
Monday, December 07, 2009

Post Death Bloggings (LONG POST!)

Many things have happened recently, and Ive been thinking through a lot of things.

Some people see death as the end of life,
While others can see death as the end of sufferings.

Life is like an internship, we come, we do our assignment on earth, we go.

What does it meant to be 'attached' to the world?
Exactly what it means, attachment to things/people in this world.

Everyone wants meaningful relationships. Yes, people are important.
But people are not the foundation. The Word is.

That is why we are called brothers and sisters in Christ, we are co-workers, and together, we are the BODY of Christ...for God's purposes in our lives, it is through these 'colleagues' that we learn to love, learn to give and learn to mature and handle life.

What does it mean when bible says that the power of death has been broken?

More than just the physical victory over death, and stepping into God's presence when we leave, it is the POWER that is broken.

In layman's terms, death has no effect, death has no power.

Some people ask me, do I not care? Yes I do.
Some people ask me, how come Im not affected? I am.
Its one thing to be affected, its another thing to be carried away.

Death is a selfish spirit. (Death IS a spirit by the way, thats why its called the SPIRIT of Death).

More than just the departure of a loved one which seems selfish to leave us all alone, for the mourner, it can be deemed selfish the moment we choose to hold on to that which is not ours.

We must be careful that we dont come to a point where we think we own a single thing on this earth, because honestly, we dont. We are all just stewards, of not just material things, but PEOPLE as well.

At the end of the day, God is not going to say, 'well done, good and faithful son, well done, good and faithful pastor, well done, good and faithful leader'...No. The only commendation we will receive is, 'well done, good and faithful SERVANT.'

What is it that we have contributed to the lives of those around us? Do we take from others more than what we can give?

For every person in your contact list, if you were asked to list the things you have given to that person, what would it be? How many will there be?

But honestly, at the end of the day, God will hold us accountable over everything and everyone He has entrusted to us. Have we properly looked after them? How good is your stewardship?

Another reason why Death is selfish is because we tend to get worked up, over how the person can bless US, its about OUR benefit, what WE can, or COULD HAVE gained, etc. I dont know whether you notice or not, but that seems to be the trend. It is the occasion where we want to TAKE the most.

Its like saying NO to God Himself.

Its okay, to miss someone, that is human nature, but be careful not to come to a point where you try to BE God in that situation, or it affects you so badly that you keep wanting and wanting and wanting, instead of giving, giving and giving. Or worse, you get angry at God.

Throughout this period, I have learnt many things...

In fact, many things have happened. They say fire purifies, and I believe so strongly.

Many people tell God, God, use me. God, I want to be a blessing.

But to do that, you have to position yourself for God to use.

Use my example as an illustration, I discovered who really cared, who really didnt. I mean, for those who smsed me, or asked me how I was doing, I really appreciate it all esp my cg and a few others who came down, whoever you are, love all you guys.

There are those who were busy, whom I cant blame...cus 'some' are always busy hahaha, its like a tape recorder playing over and over, or those who simply couldnt be bothered.

Even if you're genuinely 'busy' at least give me the assurance or let me know. Instead of creating 'suspense' for me. Im someone who walks away from dead ends. Dont expect me to understand if you're not gonna express it.

PS: For those who are innocent, haha stay innocent, sorry, I was too caught up and everything occured between midnight and sunrise to inform you guys. :(

I mean, honestly, there's no greater opportunity to be a blessing than to be there for someone who's in need. Btw, Im not gonna dwell on all the 'wrong people', Ill just state a truth that is fair and unbiased so that it can apply even to myself.

So for those who prayed to God, God, make me a blessing, you arent really sincere when you prayed that prayer because you ignored an opportunity, and you could bless but you chose not to, you chose your comfort...especially if you're enjoying your holidays or term breaks and with nothing to do.

Especially if you said something and you didnt do it, then if we are like that, how are we like God? Whatever God says, doesnt fall to the ground. Whatever you say, does it fall to the ground?

