
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Service and CG

Both were great. Arise and build is coming! I dunno about you but Im excited to give once again.

I may not be financially 'blessed' yet, but one day, Im believing for my first million by the time Im 30. =) I confessed it once and Im confessing it again. XD haha.

Nevertheless, the blessings Ive received from my previous Arise n Builds, the anointing, the favor, the early bookouts, the breakthrough academically and spiritually, has outnumbered my giving and God has blessed me with things that no money can buy.

Just think about it...

Sow your limited, and God will give you the unlimited.
Sow the possible and God will give you the impossible.

Lord, I give You my all in exchange for all of You...

This week's book in timetable is strange. I have swimming, gym and then out of nowhere, ushering!!! LOL!!! Yes..USHERING, for enlistment day on tuesday.

Even though it may seem like an interesting thing to do, but do pray for favor and the spirit of excellence to be upon me. That God will be glorified, what people in the world fail to do, with God, Im able to do all things!

I was thinking this morning, the good grades Ive gotten, more than just prayer, love and the grace of God, I have to credit it to Elaine too.

You see, Elaine's been the 'distinction' member in our cg, so I really wanted that anointing, I was really hungry for it, I wanted good grades..even though its law and not information tech, I wanted to see results Ive never seen before. And I remembered asking her pray for me.

More than being specific with prayer, prayer is hardwork, prayer requires planning.

Planned and specific to the point I know WHO to go to for prayer. More than just praying the right thing, Ive learnt its good to know the RIGHT PERSON to pray for you.

Someone so gifted and abundant in the anointing of good grades, like Elaine, thats why I asked her, and a few others to pray for me.

Im thinking, this arise and build, Im finding an opportunity for wenrui to pray for me. =)) HAHAHA! That guy, he has the THOUSANDS-OF-DOLLARS-DROP-ON-YOUR-TABLE anointing!

I want it! Im hungry and desperate! This arise and build, will be the best arise and build of my life! XD

Its amazing. Thats why God gifted us differently. Thats why we complement each other. Everyone is different, some total opposites. I believe, we're not just gifted to serve the unchurched, but the body of christ as well, our cgs, our zones, etc.


For the anointing for business, you have Thomas and Sebas.
For the anointing for academics and wisdom, you have Elaine.
For the anointing for love and service, you have Pamela and Thaddeus.
For the anointing for administration and creativity, you have Tricia and Pohchoo.
For the anointing for finance and inspiration, you have wenrui.
For the anointing for leadership and discipleship, you have our very own Adam.
For the anointing for anointing and presence, you have me and Timo.

So far, thats all I can think of haha. Thats who we are, thats what makes up E420. We're not just built on one man, but on every individual, playing his/her part, loving God wholeheartedly and loving people fervently.

Oh yes, do check out the Good News Translation on

Read the book of proverbs haha..its suuuuper straightforward and 'shooting'. I think its very pastor kong, haha..its very me too.

Back to preparation for book in...


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