
Friday, November 16, 2007

Thoughts, Revelation, Discipleship

I loved what Shing put on her blog..

"Not all things are taught, but caught."

Life is a bad teacher. It gives you the punishment and the pain, then it teaches you the lesson. But revelation is to know before you experience it. And you get to choose whether you wanna obey or not.

They always say, life is a test. That is true. it is a test of character, a test of commitment, a test of endurance, and many others. Life is the only test which has the answer booklet for you to see.

No one knows the spirit of a man, except the spirit of man. Likewise, no one knows the things of God except the spirit that is from God. People longed for unity, people longed for good and long lasting relationships, people long for love and peace..

but ps ulf made it so clear. You want something good? Then pay the price!


i remembered him saying it that so clearly. during the sunday service. we are saved and we have the HS is because someone paid the price for it. now, if ure gonna take advantage of it and treat it lightly, then one day ull gonna lose it.

let me stress again that salvation is not a one time event. and at anytime, God might call you back when u least expect it. as for the second coming, when He a thief, what do you think He will catch you doing?

because it said so clearly in Revelation, that we WILL be caught off guard. life is short, life is unpredictable. dont procrastinate. adam said so clearly last night.

the moment ure confident of urself, then God is no longer the Lord of ur life..because deep down u dont need God..even if its just for one second! What does it mean to have a heart of brokenness, to know that you are nothing without God.

you cannot choose self AND God. either u live for urself 100% or u live for God a 100%.

if He is not your Lord of ALL, He is not your Lord at all.

either ure hot or ure cold. there's no room for lukewarmness.

a double minded person is unstable in all his ways.

if you wait for perfect conditions, ull never get anything done!

what are you living for? who do you love?

where your treasure is, there your heart will be.

i know im saying a lot of things..but these are the things my life is built on.."but its too difficult..too stressful, too demanding of you.."

so ure saying your Saviour dying on the cross is something cheap? why dont you do it instead. not just for one person, not just for your enemy..but for the whole world? why dont you bear the 40 stripes on your back. blood on your head..saliva on your face, nails on your hands and feet?

you think living for God is easy? then ure at the wrong place..or at least in the wrong church/celgrp. its true chc is not just for the strong, but for the new as well. BUT..its definitely a place for the serious. its okay if ure mature, its okay if ure immature..but if ure not serious..then sooner or later ull gonna leave. i can guarantee 200%.

during cg yest while we were singing this song, God reminded me.."you asked your Son, to carry this..the heavy cross, our weight of sin..Andrew, will you deny yourself, take up ur cross and follow Me?"

you wanna sow into the BF right? you want to see a place in e marketplace, for e marketplace, to penetrate e marketplace right? well..when that dream is realised, what are u gonna do? with more people being added daily, u think ur responsibility will shrink? give me a break.

if you cant disciple YOURSELF are you gonna do it later? sooner or later..ure gonna be e most senior in the cg, sooner or later..ull be a PCGL. because everyone else is new. and just look at how fast things are moving..

just within one yr, a cg can multiply 1-3 times. u think ure gonna stay a newbie forever? sorry my friend. that aint happening. are u gonna wait till that time before you start growing up? are u gonna wait until ure e only 'strong and mature' one in e cg before u start taking ownership and live like a leader?

then ure gonna get upset, ure gonna stumble, ull grumble and complain and ull leave eventually. just ask urself, will u even still be around when we have our own bldg? what will u be doing?

are u gonna wait till u have wrinkles before u start serving? are u gonna wait till u have children before u start leading by example? or are u gonna start now?

in biblical times, boys become men at 13 and girls become ladies at 11. and yet so many still cling on to their years of mischief and irresponsibility.

'ohh andrew ure so hard to please..ure too fierce and intimidating..' well..u only say that because ure afraid to rise up! ure afraid of instruction and ure intimidated by discipleship. u just wanna live a casual comfortable and 'slack' life.

people are naturally afraid of commitment and sacrifice. but i delight in it because happy are those whose God is the Lord. When Jesus was a teenager, He was about His Father's business. im no longer a teenager. thats why i seize the moment.

u wanna have fun? u wanna do ur own thing? Joyce, my ministry IC once discipled me saying,

DONT JUST DO YOUR OWN THING! we are a TEAM! what you do is gonna affect everyone else, please be considerate and responsible next time k?

the body of Christ is a team. stop being selfish and start growing up. dont wait for ur life to get into trouble before u start acting!

so many things in e world are calling u..hunks, babes, clothes, food, accesories, games, what not. the world is SCREAMING at you. what are you going to do? im not saying that those are bad. dont get me wrong..they only become the devil's instruments the moment u have NO CHOICE, the moment you CANT HELP IT.

freedom is not the liberty to do what you want.
freedom is the liberty to say no to what you dont want.

Chooose today whom you will follow.


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