
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Celgrp, About myself

What can I say? CG was awesome. I love discussions. =) We are no longer a 'youth' cg, 95% of us are young adults now. We know how to rationalise, we know how to sympathise and to respect and be accountable people.

Its time to move away from childishness.

David became a man at the age of 13. And another girl, at the age of 11. When people call you pick up, if not call back, when people sms, at least reply, even if you cant, just say 'Ill get back to you later'. These are the basic simple things, even I myself must learn to do.

At least theres effort placed. Once in awhile its ok, but if its all the time then its time to do a reality check. Someone once told me, it all boils down to your relationship with God. If your relationship with God is strong, then there should be more DISCIPLINE in your life.

How you treat people, is how you treat God.
How you talk to people, is how you talk to God.

Its all about priorities and having the right foundation.

Today cg was rather 'unique', uniquely God's hahaha. It was so awesome, our cgl apart from Adam, is really the HS. He's the one who really led cg today. We started off with testimony, and just hearing the testimonies, God's presence saturated the place.

Even though it might be a new setting, but God is the God of Ages! Yeah! The God of new things, the God who never changes. And hearing Adam's testimony made me tear. If an earthly father can love him the way he did, how much more our heavenly father!

When I heard it I teared, beautiful saviour, how wonderful, how beautiful..and out of that revelation, I just started playing, Adam didnt tell me we were gonna skip praise, I just learned to flow, and I just changed the chords gradually to Beautiful Saviour.

And God just rained upon that place.

Even though it was just the 8 of us, it was the 8 hungry people, that brought down the presence of God. All it takes is a decision. The HS didnt come because He needs to, neither did He come because its a Celgrp S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure), He came because we sought Him, and His name is glorified.

Dont blame circumstances, dont complain, just flow, just obey and just change, make the decision. Be a person of initiative.

God moves only when we move. Thats one of the most important revelations I hold on dearly to.

Things can be done, things can change. If only you make a choice to.

Yes, sometimes we have to submit to our circumstances..but hey, arent we supposed to be AGENTS OF CHANGE?

Why submit to circumstances when we can CREATE our own circumstances!

Why is it I can be around during exams, during my IHP or even when Im sick? (I cant remember the last time I saw the doctor, really, hahaha). Its not because Im strong or 'super mature', but because I made the decision to. Persistency, consistency, spiritual hunger and dependency, thats what its all about.

Taking initiative, ownership and being socially responsible. Haha I still remember Ps Tan's message :D Okay, back to celgrp.

And so, I was really blessed by Adam's testimony, and it was just a God moment, a secret place moment. Never take God's presence for granted. What a privilege, yet for me as a celgrp guitarist, WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY! And a good one too. =)

I remembered when I was young, Id look at people play the guitar and I would visualise myself, playing in front of 10-20 people, it started out with just a desire, slowly, I went online, watched lessons and learned chords and play by hearing and by seeing.

And with God's power I was able to self-learned myself to be a celgrp guitarist. Okay, Im not trying to show off here, but its really how God can use people who are hungry, people who are desperate for the things of God. one said being a celgrp guitarist was easy, its a heavy responsibility. We set the pace and the atmosphere for the celgrp meeting. No matter what you are going through, you have to strong and rise to the occasion to be filled with the HS and to lead the celgrp into the presence of God.

Sometimes I feel discouraged, but I learnt to encourage myself. Sometimes I feel tired, but I learnt to stir myself up! Sometimes I feel dry, but I learnt to ignite the fire of passion! I have to be in 'tip-top' condition myself, before I serve.

Because Ps Meng or Ps Audrey said before during BS, when a guitarist plays, the anointing has to travel THROUGH him. The condition on his inside, will eventually leak out and flow to the outside. And to me, its a really important thing to grasp.

And to me, like Adam said, its not about the task, its about the purpose!

Why am I trying so hard? Its because bringing down the presence of God is not a TASK for me, I do it because I want CG, and OUTSIDE cg!

Im not gonna deny, people read my blog and people are watching. Thats why I make sure I dont live a double-life, the Andrew here is the same as the Andrew in real life, only that Im not that expressive, because Im more introverted than extroverted.

Not that Im purely introverted or anything, we all have our measure of introvert-ness or extrovert-ness. It is the HS that changes us.

Why am I trying so hard to help people? Its because bringing down the presence and the love of God is not a task! Inside, outside cg, I still do my best, for God and with God. I dont know about you but I crave for the spirit of excellence, like Dr A.R. Bernard said once, the size of our dream is the size of our God.

And as a cg guitarist, I have to live by example by ensuring that Im someone who doesnt take the presence of God for granted and I know I dont, and I say I have not arrived yet. Thats one of the main reason why I get provoked when there is a break of flow, and the HS 'leaves' the room.

I have no problem with imperfect people, none of us are perfect, I have issues when people grieve the HS by their actions and by the words they say. Im not really bothered by your weaknesses or imperfection, but I get really bothered when you do something or say something that destroys the atmosphere of God around my life. Thats when I get provoked.

Jesus is someone I love more than anyone else, Im closer to Him more than anyone else, and I dont like it when people 'bully' or take advantage of Him, esp when the HS is moving. Im okay with wrong flow, dont get me wrong, haha..there are people who are willing to learn and that's good. :) Its just that sometimes people dont think before they act. lol.

And so, cg message was rather interesting, haha..discussions, we should have more of them. :) After that had Portuguese egg tart, one slice of pandan sponge cake and one curry puff. Thanks thad for the house and thanks to the various refreshment people! =))

Oh yes, from tomorrow onwards, Ill be serving fortnightly on Saturday service 2. Starting tomorrow. :O So ill do my best to join u guys when Im done. And Ill prob be going Svc 3 or 4 on sunday. I dont believe in 50% ministry, 50% worship.

If I wanna serve, I serve a 100%, if I wanna worship, then I worship a 100%, which is why I go for multiple services :)

I think im gonna do this everytime after CG:

Thanks Adam, for being a great leader and a dear friend.
Thanks Thaddeus, for the house, for being a great host and friend.
Thanks Wenrui, for all your inspiring poems and revelations. =))
Thanks Pamela, for really being a great friend whom Ive grown up with.
Not many people can tolerate my nonsense. Haha.

Thanks Timothy, for being a brother who reminds me of Jesus more and more each day.
Thanks Pohchoo for being the 'spotlight' and the 'life' of the celgrp.
Thanks Elaine, for being a great sister, always bringing a great smile.

Have an attitude of gratitude.
Be faithful in the little things, and God will put you over many.

Along the way home, met Jeremy, Daniel and Charlene at the main road behind boonlay bus interchange. Also, I had another revelation:

If God has placed an impossible situation before you,
It's because only you can achieve that impossibility!


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