years ago; once every 7 years. If before every 3 years, we seek God for a new idea, a breakthrough, a revelation, we can change the world, come up with something new and become millionaires 3 times in 9 years!!!
-Before the fall, Adam was NOT perfect. If not he wouldnt have sinned. He was just INNOCENT! -> They were naked, but not ashamed. There was no such thing as 'what if i fail', 'the lion's teeth is too sharp, how can i have dominion', 'oh, im naked, what if i get mosquito bites?' or 'the elephant is too huge'...etc.
EXAMPLE 1: children running around naked and having fun, not afraid of anything, not ashamed.
-If something didnt work out, he'd probably try something else, and move on. Adam was never physically stronger than the beasts of the land, yet he still had dominion and authority over them. How? He didnt know he was weaker than them! His only protection was his MIND!
EXAMPLE 2: scientists have calculated the dimensions of a bumble bee (of its wings in respect of its body size and weight), and by right it shouldnt not be able to fly. But why is it able to fly? Because it doesnt know its not supposed to be able to fly!
Before fall : Not ashamed, which means:
a) No feeling of INFERIORITY
b) No sense of INADEQUACY
c) No FEAR/APPREHENSION to step forward and take God's call.
-There was no such thing as failure in Adam's makeup. No such thing as "what if".
After fall : Man 'REALISED' he was naked (mind had become perverted), lost innocence:
a) Adam felt INFERIOR over everything around him.
b) Adam began to have a sense of INADEQUACY in his daily existence.
c) Adam became APPREHENSIVE about his future.
-"I cant do this", "im not worthy/good enough for God", ''what if..'', etc.
-> No more CONFIDENCE -> Instead: FEAR.
-That's why we need to TRANSFORM and RENEW our minds, with the help of the Holy Spirit!
e.g. Adam saw/was present when the Serpent tempted Eve and when Eve took the apple. Why didnt Adam stop Eve, but instead ate the apple with her?
ANSWER: He loved her.
-Restoration of our minds back to the original potential and capability; to the time before Adam sinned is not done through psychiatry, psychology, education or counselling, but through the SUPERNATURAL OPERATION done by the Spirit.
A RENEWED MIND BRINGS WISDOM AND STRENGTH-prov 2:5-6, prov 4:7, 1 cor 1:18-28, 1 cor 2:4-14, 1 cor 3:18, 2 cor 12:7-10, eph 2:8-10
-The works of the Holy Spirit are often beyond human reasoning or wisdom. He is NOT against reason. He is just moves BEYOND it.
Knowledge : The gathering of information (IMPORTANT)
Understanding : The correct analysis of a given situation/information. (MORE IMPORTANT)
Wisdom : Doing the right thing at the right time. (MOST IMPORTANT)
With wisdom comes power, both of them go hand in hand.
Human strength/wisdom/understanding cannot go with God's supernatural strength/wisdom,understanding!
For God to give you His supernatural strength/wisdom/understanding, you first have to come to the end of yourself. Once you're empty, only then will you be totally dependent and hungry for God...thats when God will give you the supernatural!
Most people give up the moment they come to the end of themselves...WHAT A WASTE! Instead, it is the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to seek and ask God for the supernatural!
But for that to happen, God needs to cast down our HUMAN PRIDE (Human wisdom + human power) -> ONLY THEN can He move in our lives. God is not impressed with human wisdom/power...e.g. man's wisdom is like foolishness to God.
As long as you are able to handle on your own, God wont interfere. He'll just watch and let you continue to do your own thing.
A good example is an infant with his/her dad. The kid is playing and fixing with his own lego blocks, and when the father tries to help, the kid will cry out, "No!" and continues to try his best and fix things himself. Only when the kid has lost all strength and ability to fix the lego, the kid will then run to dad and cry out, asking him to help him finish fixing the lego because he cant do anything anymore...its the same with us and God!
When we are able to handle things on our own, or there is still an amount of human strength/power left, normally we are too busy or preoccupied with it. Cause we think we can solve the problem. E.g. exams, etc. Most of the time, we wanna try to impress God and say, "See? I did it!" (PS: That's something i must learn as well, lols =) )
Normally when a person is in the midst of drowning/struggling in the water, normally the life guard will observe the person for while before going into the water to save him/her. Why? Because if he goes in and attempts to save him or her when the person is struggling in the water, he/she might end up knocking the life guard unconscious and resulting in both of them having a greater risk of drowning, because the person still had energy and strength!
-Whatever man does, God always does the exact opposite! E.g. you want to be rich? then GIVE, you want to be loved, then FORGIVE, etc. In our fallen world, its the other way round!
-God likes to choose the most unlikely people, the most ordinary to do the extraordinary! What does it mean to be poor? To be HUNGRY, to be DEPENDENT, to be OPEN and TOTALLY YIELDED to the Holy Spirit!
HOW DOES GOD'S GRACE WORK?1) God's grace BEGINS when human ability FAILS.
2) God's grace is only received by FAITH; and carries a risk.
3) God's grace leaves no room for PRIDE.
-God's power is released only through human weakness, you are strong only when you are weak, let the weak say I am strong, God's strength is made perfect in weakness! =)