
Monday, August 27, 2007


woke up early this morning..after a funny dream..haha..i was holding someone's tell who..haha. so weird. :P

God is funny. haha. while i was gaming today..a lady walked past my window..

erm, in case ure i saw a ghost..NO. window outside is the corridor O_O. yea..she was asking something in chinese and u know my china is not very good..i only heard "ni neng jie wo shi kuai $10 mah?"..

immediately..automatically.." yi.." took out another 10 bucks. and just gave her. and i think she got shocked. her smile made me smile too..she thanked me and i said bo ke qi :)

and continued gaming..

and God whispered "you are one crazy fella..when ure depressed u give..when ure gaming..u dont even need to question if the girl was cheating you or not.." and i just felt God smile :))

nah..i didnt give because i was attracted by her. even though she's young. people in my celgrp and church look better..but..thats not the point. love is unconditional. i love because i want to..i give because i want to. no need to even stop and think.

even though sometimes its important..but when ur relationship with God is can easily tell if you're led. meng mentioned during bs before..the true mark of maturity is the ability to be led by the Holy Spirit.

and yes..i find it strange too. haha. my poor money =/ BUT! its not my money anyway, its God's money. we are just stewards. so are we people who look after his money? are we people who take what God has given us and multiply it? or do we spend it on our own desires?

dont be a user, be a steward! only when God can trust u in e little, will He give u much.

i really think God is doing something in my life. haha..last week was the elderly man..this week is the young lady. what's next? haha. and the lady told me: duo 1 - 2 tian wo wei huan gei ni de..

i just smiled. i never intended for her to return me :)) the elderly man also. even though the tissue was one dollar..i never intended him to return me any change :)) thats AGAPE. learn from God..BE like God.

and yes..haha..who says gamers cant have godly attitudes! mine was auto..haha..and i really thank God. when He tests me..sometimes im amazed how i can pass without even realising He's testing me. Thats how we should be! not just believers..even Satan believes in God! But be a disciple!

i like Seth's nick: It costs you nothing to be saved, but it costs you everything to be a disciple!

ive been re-listening and watching the sermon videos of Dr. AR Bernard and Dr. Joyce Meyer. im just so blessed by it. early in the morning..i have the presence of God. and now im not really starting my IHP yet..i thank God for the time i have to spend time with Him and to finally start back my jogging routine.

once all boils down to your foundations..

if your foundation is right..whether ure gaming, or depressed, happy or will do NOT the good thing, but the RIGHT thing, because greater is He who is in me, than He who is in the world!

MAN! IM ON FIRE! haha..dont touch me or ull get burnt :PP


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