
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Service, FIR, Meditations

Service was awesome.
Ministry was too.

FIR's testimony really moved me.
The passion they had, the love they had.
That first love, that child-like faith.
Words that touched, words that impacted.
God is good, all the time.
Celebrity celgrp, now growing till 40 over members.
Time to buck up.

Without Christ, theyve come so far, went so high.
Imagine what they can accomplish now.
Imagine the people of the greater works.
"I cant imagine one day without God" - FIR
Can you live one day without His presence?
Or do you seek Him only during the weekends.
A couple that fellowships together stay together.

How close do you want your walk with God to be?
Then make the effort to stay connected.
Dont live like 'married-singles'.
It doesnt work this way.
Dont just give God your weekends.
Give him your all.
Can you afford to not think of yourself even for one minute?

How much you think of God,
How much you surrender to Him,
Will be how much He will show himself real.
Will be how much you are going to experience Him.

Many things going through my mind.
It may be the same for you.
Perfect conditions never come.
Excuses dont excuse, reasons dont explain.
God moves only when you move,
God stops when you stop.

That which isnt faith is sin.
God takes the initiative to draw us,
We take the initiative to live for Him,
To serve God, to serve people.

A preference is something that gives you a choice.
A conviction takes no for an answer.
There is no "No"; no "wait".
But "Yes, I will obey, no matter what the cost".

Not exams, not PO, not depression, not assignments,
Not debt, not recession, not divorce, not disappointments,
Not loneliness or being alone. Not even when no one does it.

A strong conviction is one that never says no.
One that will still say yes, even if it means losing your life.
Even if it means losing friends who hinder your walk with God.
A true conviction always has a way;
It understands that God's grace is sufficient.

What are your convictions?

Is service a conviction?
Is prayer a conviction?
Is reading the word a conviction?
Is fellowship a conviction?
Is bible study a conviction?
Is tithing a conviction?
Is offering a conviction?
Is ministry a conviction?
Is soul winning a conviction?
Is moving in the spirit a conviction?
Is being nice to people a conviction?
Is commitment a conviction?
Is sacrifice a conviction?
Is esteeming others better than self a conviction?
Are the beattitudes a conviction?
Is fasting a conviction?
Is accountability a conviction?
Is meekness and brokenness a conviction?
Is humility a conviction?
Is relationship a conviction?
Is marriage a conviction?

Which of these you have said no before?
Which of these you have no choice but to say yes?
Just how much do you really love God?
Just how much do you really love people?

The double-minded is unstable in all his ways.
His heart says 'A', but his mind says 'B'.
He never makes a decision.
He goes with the flow.
He just go with his sense of comfort.
He does what he feels like, says what he wants.
He wants to benefit himself, not willing to GIVE.

Do you know how "I" feel?
This is what "I" want.
"I" think we should do this.
"I" know I should do this; shouldnt do that.

He treats people nice one day, then become cold the next day.
He appears for some days, then disappears for some days.
He's neither hot, nor cold.
Neither here, nor there.

He's confused.
Confusion is the result of not making a decision.
Life would be so much easier, if you'd just make up your mind.

How can a plane land safely,
If the landing autopilot isnt programmed?
How can the NEL train service transport passengers safely,
If the routing system isnt planned?

Where is God?
Where is He?
Where are they?
Your friends.

Who do you talk about the most?
What do you talk about the most?
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

If you really love God,
Then everyday should be about God.

Are you crazy over God?
Are you in love with God?
Are you craving for God?
Then where is your excitement?

Is there romance in your relationship with God?

Know who you are.
Know where you've come from.
Know what you have.
Know where you are going.

Now make up your mind.
"Let him make up his mind, whom he will serve this day."


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