
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ministry, Pre-Service PM, Service

One lesson learnt: Never let your guard down.

Yes, we can pray for things and we can believe God for things, but sometimes, the unexpected happens and you just have to be ready to look at things in the eye and say, I will conquer.

Yea..something happened to me today that led me to a panic attack and intensity, for a moment, I was exposed to something that I have never expected before.

I will always remember this words Pam told me about a year ago, "There's always a first time for everything." Okay, she didnt really come up with that quote, but it was really in a situation I was going through, that those words came to me like a double-edged sword, a rhema, a kairos moment, that changed my life forever.

For the first time, I was left alone in front of the sound board, with no hands on experience, and Ps Aries was in front and no sound was coming out. What do you do? Everything happened in 5 seconds..and if you're not careful, you'd be caught off guard, which I was.

Really have to thank everyone who was there with me. I believe all of us had gone through something like that and know how it feels so be 'stunned' haha. For those who havent, one day you will. lol.

For the first time, I think some of u saw a side of ps kong that u have never seen before haha. And I think ps tan looks good with specs. He wore them during OPM.

Service was great, Ps Ulf was good as usual haha. I love his life stories, they're just so amazing. It just stirs up a hunger inside of me, to live a life of the supernatural. All in all, it was a good day, except from some hickups from a 'special friend' lol. Which honestly, I dont regard as a friend haha.

You gotta choose your friends wisely and who you allow into your life. Go listen to Dr Robb's sermon haha! I wont waste my energy blogging the same thing everytime. lol.

Love does not equal approval.

You can love someone without approving his/her lifestyle. And all of us need a revelation on what love really is. Is not so much as to go about the motion, but its really about knowing the spirit behind everything. To see things from God's perspective.

Since OPM, my stomach's been feeling weird, like gastric/tightness/diarrhoea-ish, maybe because Im not used to eating a meal so late and then sleeping like 6 plus in the morning, where my stomach would normally be in a state of rest.

Its been like what? One year? Since I last had OPM. If there's 2 preparations you can do, it is to first of all, pace your prayer, so that you do not lose your voice or worn yourself out halfway through. Lastly, prepare your stomach and body physically.

Oh yes, why did I upload 2 posts at once? Cus the first post, I blogged last night after I came home from OPM, saved as draft, fell asleep and this morning rushed down for ministry so I didnt have time to upload haha.

CG tmr, then maybe go for JW service. Ps Ulf Ekman finale! Haha..last time he came for JW church, every service in JW he laid hands! =) I remembered the time I got laid hands and received 3 DIFFERENT impartations in 3 different services, all in one weekend! =)

I just have a feeling the HS is gonna move in a great way tmr. We have time to tarry and let God minister, and the presence of God in that place is really phenomenal.

Time to prepare for the last lap of the race for this week! =) After all is said and done, its back to programming! =/


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