Short Post
Check out google's new browser.
Well, its not really new, has been out for about a month or so already. There's a short introductory video on that site. Im using it..not bad, safe, sleek and the address bar is a search engine combined into one...and many more.
Anyway, Im not using StyleXP for my desktop themes anymore, Ive switched to Windowblinds. =) And I get my themes from and Wincustomize. There's still a styler program in crystalXP that adds the vista address bar to XP (when you open your folders there's an address bar at the top of the window, in vista).
And yes, from now on, Im trying to make my default email. Hotmail's menu has been screwed up for sometime..either I cannot click on my mails..or the boxes overlap, or the javascript on that page to delete my mails, doesnt work. O_O
For now..back to work..
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