
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Service, CG, Randoms, Encounter

This week has been tiringly boring haha.

Wake up, breakfast, rehearsal, lunch, rehearsal, dinner, sleep. Gosh. Btw, POP is on friday 5pm. We have 4 POPs going on at once. 132nd NS intake, OfficerCadet Intake, Regulars, and Combined (Brunei police, prison, senior officers).

Anyway, the boring things aside. Service was great yesterday. What a powerful message on the 4th dimension! No more praying with limits, no more living within the boundaries of our 3D world. Time to step out, time to break out.

Arise and Build is coming. Im excited, yet at the same time, the devil is gonna hit us hard, he always does. Seriously, he's just a lion with bad breath and no teeth, all he does is roars, lies and puts fear into people.

Yesterday my cg, wayne's cg and rhonda's cg combined fellowship at airport. LOL. It was funny seeing the huge group hogging a corner at T3 LOL. Had POPEYES..felt so pregnant after that =x

On e way home, on the train, there was an 'incident' with a 'difficult guy', who I found out from my bro later, that he's a 'regular'.

Skinny, but defined body, 166-168cm, short pokey hair, slightly wrinkled, moderately big eyes, wears sports singlets and berms, carries a blackish blue handphone. Bumps people, and finds trouble at the exit of a train on the green line, between lavender to raffles city.

And so, in short, he made a 'scene'.

LOL..being police-trained, I can recognise the guy the next time I see him. Watch out. If I not happy with you, I take out my warrant card then you know. Anyway, he was the devil at that point in time. Come to think of it, he looks like lucifer too. HAHA..stupid dickhead. o.o

Anyway..something amazing happened during make up cg yesterday morning. Towards e end of e meeting, we had a 'turn to ur neighbours and pray' session. So I was praying with this brother. He was a little 'unique'. So it was quite a challenge for me, first of all, I dont know him, secondly, he had difficulty praying and flowing and all yea..

Anyway, I didnt know where to start or end, and we were supposed to discuss something regarding e sermon and then pray, and so, I was asking him some things and he didnt reply, or rather, didnt know what I meant or how to communicate. So..yea, for a moment, I felt like I was talking to a wall..making a fool of myself.

However, I started praying and we ended. I ended the prayer. But I dont know if he doesnt know it ended or what, he was still praying. So I was a bit stressed and irritated. Deep down I wanted to say, "Erm..Ive ended already?" or something like that..

But deep down, I knew this wasnt the end..

And true enough, my heart was open, I knew I wasnt good at prayer, all I had was a willing, servant heart, a vessel that God could use.

I let Him down in some areas this week, and you know how it feels let someone you love down and yet having to face Him, and worse still, ask Him for things through prayer, it feels bad. But thats how amazing God is, He loves, He forgives. His never-ending mercy, picked me up from where I was and brought me to where He wanted me to be.

As I continued praying in tongues with the brother, the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart, "Pray for family...". Being human, we tend to reason in our heads. "Huh? Family? A bit 'off' ah? The sermon was about a renewed mindset and You want me to pray for family?"

I felt awkward, and hesitant at first. But I obeyed anyway. Thats how faith never makes sense. Hahaha...

As I moved in obedience, HS moved me into the realm of gifts and, just like a download from heaven, in an instant, I received a word of knowledge, and I began to pray. Not loudly, but firmly, slowly and lovingly. I prayed for his family. I didnt know what to pray, but at that point in time, the thought of 'oh no, what am I gonna pray for?' never entered me.

I knew from past experiences, that as long as I obeyed, God will take over. The words just came out..and amazingly, it found its way to the sermon message and the words just related and flowed so perfectly. Word by word, I didnt stumble at all, not one word.

And as I prayed, he started weeping and crying, heavy sobbing and he was ministered on the spot, and I didnt even lay hands on him. It was really an eye opener for me. Just by being a blessing, I myself felt blessed. I knew at that moment that I was doing the right thing at the right time with the right people. =)

Oh yes, remember the water research done by Masaru Emoto? I have a website thanks to Desmond. Haha. Just click HERE

I found this new song by KC, he wrote it. We havent sang it yet, but maybe we will sometime later or probably during Asia Conference, I have a studio version of it though, haha..but Im not gonna upload it on imeem. *Respect. Haha.

The God I Know - GanKC

When the stage is bare tonight
There's no one else
Just You and me
When the curtains close behind
There's no pretense
I'm on my knees

I will lay down my all
For there's no greater cause
Than You my Lord
It's all because of You
It's all because of You

The God I know
Glorious and holy
The God I know
Is faithful and true
The God I know
A tower of refuge
Hearts are healed
Christ revealed

The God I know
Light of this city
The God I know
Strengthens the weak
The God I know
Is strong and mighty
As He is, so are we

Holy Holy
Is our God
Is our God

The church He knows
Glorious and holy
The church He knows
Is faithful and true
The church He knows
A tower of refuge
Hearts are healed
Christ revealed

The church He knows
Light of this city
The church He knows
Strengthens the weak
The church He knows
Is strong and mighty
As He is, so are we


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