
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Swines and Dogs

Many things have happened recently and in the midst of my struggles, sometimes even crying myself to sleep, God began to encourage...well, not really encourage but speak to me in this one strange verse..

Mt 7:6 - "Don't give what is holy to unholy people. Don't give pearls to swine! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you." (NLT)

In some translations it says "Do not give dogs what is sacred". This is solid meat man, this is powerful stuff! When in the whole bible do you mention them referring to a group of people as DOGS? Yes, there are brood of vipers, and all that, but DOGS? God must've meant business here.

What are swines and dogs? No matter how precious a pearl is, swines will just see it as any other object. They tend to step over it, they dont appreciate it and sometimes even walk away from it. These pearls are your revelations, your blessings, your precious life experiences from God, etc. Pst Kong did a sermon once about it, like 1-2 years ago, cant really remember when.

Dogs on the other hand, they eat away your leftovers, leave nothing behind and sometimes even bite from the very hand that feeds them. Ive been reminded how unwise it is to take what is meant for you to share it with irresponsible people. Now, it may seem a bit unreasonable to withhold things from people, but even God Himself holds back certain things and even hinders some people, all in His sovereignty and divine plan and purpose.

If God's purpose is for you to have something, and you give it away, the moment you do that, that thing, that experience, that gift and revelation, has been considered 'out' of that purpose, out of that will. Its like you casting away your own destiny. The spirit of Cain, who exchanged his birthright for a bowl of soup!

Not only does it show an unwise stewardship on our part, it becomes unfruitfulness when what God has given to you, thats meant to be sown into someone else's life and to bring in an increase, a growth, ends up in vain.

Likewise, on the contrary, if we're not careful, we will end up on the other side of the spectrum, being "Christian Swines" and "Christian Dogs". We dont appreciate the things of God, we trample over those in authority and we neglect those whom God has placed in your life. You live for the blessing more than the blessor, be it God, or even your friends, your leaders, who gave and sacrificed so much for you.

We despise revelation and we say spiritual things are BORING, dull, plain and we limit God, we doubt Him, etc.

These are your spiritual swines and dogs, and the bible is very strict, that blespheming against the Holy Sprit is a very serious matter. Okay, Im going off topic with the blespheming part, haha. But yea.

Dont despise the things of God, dont neglect the His people, and touch not His anointed ones.

It has been a painful experience for me, but I learnt many things, and I began to feel identified with the sufferings of Christ Himself. I know how it feels like to seek fellowship and no one replies you, I know how it feels like to give of yourself and no one appreciates you, I know how it feels like to be alone and everyone else out there is either too busy or having fun, I know how it feels like to have great plans, good intentions and people doubt you or worse, even get suspicious of you.

Arent these things the same way some people treat God? How you treat people is how you treat God. It just hurts God so much, it breaks His heart, even though sometimes He doesnt say.

Sometimes I think back and I begin to say, "God Im so sorry for how Ive treated you, seeing everyone treat me like that, I begin to understand how You really feel. God, I want to be always available for you, I dont want to leave you alone anymore. When You speak to me, God I will reply and I will press into You. God, I will set aside time to spend time alone romantically with You, whether is it shopping alone, eating alone, God the little that I have, I give it to You..."

God is knocking at the door of our hearts everyday, longing to fellowship with us, longing to have a chat with us, to give us good gifts and a great destiny, but just how many times we have let Him down, yet He readily forgives us? Ive knocked onto the door of some people's hearts, but they turn me away, the same way they turn Christ away, with their busy-ness of ministry.

I long to share my life but people seem uninterested, the same way God wishes to share His plans with us yet some of us are always occupied. When we pray, we only ask God for things. There's no love, no affection, no intimacy. God is just a vending machine to you, the same way some have treated me.

"Bless me, protect me, anoint me, encourage me, teach me, lead me, show me, etc" - Everything is me, me, me. Its not wrong, dont misunderstand me, but where is the element of relationship?

The question today will be, are you "using God"? Or are you loving Him?

The christian life is not a one-way street, it takes 2 to make things work. Now, if nothing's happening in your life, then ask yourself, are the 2 working together? Who are the 2? You and God. Are you both in agreement? Or does God have His plans and you have your own plans? Are you guys in sync? The place of agreement is the place of power.

Hold on tight to these pearls that Christ paid a big price for. Treasure the people around you, cling onto the revelations God has given to you like they mean your life, your food, your means for survival. Im a very silent, peaceful and sentimental person, though many would disagree after seeing my YouTube haha, but yea, I value people's feelings a lot and I meditate a lot, like my friend says, I remember every single word and every single thing anyone has done or said to me.

But like sentimentality...

The sentimental value of the blessings, revelations and people God has placed in your life,
Reflects the level of your intimacy with God.

When your best friend gives you a present, do you not hold on tight to it?
When you lose it do you not cry? Because it meant so much to you.

Likewise, what are you doing with what and who God has given to you today?
Are you emotionally attached to God?

Its one thing to love God,
Its another thing to BE IN LOVE with God.

Are you two living like married singles?
You do things because you have to, because its a routine, etc.

Check your relationships. They tell a lot about your walk with God.
A friend also reminded me of the "Kisser or Cleaver" sermon.

Its weird cus everytime my heart breaks, I blog a lot, like A LOT, really A LOT. Haha. I guess its risky to break my heart because, whats on the inside will come out. Hahaha.

If my reaction is drastic, like from a funny chatty guy to a solemn, silent and serious persona, then you know that the Andrew you live with, has been hiding behind a shell. :S And I do admit, I am most of the feel accepted, to meet the demands of ministry, etc. Im working on it, but sometimes you cant help it, things are moving so fast, you just got to adapt on the spot. =/

Sometimes even though you're hurt, you have to be cheerful for someone. I know how it feels like and I believe people can identify with that. Im really doing my best, but sometimes, I feel Im not doing enough. There's no...'constructive feedback', no 'response', and I really dont know whether people feel better, inspired, or just downright bored with me.

Everything is a one-way street for me, maybe its because your relationship with God is also a one-way street? Haha. Okay, I shall not say anymore, I think its clear enough...

I may not have the ability to lead, Im not even a connect group leader or a committee member in cg, Im just a normal teddybear who plays guitar with a lot of thought and emotion, ultra thick on the outside to bind and rebuke every demon and evil spirit and to start a war with hell every single time I get provoked with the Devil, but inside, soft like marshmallow, even when people scold me, I just take everything in, like a sponge, keep quiet and smile.

Okay, Im getting VERY off topic, cus Im typing this on notepad at my workplace since I have no internet access and I cant help but to pen down my thoughts, or rather...keyboard down my thoughts haha. Ill be copying and pasting it directly when I get home. Im doing my work too, dont worry. :O


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