Back then, I posted something about A.S.K. - Asking and u shall receive, Seek and u shall find, Knock and it will be opened.

We all want to be like God, but have we come to a point where we see what God sees, thinks what God thinks and SPEAK what God speaks? Are we able to, like God, say to others, 'Ask and u shall receive, seek and u shall find, knock and the door will be opened'?

Can we provide?
Can we be found?
Can we be open and honest and proactive?

Back to the death incident...

Ive been thinking what God gave me not, one, not two, but THREE encounters in ONE DAY! One of which was an angelic encounter.

Its one thing to encounter God, its another thing to encounter God AND angels.

Maybe God probably knew, at that point, I was really broken, and God wanted to give me that assurance, that comfort. And if I believe correctly, He couldnt find anyone at that time, who's AVAILABLE.

So what happened? He did everything Himself.
Pst once said, "If you're not interested or you're too busy, God can always find someone else"

There was no one to comfort me, it was 230am past midnight, everyone, or rather, most of us were asleep (what a bad time right? hahaha)! So in that situation what did God do? He did find two of my cg members who were awake. To one, He spoke a bible verse, to the other, He moved in his heart to go down to the hospital with me...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ALL THE WAY TILL 5AM.

Now, frankly speaking, I was AMAZED. I was even more surprised that there were EVEN people still awake! LOL.

So anyway, I needed comfort and love and God knew it. I mean, He knows our needs.

All he had, were 2 faithful members who arent even in ministry yet, they are just NEW MEMBERS, but they were available, and God placed in them that ANOINTING TO DO THE WORK OF ANGELS. And that night, they were like angels to me.

God knew I was at my breaking point, He needed to do a miracle for me and I did pray that something will happen, at least to give me that peace and assurance.

And Jesus probably asked Father God, 'Who do we have?' and Father God probably said, "Lets see, all we have is 2 new members, but I will make them do great things, in them, I will place the anointing to have the power of a miracle!"

True enough, these 2 members, young and new as they may be, became the angels and the miracle I had been praying for, in that time, in that season.

Friends, God needs things to be done. While men is looking for better methods, God is looking for better men. That is why we are His BODY, His hands, His feet, His eyes, His ears, His mouthpiece.

And if you want God to use you mightily, then stop being "IN USE".

We are His body, and very often I realized that God uses people the most.

When poeple need a guitar, I can provide, when people need finances, I know I can give, its within my capacity to do so, when people need a listening ear, I can travel all the way to the east just to be there, these are things within my means, but more than that, I take every opportunity God can work through me.

Some of my blog readers told me once, "Im so blessed by you, how do you do it?" And its simple. All blessings come from God. I just chose to be that "Wrapping Paper" God could use.

Every opportunity I can speak a word, I take it.
Every opportunity I can give something, I take it.

Relationship precedes ministry.

For me, personally, my relationships are my ministry. We are here not to be served, but to serve, and to give of our lives for others.

You can be so into your celgrp MORE than your celgrp MEMBERS.
You can be so into your job MORE than the income you gain that can be a blessing to your friends and families.

Yes, leadership is good.
Yes, earning money and being efficient at work is good.

But lets not forget, at the end of the day, when we stand before God, who will be the ones who will come and shake our hands and say, "Thank you".

At the end of the day, "who will have everything you have worked for?" I make a decision to give and keep on giving, to encourage and keep on encouraging, to bless and keep on blessing, to share and keep on sharing even though some people find me a 'bother' haha.

Im just passionate haha. Whenever I have a revelation, Im excited to share it, because I know I can strengthen someone. :)

I may not be a leader myself, I may not be the most experienced or the most smartest or the most eloquent, but whatever I have, I wanna make the best out of it.

Giving becomes easy, the moment we receive the Giver Himself. ;)

If God can do it, if a gaming geek like me can do it, so can you.


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