
Monday, June 09, 2008

Service 3, Service 4, Photos

Service 3 was awesome. Great impartation, healings, miracles. Dr Che Ahn really moved the church to a whole new level. As for service 4, it was great too, even though the sermon is a bit long haha..but its good, cus it was the last service.

A few things that kept on ringing in my head.

You are only as good as your weakest friendship/relationship.

Its not just about what you do, or what you believe, But who you do it with, and who you believe it with.

Dr Che Ahn said it pretty clearly too, people can say what they want, they can say they believe a lot of things, yet just because you believe, it doesnt mean you have the faith to live it out!

Many people believe because they feel that somehow, they are saved, or somehow that God is with them. Like wayne said during LOUD camp, stop living a life of believing and start living a life of faith!

Faith is not just believing, faith is acting, faith is knowing, faith is experiencing!

Faith and love, are definitely NOT feelings. They are actions executed, based on decisions made from your thinking and attitude!

Its so amazing, haha, how I once said,

God uses people.
The devil uses people too.

I remembered saying it a few days ago, and on sunday, ps robb thompson said the exact same thing! LOL. Praise God for that.

Im currently in the midst of packing my stuffs, a few more hours to go and Ill be away for 'some time' haha. I dunno, I just feel like Im going on a mission trip. =/

Anyway, here are some pics. This will probably be the last time you are gonna see pictures here for a long long time. =O (Credits to Queen Pamela)

Ooooh, cake! Ooooh, cream! Ooooh, FATS!

Lets dig in. Okay, maybe not 'lets', cause its just me. O_O

The countdown begins... *Can you tell thaddeus was really really hungry? Look at what he's got in his mouth hahahaha..

Ahhhhhhmmmm! *look at the 'intense concentration'.

Ever wondered how 2 spoons + 1 fork entering your mouth feels like?

Where did the cream go? :O *Correction: Going.

Oh look, suddenly its Adam's birthday! Nah, its me. Look at my new hairstyle and plastic surgery! Wow! I have indeed grown in size and stature. Even my hair's grown..vertically that is. :O

Opening the present, with food in my mouth obviously LOL.

I was marvelled at how fast my hand moved, I am Andrew Angelo - Hands without shadows! BUUHAHA! And thad's obviously marvelled at something up his sleeve, erm, I mean, up his nose.

Do I look like a birthday cake to you? =p

The biggest birthday card in my life.

The most expensive present in my life.

Creative Zen Stone Plus.

(Thanks loads to E420, especially to thaddeus chew chew chewbacca.)

ROFLMAOLOL. Nah, he's the greatest person anyone can ever know. =)

Will blog again later.


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