
Friday, October 24, 2008

Posting Results, Rants

Yesterday was company night, with KFC and Pizzas. Not bad, everyone putting on a great show. But somehow, it feels like my 21st birthday, feeling lonely despite being not alone. To put it in short, its simply because Im having a happy occasion with the wrong people.

And I dont understand, how people can tell me in the midst of it, have fun, enjoy yourself. Honestly, I dont care. Im a 'no nonsense' guy. I cant tolerate anything sub standard, character and attitude inclusive.

If you wanna do something, do it well, put in ur best effort!
If you wanna live life to the fullest, then live it like you have it!
If not, then just forget it.

Being surrounded by monkeys..'ohh have fun!', whats so fun about stripping and beating each other up? Being childish is fun to you? Wake up!!! Im sure a kindergarten kid is more happening than you!

Just because I love someone it doesnt mean I can approve of his lifestyle. But still, I kept on loving, kept on serving.

The past 2 weeks Ive been silent.

Cleaning up rubbish left by others, paying for food only to be eaten and 'koped' by someone else, and during meal times, Im always the last one left behind. What happened?

Basically everyone else either cut queued, except me. Or..they dont wash their hands. EVEN..when people had to make a rule saying you MUST wash ur hands before you eat, esp after that food poisoning case. And after eating, everyone just "ohhhh lets go..'', while I sit there alone, with my food jus arrived! HELLO!?!

And you can still ask me, "aiyo andrew..why you now then start eating?" or.."Aiyo andrew, why you eat so slow?" Because seriously, everyone around me gobbles food down as if a toiletbowl is being flushed like that.

Worse still, Im surrounded by sloppy, disgusting idiots. Not only that, clumsy as ever. Your butt so big you cant even see your feet is it!?! My boots get stepped on by fatty bomboms every single day! And every single day I polish my boots for goodness sake! I even have people ACCIDENTALLY sitting on my boots.

I mean, are you from mars or something? How on earth is it possible to 'accidentally sit' on a pair of boots thats bigger than e size of your face!?! O_O Are your eyes so small you cant even see a truck coming at you head on?

I have people who dont bathe, dont brush teeth, and neither do they change their clothes the whole week! No Im not exaggerating. And the same guy has been 'geng'ing since he came 4 months ago. Not only he 'skipped' physical activity, he eats rice the size of mount everest! I see already I also scared man. O_O (And its all just ONE GUY!)

Sometimes I just feel like putting your whole head into the pile of rice, since you love rice so much! But seriously, the rice mountain is so high you can put a human head in it, or at least, half! No exaggeration again.

ROOAAARRR!!! So mad!!! Why am I surrounded by looney clowns!?! Ahhhhh!!! You think this is cartoon network ah?

Anyway, back to my posting results..haha.

Division: Juliet Division (Jurong)

Position: NSOSO (National Service Operations Support Officer)

Basically, unlike ur usual 'staff assistants', this office job aint an ordinary slackers' job. Yes, its an office job, but the only difference is that, this post, is doing office work under the operations department.

As in every div/hq, the operations dept is like a crucial part of the heirachy. Ill be doing more of planning, logistics stuffs under a managerial board, as an assistant. Crucial role? Yes. Stressing and challenging? Might be, especially on big days such as NDP, etc.

I might even get to sit in the same meeting room as the 'higher-ups', I dont know..I heard someone whispering something about it haha.

As you can tell, Im not really familiar with this post..why? Its new. Yes. My batch is the first to get Just pray for the right people.

But for someone like me, I prefer to work alone. =/


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