
Friday, April 18, 2008

Blood is thicker than water.

My bro one shot removed all 4, Ive never seen anyone do that.

I saw the container with all the tooth in it. More than 4 pieces. Some were whole, some were sawed into pieces. Blood-stained pieces.

Seeing the blood of someone close to you, it hurts..a lot. Just by seeing it, it felt as if I was the one, it felt like I was there, yet not being able to be there.

As I ate my dinner, it hurts. The thought of being able to eat normal food when someone else close to me cant..just broke my heart. Ive decided to make a decision.

I have done nothing to deserve healthy teeth. I have done nothing to deserve such a good and easy life. I remembered the things I did in the past. It still hurts.

Maybe I have not been a good brother myself. Yet I have done nothing to deserve such a good one myself. God, everytime I pray, give him my blessings, give him my anointing. But somehow the Lord kept on blessing me more and more.

No matter how many times Ive asked God in tears, "please stop blessing me", He just wouldnt stop, He would bless all the more.

God is good. But sometimes I wish He could be better to someone else. And He did.

I started playing for celgrp at the age of 19.
He started playing for celgrp at the age of 17.
Financially-wise, he had more than me.
Friends-wise, he had more than me.

Relationships-wise, he'd probably had more experience than me.

Even though he's 3 years younger, yet I do my best to treat him as my elder. I want him to have my double portion.

Sometimes people read blogs and they think they know everything.
Sometimes people see your accomplishments and think they know everything.

But you will never truly know a person unless you spend time with him/her.

Evan once said,

"You will never know the depth of your character, until you see how you react under pressure."

If ure afraid of fire, any friendship, any relationship, is nothing more than just the surface and shallow. If you're so afraid of challenges, you will never move on. You will just exist through life not accomplishing anything great.

Some people say things to you, do things to you, without really knowing whats going on on the inside, without really knowing the person's character.

Ps Kong once shared in the churchwide conference on being the God-man; the new creation, he said that when you look at a person. What you see is just a shell. You dont see the spirit of the person.

Yet the real person is not the shell, but its really the spirit.

When I look at Adam, I dont see adam as the muscular cgl with spiky hair and a lame face, I see the spirit of Adam. A spirit of conviction, a spirit of revelation, a spirit of leadership and maturity. Someone with glory and splendour, as bright as snow like Jesus himself.

For everyone you know, put them under the 'mountain of transfiguration', and ask yourself, think for yourself, when the shell is gone, what will you see? A person with power, glory and splendour? Or a person who is dead like a zombie, ruthless like a bull, do you see an angel, or do you see a demon?

Its not about how you look, we all will look ugly one day. I mean, how long can you stay pretty or handsome? So what? The day wrinkles come on your face ure gonna commit suicide?

"Ohhhhh Ive come to the end of my life. HIEEE!!! ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU! *pheewwwwwwwwwww* PIAK!" *Dead.

6 pacs eh? You'll be having 6 PACKS before you know it!

How long can you stay talented? At age 90, you wanna try doing a break dance? Yeah, believe me, it will REALLY be a BREAK dance! You'll just end up break dancing your way to heaven or hell!

How long can you drive a car? You think when ure 90 plus you still can step on the brakes? Yea, INDEED, more like the 'breaks' step on you! You'll be struggling to step on the accelerator because you probably walk to the toilet at 0.5km/h!

On the mountain, Peter saw Jesus without the shell.

Start seeing with the eyes of God. Look around you, everyone is a soul. Start seeing them as one. Im not trying to spook you out by asking you to see ghosts. But seriously, use your spiritual eyes, IF YOU HAVE NOT USED IT BEFORE!

Like ps kong said in that conference on the end-times,

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings mastering the human experience.


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