
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Granado Espada, Mars

just yesterday in GE, ive been given a new nickname..thanks to some cheeky clowns..haha.

my IGN was Dresari, but they morph it into "dress-sari san" WTH LOL. so unglam can! haha..but also damn funny. now im the target of their 'suan-ing' haha..but they are really fun people la..haha..Chevaliers Faction (Carracci Server)

im told u can see mars in e sky tonight..its s beautiful. ive always marvelled at the wonders of space. as a child i loved going to my friend's house just to take the telescope and stare at the night sky all night. amazing stuff. too bad sg has lots of light pollution..if not the view would be awesome..

ill never forget that night in Tioman..i was along the wooden jetty in the was very dark and i lay on the platform staring at the night sky. the view was could feel as if the earth was really spinning and not like the straight sky u see in singapore..

when you see the stars and how they are can really see the 'curve' or the 'spherical' nature of the atmosphere. like we're inside a dome of gas :))

God is just so amazing..when i saw the night sky..all the beautiful stars and planets that were visible..i thought to myself. the universe is so magnificent and beautiful..

yet a person like small compared to all His the most precious..He chose to die for someone like you..instead of everything else in the whole universe put together..not even the angels in heaven can compare with you..


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