
Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Heart of Worship

-The Holy of Holies in the tabernacle is measured 5m in length, by 5m in width and 5m in height. its e size of an average HDB bedroom.

-In it contains the ark of the covenant.

-3 things in e ark of the covenant: (which symbolises your HEART; Heart of worship)

1. Tablets of stone - 10 commandments the Moses brought down frm Mount Sinai.
-"If you love Me, you will love My commandments."
-We should look at the cross as our example:

CROSS: 2 beams
i) Vertical beam - U loving God wholeheartedly
ii) Horizontal beam - U loving people fervently

2. Golden pot of manna - special/HIDDEN bread from Heaven marinated under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
-This hidden bread is only reserved for true worshippers, worshippers with clean hands and a pure heart and not for the casual, average christian.
-It represents the hidden secrets of God, hidden truths and revelations that is reserved only for those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

3. Aaron's rod that BUDDED. - a stick is merely a dead piece of wood, for it to blossom into flowers and almonds is a creative miracle.
-It symbolises the power of the Holy Spirit.

Apart from the ark of the covenant, on top of the ark is a mercy seat with 2 cherubims and shaped like a crown.

-A crown symbolises kingship, authority and power.
-When u enter into true worship, ur live will never be a failing life, a sad life, a low standard life, but a life of POWER and AUTHORITY! that when u begin to say to the mountain by faith be cast aside and e thrown into the sea, it shall be done as you say!

In times of crisis, when u begin to seek God with all ur heart, ur heart becomes open towards God like an empty reservoir waiting to be filled. When that happens, God begins to pour down His grace and mercy like a river of living water and filling your heart to overflowing.

-God uses these times of crisis to fill u with His mercy and grace so that in turn, u will be merciful and gracious to the people around u. e.g. ex-divorcees tend to be more understanding towards other divorcees, an ex-convict is more understanding to convicts, etc.

8 things about the Heart of Worship:

1. The heart of worship desires PERSONAL INTIMACY with God.
-God loves the world coporately but at the same time, He loves us individually.

2. The heart of worship longs to FEEL God.
-mt 13:44
-to 'know' is to have personal knowledge by EXPERIENCE.
-God doesnt just want u to know Him in your heart, He wants you to feel Him in your life, to have encounters with Him! And to sense His tangible presence.

-The Holy Spirit is like:
i) Fire - u sense His warmth
ii) Oil - u sense His flow
iii) Rain - u can feel Him falling on you
iv) Rushing wind - u sense His movement. When He passes u by, u can feel Him.
v) Atmosphere - when He's there, u know and u know and u know for sure, God is there.

3. The heart of worship unlocks Heaven's POWER.
-1 touch from God and your life will never be the same again.

4. The heart of worship loves God's COMMANDMENTS.
-psm 40:8

5. The heart of worship seeks God's HIDDEN TRUTHS.
-God doesnt give His people 2nd-hand revelations, if God wants to speak, He'll speak DIRECTLY to you.
-Mt 13:44
-You want God's special/hidden truths? There is a price to pay.
-Worship is a SACRIFICE.

6. The heart of worship yearns the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
-Have a hunger for spiritual things, for the things of God.

7. The heart of worship is a MERCIFUL heart.
-exo 34:6-7, 2 cor 1:3-4
-The greatest revelation of God is that God is a merciful God, full of grace.

-BUT...dont be fooled by crazy grace teachings which tell u dun need the law, the commandments, and that now that ure saved by grace, u can sin even more bcos more grace will e added to u.

-IN truth, e more u choose to live your own life your own way, e more itll rob u of the grace and the mercy of God! Bccause only those with clean hands and a pure heart will hear from God.

PS: only e Devil and some clown can come up with such a ridiculous doctrine that u can sin even more...woot. more like a doctrine of Satan lols...when i first heard it i was like...huh!?! got such thing one ah? haha. besides, God cannot go against Himself, like what Jesus said, a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. ;)

8. The heart of worship RULES and REIGNS with Christ.
-num 7:89
-a person with a heart of mercy will hear God's voice.
-worship is COMMUNION -> coming into union with God.

-when our lives are entwined with God to such a great extent, when we abide in God and He in us, our DESIRES, our WILL, our PERSONALITY, our WORDS, our HEART mixes with God's and we become ONE in union.

-like Abraham its no longer we asking God what do u want me to do, but it is God asking US, "What do you want me to do for you?"!!! Like abraham, God discusses His ideas with Abraham and asked for his opinions before carrying them out.


Dont just be a believer, be a DISCIPLE! Dont just worship God with songs, worship Him with your HEART, in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Lets hunger for more of God's presence! Dont jus praise God in good times, but oso in bad times.

If jesus is not your Lord of all He's not your Lord at all. Its time we grow into maturity with God, lets not feed on milk or bread anymore, lets go for solid food! :) Like wad pastor said, if u truly have a heart of worship, then itll be impossible for u to backslide bcos worship is communion. :D

Lets come to a point in our lives, where we and God become one in union, where whatever we say, WILL come to pass. Itll be as if God has spoken those words Himself. Lets come to a level where we are serious with God and with the things of the Spirit.

Like Abraham, lets be friends of God. Lets go to THAT level where God begins to share His deepest secrets with His children, where God will listen to us to do what we say because we share that level of intimacy with God! =)


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